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Guest Hemera

i only fainted once. 2-3 more inches..i would have lost my eye..i get dizzy a lot..like my eyes would see all these black spots when i get up and my whole body would get this..not exactly numb, but weird feeling..

because of that one fainting incident..now whenever i go see my doctor. they always have to take a blood sample and there's nothing wrong with me!!! >_<

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Guest pinkpetals-

Ah, I know how fainting feels T_T;

My vision looks like when a tv channel has no signal.. you know?

And my head gets all cold and I start sweating, and I totally lose control of my body...

Last year I fainted ALOT during school for some reason... did the teachers call 911?

>_> No.

I remember trying my best not to faint, while I was walking down the hall... I crashed into the nearby wall due to the vision-loss. Thank god my classmate was with me...

Anyways... it was because I wasn't eating right, and the health discussions was really grossing me out or something.

I hope the cause for your fainting isn't bad T_T !

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Guest Classic Example

I've never fainted before. It sounds like a scary experience. Did the hospital find out the causes? :unsure: I hope you're okay.

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i never fainted in my life. but hey i'm just 15. =.=''

i hope you're alright! (=

hey, so am i. i've fainted SEVERAL times.

yeah, i think i'm going to start eating breakfast more often. i always skip it.

the doctor said something about low blood pressure.

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^Skipping breakfast is bad -_-

I think I've fainted twice, once was because I was really sick with the flu and had been in bed all day without eating anything and I got up to go to the bathroom. My head hit the mirror and I came back a second later, it wasn't anything big... Another time was due to heat exhaustion and I had a huge stomach ache at the time too.

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Guest LiLmizzpark

wow. i've fainted before but never had an experience like yours. :blink: quite scary.

for me, i once fainted in 7th grade p.e after running, from dehydration. my friends were all freaking and going like OMFG get her some water. just GET it stupid. lol and i remember thinking. just shut up and bring me the water. -_-

second time, i was playing tennis, and it was AGAIN from dehyration. i get dehydrated easily so i really need to drink a lot of water. so anyways i was waiting for the ball to come over to my side and i glanced over at the next court and saw this guy drinking from a glistening ice cold water bottle and suddenly everything went black and woozy and the last thing i remember is wanting some of that water and that i didnt want to faint like last time so i should keep my eyes open. next thing i know, im on the ground and my teacher's like :mellow: why are you lying on the ground.

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Guest joonieballoonie

Last summer because it was so hot, I used a fan almost constantly. But because fans mess up breathing, I guess my air intake was irregular, and I felt dizzy a couple times before I actually fainted twice - once in the bathroom and once in the kitchen. In the bathroom, I only blacked out for a second and managed to catch myself on the bathtub, but in the kitchen I blacked out for a couple minutes and banged my head on the counter on the way down. :mellow: Be careful when using fans! Since I stopped using the fan, I haven't felt dizzy once.

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Guest Hazy

Wow... are you serious? The first thing I thought when I read that was the possibility of you getting possessed. But I dunno, that's quite serious. -__-"

Otherwise, it's probably just low blood pressure like the doctor said. Maybe you should revise your diet if that's the case. =X

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Guest eesak1234

I remember in 7th grade I fainted like 5 times...The first few times it was at church and my friends were just like o.o cos I kind of fell back onto the pew and hit my head (we were standing). And then there was that time I fainted at the old capital building on a field trip...

My vision didn't really get that bad, it would just start to get dim/hazy and then I'd wake up again on the ground a few minutes later.

Maybe you're anemic?

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Guest aaandy

Malnutrition maybe? Low Blood Pressure?

Eat more healthy foods and exercise a little. Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep at night as well.

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Guest LUX.

Are you sure you're eating properly? When I hate an eating disorder and would starve myself, I would constantly get light-headed and have to sit down. Hmm, undergo anything big w/ your body? I also remember that right after I had my wisdom teeth removed, I got really light headed and had to have my brother walk me to the couch.

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Guest cbxjenn

that is so scary o__o i've only fainted once when i was on a vomitting spree due to cramps (couldnt keep anything down since morning.. even threw up the pills). I was on the couch, though... holding my bag of puke haha.. so my head didnt hit anything.

there are many times where i have came close to fainting/blacking out though- when i talk too much, not enough air, stressed, or eat way too spicy foods. it's scary because my vision starts getting unfocused & i see black caving in.

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Guest Dazzle and Destroy

so what was the causes?

i actually faint often and get extremely dizzy from the past because of insomnia, malnutrition, and stress.. i was out of it for a whole year on and off, then i started to become healthier, so i don't faint often.

your story reminds me how i once felt really dizzy, almost felt like i was going to black out, i hit my head on the shower wall frontal, and fell back and landed on my richard simmons in the bath tub, i was in there trying to get rid of my dizziness.. i ended up with a bruise on my head.. hah.

it must of been really scary, i've never had anything like yours before, it sounds way more severe.

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Guest yein2dk

well... i used to faint so often when i was like in early elementary schooll...

yeah... i got sick easily and when we went out for dinner while i was sick i'd just faint rite there....

i don't remember that much since i was young... but my aunt, mom, and dad told me that i fainted a LOT

one time i fainted and hit my head... and i got a concussion and kept vomitting... hmm.. maybe this is too much info...

i'll stop here...

so... yeah... my friend faints at the sight of intense blood thingies...

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Guest x`aNNiie.

omg.. me too..happened 2 times this year but not as worst..i was walking then bumped my head and went all black and fainted then i was found later by my brother coz he heard me crash and my head hurt alot after that i think i bumped into the wall O.o..well thats 2 ppl u know right? lol .

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Guest mr. lovely

Whenever I'm in the shower, and I sit down and try to stand back up, everything turns a dark navy blue, and I feel dizzy and faint.

Really weird.

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Guest charmm

i remember fainting and blacking out numerous times when i was little..

it always happened when i was alone,

but luckily it wasn't as serious as your fainting :\

my eyes would get dark, all i could see is pitch black and i'd feel dizzy

then i'd fall to the floor and wake up a couple seconds later.

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