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Ganji Fashion.

Guest kimseo

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it was originated in japan first then bastardized into a better looking trend like how jja jjang myun became, too lazy to confirm on the front page. lol dont flame me im korean wooot

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well in order to dress in this style

it doesn't technically mean that u have to be like EXTRA Skinny

to pull it off

i was looking around and i saw pics of midweight girls wear it and it looked fine to me


its just like i said how u pull off the clothes..

hahah..but since the clothes is pretty baggy it can make someone who is mid weight look really


like my cargo pants back my butt look soo big XD

its b/c of the pockets in the back -___-[p

well i got some pics...


.. hahah they don't really look ganji i guess it more like street wear O_O





wait i have more lOl XD


acx66g.jpg this is just ot show what kinda of clothes they

like to waer...

crappen expensive LOL


i got a messenger bag from puma cost on sale for 40

but price was 60

and POLO!?!??!


pictures credits from Naver and HIphoper

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Guest flyxme.


where i can find checkered shirts??

omg i have no idea where to look T___T;;


or go to POLO!

they have tons of those shirts with collars :)

my brother wears lots of polo stuff..the little kid ones x)

&just to let you know they aren't cheap xp

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Guest envyandy

i wish i lived in the US.... in a way so i can get clothes sorta simulaire to this but no point because they wont look good on me TT____TT or i just dont know how to match it.


^ i want that nike shirt :@

is she wearing a oversized shirt under the nike shirt???


her too. is she wearing a oversized shirt under an even oversized shirt >.< sry if i dont make sensee

haha thnks for pictures

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Guest hannuhh

ganji style is freaking awesome.

but the style looks EHH on me. not that bad but not that good. so now i want to lose a lot of weight.. i mean they look so good in the baggy tees, skinny jeans, big shoes with skinny legs, and etc etc.

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Guest rinnie_chan

Never heard about that style before haha^^

I think it doesnt fit to girl...boys shoudl wear these clothes...it looks better on them mm (:

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omgg! i love this stylee!

i never knew what it was until now..XP

i've dressed like this once in a while because i saw

these asian girls wear it aroundd. LOLL and i thought it was so cutee

doesnt ganji mean like weed too?

like for the raspretorian religion XP

ehh w/ee lol

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