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&_____________________________{the Past + Present.


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Guest xingjing

Mm, yummy. That's some yumilicious CCs right there. Sorry, a bit incoherent here. I'm really hungry <-- the explanation that gives the answer to all questions. LOL. Imagine that! "Just... what... why are you eating my book?" "I'm really hungry."

Anyway. Your CCs are so beautiful! They've always been, and now they're getting more and more beautiful. You know, like a blossoming watchamacallit flower. Un momento. I think my preheating is done. Alrighty. Back. SO. My dear Ed. I think you're studying? Well, gambatte for that, okay? YOU'D BETTER ACE EVERY SINGLE FINAL!!

Just keeding. I shall miss you. MMHM. I forgot what I was going to say. Yeah. But, um, looking forward to some more of your beautiful CCs! :] Maybe I'll request from you... some time. LOL.

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Guest xx_dreamer_xx

: O you make really nice posters ! it's incredible !

thanks for sharing theemmm. : )

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i can't believe i SURVIVED TODAY! O_O

today. was. hell.

luckily, i became SECRETARY of the anime club in my school. ^_^

yay me~ [im an anime otaku]

-sigh- its been so stressfull this past week. i haven't TOUCHED OR EVEN LOOKED AT PHOTOSHOP!


but... since today is over. WHEW! im so happy, im gonna take requests. [once i find another new style]

XD angel! i'll be waiting for your fanfic. (: [the new one? dimensions?]

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Guest mwdee

OMMMMMMMMMMMO. Your style(s) is equally amazing from then to now >w< I hate you. Why am I finding myself surrounded with all these talented freaks? Oh god.

Anyway, take a break, dearie. Don't be too stressed out ^-^

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Guest `soliloquy

ed? o_o it must be ed, must be! I didn't recognise your s/n until scrolling down and looking at your graphics! forgive me for being so ignorant T_T I'm a fan of your stuff, you know that already. Your cc's rocks my world, I'm still staring at your latest cc because you made it for me! OMG. it's gorgeous, DROP DEAD gorgeous.

and all the best for the exams yeah? ayu's cheering you on hun!

will await your return!

<3 ayu.

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^AYUUUUU! :tears:

ohmoi. you're siggy is SOOO KAWAII! :D reminds me of porings. (: [from ragnorak online]


can't talk much. -.- trying to discover another style; so i could take requests.

-->go check the avatar & banner request thread soon~ :] Ed will be there. [but not square] ^^;

i am so lammeeeeeee-o.

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Guest i'kogimaruCHA

ME NO LIKE YOU. WHYY? WHY CAN I NOT TAKE THEM?????????? *sneaks them in my backpack anyways*

too late :phew:


DANG! your styles are so unique, crazy, beautiful, creative........ T__T a true mastermind of PS.

dangit. i want to sponsor you :]

sorry this comment is SOOO EFFING SLOW. I shall give you permission to spank me >,<


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