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Guest MissMellis

I can totally imagine his reaction.. it's like this:




I got so disappointed when i saw the face..

yeah and not only hiding my face... i ran away from there too :lol:

I know what you mean! One of the kids who were at my house..

holy cow! they way she was screaming... i had to cover my ears!

But no matter how annoying kids may be i still love them to death!

That's what i thought too.. but nope, no ngs for that scene..

it'd be so fun to watch GY with the kids :D

I think i saw it here but.. or

maybe it was your yootube account... did

i ever mention that my memory sucks?

min_montel: welcome back~

enjoy backreading.. there's lots of goodies waiting for you ^^ esp the cantata pics!

oh i saw hannibal lecter today... and there was one scene where you could

hear the waltz song.. and i immediately began to sing cantata ta ta and my sister

and cousins were all looking at me thinking that i was really weird since the movie

was a thriller and there i was singing..

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Guest queeninmycastle

*waves at queenie*

I'm in the house too! :P

Omo, i don't even dare to dream of

meeting GY cuz i know that i'd

totally embarrass myself in front of him :wacko:

Hahahaa, imagine all the YOOgals in front

of GY and they're all like this too:


The poor thing would just smile awkwardly not

knowing what to do or say :lol:


Oh trust me queenie, i don't think i'd be able

to contain myself infront of him :P

I'd just drool and look at him with eyes

wide open :w00t:

I don't think i'd even be able to ask for

an autograph or a pic with him.. just starring

and starring...



What? Tired of PS? Why? We're gonna miss your stuff queenie!

Don't you give up just yet. AJA AJA!!

*crosses fingers too*

Btw, what do you work with?

*waves at Angelie* I can see you :D

and poof, you're gone ..

probably BABY YOO would go like this :huh::o:unsure: then finally like this :blush: hahaha.

poor BABY...he would be soooooo scared for his life hehehe

YOOGALS will go :crazy::wacko: just to see him and will go much :w00t: if gets to be near him.

yeah i got bored with PS...i wish i can find a new art tutorial...so that YOOGALS wont get bored hehehe.

work? im a part time medical vampire full time striper bwahahaha...just kidding on the last part.

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Guest queeninmycastle

queenie... well, I hope the storm doesn't come back this afternoon... :huh:

oh my.. we are going lunatic here and clubhouse? what will happen when the mansion is up!? :o

no.. our drooling and fainting fest will never end.. he.he.. :D

so were are the 3 YOO-keteers that love his feet and hands eh? he.he.. but I'm sure there are lots more who love them too.. ;)

you better not think naughty or else you will get the LB.. hahaha.

you should imagine his reaction instead if he does see all YooGals here standing in front of him drooling.. hahha

yes we love the feet and the hands indeed...hehehe

*hide under the sofa* scared of the LB...

i would assume BABY YOO will be horrified to see YOOGALS drooling...and one at a time rush to the nearest tub to spit-out the drool bwahahaha.

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Guest MissMellis

probably BABY YOO would go like this :huh::o:unsure: then finally like this :blush: hahaha.

poor BABY...he would be soooooo scared for his life hehehe

YOOGALS will go :crazy::wacko: just to see him and will go much :w00t: if gets to be near him.

yeah i got bored with PS...i wish i can find a new art tutorial...so that YOOGALS wont get bored hehehe.

work? im a part time medical vampire full time striper bwahahaha...just kidding on the last part.

Hahaha! I feel sorry for our Baby! Seeing all the YOOgals in front of him..

i can only imagine..

Already bored? I just started to learn a little..

maybe you could be my teacher :P

We never get bored of your artwork.. it brighten up our days!

Hahaha! You almost got me there :P

(no offence intended!! :sweatingbullets: )

Oh my, look at the time.. it's 3.41 am here.. time to go to bed!

Have a nice day everyone and i'll see ya all later <3

Bai bai~

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I can totally imagine his reaction.. it's like this:



LOL!!! He sure will!

I know what you mean! One of the kids who were at my house..

holy cow! they way she was screaming... i had to cover my ears!

But no matter how annoying kids may be i still love them to death!

yeah.. you still love them because you are not with them day and night 24/7.. if you had, you would be like me going nuts and wishing that they will just leave you alone for some peace and quiet moment. :P

That's what i thought too.. but nope, no ngs for that scene..

it'd be so fun to watch GY with the kids :D

yep.. that would be so cute.. there's another part in CP where he's with the kids too.. the part after he dresses EC up as a guy and they went strolling at the park.. and there was a bunch of kids.. GY carried one of them (that is one very lucky kid!!)... and I remember someone posted here before one article written by a fan who visited CP filming site.. She say that one of the staff's wife bring their twinnies over to the filming location, and YEH carries one of them, while GY grab the other one.. and the baby he grab was crying so much that the mother had to get it back from GY, and he tries to snatch the other one from YEH or something.. that is so cute. haha.. I wish somebody had recorded that scene.. :D

I think i saw it here but.. or

maybe it was your yootube account... did

i ever mention that my memory sucks?

my memory sucks too!

oh i saw hannibal lecter today... and there was one scene where you could

hear the waltz song.. and i immediately began to sing cantata ta ta and my sister

and cousins were all looking at me thinking that i was really weird since the movie

was a thriller and there i was singing..

h.aha.. I would sing can ta ta tata too if I heard that song on TV or anything.. it's registered in my brain already.. :D

you are going off Ellie? Nighty night!!

i would assume BABY YOO will be horrified to see YOOGALS drooling...and one at a time rush to the nearest tub to spit-out the drool bwahahaha.
I bet he will be running off immediately seeing us there disgusted with our action! lol!!

Here's another goodie for newbies.. a very sad MV

May 2001 Zoy Project First MV (featuring Kwon Sang Woo, Ryu Shi Won, Gong Yoo)

Download: http://www.zshare.net/download/4632460cc77324/

Attention for those who are downloading Screen eppis, the fileberry links doesn't work anymore because the site stopped their service out of sudden.. I'm currently reuploading the eppis affected. Sorry for the inconvenience.

pcpdownloadphpfhandlen1yb4.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlengfi1.th.jpg pcpdownloadphpfhandlenkej8.th.jpg

*** Credit: Daum CP ***

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Guest mendyoo

good day YOOGALS and YOOBIES...

it's a saturday... so what's special with this day???

no work for some... but in YOOHOUSE... it's still a madhouse for YOOGALS specially with those Cantata pics on sight.


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Guest orangechocolate

Good morning all yoogals !!

yoo so rock and hottest guy in this planet ~


P/S: I just saw a Section TV clip of YEH's photoshoot.. OMG.. she's so cute and adorable.. so child-like fooling around on the sofa.. anyway.. there was a part the reporter asking her about CP.. the screen showed something with GY heart EH, but she was talking Han Sung and Yoo Ju.. there were clips of HK pulling EC down for a kiss in the kitchen (no.. not the brutal kiss.. the other cute kiss where YEH seems to nearly fall over. ha.ha) and also the "spinning" around after the sworning thing. Too bad I have no idea what she was talking about.. perhaps someone in YEH thread would summarise the interview... I don't dare to ask because the thread seems to be filled with other shippers.

-- last time I saw she ‘s dancing in angle’s blue costume. :)

may b I gonna go to YEH thread for this clip. I would like to proof her feeling while she talking about yoo +555

Make LB come ture or not ture??? +555

(aalhl)so were are the 3 YOO-keteers that love his feet and hands eh? he.he.. but I'm sure there are lots more who love them too..

--Queenie Faye and Me !!! Yeppp only for yoo to do that while other guy I will check his face first . <_<

My faye, OC... this house has indeed being built from lots of love along with wonderful friendships. Hoping more love and friendship coming in everyday.


OC- so true... YOOHouse was built with lots of love and never ending friendship...hope it will last...not just for the hype.

so its me, you and angel...that got an eye for good feet and hands eh!.YOOGALS who else?*wnk*

-- Thank god for best place to make a friendships and to share a lot of love to Gong Yoo.


Cant sleep Will do the love notes later... When there is nothing else to do...

-Hey Twinnie . Are you too addicted CANTATA right ? Im sure you have a sweet dream wt CANTATA presenter :phew:

btw I still cant make the yoogals userbar :( I cant see userbar factory in my control.

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Guest mendyoo

Neng, yup i love cats. One of the similarities that once i believed that kenken and i are

soulmates. LOL! My nick, tangtang is the name of ken's cat. How can i sleep when i opened our PC and i saw yoo's cantata

poster! Me just had a nervous breakdown! LOL!

hi kai...

i was online when those Cantata pics were posted by angelie... to say the least i almost fell from my seat hahaha and come saving time... just like aalhl... we noticed that we've been saving the same pics over and over :lol:

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Guest mendyoo

Good morning YoOGals.... have a nice daybhappycp.gif

-- Actually, personel reason of my male's type ..i wanna look at his feet ~ first :blink: as my experienced Yoo's so sexy in sandal ^^"

-- not bad dude. first my sis sent Haloween scary stories CD to me. it's creepy stories Y_Y and than, i still watch yoo's singing Clip before go to bed. >_< good night to yoo.

iluvyoo2 -> big thank for Cantata BTS......i cant stop re-watched again and agian last night :blush:

hello OC......

i'm fond of wearing slippers too... that's why i was quite amused with YOO always in slippers hehehe

picture this...

me and YOO walking hand in hand wearing slippers nyahahaha don't kill me pleaseeeeee... LB' s on the way but i'm pretty quick in dodging.... sorry picachu... you're LB didn't work on me this time :lol:

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good evening YooGals! OMG you can never imagine my frustration coz' i just lost the first part of my lovenotes and now i have to redo everything...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr... i made the mistake of being comfortable with soompi (thinking everything's a-ok now) but lo and behold; the moment i hit the add reply button...... voila...... error message........ :fury: :tears:

ok.... i have vented..... let me get back to work......

hugs to my angel, neng, OC , Happytoy and all of you online.... be right back!

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Guest mendyoo

ok friend- i'll do my damnest not to but can i scream? without a sound..... :lol:

that's silent scream my friend... if there is one hahaha that's solely for YOO...

most def! * looks up the ceiling...smiles and thinks of yoo in cp *

it's good if you're at home while thinking and dreaming of HK or GY... how about while you're at the bus... at the supermart... or at work...

you'll be smiling and sighing without even noticing it...

spoken like a certified true-blue yoo-lover! laugh.gif

and i've got my certificate to prove that hahahaha

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Guest mendyoo
Neng, im totally loving those holidays!! But, dang got some colds..must be my excitement of going home here at the province!
oki now kai?feeling better? i'm sure you are... you got a dose of YOOSPIRIN and a YOOHUG at the same time... how can you not get better ;)
Love those without clothes thingy! :lol:
who wouldn't love that :lol:
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It is... hahaha, i'm really confused so i'll

use that as my excuse

:lol: - that’s very convenient !


faye- yes dear... SOCAL is 3 hours behind atlanta time...im still up until 5am cant sleep early coz i got a bad case of insomnia.Now i see that you made amend coz last nyt you did not include our dear YEH in some of your fan art...but its ok...that doesnt mean you dont WOR-ship GYEH tandem already.

faye- how was your day? no work 2morrow?

i have to make up for that otherwise it’s going to haunt me for the rest of my life....and it's ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh...... against our cult :lol:

the day just swept by coz' i was hella busy at work...dude the company really maxxed my services today.... next thing i know it's clock out time yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

(aalhl aka my angel)

hmm.. my faye.. sounds like you want to get the buzz of LB eh?

hmmmmm.... may i ask how it's going to change my life if ever? :lol:

me here my faye... got too many things on hand.. trying very hard to multi-task.. he.he... and the whether is not very friendly at the moment... when I want to get my hands on starting some work, lightning and thunder comes my way... sighhh... sorry YooGals for the yoomansion delay... praying everything can be up by end next week... I'm also giving one of our creative designers a bit more time.. so yeah... next week.. Goodies? I'm gathering goodies everyday.. that is my favourite task.. looking for yummilicious goodies..

i think you're doing a wonderful job my angel- besides; i know that gathering and sharing those goodies keep you going and you're spoiling us in the process.

My faye, OC... this house has indeed being built from lots of love along with wonderful friendships. Hoping more love and friendship coming in everyday.

i'm just happy to be part of the house- logging on here is already a part of my everyday routine.... isn't it a nice tag line? the house that love and friendship built? because we are all here for the love of yoo and look how friendship has blossomed amongst us. keeping the thread alive and maintaining the warmth and friendship comes so naturally!

and is this the pic you are referring to? i added two more....wish they're clearer....




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Guest queeninmycastle

i have to make up for that otherwise it’s going to haunt me for the rest of my life....and it's ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh...... against our cult :lol:

the day just swept by coz' i was hella busy at work...dude the company really maxxed my services today.... next thing i know it's clock out time yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

next time if they gonna let you work like that ask for double salary bwahahaha.

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(my chan)

well i just wrote what described yoogals best

so your looking forward for fridays?

hope you had a sweet dream last night

thanks again, my chan! who wouldn't be looking forward for fridays? that means the next two days are two blissful days of goofing around and just to kick back so by monday- i'm fully charged again right?


hi...FAYE19 ^^ i agree wt you too..the house that love and friendship built

btw, at my time gonna go to bed now.Zzz (Are you come from US?)

-- Im that kind i guess and ... until now it is just for Yoo!!

love for yoo and friendship amongst us!

yes, i'm from sunny SoCal!

give me clean nails and clean feet anytime and they should at least be connected to a cute face :lol:


GOOD Early Mowning YOOGALS!

*time check* 2.53am O-M-G!

...Cant sleep

Will do the love notes later...

i think all of us have bouts with insomnia at one time or another...i know the feeling.....



welcome to the house RainGirl23 and no confirmation whether he left for MS already...it's all speculations.

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Guest mendyoo
Hi mendyoo.. do you mind if i call you neng also? ^^Not a single one huh? Nah, not lucky you, poor you!But hey, if you ever do have one dream, i hope thatyou can remember it.. cuz i don't remember any of my dreams <_<
yes you may call me neng... Ellie.oki so i'm poor you... promise that if ever i have a YOOdream... i'll try to save it in my memory bank so it won't get lost. :lol:
I guess we can see him in person if we go to one ofhis fansmeets or the setting of a drama etc... other than that..no chance... unless we're very very luck to meet him at the airportor something like that..
i've been daydreaming of it... attending his fan meet.. hearing him sing...
If i ever meet him i'll be like this:O___________Oand saying absolutely nothing cuz all that wouldcome out of my mouth would be ga ga ga andmaybe some drool in between :P
so you better close your mouth :lol: or else YOO will offer you his hankie hahaha
I missed you too <3I'm just fine but i'm having theseweird chest pains lately :tears: Dunno why...
why is that?
:lol: i'm sure..... i was pointing out to my angel how i believe that was his best form (muscles and all)
best form indeed... sweat all over... YOO naturelle...
i'm not sure about that coz i'm the laziest person in this planet. i've had ps for the longest time but i just dabble in it... maybe because my job is spent infront of the computer the whole day so when i'm at home- i just wanna kick back and anything that requires patience after work is a luxury i can't afford sort of..... but we'll see! thanks for the encouragement though...... muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
oki friend... let's wait and see... but i'll really be waiting for your first PS creation hahaha AJA AJA FIGHTING!!!
i knew it..... we are all addicted to each other :lol: just a sneak peek is enough he he he he he he he....
uhuh... even if it's just for a little time... it's like making sure that YOOHOUSE is safe and that YOOGALS are present and doing their thing...
damn kid. :lol: .. probably going to chat with his girlfriend :lol: ok my friend... i still want you to do my stuff for my pillows.... please?
and here's my offering to my fellow cult members :lol:http://i219.photobucket.com/albums/cc131/F...gyehaddicts.jpg
and you have another one huh... keep them coming friend... ;)
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Guest tangtang


yup.... fa-mee-lee as in familiar.... very cp-ish :lol:

ok have a good one.... tell me what you had for lunch when you're back ok?

Hi, Faye! We had pork barbeque for lunch yesterday, not really my favorite so didnt eat much. But had chocolates after, so i fell asleep afterwards. He.he.he. My ultimate bum life! Ei, havent seen your post again... Must be enjoying your weekend? ;)


Okies.. I'm back.. Gonna do a really quick reply coz I'm afraid that thunderstorm will strike again. It has been raining here almost non-stop the past 2 days... ahh.. i just hear the thunder roar.. :o

Angel, hope everything is ok now. How's your kids? Many kids are afraid when thunder roars.

yep.. I can't believe we are jealous over some bottles... is there any genie around? maybe we could change into bottles instead.. heh.e.. free from his smexiness? never!

Hahahaha! NEVER! Or life would be boring... :P

I think HK was sweating, and EC was trying to wipe the sweat off his chest or something.. hmm... what were you thinking tangtang? <_<

Ahhhhh.. Im not thinking about 'that', its just im curios of what they might be doing together inside the CR. LOL! @___@ Now im going to watch that episode again. :lol:

me here my faye... got too many things on hand.. trying very hard to multi-task.. he.he... and the whether is not very friendly at the moment... when I want to get my hands on starting some work, lightning and thunder comes my way... sighhh... sorry YooGals for the yoomansion delay... praying everything can be up by end next week... I'm also giving one of our creative designers a bit more time.. so yeah... next week.. :) Goodies? I'm gathering goodies everyday.. that is my favourite task.. looking for yummilicious goodies.. :P

No problem at all, angel! Yoohouse is still a 'mansion' full of goodies! XD

Hmm.. looks like Soompi maybe running on an improved server already.. Access is really good this afternoon.. Fast loading, no more busy messages.... hehe.. :D Hope it will stay on this way.. but it seems like clubhouse is not doing well yet... :mellow:

Yeah, noticed it too. I only got IPS Driver error once, but it takes me forever to load a page. Must be our connection now.

kai- there you go again...bein hateful to that bottle hahaha...poor thing.

you are sooooo naughty...what till he discover about your obsession to BABY YOO and kenken surely it is you who will be busted *big-time*.

what? the ring didnt fit? he must be embarrassed about it.hehehe

you're so wicked...its only acceptable if he was HK?...tsk...tsk..tsk.

Quennie, Dont worry i wont be busted! But im kinda shy when im telling stories about Yoo and kenken. He was like, SO? LOL! I told him that im going to buy a Yoo PB and cal, he only said Ok, its your money anyway! Hahahaha. Such a sweet guy no? :lol:

I was just watching the 3 Princes special and I feel like posting this cap for GYEH worshippers out there.. :rolleyes:


Angel, what 3 princes special? There is?


Hi, RainGirl23! Welcome!

Oh please do click it! :lol:

The pics which made me scream "Oh it's GY!!" in front of my parents and our guests x__x

Hahaha, but when i looked at the face i was like :fury:

Ellie, i just clicked it! Hahaha. Your so funny! Your mom must be really nuts when you screamed like that in front of your guests! :P

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next time if they gonna let you work like that ask for double salary bwahahaha.

:lol: don't worry queenie.... that's all covered! btw..... love your fan art work..... dude, especially the one with "the little prince" quote!

(neng) that's silent scream my friend... if there is one hahaha that's solely for YOO...

we'll be needing oxygen afterwards my friend!

it's good if you're at home while thinking and dreaming of HK or GY... how about while you're at the bus... at the supermart... or at work

you'll be smiling and sighing without even noticing it...

i know.... would you believe while listening to cp ost - (and you know there are sad tracks) i just find myself on the verge of tears and my car's not heavily tinted you know.... you can just imagine the impression i'm giving to other motorists when they look at me...

and i've got my certificate to prove that hahahaha

i'm sure!


Faye...last week was very terrible week for me...I have very hectics schedule and so many things to settle at one time. What I hate most...I even don't have time to visit here... ...

i feel you.... such is the life of us working class :lol: we always find a way though - no matter how busy we are.... i guess we all need a dose of YooHouse after a hectic day!

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Guest queeninmycastle

DOUBLE TREAT for all My Dear YOOGALS... :D

HOPE You all have a Great Weekend...

as for me?...it'll be my weekend duty so...yeah it sucks big time hehehe

Gotta sleep now or else i'll be a walking zombie at work...not to mention a grumpy old witch...bwahahaha


click this --->

hello neng, caly and OC

edited: hi kai...do be careful of the LB...oh and BF is ok of you buying BABY YOO stuffs as long as its your money bwahahaha how generous of him....

see yoo all later ;)

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Guest mendyoo

we can never get enough of it neng... the more the merrier.. :D

hello angelie...

that's why YOOGALS are making noise and even want to dance the jiggy hahaha those d**n pics...


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