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Guest lanechan

got this feelin'...

I begin to like GY bcuz of CP.

My love for him brought me to become a yoogal..

And later on got the feelin' hoping to be with YEH

for real, that i know i'm becoming too greedy to ask

for more. Haha! Am I? :sweatingbullets:

I'm just be thankful having CP, GY & YEH as HK &EC...

the two brought me to think a lot... hehe.. :wacko::wub::)

I think its normal for us to be jealous w/ his recent scandal

w/ isj. True or not, we just leave it to them.

Frankly, we have no right to invade his privacy & involved

w/ whom he prefer as a gf.

To think of it, as long as GY is happy, ok, i'm happy for him..

But, for me... i'm a GYEH!!!

*run-off in the little corner &.. :tears:

P.S. Pre-order of CP (korean version) out already in


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i'm tired of visiting this beautiful thread and reading about rumors and speculations over who is and who isn't his gf...who cares?? isn't the point of being a fan is to support GY in WHATEVER decision he makes??...the guy just wants some peace and quite and privacy....i don't want to sound like a richard simmons but lets not get carry away ok...the man is leaving soon and he can do whatever he wants and no one should have a say in it...so let's get back to what this thread is truly about and leave all the rumors and speculations to the gossip people huh??

Helloooo Buddy... :D

Guess you are rite......"who cares........" :tongue2:

Its time to LET GOOOOO.......guys... :vicx:

Currently l am watching......Helloooo My teacher.....(second round...heehee)

That's the first drama... l came to know HIM....

l really like HIM as a Student.......RUGGED.....HOTTTTT....... :wub::wub:

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I think its normal for us to be jealous w/ his recent scandal

w/ isj. True or not, we just leave it to them.

Frankly, we have no right to invade his privacy & involved

w/ whom he prefer as a gf.

hello there lanechan. I believe it's normal for us girl fans to get jealous.. and like you say, we definitely have no right to determine for him who is gf is.. We have to leave that private matters to himself.

But, for me... i'm a GYEH!!!
I'm a GYEH too.. but I'm not particular upset about the situation, because I've left a note for myself that it's only my fantasy, my hope and dream.. if it comes true, that will be great.. if it doesn't, it's not my business either. A romantic relationship is not something we can force, decide nor control for him. so there.. :P And like what lili says, "LET GO.." and let's move on.

Guess you are rite......"who cares........" :tongue2:

Its time to LET GOOOOO.......guys... :vicx:

hi lili.. haven't seen you around for a while.

Currently l am watching......Helloooo My teacher.....(second round...heehee)

That's the first drama... l came to know HIM....

l really like HIM as a Student.......RUGGED.....HOTTTTT....... :wub::wub:

oh.. that's the first drama I came know him too, but only came to love him during the 2nd half of the drama. haha.. :D
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Another bit from the same article of August 2007.

Could often hear people saying that he was conservative and stiff as an old man. “Can't you be a bit more fun? “ Everybody that have seen him acting would ask him that…

His school days were very normal. Because he started his acting career relatively late compared to others, the process of growing up of the characters he played and his personal development were not the same. In the film (Spy Girl) he was a student with a “killer smile” The PD would often say “ Imagine that you are shooting a CF, “smile handsomely”, but that was really difficult – to pretend being very cool and handsome gives me goose bumps. Although it is just acting, but to pretend to be handsome and narcissistic…this kind of pretence does not suite me (laughs).”

Life? Is trying to find joy yourself.

Being 184 cm tall and plus a firm body, one look and one can tell that you were a good at fighting when you were young, right? “I was not only good at fighting, but also good at sports” Probably inherited the genes from his baseball-sportsman-dad. He is an all-round sportsman. That is why the action scenes in drama’s are naturally not too difficult for him. High school students are most scary. That is his feeling after playing so many times such character. One time when shooting scenes outdoors, a student went up to a senior colleague for a signature. He was holding a bag and it seems like he would hit someone, if he would not get the signature (laughs). To be honest, I also smoked when I was a high school student. At the time I was always wondering what the adults would think, if they saw me smoking like that ?”.

Note : please feel to correct my interpretations/translations anytime. btw, my purpose is not to give you a grammatically correct piece of writing. It is just for the people who would like to know what the article is about....sort of.....and in a sort of English... :P

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Thank you knuts for the translations!

Although it is just acting, but to pretend to be handsome and narcissistic…this kind of pretence does not suite me (laughs).

Ahhh... but he did it so well! ^^

I was not only good at fighting, but also good at sports.

Omo... he's oozing testosterones! He's the perfect male species lol xDDD

he comes out as the type of guy you'd take home to mom knowing he'd richard simmons her off when she sees him, but in like, 10 seconds of talking to him she'd fall even more for him than you have. niyahaha. :P
I agree! <3 I think he's a lot like Han Kyul too. Even CP writer had Gong Yoo in mind when casting for Han Kyul. That must be saying something ^^

Gong Yoo = Han Kyul. Han Kyul = Gong Yoo!

P.S. Pre-order of CP (korean version) out already in yesAsia.com
I was gonna pre-order but then I realized it doesn't come with subtitles nor whatever extra DVD thingy T_____T I hope they'll come out with a subbed version.

Currently l am watching......Helloooo My teacher.....(second round...heehee)

That's the first drama... l came to know HIM....l really like HIM as a Student.......RUGGED.....HOTTTTT....... :wub::wub:

Yeah I'm watching it too... And I just go on a mad squealing spree when I see him do cute little things lol. And it also breaks my heart when I see tears forming in his eyes. GY's a really, really good actor!

I wonder if Baby Yoo would ever act in a period movie. It'd be something new for us fans! xD

And Angelie unnie, thank you for the article and the School 4 uploads ^^ I agree, sharebee's great cos it uploads on several other sites too. But I don't know other similar sites, sorry!

And nhetski, get well soon! Really appreciate you contributing despite your sickness. GY would be proud to have such a dedicated YooGal ^^


Thanks pongky for posting the news article. So the new CF will be aired early October! That's awesome news, really ^^

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ANAN October 2007


credit gung7 / dcgung

Repost from NEWS Thread ... credit Rubie :)

September 18, 2007

Actor Gong to Model for Ohui

By Sa Eun-young

Staff Reporter


Actor Gong Yoo

Actor Gong Yoo, 28, who starred in the recent popular TV series, “Coffee Prince,” will show off his princely charm, modeling products for the LG Household and Health Care cosmetic line, Ohui For Men.

The actor will replace Korea’s top entertainer Rain to join the current Ohui female models, popular actresses Son Ye-jin and Kim A-joong.

Gong was chosen for the job because of his gentle and sophisticated image, according to the cosmetics maker.

“Gong Yoo’s strength is that his style is luxurious and aristocratic, yet he has an easiness to him that doesn’t make him difficult to approach,” LG Household and Health Care said.

The heartthrob actor will feature in an Ohui For Men commercial that will air early October. “In this commercial we will capture the hearts of men, not to mention women, with a gentle and warm image that only Gong Yoo can present,” the company said.

Credits: eysa@koreatimes.co.kr


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thanks iluvyoo2 for the pics... and congrats to you tuesdhei, your artwork made it to DCYoo.. I wonder who posted it there.. someone from here must be a member of DCinside huh?

sorry haven't been camping on soompi.. still sick :(

anyway, here's our pretty boy GY (credit dcyoo):

nhetski dear.. are you still sick? Please take care of yourself ok? And get well soon!

Thank you knuts for another bit of article.. No problem with the grammar, as long as we understand what you are writing, it's good enough. :D

Ahhh... but he did it so well! ^^
of course he did well.. :) he's filled with talents remember? he.he.. :P

Omo... he's oozing testosterones! He's the perfect male species lol xDDD
oh yeah... male species which are not many left on earth nowadays. .ha.ha :D

I agree! <3 I think he's a lot like Han Kyul too. Even CP writer had Gong Yoo in mind when casting for Han Kyul. That must be saying something ^^

Gong Yoo = Han Kyul. Han Kyul = Gong Yoo!

I think the writer may have a crush on Gong Yoo too.. :P I think she might have followed most of his work, that's why she is able to understand his character well, and thus let him re-live it in Han Kyul.

I wonder if Baby Yoo would ever act in a period movie. It'd be something new for us fans! xD
who knows? maybe 2 years later we will see one.. I'd love to see him in one too! :D

And Angelie unnie, thank you for the article and the School 4 uploads ^^ I agree, sharebee's great cos it uploads on several other sites too. But I don't know other similar sites, sorry!
no problem with the article juhjuh.. More coming.. but I'll wait till tomorrow or day after.. :P depends on the "thread situation". he.he. :D

hi there pongky.. haven't seen you for a while.. thanks for the mag scan and also the news update.

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ooooh cool! the cover for our send off project's in DCYoo!

*pats tuesdhei on the back*

tuesdhei... MY FRIEND. :D

NHETSKI! you have to get well soon! Ji-Chul Oppa's going to be sad again... :(

gah. our baby in a tiny BLACK TEE, tight BLACK PANTS and DARK aviator sunglasses...


thanks for sharing that scan pongky... ^_^

- + -

i can't wait for that CF to come out. i bet it's going to be STEEEEAAAAMAY! :P

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Guest tuesdhei

otoke! otoke! waah! but i just realized -- i should have included the yoogals and the link to the yoohouse in the image...aish! but i do hope baby yoo would see it yay -- the yoohouse is still there.... i really wish he'd come and visit the yoohouse and get to know the yoogals, wives and warriors :D thanks for the info iluvyoo2 :D

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Has Another watched another of his earlier drama "SCREEN"??
Yes coolwinx.. I've watched "Screen". :)

*wave* Yoobee.. :D

but i do hope baby yoo would see it yay -- the yoohouse is still there.... i really wish he'd come and visit the yoohouse and get to know the yoogals, wives and warriors :D thanks for the info iluvyoo2 :D
well, tuesdhei, not sure you you have seen the post, but there WAS a gong yoo dropping by the thread last week.. not sure if it's the real him or someone just using that nick though... :P
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well, tuesdhei, not sure you you have seen the post, but there WAS a gong yoo dropping by the thread last week.. not sure if it's the real him or someone just using that nick though... :P

yes yes it's true! i was one of the other two witnesses to that priceless occurence. hahahah :P

*claps for tuesdhei again*


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Guest tuesdhei

aalhl, pach, iluvyoo2 -- thanks guys! well it's for everyone here in the yoohouse like i said before i was inspired not just with baby yoo but everybody here who loves baby yoo....

though it's still a mystery if it was really baby yoo who visited us --- BABY YOO WE LOVE YOO!!!

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hi aalhl, how is he in it? I thought he didn't look that good (his hairdo) :rolleyes:
His character wasn't as great as Tae In, Seo Gun or Han Kyul, but he's still very loveable... He's still a person who will do anything for someone he loved..

yes yes it's true! i was one of the other two witnesses to that priceless occurence. hahahah :P

ha.ha.. unfortunately that "gong yoo" disappeared after we spazz out! haha :lol:
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Hi Everyone.....

*wave* Yoobee.. :D

Wave to eonni aalhl

I guess the rumours news is getting out of hands now even Singapore news paper also report it.


This news article had been posted as I late again...

But anyway this is what it wrote :

Fans saw Gong Yoo and Im Soo Jung Outing

Sidus HQ said both of them are not dating.

Gong Yoo and Im Soo Jung on Saturday went to Jeju Island, they been caught by public, their dating news was been boardcast.

Their company Sidus HQ said : Both of them had been good friend and that day was outing with a group of friends not only 2 of them.

Gong Yoo got popular because of <<Coffee Prince 1st Shop>> ,Satursday together with drama << I'm sorry I Love You>> actoress Im Soo Jung went to Jeju Island , Both of them was been caught by fans when they stepped out from the Airport. Gong Yoo went up to sign signature for fans , Im Soo Jung head down and walk away, it like don't want their secert outing to be know.

Their company immeditate stand out " Clear the air" saying they not dating couple, strongly pointed out that they are good friend, but fans who saw them saying there are not others around.

Gong Yoo and Im Soo Jung know each other 6 years ago when they acted <<School 4>>, and also they belong to the same enteriement company so there are chances for them to ""knowing each other more"".

In Korea enteriement couple, Hyun Bin with ex girl friend _ _ _ , _ _ _ and _ _ _, Lee _ _ and Kim _ _ dating news been know when they go out for dating.

PS: I sorry as I don't know the actors and actoress so I don't know how to write their names. And also if there any mistake in my translations I am very sorry.

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Guest coolwinx

His character wasn't as great as Tae In, Seo Gun or Han Kyul, but he's still very loveable... He's still a person who will do anything for someone he loved..

Thanks! ;)

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I was at Kang Dong Won's thread and found this piece of information ^^

Esquire October edition (100 pages) for the 12th anniversary: photo catalogue 'From far away'

7 Male stars: Gong Yoo공유, Gang Dong Won강동원, Lee Suh Jin이서진, Oh Ji Ho오지호, Kim Min Joon김민준, Kim Seung Soo김성수, Shin Ha Kyun신하균 etc...

Top photographers in Korea: Ahn Seong Jin안성진, Lee Jeon Ho 이전호, Hongroo홍루, Hong Jang Hyun홍장현, Choi Yong Bin최용빈 etc...

Destination: Australia (shooting in 37 days)

Opening to the public at Cheongdamdong gallery from Sep 27 to Oct 3.


I posted those Esquire pics a few days ago.

Omo I wish I could go to the gallery so that icanslobberalloverthephotos xD

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