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thanks jinlees for the pics.

hi all the YOOGAL S & YOOWIVES, hi aalhl
Hello to you too nanamienzo. You came out from your hiding.. :P

Haha!!! Actually before I know GY my hubby love car already ... But now I just want my hubby to drive like the way babyYoo drive. hehe!!!

eonni, I know and girl (with glasses) also his manager.

hello Yoobee... haha.. at least you can ask him to become Han Kyul.. I think I'm being Han Kyul more.. :lol: coz I drive more than him. And I often smile to myself while driving because I think of GY.. haha.. :lol: People (including my kids) will think I'm crazy.. And that girl I think is just assistant la.. not manager.. :P

aalhl I'm glad it worked out for you...GY has a nice selection of songs in his CY.
yes.. calypso78. I'm happy it worked too. :D And GY has LOTS of songs in his CY. Any idea if those songs can be saved?

Aalhl, hee, sweetie, thanks for posting those interviews. It's really great to sort of peek in to his personality. He sounds humble and sharp. And Dead Poets Society?? OMO, my kind of guy.
hey deeta! Glad to see you dropping by Yoohouse again. :) No problem with the interviews.. was just organising it for the upcoming new first post.. :D I've always loved his interview, how he answers to the question... He knows how to handle them very well, and sounds really mature... I love him even more after each interview.. :lol:

jinlees, just wondering, the one where GY and Jung Kyung Ho smoking, is that for CF or something?
deeta, those smoking caps are from a CF.. I forgot the title, I think it's call "Wait For Me" CF. I think Ailin* found it way back last year before she goes MIA... I'll need to dig around for it if YooGals want.

Thank you aalhl for the article! I really love reading his interviews cos he seems really articulate ^^ And thank you for organizing the first page - I think putting all the Q&As and interviews into different posts really makes the first page a lot neater :D
hi juhjuh. Glad you enjoyed the interviews.. I'll try to put up more, but again, I need to dig around first..ha.ha.. but I'll deal with these few first for the upcoming update. I'll put the rest as and when I found them. Anyway, I had to put all the Q&A and interviews in separate posts because the first post won't accomodate all the information we are gonna have!! I might even have to separate it into 2 post at the later stage if first post ran out of limit!! :D

[can get a BOO-YAH for finally getting officially CONFIRMED info??? :P]
no official confirmation pachlex. still a rumour. :)

2. Sidus has denied the reports? hmm. seems legitimate since THEY HAVE known

each other for a long time. if it was only to promote CP, they wouldn't have

done it this late coz it wouldn't make sense anymore since it's done.

i don't think Sidus needs to give GY a scandal either to keep people interested

until he comes back... coz HELLO, obviously the hype over CP is enough.

yes.. I agree with you on that one pachlex. anyway, I think it will quiet down once people get bored with it, then they will come out with another rumour... First it's Kim Jung Eun, then ISJ, wonder who will be the third girl involved huh?!

3. hahahah. i just had to laugh at the fact that years later, YEH was still left with the shadow

of her KJK scandal when KJK left for MS. and now, GY's going to leave for MS with a scandal too.

whatta-freak-ish turn of events. :)

ha.ha.. I can feel her fear. :lol: at least GY's scandal is not related to her, YET! actually GYEH haven't really turn into a scandal.. it's just our hopes and dreams.

4. about our GY being sad and spending days to sort his feelings... as well as YEH vacationing in Bali ---

the statuses in their CYs... background changes... music selections... confusing news...

mushroom-ish rumors... past-dragging in the present... scandals... silence... denials...

unexplainable statements... criticisms of CP... separation from CP... paparazzi...

suddenly being under the entire public's magnifying glass [i say this more with sympathy

to GY since he never really got this kind of CRAZY and WHACKED up attention before.]...

expectations... fear... uncertainty about the future... leaving the past of CP behind...


wouldn't YOU be stressed? :(

*wraps a virtual hug in imaginary ribbon with a tag that says "GONG YOO" and blows it into the air*

oh yes.. I'm feeling sad for Gong Yoo already... I guess this is the price one has to pay for being so famous suddenly. Now I kinda understand why there isn't a scandal involving him and KSA 3 years ago.. because he's not at this "famous level" yet. Oh well, if I'm him with all the craziness, I will be surely stressed. cannot go anywhere in peace.. can't get near to a close friend.. plus all the pain he has to endure for the fact that he will be leaving.. I would be crazy already if I'm him! I think we as fans should trust him rather than trusting the rumour. We don't need to give him more stress on top of what he has now.

I'll join you pachlex in wrapping another virtual hug in imaginary ribbon for Gong Yoo and blows it into the air too.. :)

for the fic with GY.. yes.. kimone mention about it, but she didn't give the link yet.. I want to read it too.. ;)

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Gals, don't take it personally, but I think we're going off topic with all this cyworld thing..

it's been mentioned many times that this thread is being closely watched by the mods..

I don't want this thread being closed or any of you getting warned.. =]

Thank you for the reminder xblaaah.. :)

and does anyone have a clip of this..? when was it?


credit: DCGY

this clip is his new year greetings to fans for 2006. :) I'll put it up in a moment.. ;)


Here's the clip as promised.

2006 New Year Message from Gong Yoo

Download: http://www.zshare.net/download/3684420e57abda/

And this is something I just found.

2004 Message from Gong Yoo for his Sidus homepage launch

Downlaod: http://www.zshare.net/download/3684586726c3ca/

*** Credit: SidusHQ ***

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oh yes.. I'm feeling sad for Gong Yoo already... I guess this is the price one has to pay for being so famous suddenly. Now I kinda understand why there isn't a scandal involving him and KSA 3 years ago.. because he's not at this "famous level" yet. Oh well, if I'm him with all the craziness, I will be surely stressed. cannot go anywhere in peace.. can't get near to a close friend.. plus all the pain he has to endure for the fact that he will be leaving.. I would be crazy already if I'm him! I think we as fans should trust him rather than trusting the rumour. We don't need to give him more stress on top of what he has now.

I'll join you pachlex in wrapping another virtual hug in imaginary ribbon for Gong Yoo and blows it into the air too.. :)

for the fic with GY.. yes.. kimone mention about it, but she didn't give the link yet.. I want to read it too.. ;)

Yes... aalhl, its hard to become famous coz no more privacy for him. Thats the problem on being a celebrity, you have to watch out everything, coz small thing becomes a big thing. I don't know too, if he's still enjoying his popularity now. well.. like what you said, i think we should really trust him coz we "fans", should be the first one to respect his personal life. now again... i gave up my hope for GY & YEH possibility. Whoever she is (ISJ?) as long as he's happy, i'm happy too. :(:( ooopppsss sorry i should put this one :lol::D:P
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Yes... aalhl, its hard to become famous coz no more privacy for him. Thats the problem on being a celebrity, you have to watch out everything, coz small thing becomes a big thing. I don't know too, if he's still enjoying his popularity now. well.. like what you said, i think we should really trust him coz we "fans", should be the first one to respect his personal life. now again... i gave up my hope for GY & YEH possibility. Whoever she is (ISJ?) as long as he's happy, i'm happy too. :(:( ooopppsss sorry i should put this one :lol::D:P

:lol::lol::lol: i am still hoping against hope for GYEH until GY confirms he has a GF...i would honestly feel sad when that day comes ( that is, if the GF is not YEH) but will probably get over it immediately and be happy for him.

Poor baby yoo... i think he deserves a group hug...for having to endure all these rumors.

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Yes... aalhl, its hard to become famous coz no more privacy for him. Thats the problem on being a celebrity, you have to watch out everything, coz small thing becomes a big thing. I don't know too, if he's still enjoying his popularity now. well.. like what you said, i think we should really trust him coz we "fans", should be the first one to respect his personal life. now again... i gave up my hope for GY & YEH possibility. Whoever she is (ISJ?) as long as he's happy, i'm happy too. :(:( ooopppsss sorry i should put this one :lol::D:P
yes. betchay830.. I think Gong Yoo could be struggling with his popularity he gets now. I don't think he had ever imagined that it would be so scary.. :P I think he may have enjoyed it earlier, but now, I have a feeling he might not ... :(

Well, I don't think GYEH possiblity is hopeless either... they were our hopes and dreams. whether it will come true, only time will tell.. maybe they are really not having that special feelings that we are thinking? or maybe they do. only they themselves know.. we only do our observation and analysis and assumption. There is no confirmation from them. Same goes with ISJ's case. If Sidus says it's for photoshoot, then when the pics comes out later on, everything will be cleared.

Poor baby yoo... i think he deserves a group hug...for having to endure all these rumors.
yeah! come on YooGals! Let's gather around and give our baby YOO a GREAT BIG YOO HUG! :D We will always be here for you.. ;)
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Moving the last Q&A from first post to here.

From Japanese Magazine <KBOOM 2007.04>

We asked Gong Yoo!

The 50 answers to 50 Questions everyone wants to know!

Gong Yoo gives simple answer to these 50 questions within minutes

These 50 questions are from his fans.


1. The greatest event for you [Gongyoo] in 2006?

The first fan meeting in Japan.

2. What is the method you use to cheer/relieve yourself?


3. What do you always carry around?

Cellphone and wallet

4. What's the average time you fall asleep?

hmmmm....the times vary, so I don't really know.

5. Does sleep come well?


6. Can you wake up easily?

Very well.

7. What do you do when you can't fall asleep?

I listen to music or play games

8. Showers in the morning? Night?


9. The first place you wash when you take a shower?

I start from the bottom, so the legs?

10. The body part you are most confident about?

Shoulders. Uhm, for the most stylish, I say my eyes.

11. Do you have any posters of yourself in your room?

I have one decorating the walls.

12. The moment you start your working mode?

When I get out of the car to enter the filming scene.

13. Do you believe in intuition (or hunch)?

Yes, I do.

14. Your recurring dream?

I don't really dream

15. What do you think you were in your former life?

An actor.

16. Let's say the world is coming to an end. What would you do, who whould you meet and what would you eat?

I would spend my life savings and have feast with a loved one.

17. If you invisible, where would you go and what would you do?

Because I can get on a plane for free, I would go abroad.

18. If you were on a time machine, where would you like to go?

10 years into future.

19. Between puppy and kitten, which one do you like (more)?


20. IF you compare yourself to an animal?

A dolphin or falcon.

21. What is your favorite car?


22. What is the melody (music) for incoming call to your cell phone?

I don't use melody (music). It's always on vibration mode.

23. While watching drama or movie, do you express emotions (joy and anger)? Or do you hide your laughter and tears and watch quietly?

I usually express myself.

24. Do you express your thoughts right away? Or do you hide?

I'm the type to express everything, but only after prior thinking.

25. How much do you have in your wallet right now?

About 50,000 Won (=$50 US dollars)


26. Do you usually buy dinner or do you get treated more?

I usually end up buying more.

27. Do you usually come early or late to an appointment (or meeting)?

On the late side?

28. As you age which do you prefer to be, bald or fat?

Don't want to become either.

29. What lie have you told?

It will be detected soon so I don't lie.

30. How about self appraisal (boast)?

I have a good athlete and I am able to handle (adapt) myself in any situation.

31. Treasures you gathered during childhood?

BB guns or mini cars

32.Your dreams when you were young?

To be a good husband and father

33. Favourite subject during school days

Korean and English

34. Subject(s) you dislike?

Maths and Science

35. When was the last time you shed tears?

During fans meet in Osaka last year

36. After seeing a close actor friend's production (aka movie/drama/cf etc) do you tell him your impression of it?

I honestly tell him my impression/thoughts.

37. When you're lonely do you quietly spend it alone? Do you call someone and meet them?

I call someone and meet them.

38. Your type of girl?

A woman who can take good care of herself.

39. What type of girl do you not like?

The ones who curse.

40. When you confess do you meet up and talk? Call on the phone? Send an e-mail?

Meet and talk.

41. The person you like is a divorcee and has a child. Even so will you keep loving her? Give up?

Continue to love

42. Between a red rose and a white rose which one will you pick?


43. Which flower makes you happy when you receive it?

If its a flower, whatever it is I receive happily.

44. What kind of woman that makes you feel like hugging her suddenly?

A woman who is crying because of a sad happening/event.

45. How many sons and daughters you want to have after marriage?

one son and daughter

46. When you get married, which dish that your wife cooks will make you happy?

Whatever dish it is, its going to be good so whatever is good.

47. Are you good at cooking?

Not very good.

48. Are you good at memorizing lines?

I'm pretty good at it.

49. What strange habits do you think Japanese has?


50. Lastly, do you love your fans?

Of Course.

번역 _ KEIKO

출처 : 공유를 공유하는 공간


Credits are as follows:

Japanese to Korean translation: KEIKO

Source: bbb998 naver blog

Korean to English translations: tigereyez, Rxgoodleaf, tvxqsaraeng

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This one was posted not long ago... Buried at least 50 pages away I guess.. anyway, here's the formatted version.


Youth Who Overflows with Passion! - Gong Yoo

Special Plan: He Stands in Front of New Big Four's Charm


Gong Yoo is the actor the interviewer wanted to interview the most.

Compared to seeing his image in TV or on the screen, seeing him in real life showed a more careful side of him.

After asking why he thought so well of the interviewer's reputation he answered laughingly "It's to speak well of me isn't it?" jokingly speaking. In actuality it might be the way he said.

Among the stars there are people who only answer bluntly/curtly.

There are times when questions are asked in detail but the answer is either barely given or little effort is put into answering the question.

The most difficult pattern is when they say "Please write appropriately."

But Gong Yoo understanding this side's intention gave a superb answer sheet to the point in which the hand would go crazy.

The courtesy of the selection of material is definite and the awkward and nervous-making parts will be calmed/softened.

Is that not the reason for the relationship between the interviewer and the interviewee has a good reputation?

He said he hopes that if there are question that don't want to be heard after the interview that they be asked anyway.

Currently among the subject of starts "The repeated questions in every interview" "First Kiss" and "Type you like" are the questions that don't want to be asked.

So i asked because i didn't i didn't know if he had a fickleness towards those questions.

He answered laughingly "There are no questions i don't like especially. In reality there are actors who don't like questions that are unrelated to their work. But i'm not a newbie actor and my fans want to know everything that has to do with me. Now there's nothing to hide."

This guy is definitely not an ordinary guy.

Ordinarily how do you spend your days?

I'm not the type to immediately do what i wanted to do on a day off. When one production is finished not just physical strength but mentally you're tired so there's not much you can do. So i don't plan anything and spend it leisurely.

In most cases i'm playing sports or games. Since i like sports there are a lot of cases where i'm either playing soccer with my friends or playing pool. The things everyone normally does, to celebrities, are things that are refreshing to us. There is an ease like i've returned to my student days.

If i can get a little longer break then i take an unexpected trip. National and international trips are both fine. Right now, i'm used to going on trips alone, so i just go alone.

Koreans don't like doing things alone, but do you have any resistance to it?

At first it's true i didn't like it but right now my thoughts have changed. I even watch movies by myself. In Ap Goo Jung an arts movie theater called "Sponge House" appeared and right now on days off i spend a lot of time there. A lot of good movies are being shown there but because they are not famous productions there are only 2,3 people including me which is a lot. At those times i get the feeling that i'm paying rent for this movie theater and i can watch the movie w/out reserve (constraint) and appreciate the movie.

It seems you are part of a celebrity baseball team, what is your position?

My position is third base. I had already like baseball but this is the first time i've been part of a real baseball team.

Because when i was younger my father was part of the front of Pro. Baseball i often followed my father to the field. By going to the field often and by imitating exact;y what was done the skills i gorew i felt was slightly higher than that of other kids.

So whether its this team <Playboys> or shooting the movie <SuperStar Kim Sa Yong> i contrastingly did not specially receive training unlike others and went into shooting.

In the team besides you, the members are???

They are my family. Seniors Jang Dong Gun, Kim Seung Woo, Gong Hyung Jin, Hwang Jung Min, Ji Jin Hee, plus Mr. Jo In Sung, Kang Dong Won, Hyun Bin etc, actors with similar ages as well...anyway a lot of people.

Who's the member with the best capability? (aka best player)

I don't know. But the Seniors are the ones who have a greater enthusiasm/passion for baseball. Seniors Jang Dong Gun, Kim Seung Woo, Ji Jin Hee are considerably talented/capable. Even though they are injured they still come and even though their schedule coincides with this its to the point where they re arrange their schedule for this.

Everyone thinks that just the fact that famous people are gathering is a great effort but at what pace do you compete?

We are meeting very frequently. We compete once a week, compete within the team and finish off with other teams.

Last summer because the shooting for <One Fine Day> was so busy i wasn't able to participate a lot and now that its winter break the team is taking a break. When it gts cold it gets easier to get hurt so that's why there's a winter break. It's break until the warm spring days come.

There's a rumor that you decided to become an actor because you had a small face, is that true?

If you can really become an actor by just having a small face then right about now every place would be filled with actors. (laughter)

Ever since my high school days i've often heard people tell me "Since you have a small face wouldn't it be good if you became a celebrity." But at that time my dream was chasing advertising.

However right when it was time to enter college the thought "If at least once you don't enjoy your college years, it all means nothing" came to mind, so i wished an acceptance to an arts school. Actually maybe because after i entered the people around me all had strong/unique personalities and were people aspiring in either broadcasting or the movies i became used to the idea immediately. So, by chance i signed up on a VJ application and after being accepted worked here and there.


Because of your childish face you've had many student roles until now but don't you feel your roles are being limited?

After i finished <One Fine Day> i didn't hear words like "You look young." like i did before. When i debuted at 23 yrs old i think there were a lot of people who though of me as a student. It was more like that because my debut was in <School 4>.

In the 2005 broadcasted drama <Biscuit Teacher and Sugar Candy> i was 26yrs old but played a high school student. Actually in the drama the person who played the teacher Ms. Gong Hyo Jin is a year younger than me so i had a feeling of incongruity (unsuitability/unbalanced).

However right now as an actor moving forward i feel i haven't yet reached 1/3 of the carreer so i have no nervousness. (**He hasn't covered even 1/3 of the roles out there so he isn't worried.) It's because right now is the time where chances to try out different roles are coming.

On that note <One Fine Day> was a good chance for me to change my image.

Then as an actor what are the pros and cons?

There are a lot of places i can think of that can be pro and a con. Of course its good that an actor has deep thought/discretion, and large imagination but on occasion there are times when instincts isolate you (**keep you one wayed)

I think its better to be unaware of the character and allow the character to naturally show himself. That way the actor and the viewer can both watch with ease.

But if you think past the point of need there are times when that becomes an obstacle. That's why it can be both a pro and a con.

Until now you have worked with pretty actresses Kim Sun Ah, Gong Hyo Jin, and Lee Yeon Hee, who did you work best with?

It's Kim Sun Ah and Gong Hyo Jin of course.

Firstly Kim Sun Ah is a great acting senior who cares/considers her partner and allows them to act with ease.

Although Gong Hyo Jin is a year younger than me i think she follows along the path of Kim Sun Ah. She acts well and is an actress whom i personally like.

I think that compared to the other actresses she has a special charm about her.

It was fun acting with both of them. If felt like i was playing pool while i was acting. (laughter)

Among the works you've done so far what was the character you like the most, what about scene?

Still i like the character in <School 4> the most. There were humorous times to fit a high school student and on the other hand it was a character that was adult-like at times for no reason.

Even though it was my debut work, because it was similar to who i am i was able to act comfortably.

Are there any people who have received incentives by watching your drama/movie? Are there any roles you want to try out?

There are a lot of people who have gotten incentives. If you're an actor no matter who you are there are times when you see a drama or movie and think "I could've done that role better."

For me the evil role is one i haven't done and the one i want (**literally: yearn)

What about Jong Soo from <My Tutor Friend>?

That wasn't an evil role but merely a role that had the Prince disease (**aka conceited disease). [laughter] The role i'm talking about isn't the evil role a stupid kid does but i want to act really evil deeds.

I watched <A Bittersweet Life> because i like senior Hwang Jung Min but that role is never a suitable role for anyone (**meaning that it is not a character that anyone would be comfortable or used to doing because of its evil nature). I thought "The viewers are definitely going to scream." [laughter]

I'm going to ask about the current work <One Fine Day>. The most enthusiastic ordeal was the fact that it was a role that was a strong fighter, what about in real life?

I don't know. Firstly i guess i don't have the standard to fight well. Even the people who box or fight probably won't fight like they do in the movies if a real fight comes along.

More than the standard for fighting strong i think going towards the standard for physical strength is the right thing to do.

Then is you physical strength on the strong side?

No. Its weak. [laughter] Of course i can't stand things that don't go right. But because this is reality i don't just go imitate it rashly. For example, i think that since there will be no prospect of winning if i picked a fight with Yakuza [laughter] in those times it is wise to call the police.

Compared to the short and sweet hair you've had so far your hairstyle in <One Fine Day> shows an incredibly different image. How was it for you?

I grew it to truly fulfill the drama's role. According to pros and cons there were people who said "Still the short hair is better" and then there were people who said "Its good to have hairstyles different from what you normally have." It's according to the style of the viewer.

I personally like clean cut short hair but long hair isnt bad either. During the time i was growing it, i felt like cutting it because it was so troublesome but after cutting it in the second half of shooting i missed the long hair. [laughter]

The Sydney's Location was impressionable. The action scene where you pursue while on a motorcycle, the scene where you jump a 50m precipice, the swimming scene etc. were all done w/out a stuntman is that true?

They were dangerous and hard scenes but i looked forward to having fun shooting them.

Except, unfortunately the 50m precipice scene is not me. If that was me right about now i would be in Hollywood [laughter]. Even with a stunt man that scene was impossible so it was done with the help of CG. Actually the only times it was actually me are the simple action scenes were i'm swimming in the ocean or racing on a motorcycle [laughter].


We were able to see your toned body in the drama scenes but do you train specially for the drama?

<One Fine Day> is the drama that i took part in 8 months after <Biscuit Teacher and Sugar Candy> finished.

During the resting period for about half a year i exercised everyday for about 2-3 hours. I didn't tone my body to show someone but because i addicted to exercising. [laughter]

In <One Fine Day> you received love form the pretty Sung Yoo Ri and Lee Yeon Hee how was it?

I get this question from a lot of people. Between the two who's the prettier. Honestly both of them are pretty to the point where you cannot point out the superiority or inferiority. It was best getting the part receiving love from both of them. [laughter]

Firstly though this drama i was suprised by Sung Yoo Ri. She is a person who has an ambition greater that what i imagined. It was enough that i saw the effort but that effort was displayed in the drama as well so i think she was also able to receive much love from the viewers.

Lee Yeon Hee surprised me with great acting skills and womanly charms for her age. The kiss scene with Lee Yeon Hee is a subject of conversation. Because she's still young and doesn't have a lot of experience it seemed like she was really nervous. That's why the kiss scenes done with Lee Yeon Hee had several NG's.

But the scene where i suddenly kiss Lee Yeon Hee was done with no NG's and got the OK in one shot.

What about the most impressionable scene?

In <One Fine Day> the fact that i cried a lot left an impression. Honestly i had not thought to cry that much but because i was Gun just seeing Ha Neul (Sung Yoo Ri) raised up sadness. Those scenes that were full of emotion are deep in my memories.

Currently you were casted for the Japanese movie <Like a Dragon> and finished shooting. I heard that you agreed because you like Director Mike Takashi have you seen Mike Takashi's work? Also, how was it after actually shooting with him?

<Smart Optical Illusion> <Beautiful Night Cruel Morning> etc I've seen almost everything that has been released in Korea. It was really fun and greatly impressionable.

After working with him i felt that he is a very cool person. He was someone who thre scenarios at actors but didn't give any special directions for acting.

But because i am a Korean and my character was something the director made throught his own imagination there was some directions given but he always respected my opinions as well.

They say you like games. This movie's motive is a game, have you tried it?

I've never tired it. More than the fame like that in <Like A Dragon> i often like to play sports games or starcraft etc.

Did you work well with the Japanese Actors and with the location?

Most of the shooting was done at a made set in Shizua Gyowei but the Japanese actors treated me very kindly.

Among them there was one person who shot in Korea and understood my feelings since that person was the only Japanese person during the shooting period and therefore had a hard time.

The other actors treated me kindly as well but i had the feeling they were looking at me weirdly (laughter).

As an actor who among the actors in Japan do you want to costar with? Also is there an actor who left a deep impression on you?

Among the movies i've seen recently the actor Odkiri Zuosang in the movie <Mezong de Himi> left a great impresssion on me. Also a few years ago Hayami Mokomichi Sang who did a CF in Korea, in the movie <Tokyo Tower> Okada Junichi Sang, Machimoto Jun Sang also left an impression on me.

Tell us your wish for 2007.

In the coming year i wish that i receive the same fruit from acting as i did. Even so sometime later i feel i might have a breakdown. Its a little embarrassing but there are times when i want to throw everything out the window and run away.

So to prevent that i hope to keep the passion i have for acting that i feel now continuously.

Keeping the passion for acting is the only wish...

That means, as an actor, the most precious but ironically easiest intention to loose is what he has carried and brought to this moment. Given to us those words are greatly weighted.

People lose their intentions and there are lots of times where they repeat meaningless days. Nevertheless he is reliable both in and off the screen. Therefore he can be an actor who we can have expectations for in future activities.

He honestly loves acting and enjoys it. And an actor who can have fun throwing punches. We do not end the hope that his wish to keep his passion and the acting that he loves.

번역 _ KEIKO

출처 : 공유를 공유하는 공간


Credits are as follows:

Japanese to Korean translation: KEIKO

Source: bbb998 naver blog

Korean to English translations: tvxqsaraeng

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2002 Popular News / October


Gong Yoo


Born: July 10, 1979 Height: 184cm.

Rising star Gong Yoo shows everyone his future as a great actor as he plays a comfortable, easy-going character in the drama ‘Hard Love’ aka Love With No Hesitation.

His first expression/looks on TV match well with his Persian cat-like eyes that make his character more mysterious and sharp.

As a cat watches its target stealthily and does not lose it, Gong Yoo as well will not stop in reaching his target, but is only resting as of now.

He said…

The characters that I play in the drama ‘Hard Love’, and the one I’m filming right now Sunday-morning drama ‘Whenever’ aka Just a Heartbeat Away, both are very similar characters. My real self contains alike [the characters] a very ecstatic and happy image, but for some odd reason when I act, I seem like I’m hiding myself more and more. Right now out of the seven days in a week, three of them are spent filming and the rest I go to action school. I just got casted for the movie ‘My tutor friend’.

The character? I’m not the leading role, and I’m not the cool guy, but actually a mean ‘bastard’ kind of character. But I don’t really mind. Whatever character it is I don’t mind.

The fact that I’m acting right now, and as I’m acting what I learn from it, completes me (makes me happy) right now. I think that putting myself in this and being an actor is important.

In the future, I want to try a stronger/tougher character.

If this is what’s selfish, then this is the only thing I want right now.

*** Credit love_jesus for Korean-English translation (Forgot where I got the article from though :mellow: ) ***

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Until now you have worked with pretty actresses Kim Sun Ah, Gong Hyo Jin, and Lee Yeon Hee, who did you work best with?

It's Kim Sun Ah and Gong Hyo Jin of course.

Firstly Kim Sun Ah is a great acting senior who cares/considers her partner and allows them to act with ease.Although Gong Hyo Jin is a year younger than me i think she follows along the path of Kim Sun Ah. She acts well and is an actress whom i personally like.I think that compared to the other actresses she has a special charm about her.It was fun acting with both of them. If felt like i was playing pool while i was acting. (laughter)

hmmmmmm, wonder if he is asked again that question, what will his answer be? Will he include our lovely lady YEH?

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Hehe, am I the only one who actually doesn't mind if Uri Yoo is/has been dating ISJ? I honestly love ISJ; as an actress, she's definitely a terrific one. There was even a period of time when I sort of shipped ISJ and So Ji Sub (MISA much?). I must admit, that when I first heard about Yoo is linked to ISJ, it felt a bit random and puzzling, cause I never saw them together at all. So, to get a picture of how they're like together is difficult. I mean, I get how Yoo would look like with KSA and with YEH, but definitely not with ISJ. Nevertheless, now I kinda like them together despite the uncertainty of it.

Ah, I'm rambling.

aalhl, must echo jinkzzmec, the first page looks AWESOME! Wah,, I'm definitely gonna try and explore every links available.

jinkzzmec, hehe, I don't know about US customs, but I actually brought many pirated DVDs to Canada when I arrived back from Indonesia. And yes, CP is one of them (It's mind boggling, really. One day after Ep17 airs in Korea, they have come up with the complete pirated DVDs, PLUS subs, which some I'm guessing they stole from WITH S2. These people are really creative nowadays.) The trick is you have to put all the DVDs in one of those huge cases, so they would count it as your personal belonging.

His first expression/looks on TV match well with his Persian cat-like eyes that make his character more mysterious and sharp.

I don't know why, but I find this phrase funny. Yoo really has a distinctive eyes. Haha, tho I never associated them with Persian cat, still, they're really cool. You can't look at him without noticing how expressive his eyes are.

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hmmmmmm, wonder if he is asked again that question, what will his answer be? Will he include our lovely lady YEH?
hmm.. since he admire YEH very much, I think he will include her when he's asked that question again.. :P

Hehe, am I the only one who actually doesn't mind if Uri Yoo is/has been dating ISJ?
I'm sure you are not the only one, deeta.. I don't mind if he's dating ISJ or any other girls. Whoever he's with, as long as he's happy, I'll be happy too..

Wow Aalhl...first page looks really good and more streamlined making it easier to navigate and find stuff.

aalhl, must echo jinkzzmec, the first page looks AWESOME! Wah,, I'm definitely gonna try and explore every links available.
thank you jinkzzmec and deeta, I'm happy that both of you like it and it makes things easier for you. Sorry I can't put much up now.... I'll try to put up more information and links in the next update.. :D

Anyway, here's an update on what has been revised/updated:

1. Minor changes in profile.

2. Moved biography and Q&A/Interview into separate posts inside the thread inself.

3. Recompilation of Dramas and Movies category

4. New categories added - Variety Shows, TV Shows, Events, Awards, Other Links

Thank you again hershy kissez for replacing the page promptly. :)

Ok.. I'm done with first page for now..

*runs off to plan on my send off project* ahh! 5 more days to go! :ph34r::blink:


Gong Yoo's Schedule for this week

17 - 23 Sep 2007 Deciding next project and rest.

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Guest iluvyoo2

Yoo schedule for this week:

2007-09-17~2007-09-23 차기작품 검토 및 휴식 (next work consideration and rest)

News fron SidusHQ

[기사] 공유, 김성수-각기 다른 이국적 매력 발산

공유, 김성수-각기 다른 이국적 매력 발산



국내 톱 남자배우 7명의 화보를 동시에 감상할 수 있는 화보집이 발간됐다.


 남성 패션지 ''에스콰이어''는 창간 12주년을 맞아 10월호 특별부록으로 남자배우 화보집 ''From Far Away''를 발간한다. 7명의 주인공은 공유, 강동원, 이서진, 김민준, 김성수, 신하균.


 이번 화보는 호주의 풍경 속에담아낸 100페이지 분량으로 지난해 부터 진행해온 호주 화보 시리즈의 완결본이다.


 한편 부록 속 화보들은 잡지 스타일의 새로운 형태로 재구성되어 오는 27일부터 10월 3일까지 청담동 갤러리 원에서 공개 전시된다.

기사제공: 스포츠조선 / 최세나 기자 / 2007.09.17

-무단 게재 및 배포 금지-

from SidusHQ


GIF: viewimagear5.gif

Saw this in DCYOO, recent photo?


credit dcyoo and as labeled

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how come the thread's so quiet? :(

i'd liven it up but i have nothing to share as of the moment.

so, yeah.


thanks for the news, images, and updates aalhl, nhetski and iluvyoo2!

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Guest calypso78

hmmmmmm, wonder if he is asked again that question, what will his answer be? Will he include our lovely lady YEH?

He better include her in that list, after she piggybacked him a Gazillion times in CP. :P;)

Girls,thanks for all the interviews, pics and gifs .

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Guest shinmoreyell

so quiet???

GUESS who could it be???

spending days in JEJU with a GIRLY????





who that girl is????

check it again, tomorrow!!!

credits: popseoul

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Oh my Goddess.......hahaha....it's kinda sad hearing about GY having a GF, but i'm happy for him.....no matter who it is.....i really don't have an opinion because i believe he knows what's best for him so yeah.....i'm just glad that he can be happy with who ever it is.....even though it's not me.....LOL..... :P

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hi queeninmycastle! Thanks for sharing the MV, love it! :D

hi tuesdhei! It's already availbale here in the Philippines? I've been to Divisoria twice and they said it's not out yet? I thought its P60.00? Is it bad of me to buy those copies? :tears: I'm sorry but I don't have enough money to buy the original, and even if I have the money, I don't know where to buy... :tears:

hello!i'm also a coffee prince addict.i've already finished watching cp but i still bought the dvd copies here to check the subs and i found out that they used the withs2 subs but just up to ep10.the rest,someone just made it up coz it's kinda funny like u'r talking to a drunk,haha! :lol: by the way,what does ISJ stands for?is she an actress? :unsure

i dunno how to use the "quote"properly (obviously)..my apologies.. :blush:

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by the way,what does ISJ stands for?is she an actress? :unsure

i dunno how to use the "quote"properly (obviously)..my apologies.. :blush:

welcome to the YOOhouse donits. [donita? donita rose? eheh. yes, i'm pinay too. :P]

anyhow, ISJ stands for Im Soo-Jung... she's the rumored girl in GY's life.

still no confirmation though. and as has been said earlier in the thread, SidusHQ denied the reports.

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