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(jdrama 2007) Hanazakari_no Kimitachi_e

Guest asianrice

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Guest duksiew

Man, their school looks so fun, i wish my school had activities like that..i wonder if private schools in Japan are actually like that

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Man, their school looks so fun, i wish my school had activities like that..i wonder if private schools in Japan are actually like that

Of course they're not :D that's why Ohsaka Gakuen is "Ikemen Paradise".

The guys are awesome, foolishness = kawaiiness XD

<3 Sano, <3 Oguri Shun, <3 since Gokusen 1, Stand Up!, HYD and now HanaKimi <3 cuteness & hotness at the same time, in a same person <3

Maki is SUPER CUTE! I really like her figures, esp. her smile. Even though in HanaKimi we'll always support SanoxMizuki but in reality I absolutely switch to YamaKi XD

Can't wait for next week, I was right when I thought, from ep7 onwards there would be many SanoxMizuki moments. The preview may or may not reveal anything at all, but we can be sure, ne? When will Sano stand up and confess to Mizuki? 4 weeks to go, and also 4 weeks to the due date of my final project ;__; nooooooooooooo, I still need watch it every week!

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Guest Yvonne

I just can't stop myself from rewatching Ep 8 over and over again!

I just love watching Sano being so worried about Mizuki.

He just gets so cute...like a little kid! :wub:

Heheheh...can't wait to see more of this side of Sano!

Though I feel bad...because I was a Yamaki fan before...I still am...just Maguri is taking over me! :blush:

Seirin, thanks for all the wonderful caps!

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ahhh I know why Oscar was holding his own leg up now. I thought it was kinda weird at first. But now that I look at the photo again. He was trying to pull up his stinky feet to ward off the others? Cuz if you look at the photo taken. Everyone was covering their nose. STINKY FEET OSCAR!!!!

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Guest ptaj83

i have to say as the series is progressing really well.... oguri is getting hotter.... or is it just me?????

i love nakatsu and the way he gets in the pic with ashiya.... and sano looking a little green.... minami looked stiff in his pics

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Of course they're not :D that's why Ohsaka Gakuen is "Ikemen Paradise".

The guys are awesome, foolishness = kawaiiness XD

<3 Sano, <3 Oguri Shun, <3 since Gokusen 1, Stand Up!, HYD and now HanaKimi <3 cuteness & hotness at the same time, in a same person <3

Maki is SUPER CUTE! I really like her figures, esp. her smile. Even though in HanaKimi we'll always support SanoxMizuki but in reality I absolutely switch to YamaKi XD

Can't wait for next week, I was right when I thought, from ep7 onwards there would be many SanoxMizuki moments. The preview may or may not reveal anything at all, but we can be sure, ne? When will Sano stand up and confess to Mizuki? 4 weeks to go, and also 4 weeks to the due date of my final project ;__; nooooooooooooo, I still need watch it every week!

I esp luve Maki's expressions, wat a natural girl, really, she does it just right to make me go 'awww' (when she's observing the moon in the clinic) or 'kyaaa' when she smiles at Sano after punching his face, I swear who can resist to it XD no wonder Sano softens & changes for her lol

well as the preview of eps 8, there wasn't any Sano x Mizuki scenes & see wat we have now lol

yea only 4 eps to go, I wish it'd be longer :'( it may take little more time for Sano to make his move.

I have feelings that they will make the end like in the manga or even shorter,

her coming back to America & Sano tells her that he'll come to her next time

, anyways I just hope they end up together X]

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some more screen caps of ep8 ^^;

Reactions upon being chosen for modelling job.



Baby!!!! (Looks like Tennouji is gonna eat him :P)


Go away look


So happy!!!


Nakatsu+Mizuki touchy-feely moments ^^









Romeo and Juliet :lol:



Flabbergasted Sano being called on PMS


Flabbergasted Sano being called oyaji


Dejected Sano giving up to Mizuki ^^



Only Mizuki can do this to Sano ^^; anyone else and Sano would probably beat him up :P


Sano high kick kyaaaa *^-^*


Cool Sano


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Guest Aicila

Yayyy I finally caught up with all the episodes! OHGOSH

All these screencaps and pictures are getting me more and more

anxious to watch ep eight!! Too bad subs arent out yet.. :( I dont

understand ANY japanese. haha ahhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant wait

to see a jealous sano!!!! hahhahahah hahaha i cant wait!! weeww

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Guest aquatears

omg ep 8 was the best and funniest episode EVAR! it was touching, it was warm, it was hilarious, it was cute...and best of all, it had SANO AND MIZUKI moments! like, FINALLLYY we get to see the protective and jealous sano we all know and love :). i seriously love the changes sano goes through...they're so cute to watch.

but wow, nakatsu - i thought it was sooo hawt how he confessed to sano about his feelings for mizuki. the whole "i won't lose" thing just made my heart melt.

absolutely cannot WAIT for the last four episodes! the writers better give us more and more and MORE romance! muwahhaha! :D

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I LOOOOOVE THIS EPISODE :blush: ...especially SANO's transition..he's so adorable and losing over MIZUKI all the time..hmmmm he always allows mizuki to have her way.... :D

I hope they will extend the series, i mean 12 episodes is quite SHORT. :( ...though i don't understand japanese i still watched RAW video..~~~~~ love HANA KIMI!! :w00t:

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This is irrelevant but I was looking at this picture: http://i11.-/6aqvio8.jpg

and OMGOSH, Mizuki's wearing a Minnesota Wild shirt! *is from Minnesota*

ANYWAYS, I haven't watched Ep. 8 yet but the caps are making me super SUPER excited!! ^o^V

OMG!!! i didn't notice, but when you pointed that out!!! I'm so proud to be a Minnesotan. hahaha~~ thanks for pointing that out. :D

Man, their school looks so fun, i wish my school had activities like that..i wonder if private schools in Japan are actually like that

some how i feel like japanese schools are just fun in general. I think it's just there attitudes. For example, when i was in college and i had friends that studied in japan for a while and we were all taking japanese class and it's funnie, but we did all those crazy and fun things that you see in the dramas...hahahah~~ so i started to think that it must their attitudes. I always had fun with those guys. but only with them can i act all weird and still have fun.

well, thanks gals for all the clips. i'm still behind on my eps. i'll catch up today though.

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Guest duksiew
some how i feel like japanese schools are just fun in general. I think it's just there attitudes. For example, when i was in college and i had friends that studied in japan for a while and we were all taking japanese class and it's funnie, but we did all those crazy and fun things that you see in the dramas...hahahah~~ so i started to think that it must their attitudes. I always had fun with those guys. but only with them can i act all weird and still have fun.

Ya i guess your right, the whole school atmosphere seems a lot different, maybe more open/less reserved? haha just wish it was the same here

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Guest asianrice
asianrice, I've looked into your new livejournal.

I flipped when I see that the files are 1.1GB. :lol:

So, I'm wondering, where do u dl all your files from?

Which clubbox is it?

You see, the files you uploaded needs to take a few numbers of hours to dl.

Hope you don't mind telling me ;)

PM me or sth.

I get my HanaKimi from kangjegu's clubbox. :P

Yeah, I was like "damn it" when I saw the size. Took me forever to download and upload. xD

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I wanna see more of SanoxMizuki ... hmm somehow I felt Mizuki seemed to forget her Sano for a while during episode 8, didn't she? Poor Sano XD or should I say he deserved it, for being cold to Mizuki previously? Tsk tsk, bad Sano. But it will be different in ep9 ... wondering what they will show us.

It looks like Tennouji really loves his fiancée, LOL. I think they're a hot couple.

The most interesting thing is ... how Nakatsu will compete with Sano and confess to Mizuki, this is what I very much anticipate.

For the ending, I doubt it'd be not different from other J-Dramas I've seen ><;;; Japanese like open vague endings. Despite my love for J-drama, I was disappointed many times - so this time, again I won't put much expectation. Of course we still pray for a happy, lovey-dovey one, ne minna ^^ ?

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Guest ohmylamb.
I get my HanaKimi from kangjegu's clubbox. :P

Yeah, I was like "damn it" when I saw the size. Took me forever to download and upload. xD


But yeah, somehow today your mediafire worked REALLY fast.

And I get to dl it.

Alright, so if I have problems with your files uploaded, I will get the alternative way [clubbox] then.

Arigatou! ;)

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that's weird the 704 file is bigger than the 1024 file. The one I download was only around 900mb or so.

About open ending, I'm thinking maybe they will end it with Mizuki going back to the US and do a special with Sano going to look for her like how the manga did it. If they don't then they'll probably need a second season to end it.

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