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Guest lilaznboom

hi~(: I hope someone can help me 'cause this is killing me x__x

My ex-bf & I broke up about a month ago. He told me how he wanted to put the relationship on hold. He goes to college in VA & I'm still in NY. He said we can get back together when I get into the college he goes to but I don't really have much of an interest to go there?

But besides that, he's been hot and cold towards me. IM-ing me telling me he misses me and calls me the 'bby' & such. Then a week later, we were talking and he's telling me how he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now & stuff.

Ahh, so confusing. To be honest, I really don't know what to make out of this. I'm really confused x__x I feel like strangling him )x

Please & thankyou for the help(:

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Is it weird for a girl to pursue a guy two or three years younger than her? I like this guy and I can tell he likes me back. But I dunno...like I don't mind if he's younger but I don't what he's thinking. I'm confused about what to do. = /.

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Guest dragonninja598000


Uhh well long distance relationships are hard. Both people have to be full committed to it. Sounds like he's starting to wavier. Really your only options are to break up, take a break, or continue the relationship. If he's not gonna fully commit to you you might have to do one of the first two options.

@alice 29

No its not weird to pursue a younger guy. It's a lot more common these days. The only thing is that he needs to be ok with the age difference.

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What does it mean when a guy texts you first and the conversation would flow, and suddenly he would stop texting for a couple hours, and pick it back up later? Is he trying to play hard to get? Would that mean that he's interested at all?

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So there's this guy I've known for a few months now and during that time we've gotten really close.

There's this really big age difference.. I'm in my teens while he's in his mid twenties. We pretty much get along like best friends.

I'm confused about him. He usually treats me like a little sister, but lately he's been acting different.

A few days ago while in front of my house when we were saying goodnight he just kind of stared at me for like a really long time, said 'goodnight', and left. (I felt like that was a little strange.)

After that day he's been avoiding me and whenever I get the chance to talk to him he just kind of brushes it off.

What's wrong with him?

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What does it mean when a guy texts you first and the conversation would flow, and suddenly he would stop texting for a couple hours, and pick it back up later? Is he trying to play hard to get? Would that mean that he's interested at all?

I don't know about others, but I text when I'm busy with something else and can't put my undivided attention into a phone call. I wouldn't read too much into it.

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Is it weird for a girl to pursue a guy two or three years younger than her? I like this guy and I can tell he likes me back. But I dunno...like I don't mind if he's younger but I don't what he's thinking. I'm confused about what to do. = /.

If he asks you out, then accept.

If he doesn't, you can act like a girl and not do anything.

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Guest lilaznboom


Uhh well long distance relationships are hard. Both people have to be full committed to it. Sounds like he's starting to wavier. Really your only options are to break up, take a break, or continue the relationship. If he's not gonna fully commit to you you might have to do one of the first two options.

thanks(: ahh, you're right ); as much as I don't want to admit, guess it'd be better for the both of us? haha thanks again~(:

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There was a guy who I thought that liked me since most of his friends would always mention his name to me, tease me, and ask what I would say if he asked me out. I only liked him as a friend and told his friends that I wouldn't mind going out on a date or hangout with him just for fun to get to know him better. Now, I don't think he likes me anymore because he doesn't talk to me anymore either and I miss him as my friend. So do guys sometimes like a girl without telling them or not making a move and eventually just move on then? Sorry if it's long. Thank you! (:


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Guest dragonninja598000

What does it mean when a guy texts you first and the conversation would flow, and suddenly he would stop texting for a couple hours, and pick it back up later? Is he trying to play hard to get? Would that mean that he's interested at all?

Probably just means he was busy at the moment and did not find the time to text you back. =P

So there's this guy I've known for a few months now and during that time we've gotten really close.

There's this really big age difference.. I'm in my teens while he's in his mid twenties. We pretty much get along like best friends.

I'm confused about him. He usually treats me like a little sister, but lately he's been acting different.

A few days ago while in front of my house when we were saying goodnight he just kind of stared at me for like a really long time, said 'goodnight', and left. (I felt like that was a little strange.)

After that day he's been avoiding me and whenever I get the chance to talk to him he just kind of brushes it off.

What's wrong with him?

Maybe he's starting to have feeling for you because he's been around you a lot. It happens. That's probably why he's starting to act different because you're too young and he could be put in jail if he started anything. So he's just trying to distance feelings and what not.

There was a guy who I thought that liked me since most of his friends would always mention his name to me, tease me, and ask what I would say if he asked me out. I only liked him as a friend and told his friends that I wouldn't mind going out on a date or hangout with him just for fun to get to know him better. Now, I don't think he likes me anymore because he doesn't talk to me anymore either and I miss him as my friend. So do guys sometimes like a girl without telling them or not making a move and eventually just move on then? Sorry if it's long. Thank you! (:


What? Of course. We don't always have to confess our feelings to girls. I'm sure that girls do this too.

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Guest fredinsac

There was a guy who I thought that liked me since most of his friends would always mention his name to me, tease me, and ask what I would say if he asked me out. I only liked him as a friend and told his friends that I wouldn't mind going out on a date or hangout with him just for fun to get to know him better. Now, I don't think he likes me anymore because he doesn't talk to me anymore either and I miss him as my friend. So do guys sometimes like a girl without telling them or not making a move and eventually just move on then? Sorry if it's long. Thank you! (:


Happens all the time. You're probably not his first and definitely not his last.

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Kisses on a cheek?

Do they mean anything?

He asked me to prom if that changes things.

And he's not the type of guy that's pressured into doing things.

Extremely independent.

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Guest fredinsac

Kisses on a cheek?

Do they mean anything?

He asked me to prom if that changes things.

And he's not the type of guy that's pressured into doing things.

Extremely independent.

Usually means he likes you. Unless he comes from france then they kiss everyone on the cheeks over there.

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Guest dragonninja598000

Kisses on a cheek?

Do they mean anything?

He asked me to prom if that changes things.

And he's not the type of guy that's pressured into doing things.

Extremely independent.

Uhhh...Means he likes you. AHHAH. I mean it can't really mean anything else.

If you caught a girl staring at you what would think?

Probably is something wrong with me, like something wrong with my shirt, got stuff on my face, etc. Or she's probably just looking at someone behind me. Normally the last thing in think of is that she's into me. lol

Guys, please answer me this question: What does promise ring means to you? Just wondering and thanks!

Promise ring? Errr that's like an unofficial thing meaning that I will only be faithful to you and you're my girl. =P

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Guest misssay8)

Lately, I've been having trouble with my boyfriend who is constantly online playing games. At first, it didn't really bother me that much becaue I understand that's just his hobby and he's free to do whatever he wants on his own time. But, recently it seems as though he would choose gaming over me. There are times when I haven't talked to him for a whole day, and I give him a call at night to chat, but he wouldn't be engaging in our conversation cause he's so engrossed in his game. At that point, I just feel neglected and umimportant to him. I've told him many times how his gaming habits have started to bother me, and instead of decreasing his gaming time, it seems as if it's been increasing. I can say I'm a pretty reasonable person. I'm not telling him to stop playing altogether. I just don't know what else I can say or do to make him understand how I feel. He just sees it as me trying to control everything he does and that's not true.

I'm not really sure what I'm asking, but has anyone else been in this situation? And how did you handle it?

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