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how do u guys feel about a girl who speaks with a lisp?

i have a very noticeable one when i speak. :(

I'll be disgustingly honest about it, some guys may find a sexual fetish about it (I'll let your imagination figure that one out).

I'd be double disgustingly honest but please don't hate me, just trying to help. On a personal basis, i'd probably be annoyed by it long term. Is there a cure for lisp? Advice: heavily consider therapy or any cure that's available, even if you look stunningly beautiful otherwise.

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Guest rabidfish

Hah, i have returned. XD

So i got this phone a while ago and i love it and found the exact same phone and bought it, so i had two of the same phone and i gave it to my boyfriend.

lately when i'm on the phone with my boyfriend, i can hear the little noises the keypads make when you txt and i asked if he was txting and he replied no, it was his tower fan blowing into the receiver and making the noise. i let it go. happened one or two more times. earlier i could even hear the beep the phone makes when you receive a txt message and then those txting noises again. and i asked again, but this time i said watcha doing? and he goes nothing, why. i replied oh because there's like these beeps and stuff and he goes oh i'm playing with my fan. wth.

why would he lie about txting if he should know that i dont care if he does. like if you're txting, say you're txting, right? i wouldnt like it the other way around. and i mean i know what the answers are probably gonna be, but idk, is there any other reason? haha.

curious to how the male mind works. haha. please and thank yous. :)

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Guest Innocent_Asian

I really wana know how a guy can simply PLAY a girl.

I mean do they even think about how us girls might feel?

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Guest dragonninja598000

Hah, i have returned. XD

So i got this phone a while ago and i love it and found the exact same phone and bought it, so i had two of the same phone and i gave it to my boyfriend.

lately when i'm on the phone with my boyfriend, i can hear the little noises the keypads make when you txt and i asked if he was txting and he replied no, it was his tower fan blowing into the receiver and making the noise. i let it go. happened one or two more times. earlier i could even hear the beep the phone makes when you receive a txt message and then those txting noises again. and i asked again, but this time i said watcha doing? and he goes nothing, why. i replied oh because there's like these beeps and stuff and he goes oh i'm playing with my fan. wth.

why would he lie about txting if he should know that i dont care if he does. like if you're txting, say you're txting, right? i wouldnt like it the other way around. and i mean i know what the answers are probably gonna be, but idk, is there any other reason? haha.

curious to how the male mind works. haha. please and thank yous. :)

Well...sounds like..he's lying to you, but I mean there's no way to confirm this, unless you go snooping. Which I highly advise against just because as a human being i would like to think that we have morals and snooping around for evidence against someone is wrong. Maybe he's texting a friend or someone he's cheating on you with. I don't know. I'd probably over look it unless other things start occurring.

I really wanna know how a guy can simply PLAY a girl.

I mean do they even think about how us girls might feel?

Easy. We don't. Or else it wouldn't be playing now would it. It's basically get what you need and leave. I mean not only guys do this. Girls do it to, it's just not as talked about openly. What it has to do with is the emotional attachment, obviously a guy who is playing a girl can't really have an emotional attachment or else he'd feel sympathetic and feel bad etc. or he'd stay with you and that's not the point of playing someone. So the guy has to feel apathetic to the girl basically treat her as an object to get what he want. Since your an "object" no need to really care about how you feel because objects don't feel.

I hope i explain it well. Kinda felt like i was ranting.

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Guest iangel

Do you guys agree that girls are more emotional, or have a wider range of emotions, from extremely sad to extremely happy. Whereas guys's range is alot smaller, as in, guys do get sad and happy, but not in equal measure with girls?

Agree or disagree?

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Do you guys agree that girls are more emotional, or have a wider range of emotions, from extremely sad to extremely happy. Whereas guys's range is alot smaller, as in, guys do get sad and happy, but not in equal measure with girls?

Agree or disagree?

I'd say it's pretty equal. Guys just aren't "allowed" to show it cause it's "unmanly".

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Anyways, "are any of you guys fine if the girl makes the money & not you?"

How badly does this hurt a man's ego?

If I always cared about my own pride, I'd be making life way harder for myself.

The question is whether SHE'S fine with it or not though. I obviously don't mind lol

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Guest iangel

Oh I have a lot of questions for the guys! ;P

But I'll just ask one question at a time, ok (:

>I don't know if this was asked before....<

Anyways, "are any of you guys fine if the girl makes the money & not you?"

How badly does this hurt a man's ego?

Answers Please? Thank You!


haha I'm curious too, Apparently there was this one guy who liked me in first yr uni, but he 'gave up' cuz I was like, one of the three girls in the 130 ppl computer engineering class, he thought i was too 'fierce' or something. Of course I heard this from another guy in second yr. But I'm curious just how far would you guys go with this 'more successful than me' thing.

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how do u guys feel about a girl who speaks with a lisp?

i have a very noticeable one when i speak. :(

Wouldn't bother me, as long as I could understand what you're saying.

Do you guys agree that girls are more emotional, or have a wider range of emotions, from extremely sad to extremely happy. Whereas guys's range is alot smaller, as in, guys do get sad and happy, but not in equal measure with girls?

Agree or disagree?

Disagree. I think girls are better at showing it and guys are better at hiding it, but that doesn't mean guys don't feel as much.

Oh I have a lot of questions for the guys! ;P

But I'll just ask one question at a time, ok (:

>I don't know if this was asked before....<

Anyways, "are any of you guys fine if the girl makes the money & not you?"

How badly does this hurt a man's ego?

Answers Please? Thank You!


Depends on a lot of factors, including culture and personal ambitions and so on, and is impossible to generalize.

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Guest iangel

Disagree. I think girls are better at showing it and guys are better at hiding it, but that doesn't mean guys don't feel as much.

So then, why does it often takes longer for a girl to get over a break up?

Often I say.

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I don't know but I think girls get really attached, while guys tend to be willing to move on, especially if there's someone else.

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Guest iangel

I don't know but I think girls get really attached, while guys tend to be willing to move on, especially if there's someone else.

Haha but that's it, right,

girls are unconsciously put more emotion into the relationship, hence they grow more attached because the emotion is strong.

While guys are less emotional, they are less attached to the memories, and therefore the memories/emotions are easier to forget and ignore, thus making guys more willing to move on.

If there's someone else for the girl, it'd be just as easy lol for her to move on. that factor totally changes everything~ xD

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Guest DuckieE

Do you guys agree that girls are more emotional, or have a wider range of emotions, from extremely sad to extremely happy. Whereas guys's range is alot smaller, as in, guys do get sad and happy, but not in equal measure with girls?

Agree or disagree?

Speaking for at least myself here, I am less emotional than your average person. Not easily amused, barely laughs at anything (doesn't mean I am never happy), haven't cried for years (doesn't mean I am never sad). So yes the range is smaller.

And yay computer engineering!

As for the girl makes the money and not me, I'm not fine with it not because it hurts my ego but I feel like I have a responsibility to contribute too. It actually makes me feel kind of good to know that my girl can feed me haha (not to say I won't do anything to help out though)

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Guest dragonninja598000

Do you guys agree that girls are more emotional, or have a wider range of emotions, from extremely sad to extremely happy. Whereas guys's range is alot smaller, as in, guys do get sad and happy, but not in equal measure with girls?

Agree or disagree?

Well it's "unmanly" to show it, but guys have just as wide of a range as girls. Guys just know how to hid it better.

Oh I have a lot of questions for the guys! ;P

But I'll just ask one question at a time, ok (:

>I don't know if this was asked before....<

Anyways, "are any of you guys fine if the girl makes the money & not you?"

How badly does this hurt a man's ego?

Answers Please? Thank You!


Yes and No. No is only because if she keeps asking me for stuff, when she make more than me it's kinda like.. wtheck you make more than me. I mean that's really a small price to pay if you love her.

So then, why does it often takes longer for a girl to get over a break up?

Often I say.

That is a generalization. Not all guys get over girls that easily. I know because i'm one of them. So don't just assume that it takes girls longer to get over someone. It's probably because the guy realizes that their are other girls out there and he might as well try his hand at finding someone new then waiting around moping or wishing that girl would come back.

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A lisp? Well I if it's to hard to understand then there might be some problems, but i don't think that's such a big deal.

mine's noticeable but people can still understand me. it's just some words get a little weird when i say them.

I'll be disgustingly honest about it, some guys may find a sexual fetish about it (I'll let your imagination figure that one out).

I'd be double disgustingly honest but please don't hate me, just trying to help. On a personal basis, i'd probably be annoyed by it long term. Is there a cure for lisp? Advice: heavily consider therapy or any cure that's available, even if you look stunningly beautiful otherwise.

yea, i figured people get annoyed by it, i guess i'll just avoid talking to people, but thanks for ur honest opinion :)

Wouldn't bother me, as long as I could understand what you're saying.

thakns for the help

edit: why the hell do i keep topping the page?!

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Guest takimotomiki

Okaaaay, questions to u guys!

How can a girl differenciate when a guy is just telling sweet lies or they really are telling the truth?

(to u Indonesian: sweet lies = GOMBAL.)

Bcoz, im currently dating a guy, who tells me he loves me a lot, go crazy when im not there, pray for me etc etc.

I cant be totally sure that he is genuine Bcoz all of my guy friends are the type of guys who likes to sweet talks their gf, either to get 'something' in return, or juz for the sake of it.

These guys dont really mean what they say... stuffs like ' yeaa... i think about u so much everyday', 'i would go crazy if u are not here'.

How do i know they're not srious? Bcoz they said so themselves, 'girls fall in love through their ears. So flatter them, they'll fall for you."

Thing is.... Now i kinda have that feeling to with the guy im dating. Every time he said something sweet im confused are they genuine or not. Furthermore, what he said is kinda different today to what he said several days ago

(but he said that that time he juz dusnt understand what i mean. Language is kinda a problem for us. @_@ We dont speak the same language)

Anywaaaaaay I said to him to stop telling me sweet stuffs like that if itsnt even true, but he insists that he never lies to me.

So what do u think guys?

In what times do u susually tells sweet nothings to ur girl? why?

How can we differenciate it with ur genuine feeling?

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Guest dragonninja598000

Okaaaay, questions to u guys!

How can a girl differenciate when a guy is just telling sweet lies or they really are telling the truth?

(to u Indonesian: sweet lies = GOMBAL.)

Bcoz, im currently dating a guy, who tells me he loves me a lot, go crazy when im not there, pray for me etc etc.

I cant be totally sure that he is genuine Bcoz all of my guy friends are the type of guys who likes to sweet talks their gf, either to get 'something' in return, or juz for the sake of it.

These guys dont really mean what they say... stuffs like ' yeaa... i think about u so much everyday', 'i would go crazy if u are not here'.

How do i know they're not srious? Bcoz they said so themselves, 'girls fall in love through their ears. So flatter them, they'll fall for you."

Thing is.... Now i kinda have that feeling to with the guy im dating. Every time he said something sweet im confused are they genuine or not. Furthermore, what he said is kinda different today to what he said several days ago

(but he said that that time he juz dusnt understand what i mean. Language is kinda a problem for us. @_@ We dont speak the same language)

Anywaaaaaay I said to him to stop telling me sweet stuffs like that if itsnt even true, but he insists that he never lies to me.

So what do u think guys?

In what times do u susually tells sweet nothings to ur girl? why?

How can we differenciate it with ur genuine feeling?

I'm sure he's lying here and there sometimes, but probably a lot of it is just so that you'll feel better. I know I do it a lot, but it's because i know somewhere else they get put down a lot or they don't think of themselves that great. 90% of the time I'm real with what i'm saying. I know what i'm saying and most of these girls aren't even my gf so yah. =P lol. I"m always in the friend boat. -_- I hate it, but that's life.

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Guest spearmint20

so does the boy really love the girl if hes giving her several months to fix all her flaws so that she'll improve as a person and also to his liking? and if after the several months, if she fails to fix her flaws, then he will leave her, is that love? and if it is not love, then what is it?

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: D Hahaha. Weird posting in here ._.

Hope someone answers my questions ;_; Cause my topics/posts always fail lmfao.

So there's this guy I met a year ago. Long story short, he said he wanted to leave his girlfriend for me. Mind you, I never had, still don't, and never will be interested in him. I know it's harsh for me to say never but he is just not my type.

Anyways, now he's going out with another girl and he says he wants to break up with her. He said he wants to tell me the reason face to face because he "doesn't like to do these kind of things online". When I continued to ask him why, he just says that it's something similar from before. This also comes after a messy break up between me and his best friend.

He asked me out for "a walk" next week near the ravine by our houses. I don't feel like going but should I? Am I just overthinking and judging him too quickly?

Thank you ._.

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