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Guest showoff

In terms of kinky stuff, I believe that men and women are just about the same when it comes to that, it's just that it's socially acceptable for men to be kinky, perverted, etc whereas it is not for women, so they may not display/talk about it as much in public.

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Guest ikweli

jennibear01 said:

AtomAgeStrawberry said:

@Terazu said:whats the difference between a good/bad girl in bed? 

:DI'm not sure if you're asking in the sense of whether she's a good lay or a 'good girl' in the other way. 

At the very least, a woman who is good in bed needs to be enthusiastic and visibly passionate without veering into fake porn star territory. Not because I don't like porn stars, but because in my mind their act is hella fake. I personally want a lot of caresses, kisses, and tenderness in between the hair pulling and biting.

hair pulling and biting??? lol what about whips? maybe you need band aids hehe


i feel the same way! i think i blushed while reading that  haha. doesn't it make you wonder who else in here is hiding some perversion like that? lol

 answer honestly guys. do men enjoy kinky and pervert things like that?X_X

just so you dont feel alone my gf tells me that she wants to try getting tied up and whipped naked. but she is a little crazy in bed so im not surprised lmao

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Guest SlicedBread

And before I forget, every man who has turned bad has been because of a woman. I have historical evidence, personal evidence,  as well as forum evidence.
Exhibit A: 
Eve turned Adam bad by forcing him to eat the forbidden fruit. Thanks a lot girls, now humans can't live forever in the Garden of Eden. :P
Exhibit B:
Every perversion I got a taste for, I learned from a woman. They will force a man to do things in the room that are illegal in most countries.
Exhibit C:
This Ask The Fellas thread got kinky because of a single question by...you guessed it...a woman. I'm not naming names but the perpetrator knows who she is.  :P
I rest my case. 

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studies show women are more into the kinky stuff then men are (in married couples)
not because woman are inherently perverse, but because of sexual repression through their lives, and once they have a husband all of the subconcious social pressures of premarital sex are lifted and women go cray! 
this makes a lot of sense, as no matter how "liberal" a woman is with her body, somewhere deep inside, surely she is affected by the out look of pretty much the entire modern world.

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Guest Terazu

SlicedBread said: And before I forget, every man who has turned bad has been because of a woman. I have historical evidence, personal evidence,  as well as forum evidence.
Exhibit A: 
Eve turned Adam bad by forcing him to eat the forbidden fruit. Thanks a lot girls, now humans can't live forever in the Garden of Eden. :P
Exhibit B:
Every perversion I got a taste for, I learned from a woman. They will force a man to do things in the room that are illegal in most countries.
Exhibit C:
This Ask The Fellas thread got kinky because of a single question by...you guessed it...a woman. I'm not naming names but the perpetrator knows who she is.  :P
I rest my case. 

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Guest hearthealer

Given the right girl/guy, wouldn't you be willing to try kinky bedroom stuff?
ps. I think i'm a good girl...but there are certain things I'm actually keen on from that list :P Well not keen but wouldn't mind trying out.

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What is the logic behind yelling at a girl while driving past her' date=' whether she is on the sidewalk or in her own car? [/quote']

It's just for the fun of it. I do it a lot, everytime I see a girl beside me or walking down the street..I holla and wave at her. LOL cute huh?! ^^

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I had this conversation with a girl at a nightclub.  I'm unsure of where this is going, where to take it.  I need help fellas.

So I was on the way to the bathroom, and I see this gorgeous brunette walk out, about 5'7 in high heels, fishnet tank top, neon pink bra, total knockout.  I stop her, and conversation starts:

Me:  Wow, you are f*-ing gorgeousHer:  Thanks! (big smile)Me: I'm ____Her: (Gives name, shakes hand)  Me:  We should go out for a drink sometime.  I love your style.Her:  Sorry, I have a boyfriend Me:  I said I thought you were gorgeous and that we should get drinks, not that I wanted to be your boyfriendHer:  I'm trying to be good.(she smiles, I can't tell whether it's mischievous or polite)Me:  I love good girls.  Give me your number.  Her: (Takes phone I hand her types in #) 

Anyways, we talk a little more, and I leave the club.  I text her that night (standard text u send out to a girl you met at a club).  She's been responding at really odd times, she's texting either immediately after I text, or with long gaps meaning 6-9 hours.  Nothing in between.  I added her to FB, and she accepted days later.  We send flirtatiously texts, but she doesn't seem like she wants to meet.

Should I push to meet or does she just like attention?  Usually I can tell, but I can't really tell here.  She hasn't mentioned her boyfriend over texts but she definitely has one due to her FB.  She's hot, but I want a drama free.  She's tough to read.    

If she has a boyfriend, do you really want to be a home wrecker? If you don't care, are you going to be prepared if you are confronted by her boyfriend? Ask yourself those questions first, then ask us again.

I can only say you should move on. Karma will hit you back unexpectedly.

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Guest hearthealer

If she has a boyfriend, why get between them? Move on. That seems pretty straightforward to me. Also would you really want to date a girl who tells men "I have a boyfriend" then gives them her number anyway?
Ps. She seems to just like the attention.
PPS. Realized belatedly this was "ask the fellas", ah well...you answered qns in "ask the ladies"...so my opinion still stands :P

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speedredefined said: I had this conversation with a girl at a nightclub.  I'm unsure of where this is going, where to take it.  I need help fellas.
So I was on the way to the bathroom, and I see this gorgeous brunette walk out, about 5'8 in high heels, fishnet tank top, neon pink bra, total knockout.  I stop her, and conversation starts:
Me:  Wow, you are f*-ing gorgeousHer:  Thanks! (big smile)Me: I'm ____Her: (Gives name, shakes hand)  Me:  We should go out for a drink sometime.  I love your style.Her:  Sorry, I have a boyfriend Me:  I said I thought you were gorgeous and that we should get drinks, not that I wanted to be your boyfriendHer:  I'm trying to be good.(she smiles, I can't tell whether it's mischievous or polite)Me:  I love good girls.  Give me your number.  Her: (Takes phone I hand her types in #) 
Anyways, we talk a little more, and I leave the club.  I text her that night (standard text u send out to a girl you met at a club).  She's been responding at really odd times, she's texting either immediately after I text, or with long gaps meaning 6-9 hours.  Nothing in between.  I added her to FB, and she accepted days later.  We send flirtatiously texts, but she doesn't seem like she wants to meet.
Should I push to meet or does she just like attention?  Usually I can tell, but I can't really tell here.  She hasn't mentioned her boyfriend over texts but she definitely has one due to her FB.  She's hot, but I want a drama free.  She's tough to read.    

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Guest AtomAgeStrawberry

speedredefined said: I had this conversation with a girl at a nightclub.  I'm unsure of where this is going, where to take it.  I need help fellas.
So I was on the way to the bathroom, and I see this gorgeous brunette walk out, about 5'8 in high heels, fishnet tank top, neon pink bra, total knockout.  I stop her, and conversation starts:
Me:  Wow, you are f*-ing gorgeousHer:  Thanks! (big smile)Me: I'm ____Her: (Gives name, shakes hand)  Me:  We should go out for a drink sometime.  I love your style.Her:  Sorry, I have a boyfriend Me:  I said I thought you were gorgeous and that we should get drinks, not that I wanted to be your boyfriendHer:  I'm trying to be good.(she smiles, I can't tell whether it's mischievous or polite)Me:  I love good girls.  Give me your number.  Her: (Takes phone I hand her types in #) 
Anyways, we talk a little more, and I leave the club.  I text her that night (standard text u send out to a girl you met at a club).  She's been responding at really odd times, she's texting either immediately after I text, or with long gaps meaning 6-9 hours.  Nothing in between.  I added her to FB, and she accepted days later.  We send flirtatiously texts, but she doesn't seem like she wants to meet.
Should I push to meet or does she just like attention?  Usually I can tell, but I can't really tell here.  She hasn't mentioned her boyfriend over texts but she definitely has one due to her FB.  She's hot, but I want a drama free.  She's tough to read.    

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