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Guest iilysium

Okay, this is a weird question, but I was watching Star Trek and had to know.
Say there is this hot girl but she is green. Would you make her your girlfriend even though she is green?


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Guest NitsujN_RN

iilysium said: Okay, this is a weird question, but I was watching Star Trek and had to know.
Say there is this hot girl but she is green. Would you make her your girlfriend even though she is green?


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iilysium said: Okay, this is a weird question, but I was watching Star Trek and had to know.
Say there is this hot girl but she is green. Would you make her your girlfriend even though she is green?


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Guest iilysium

Okay, I have a more srs question. 
I understand very well how men are visual creatures and for them, physical attraction is fairly important.
 Say that you are engaged to the most amazing woman you have ever met; gorgeous, funny, smart, and super sweet. She has done so much for you. You are about to get married in 2 months!
 Let's say there is this scenario that happens; you're both hiking, and bam! You come across a wild beast. It attacks, coming for you, and she throws herself in front of the beast for you and proceeds to get most of her face clawed off and she gets fatally injured (you get some injuries but not as serious trying to save her).
 Pepper spray saves your lives and you both are alive.
 She is horribly scarred with a missing nose, disfigured lips and half her face gone. She also lost quite a few fingers.
You're in the hospital together and she tries to break off the impending marriage because she is afraid she is now too disfigured for you and that you don't desire her anymore.
 What do you do?
 Lulz thanks for answering my weird questions.

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Guest ikweli

^can i just dodge the question and just say that that will never happen?! i'll always be the one to sacrifice. and if shes like wtf and re-jumps in front of me then ill re-jump in front of her and be the sacrifice. and when its me with the missing nose, half face gone etc. ill probably just kill myself because fk that, unless im pretty old ill think twice and just live it off

dont make me answer your question doe =( ask a happier one

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Guest iilysium

^ The wild beast was like only 5 ft from y'all so not enough time to play leapfrog lmfao.

Well if you lose half of your face you can become the Phantom of the Opera? Hordes of girls still want his babies.
-pat- I think I can guess your answer.

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Guest ikweli

^ROFL in that case ill just throw her somewhere and then fight the wild beast
what makes you think you can guess my answer though? i just didnt want to make our fellow soompi members get so emotional and cry over my romantic response

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Guest NitsujN_RN

She would still be a keeper because I've known her for so long that I'm about to get married in 2 months! I'd be more attached to her personality than looks at that point. And she saved my life when it should've been mine. I'm forever in debt. Who cares about looks, there's plastic surgery for everything nowadays. ;)
If she wants to cancel the wedding, even better. We can go to Vegas, marry in secret, and save $10-20k in the process. BOOM! Profit.
That's just me though. Every guy has a different approach.

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that's a tough question. I don't have any dating exp, but I have some input. 

what I do think is really important to note are 2 things:
-the disfiguring has nothing to do with her personality, which still remains to be as perfect as before.-there were ugly people that I (I know, this is bad) admittedly didn't want to be friends with first, but they grew on me and I started to like them because they were nice.

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iilysium said: Okay, I have a more srs question. 
I understand very well how men are visual creatures and for them, physical attraction is fairly important.
 Say that you are engaged to the most amazing woman you have ever met; gorgeous, funny, smart, and super sweet. She has done so much for you. You are about to get married in 2 months!
 Let's say there is this scenario that happens; you're both hiking, and bam! You come across a wild beast. It attacks, coming for you, and she throws herself in front of the beast for you and proceeds to get most of her face clawed off and she gets fatally injured (you get some injuries but not as serious trying to save her).
 Pepper spray saves your lives and you both are alive.
 She is horribly scarred with a missing nose, disfigured lips and half her face gone. She also lost quite a few fingers.
You're in the hospital together and she tries to break off the impending marriage because she is afraid she is now too disfigured for you and that you don't desire her anymore.
 What do you do?
 Lulz thanks for answering my weird questions.

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iilysium said:  Let's say there is this scenario that happens; you're both hiking, and bam! You come across a wild beast. It attacks, coming for you, and she throws herself in front of the beast for you and proceeds to get most of her face clawed off and she gets fatally injured (you get some injuries but not as serious trying to save her).
What do you do?

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Guest joongielove

Hey fellas,
I'm super annoyed right now. My boyfriend and I got into a fight yesterday, and he's been giving me the silent treatment since. normally i'm the one to text/call what have you, but this time I'm done. Haven't heard from him since 11 am yesterday, and I've stopped trying to get in touch since 8 pm yesterday. He's done this before where he just fell off the earth on me. I need him to know this isn't mature and it's not ok. Do i continue silent treatmenting him or send one last text? 
btw- i am not an advocate for the silent treatment. i prefer to talk things out. however, if he wants to play this game, i'm not gonna give him what he wants by giving in and groveling. 

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joongielove said: Hey fellas,
I'm super annoyed right now. My boyfriend and I got into a fight yesterday, and he's been giving me the silent treatment since. normally i'm the one to text/call what have you, but this time I'm done. Haven't heard from him since 11 am yesterday, and I've stopped trying to get in touch since 8 pm yesterday. He's done this before where he just fell off the earth on me. I need him to know this isn't mature and it's not ok. Do i continue silent treatmenting him or send one last text? 
btw- i am not an advocate for the silent treatment. i prefer to talk things out. however, if he wants to play this game, i'm not gonna give him what he wants by giving in and groveling. 

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Guest ikweli

joongielove said: Hey fellas,
I'm super annoyed right now. My boyfriend and I got into a fight yesterday, and he's been giving me the silent treatment since. normally i'm the one to text/call what have you, but this time I'm done. Haven't heard from him since 11 am yesterday, and I've stopped trying to get in touch since 8 pm yesterday. He's done this before where he just fell off the earth on me. I need him to know this isn't mature and it's not ok. Do i continue silent treatmenting him or send one last text? 
btw- i am not an advocate for the silent treatment. i prefer to talk things out. however, if he wants to play this game, i'm not gonna give him what he wants by giving in and groveling. 

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