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mmkaaay. here's my question!

A guy I was (or maybe still am) infatuated with, took the same bus as me, because he lives close to me.

I then took the chance to say hi to him.

After that day, I'ts always been ME trying to talk to him and making conversation.

On the other hand, he never tried. He never talked to me first. Sometimes he did sit with me on the bus (because I get on first) and I now have the thought that maybe, he only sat with me because there was nowhere else to sit.

Just a week ago, he started taking the earlier bus from the one I take. I am thinking he's avoiding me now.

Why? what have I done wrong?

Did he find me annoying for always trying to make conversation? I only wanted to know him better, to become better friends.

He goes to my school too, btw.

if I found this topic earlier, I would've asked what we would talk about. because I was running out of things to have convos about. But now, I don't care anymore. I just wonder WHAT IS UP WITH THIS GUY?

I don't wanna ask him straight up because I am only having a FEELING that he's avoiding me. if I asked him, he'd be like "o-o; why do you worry so much?" and he'll have the knowledge that I WAS (maybe still am) INFATUATED WITH HIM!


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Haha, not enough guys to answer questions, but that's okay, I'll just add to the pile since I'm nice like that.:rolleyes:


What's with guys and texting..? How come girls always have to text first , (at least for me anyways -.-)?

I've been texting with this guy for like a week, and he texted me first only twice  but even that made me soo happy cause it's rare, haha.

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Guest PopRockets

Say you had history with a girl, and you guys never really cleared matters up.

Does a guy ever truly lose feelings for that first girl he falls for?

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Guest pyrotekniq

hey fellas!

there's this boy. we talk/e-mail almost every day (for the past three months or so). even with my good friends, we don't talk every day, so i found it a bit strange.

anyhow, we hung out last week and so both got a chance to chat for a bit. it feels like each time we're just about to get closer, he'll disappear. i haven't heard from him this week. what's up with him?

in the past, he's asked to hang out but will flake at the last minute.

thanks for listening.

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Would a guy look at a girl (that he thinks may like him) and then turn around when she looks back because he's also interested in her or because he just wants to check if she's looking at him? Sorry if that's confusing. :\

can go either way. When I see a particularly attractive woman, I catch myself staring ;;;;

is getting a guy a build a bear a bad idea? :x

The guy i like's birthday is coming up and i went to build a bear to make a bear with his fav basketball team's jersey. And then after a lot of thinking, it feels kind of lame/corny :x

was it a bad idea?


yea you can say we're pretty close.

Our feelings are mutual, too (:

.... Its.... what the.. lol

Some guys will be okay with it, but if somebody got me a doll, I wouldn't be psyched about it.

So i have a guy friend, who when sometimes he talks to me his guy friends would tease him. Such as like oh you should put your arm around her and teach her how to bla bla bla (not perverted), and he would say no and i would say no lols. Or like ohh he is sitting by her. lol. but i mean would guys do that when they think his friend likes someone or when he knows for sure? and also, isnt it awkward for the guy who is teased, because i just simply pretend i dont hear it but i think it is cute, but i also now watch what i do, not wanting his friends to think something

his friends are trying to encourage and/or are jealous of him.

My buddies don't do this, but I've seen guys that do.

mmkaaay. here's my question!

A guy I was (or maybe still am) infatuated with, took the same bus as me, because he lives close to me.

I then took the chance to say hi to him.

After that day, I'ts always been ME trying to talk to him and making conversation.

On the other hand, he never tried. He never talked to me first. Sometimes he did sit with me on the bus (because I get on first) and I now have the thought that maybe, he only sat with me because there was nowhere else to sit.

Just a week ago, he started taking the earlier bus from the one I take. I am thinking he's avoiding me now.

Why? what have I done wrong?

Did he find me annoying for always trying to make conversation? I only wanted to know him better, to become better friends.

He goes to my school too, btw.

if I found this topic earlier, I would've asked what we would talk about. because I was running out of things to have convos about. But now, I don't care anymore. I just wonder WHAT IS UP WITH THIS GUY?

I don't wanna ask him straight up because I am only having a FEELING that he's avoiding me. if I asked him, he'd be like "o-o; why do you worry so much?" and he'll have the knowledge that I WAS (maybe still am) INFATUATED WITH HIM!


Let it go.

So I wanna ask this guy in my university class for coffee or lunch.

1. Is there a way to ask without sounding like a date?

2. If he agrees....and after eating....how can I tell him i'll pay (since i asked him)? i dont want to make him feel like he has no $.

ask him if he likes coffee, chipotle, or whatever else you eat? Arrange a study session?

A friend of mine recently bribed me with dinner for helping her out in ochem.

either that. or don't tell him until the last minute?

Haha, not enough guys to answer questions, but that's okay, I'll just add to the pile since I'm nice like that.:rolleyes:


What's with guys and texting..? How come girls always have to text first , (at least for me anyways -.-)?

I've been texting with this guy for like a week, and he texted me first only twice  but even that made me soo happy cause it's rare, haha.

Sorry, Finals :/

Maybe you're not very interesting to talk to? Perhaps he knows that you will text him.

Say you had history with a girl, and you guys never really cleared matters up.

Does a guy ever truly lose feelings for that first girl he falls for?

He may lose interest.

I don't believe anyone loses all feelings for somebody they fall for. Resolved or unresolved, some feeling remains...

It's all a matter of whether it is worth acting upon those feelings.

hey fellas!

there's this boy.  we talk/e-mail almost every day (for the past three months or so).  even with my good friends, we don't talk every day, so i found it a bit strange.

anyhow, we hung out last week and so both got a chance to chat for a bit.  it feels like each time we're just about to get closer, he'll disappear.  i haven't heard from him this week.  what's up with him?

in the past, he's asked to hang out but will flake at the last minute.

thanks for listening.

General situation = general answer.

There are so many hypothetical reasons... We know nothing about the guy, so its difficult to take a guess.

He may be losing interest, or be extremely manipulative, or it could all be a coincidence etc.

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Question. If a guy asks a girl about her previous relationships (stuff like, have you ever been kissed before, ever been in a relationship etc...pretty weird I know lol), does that show interest or is that just a general question? I mean, normally people wouldn't ask that out of the blue right? Also, the girl doesn't know the guy for very long (about two weeks).

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Question. If a guy asks a girl about her previous relationships (stuff like, have you ever been kissed before, ever been in a relationship etc...pretty weird I know lol), does that show interest or is that just a general question? I mean, normally people wouldn't ask that out of the blue right? Also, the girl doesn't know the guy for very long (about two weeks).

it is a general question... i ask stuff like that a lot coz talking about relationships imo is fun

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if I found this topic earlier, I would've asked what we would talk about. because I was running out of things to have convos about. But now, I don't care anymore. I just wonder WHAT IS UP WITH THIS GUY?

I don't wanna ask him straight up because I am only having a FEELING that he's avoiding me. if I asked him, he'd be like "o-o; why do you worry so much?" and he'll have the knowledge that I WAS (maybe still am) INFATUATED WITH HIM!


If you asked me whether I'm avoiding you or not I'm not going to think "OH she likes me uh-huh"

So I wanna ask this guy in my university class for coffee or lunch.

1. Is there a way to ask without sounding like a date?

2. If he agrees....and after eating....how can I tell him i'll pay (since i asked him)? i dont want to make him feel like he has no $.

1. LET'S GRAB SOME COFFEE TOMORROW :w00t: (the expression must be observed to make it appear that you are only interested in coffee)

2. If he let's you buy food for him, then you get to pay.

What's with guys and texting..? How come girls always have to text first , (at least for me anyways -.-)?

I've been texting with this guy for like a week, and he texted me first only twice  but even that made me soo happy cause it's rare, haha.

I don't text because the idea of texting takes way too much effort since I don't have a QWERTY keypad and I would only text if it were urgent. But if it were urgent I'd probably just call because it would take too much effort to text.

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Guest lollienoodles

Hey guys.. need you guys to help shed light on a situation..

Last week I was out with friends going clubbing.. On the way home we decided to go to the beach and watch the sunrise but it was literally freezing outside so I and a friend stayed inside the car while everyone else went outside. I have only known this guy for about a month but we've gotten really close really fast cos I figured out who he was crushing on (a good friend of mine) and promised i'd help him with her. While we were in the car things just progressed really fast.. we started cuddling, holding hands and he starting kissing me on the forehead and hand. Just sweet gestures that made my heart flutter. The next day though.. he said that he didnt remember anything from the previous night even though he said he only had a few drinks. I was literally freaking out and didnt know what to do so I decided not to talk to him for awhile to clear my thoughts.. Then he got all pissy at me for avoiding him. Also whenever I talk about other guys to him he gets all like, "Oh Seth aye? Whats going on there? ;D" (example) Then when I dont reply to his texts or pick up his calls he gets all pissy and says that Im too busy with other guys. Whenever I go out he'd always ask where i've been and who I was with and if I was with a guy he always questions everything we do. He always compares himself to other guys I talk to and always likes saying hes better than the other (e.g. "Dude, Im way hotter than that!" "Siff you're talking to that! He sounds like a chick! I sound way more sexier than that dont you think?") At one point I seriously thought he liked me or something but then when he told me that he was going on a date with the girl he liked, I completely ruled out that possibility. Also, he gave me his ring yesterday and told me to keep it safe for him which was odd cos he always wears the ring wherever he goes. When he gave me the ring he put it on the 'marriage' finger and then when I was like "err?" He said it was an accident and moved it onto my middle finger. I was so confused! And today he just told me that he and that chick decided to 'see' eachother if you know what that means =/

I know what I wrote is long but Im so confused! I just want to know what he wants from me.. please help guys D:

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Guest heylove

Hello all! I would be so grateful if someone could answer my question ^^

There's this guy (that I recently developed a bit of interest towards) in my project group of 6 people and we just started getting to know each other a little better since we spent a good amount of time finishing up the project for the deadline tomorrow. It was a little past lunch and it was just us two and he decided to buy some food from the library cafe downstairs and he offered to buy me something but I kindly declined. When he did return, he bought me a bagel even though I didn't want anything. Is this just a friendly gesture or could it be a sign of interest? I'm really bad at reading signs so some advice from you guys would help. Thanks!! :D

I guess, is it in your guys nature to do that sort of thing for a girl you might be interested in but don't know that well? Would you bring food back for any girl that you're somewhat acquainted with?

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hey guys, this isn't really about relationship type question, but it is a question for the fellas. since it's december = christmas season = buying gifts, i've heard mixed things on what to get. My general question is: do guys prefer material gifts or immaterial gifts or a little bit of both?

Material gifts would mean like ipod, clothes, wallets... etc. things in general that can be purchased

Immaterial gifts would mean stuff like: a scrapbook, personalized items that's between the two of you, bakery items.. etc. things in general that can't necessarily be brought, and it's most likely associated between the two of you.

lil' bit of both would obviously mean bits of both material and immaterial items.

I'm torn on what to get my bf, i have some ideas, but i just want some outside opinon. and of course asking him isn't helpful, since he always says that he doesn't want anything except me :wub: but that's just not practical. haha. so guys, what do you generally like of what i mentioned?

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hey guys, this isn't really about relationship type question, but it is a question for the fellas. since it's december = christmas season = buying gifts, i've heard mixed things on what to get. My general question is: do guys prefer material gifts or immaterial gifts or a little bit of both?

Material gifts would mean like ipod, clothes, wallets... etc. things in general that can be purchased

Immaterial gifts would mean stuff like: a scrapbook, personalized items that's between the two of you, bakery items.. etc. things in general that can't necessarily be brought, and it's most likely associated between the two of you.

lil' bit of both would obviously mean bits of both material and immaterial items.

I'm torn on what to get my bf, i have some ideas, but i just want some outside opinon. and of course asking him isn't helpful, since he always says that he doesn't want anything except me  :wub: but that's just not practical. haha. so guys, what do you generally like of what i mentioned?

bit of both i'd say so maybe something like a necklace with an engraving or just plan something for him like a dinner/a whole day where he can just spend the day with you. Christmas is a holiday all about having people around, not so much as materialistic as everyone claims it to be. the gift of presence is better than any presents

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bit of both i'd say so maybe something like a necklace with an engraving or just plan something for him like a dinner/a whole day where he can just spend the day with you. Christmas is a holiday all about having people around, not so much as materialistic as everyone claims it to be. the gift of presence is better than any presents

thanks for the quick reply :)

yeahh that's how i see it too on christmas is sharing time with people around you, rather than on the actual gifts itself. gifts are more of having the though is what counts. i like your phrase "the gift of presence is better than any presents". happy holidays!

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thanks for the quick reply :)

yeahh that's how i see it too on christmas is sharing time with people around you, rather than on the actual gifts itself. gifts are more of having the though is what counts. i like your phrase "the gift of presence is better than any presents". happy holidays!

np and happy holidays to you too! hope all goes well and ya i like to make puns/rhymes a lot haha

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Hey guys.. need you guys to help shed light on a situation..

Last week I was out with friends going clubbing.. On the way home we decided to go to the beach and watch the sunrise but it was literally freezing outside so I and a friend stayed inside the car while everyone else went outside. I have only known this guy for about a month but we've gotten really close really fast cos I figured out who he was crushing on (a good friend of mine) and promised i'd help him with her. While we were in the car things just progressed really fast.. we started cuddling, holding hands and he starting kissing me on the forehead and hand. Just sweet gestures that made my heart flutter. The next day though.. he said that he didnt remember anything from the previous night even though he said he only had a few drinks. I was literally freaking out and didnt know what to do so I decided not to talk to him for awhile to clear my thoughts.. Then he got all pissy at me for avoiding him. Also whenever I talk about other guys to him he gets all like, "Oh Seth aye? Whats going on there? ;D" (example) Then when I dont reply to his texts or pick up his calls he gets all pissy and says that Im too busy with other guys. Whenever I go out he'd always ask where i've been and who I was with and if I was with a guy he always questions everything we do. He always compares himself to other guys I talk to and always likes saying hes better than the other (e.g. "Dude, Im way hotter than that!" "Siff you're talking to that! He sounds like a chick! I sound way more sexier than that dont you think?") At one point I seriously thought he liked me or something but then when he told me that he was going on a date with the girl he liked, I completely ruled out that possibility. Also, he gave me his ring yesterday and told me to keep it safe for him which was odd cos he always wears the ring wherever he goes. When he gave me the ring he put it on the 'marriage' finger and then when I was like "err?" He said it was an accident and moved it onto my middle finger. I was so confused! And today he just told me that he and that chick decided to 'see' eachother if you know what that means =/

I know what I wrote is long but Im so confused! I just want to know what he wants from me.. please help guys D:

I think he's keeping his options open and leading you on. I think he developed and interest in you that night and played it off the next day saying he doesn't remember, because it's an easy excuse/scape goat. Or i could be wrong it's the other way around he's using that girl to make you jealous

Hello all! I would be so grateful if someone could answer my question ^^

There's this guy (that I recently developed a bit of interest towards) in my project group of 6 people and we just started getting to know each other a little better since we spent a good amount of time finishing up the project for the deadline tomorrow. It was a little past lunch and it was just us two and he decided to buy some food from the library cafe downstairs and he offered to buy me something but I kindly declined. When he did return, he bought me a bagel even though I didn't want anything. Is this just a friendly gesture or could it be a sign of interest? I'm really bad at reading signs so some advice from you guys would help. Thanks!! :D

I guess, is it in your guys nature to do that sort of thing for a girl you might be interested in but don't know that well? Would you bring food back for any girl that you're somewhat acquainted with?

I think it was just a nice gesture, but with subconscious interest.. if that made sense. Personally if someone that's an acquaintance refuses me once, i'll accept it and move on. If it's someone i'm interested in i'll ask once or twice more, but on the way to buying something for myself i'll contemplate the whole time thinking "maybe i should, just incase she's hungry" or something along that line, whether or not i act on it depends on how much i like the girl

Just wonderingg..

What's it mean when guys say "You're so jokess!"

Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

I'm wondering if it's a let's just be friends vibe or what.

I think it's a just be friends vibe, cuz with my friends that are girls i'll talk to them like they're guys, but... there is a girl that i liked and confessed to but we just stayed friends, i purposely talked to her as if she was a guy so that she wouldn't feel awkward and also so that i could hide the fact that i still did like her to maintain our friendship

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Guest NINEorMore

Little question about x-mas.

he said "what do you want for x-mas? or should i just take you shopping and you pick out a present you like yourself?"

.... i dont even know how to respond to that. in my mind i was thinking "omg are you serious?! you dont know what to buy me?! what kind of bf are you??!!!?"

i need a solution. please and thank you:)

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