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Guest bigbangfan1234

what do guys talk about when they're hanging out without any girls? my guy friends are always telling me that they talk about nasty things so i'm really curious...

also, my friend told me that his roommate thinks i'm cute and wanted to meet me, i hung out with him twice so far with a small group of people and he usually tries to sit next to me, but he doesn't really ask questions to get to know me. like i would ask him a question and he would respond and say how about you? he doesn't come up with his own questions.

would you guys say that he's feeling shy or embarrassed because there are other people around or he's just doesn't want to get to know me anymore?

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In a male's perspective, if you wanted to hang out with a girl (as friends! PLATONIC?!) who is in a relationship, do you ever feel weird if her boyfriend tags along, or if her boyfriend doesn't approve? Do you hate being the third wheel?

There have been times where I hung out with a few of my guy friends without my boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like it's awkward because people have that fear or expectation of PDA with couples. My boyfriend and I don't really do much PDA in public - sometimes we'll hold hands... sometimes! I just don't want my guy friends to feel uncomfortable!

And I've had a particular guy friend who told me that he didn't want to be the "fifth wheel" because it was me, my boyfriend, and two friends (another couple). I found it strange because he's hung out with me and my boyfriend before! In fact, he's close friends with us all, so I still don't understand his reasoning where he said "the situation would be weird - I don't want to be the fifth wheel". Also this particular guy friend has invited my boyfriend to certain outings, and tells me to tag along! I've declined a few times, but he pressures me to tag along because we are a "couple" and it would be weird if one of us went and the other didn't.

I guess I have two questions:

- Do guy prefer to hang out with girls solo? This is a general question.

- For my particular guy friend, is his "third/fifth wheel" reasoning plausible? lol or is he battling other demons because he's still butthurt over his previous relationship (total fiasco, btw)?

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Guest hmm_umm

So I met this guy (he's guy #1)  in lecture (it's a 200 person class) and we didn't talk at all. Later, we met up again on the bus and that's when we started talking. He sat beside me again the following class and we talked again.

Last class, though, was different. It's the very last class of the semester, so I won't see him again (unless I run into him during exams) and he came to class late. I ended up sitting beside another guy friend (that I introduced to him the class before this one but they didn't really get along too well and my guy friend was acting really clingy and... I guess it seemed like we're really close even though we're not to guy #1). Anyways, he came in late and he sat in our usual area, but duh, I wasn't there cause I was sitting with someone else. So I thought I would talk to him in break (cause it's a long class). At the break though, as I was walking up, I was trying to catch his eye from the corner of my eye thing, but he kept staring forward so I walked past him, and then he sort of looked at me, so I thought I should say hi. I did, and then I pretty much ran out on him even though it seemed like he wanted to talk more cause I was so nervous.... And when class ended, I wanted to catch him with him to take the bus (although I didn't tell him this bit of information) and he left before I could find him. I went to our usual bus stop and he wasn't there either which was disappointing. I don't have his contact info or anything, but I guess I could find him at exams and get it.

The thing is... I'm not sure if he's into me or if he ran out cause he doesn't really like me and wants to get out of taking the bus with me... He's sort of a shy-er guy... and my friends all say that I have to ask for his number, but I feel like if a guy likes me then he'll ask for my number... even if he is the shy type. I don't know. I guess what I'm asking is should I ask for his number? Do you think he thought something was up between me and my other guy friend? I just don't know lol...

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Guest __forensic

About a year and a half ago (August 2009?) I met this really cute guy at a club. He was really polite and kept saying (& kept coming up to tell me) how he thought I was really cute, but at that time I had a boyfriend so he backed off politely.

We only shook hands & exchanged names and I never really forgot that moment (because I regretted it)

So...I was currently going through an acquaintance's pictures on facebook...and I see him tagged in one of her pictures!

So the question is, would it be...really awkward and weird if I messaged him? Or just...let it go?

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Me: T.T

Him: huh?

Me: nothing. I just miss you. And school is so busy.

Him: awww I know my school is so busy too.

Me: you don't miss me?

Him: hahahah what are you saying? haha

Me: you ignored my "miss you" comment.

Him: awww no just too much to do lol

Is it so hard for guys to say miss you back? :(

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hahahah. That is crazy but it just might work. Now, where can I get handcuffs?

Adult store.

He's sort of a shy-er guy... and my friends all say that I have to ask for his number, but I feel like if a guy likes me then he'll ask for my number... even if he is the shy type.

He won't ask for your number, no matter how much he likes you. Shyness will overtake him whenever he contemplates it and he'll end up not doing it. Or if you're lucky he will, but are you going to reach for things that you want, or hope that it comes around?

Just talk to him next time instead of running away or expecting that he'll do it "if he really liked you"

So...I was currently going through an acquaintance's pictures on facebook...and I see him tagged in one of her pictures!

So the question is, would it be...really awkward and weird if I messaged him? Or just...let it go?

If I understand how this "clubbing" thing works correctly, he probably doesn't even remember you. Just get your friend to introduce you or something. Maybe he will magically remember you and go "ah! you're that girl from the club" and things will be favorable.

Is it so hard for guys to say miss you back? :(

Sometimes. It sounds silly to me.

But if this is the same guy that you made a thread about before where you laughed at him when he was displaying insecurity that might be it.

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Me: T.T

Him: huh?

Me: nothing. I just miss you. And school is so busy.

Him: awww I know my school is so busy too.

Me: you don't miss me?

Him: hahahah what are you saying? haha

Me: you ignored my "miss you" comment.

Him: awww no just too much to do lol

Is it so hard for guys to say miss you back? :(

Well in a sense he's being forced to say he misses you.

If he says he don't or just a little then obviously that's an answer that you don't want to hear.

but overall both men and women got to understand that everybody feels differently on certain things at certain times.

It may take longer for him to feel the same way about you as you do for him.

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Guest __forensic

If I understand how this "clubbing" thing works correctly, he probably doesn't even remember you. Just get your friend to introduce you or something. Maybe he will magically remember you and go "ah! you're that girl from the club" and things will be favorable.

I don't really know/like the girl who knows him though & we don't have any other mutual friends. But you're right, he most likely won't remember me, haha..booo.

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Guest __forensic

It would be easier to use her and then discard her when you're done with her!

HAHHAHA.....good point dude, good point. Any tips then to ask her? :)

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Guest Psyche81

So, tell me guys. Why would you add a girl you know on msn and then when she emailed you, you never reply? I mean, is it because you don't like her? You don't want to talk to her? But then if you don't like her, then why did you even add her on msn in the first place?

I just don't get it.

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So, tell me guys. Why would you add a girl you know on msn and then when she emailed you, you never reply? I mean, is it because you don't like her? You don't want to talk to her? But then if you don't like her, then why did you even add her on msn in the first place?

I just don't get it.

Neither do I, but that's cause I'm not a busy man.

Are you sure he's not AFK or gaming all the time? You can't ask him in person? Then we'll see if he's ignoring you or not.

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Guest TooKawaaii2

Hey guys, this is gonna be a long question so bear with me please, lol

My best friend has liked/loved this boy for like 4 years, and he said he used to like her but not anymore. Now, Me, this boy, and my best friend are like the three musketeers, and we've been really close friends for 9 years now. I really want them to be together but my best friend gets hurt by him, because he'll flirt with her but then he says he has no interest. Now here comes the difficult part, this boy is also my best friend and recently i keep getting this weird feeling when Im with him, like if my best friend tries to get him to be alone with her, he'll insist I come along.

whenever were in class Ill look over and he'll be staring at me? This one day i was over his house playing video games like we usually do and I kept having a hard time reaching the L2 button and he took my hand and said "its cuz yours hands are really small-laugh- gosh ur so cute". Okay now is it just me or is their something going on here? Like I love this guy he's been my best friend for years and I have alot of respect for him but not in that way, On top of that my best friend keeps telling me that i should get them together but he dosent like it when i talk about other girls, so me and her got into a fight because I called her selfish because she was willing to ruin my relationship with him in order for her to get closer to him.

Like I really dont know what to do, Am I a bad person because I feel like no matter what i do I cant get both sides happy. Thanks guys

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Guest mMmMm M&M's x3

  Hey guys! i'm thinking of getting my bf a mini foosball table for xmas, along with a sweater...do you guys think it's too childish for a 26yr old? thanks!

here's a pic foosball.jpg

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Guest sweetfunnyhoney

hey guys,

im a long time soompi reader, just not much of a poster, but i really need some help with my guy issues!

ive talked to all my close friends, been getting different answers, i just need more information.

i'll keep it short, me and this guy have been flirtatiously texting here and there for the past 2-3 months

i didn't see it as anything too serious, bc the texts/calls were dirty/flirty/etc you guys know what i'm talking about..to me he just seemed like a COMPLETE player, but i didn't care, i just enjoyed the attention.

next thing you know, a few days ago, we met up, and he completely called me out on me lying (barely lied), saying that i don't try hard enough, i don't think about him enough to call/text him, told me that he's been cheated/played on so he hates any kind of shady stuff, he literally remembered everything since the beginning.

i was just in shock because trust me, the way he was texting/talking to me, was just COMPLETE PLAYER LIKE attitude

so after he put me on blast basically, the next day, i decided to "try" and i told him to come over & hang out..I called & texted, got no response out of him (didnt pick up or answer my text). i told him it was my last time "trying".

i just feel like one day, hes all over me, the next he barely talks to me?

Am i still getting played? lol

my first impression of him was = player, (i know what you guys are thinking why would u even deal with him? im just trying to have fun as well)

but at the same time, he threw me off that one time he went crazy on me?

am i not reading something right?


if there are any PLAYER EXPERTS (lol) out there, please PM me and i'll give you the details im just CONFUSED!

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Guest Hard candy

hello dear soompiers!

I am thinking about asking a guy to hang out, any suggestions would be appreciated, oh and I am interested in him and he is my friend but not that close. What things would be fun to do?

Thank you so much-!

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Guest purplerain789

Ok i'll try to make this long story short. I met this guy around almost 3 years now. We started off just talking occasionally from time to time online. Then about a year ago we started talking literally every single night to each other online for a full year and a half. I found it kind of weird how we would talk so much about everything if we were just friends..so I thought that he might like me more than a friend.

But after awhile we hung out together a couple of times and he never would show any signs he's interested in me in that way. We'll pay for our own stuff such as meals or movies whatever. He probably paid for me once. But yea he'll always initiate the hang outs and ask me to hang out so I do.

So about this year we started texting each other non stop day and late at night. If I don't text him for a couple of days because I dont want to bother him as much.

When he eventually does text me after a couple of days i'll be like well look who's alive! he'll respond, "well you barely text me anyways!"

I hope this story wasn't too confusing but i was just wondering if he sees me as a friend or is not ready to commit and ask me out?


He's known for not really committing and he's never had a real relationship before. He's always telling me he's waiting for the "perfect" one.....

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Guest xReiko-Love

so, my friend (or a guy in my class who at least I consider my friend) isn't the most nicest guy in the world. lets just say he's a bad boy. like he swears at my friend, and he says he doesn't like her, yet he constantly annoys her (everyday! Oh, god it's so annoying!) so, what I'm asking, is the saying, "The more you hate, the more you love." relevant to this situation?

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