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Guest marvinoppa

what would you guys do/feel if a girl you like tells you that:

1.) she likes you too/is attracted to you

2.) doesnt want to commit to a relationship [basically she just wants to sleep with you]

3.) and is known as a "wild girl"


depends on what she looks like. please show a picture of this hypothetical girl.

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Guest 7thprincess

depends on what she looks like. please show a picture of this hypothetical girl.

umm...i dont want to show my picture...hahhaaha :tongue2:

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Guest P a p e r_C l i p

Question: Do guys play hard to get? o.o

I know a lot of girls do, eg. seeming not as interested or making the boy chase them and so on..

Do guys do this too?

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Guest Apple.Mint

i have a question =]

lol im sure it's been asked before

but i really dont have the time or patient to go through 405 pages x.x


so my question is

Why do guys just stop trying as the relationship goes on

like the things they used to do before, or even a month before

they just stop?

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Guest Apple.Mint

thanks for the reply Lie =]

i can't wait to meet that guy who will continue to ravish me with love xD

and constantly remind me of how much he cares for me =]

haha keep dreaming right?

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Guest lea11

why can't guys talk to girls even though when they like them or think they're hot? In that case, what are we supposed to do?? I guess we shuld talk first, BUT WHAT IF the guy doesn't like you?? Like, what if you thought it was wrong??

I'm guessing when a guy is interested/likes you, he kinda makes eye contact and looks away shyly, or doesnt mind you talking to him? i dunno.. im talking about a shy guy here. it never works with them!

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Guest watcher

what's it mean when a guy stares at you one day and the next he avoids you completely?

it means ur thinking too much about it.

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Guest PandaKiss

There's this guy that I have a mini crush on,

he is going to HK this summer as well,

so we planned on meeting up.

Haha, he asked me if I'll be mad if he checked out girls in HK.

Does that actually mean anything?

Or is he just curious?

I didn't know what to say!

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Guest pooface

if a guy stares at a girl ... and then she catch him starring, and then he did something clumsy..

does it mean anything?

another q.

if a guy always stares at a girl... it means he likes her or something?

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There's this guy that I have a mini crush on,

is going to HK this summer as well,

so we planned on meeting up.

Haha, he asked me if I'll be mad if he checked out girls in HK.

Does that actually mean anything?

Or is he just curious?

I didn't know what to say!

If you say no... he'll check out girls. If you say yes, he'll check out girls. You might as well say yes and trust in him. If he betrays that trust... he'll have to live with that guilt. Just don't hassle him about "YOU CHEATED ON ME IN HK DIDN'T YOU!" If anything... when you talk to him while he's in HK, ask if he's seen any cute girls or anything. Don't be jealous to hear if he has... by seeing what kind of girl he checks out... you'll know his girl preference more and maybe if he's got any taste or not. keke. Hope things turn out well for you.

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Guest eatadandelion

My ex bf of almost 3 years and I broke up 6 months ago. We've both moved on, and haven't seen each other since. But recently he has been texting/calling me and talking to me using bf/gf lingo. He says he misses me and that he loves me and that he wants to get back with me. He's the one who wanted to breakup. What is going through his mind?

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Guest watcher

if a guy stares at a girl ... and then she catch him starring, and then he did something clumsy..

does it mean anything?

another q.

if a guy always stares at a girl... it means he likes her or something?

at most, it probably means he thinks you're cute. at worst, he might not be lookin at you, but what you're wearing/holding. obviously, if you don't look in front of you, you will end up doing something clumsy.

what's with all these staring questions anyways? people shouldn't bother with it. if you really want something out of it, go to the person and say hi. i bet you'll find out soon enough what their intentions were.

My ex bf of almost 3 years and I broke up 6 months ago. We've both moved on, and haven't seen each other since. But recently he has been texting/calling me and talking to me using bf/gf lingo. He says he misses me and that he loves me and that he wants to get back with me. He's the one who wanted to breakup. What is going through his mind?

probably just feelin lonely and wanted to get back to fill the void.

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Guest ihigh

My ex bf of almost 3 years and I broke up 6 months ago. We've both moved on, and haven't seen each other since. But recently he has been texting/calling me and talking to me using bf/gf lingo. He says he misses me and that he loves me and that he wants to get back with me. He's the one who wanted to breakup. What is going through his mind?

he mightve made a mistake, misses you...and wants to be with u again

maybe he was trying to see who else in the world and i guess he sees that ur the best catch he got so he's goin back

i agree w/ ^, what were the reasons?

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Guest ix3sk8rboiz

what's the best way to approach a guy you're interested in, but don't know very well? (i.e. public places, in a group of friends steal some small talk, chat casually through msn, etc.) :)

I think I would need to explain this situation more :D

suppose he made it pretty clear to you that he's interested in ya, foremost, by asking his girl friends to tell you that he thinks yer madd cute, then consistently makes some attempts to make conversation when possible (in the hallways) or says a simple hi while walking past your class room door to his class? :) Some guys said it's best not to show that I'm interested in return so that he can do the "chasing", but wasn't it guys that always complain that girls shouldn't "play games" and attempt to hide their true feelings? :/

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Guest eatadandelion

probably just feelin lonely and wanted to get back to fill the void.

That's what I was thinking too.

Exactly what he said in the note. I imagine he regrets breaking up with you, and he misses you & wants to get back together. If you're thinking about getting back with him though, I would want to know why he broke up with you in the first place. Usually people break up for good reason, and getting back together doesn't really work out.

he mightve made a mistake, misses you...and wants to be with u again

maybe he was trying to see who else in the world and i guess he sees that ur the best catch he got so he's goin back

i agree w/ ^, what were the reasons?

His reasons for the breakup were that since we were both moving on to different universities (40 mins away), he didn't want anything holding him back (ie: me), he wanted to "experience" college life, and because he joined a fraternity, he said he wouldn't have time for me anymore. He basically chose his frat over me. It wasn't a pretty break up but I got over it, I moved on. I am definitely not planning on getting back with him because I realized that I am better off without him and deserve better. I think that our break up was the best thing that couldve ever happened to me. Of course I still care for him and still love him but not in the same way.

Why does he automatically assume that I will take him back and make it seem like everything is okay?

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Guest pn4yy_bebe

is it possible for a guy to continue to like a girl even if he sometimes only see her once or twice in 5 months?

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Guest ihigh

That's what I was thinking too.

His reasons for the breakup were that since we were both moving on to different universities (40 mins away), he didn't want anything holding him back (ie: me), he wanted to "experience" college life, and because he joined a fraternity, he said he wouldn't have time for me anymore. He basically chose his frat over me. It wasn't a pretty break up but I got over it, I moved on. I am definitely not planning on getting back with him because I realized that I am better off without him and deserve better. I think that our break up was the best thing that couldve ever happened to me. Of course I still care for him and still love him but not in the same way.

Why does he automatically assume that I will take him back and make it seem like everything is okay?

yes. because his mind thinks "oh i broke up w/ her she still cares"

personally, if u think ur life is better, then hell with it! keep going sista=D! lol

too bad u didnt post about it when u guys broke up[unless u did my bad xD]

marv coulda called him gay with his frat boys. that might've made u happy lol

is it possible for a guy to continue to like a girl even if he sometimes only see her once or twice in 5 months?


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