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Toxi Passion said: So my boyfriend has been really wanting these Nike Leather shoes and they never have them in stores; I bought them online thinking they would be a great christmas gift.....

I don't know if this expensive ($89) gift for a guy of only 7 months (8 in december) is appropriate.. Is he going to feel uncomfortable...? What should I do? (I can't get a refund on these either).

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I am going out on a few dates (6) with this guy, and he always suggested on us kissing goodbye and/or hello. I am interested in this guy, and also dont mind it !!  But the fact that he suggested it more than a few times making me think that he is only hooking up instead of actually wanting to get to know me. he sent me a text yesterday saying "I dont want to make you do anything you dont feel comfortable doing so just kiss me when youre ready" my respond was "your action shown otherwise"
Alsoat the begining, I told him that I dont care what he is doing or wanting to do when not talking to me. Just dont leave me hanging ..at least saying ttyl or something but he did it once and back to his bad habits ... I dont want to keep bugging him about it all the time but it bothers mehow can I kindly remind him without making him feel like I am nagging?
is all of this because my feeling is still stuck on my ex?

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Guest writerstale

nn_nn said: I am going out on a few dates (6) with this guy, and he always suggested on us kissing goodbye and/or hello. I am interested in this guy, and also dont mind it !!  But the fact that he suggested it more than a few times making me think that he is only hooking up instead of actually wanting to get to know me. he sent me a text yesterday saying "I dont want to make you do anything you dont feel comfortable doing so just kiss me when youre ready" my respond was "your action shown otherwise"
Alsoat the begining, I told him that I dont care what he is doing or wanting to do when not talking to me. Just dont leave me hanging ..at least saying ttyl or something but he did it once and back to his bad habits ... I dont want to keep bugging him about it all the time but it bothers mehow can I kindly remind him without making him feel like I am nagging?
is all of this because my feeling is still stuck on my ex?

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writerstale I didn't even bring the subject up when we hungout but he did. He asked me why I always reject his attempts and was making analogy when when you're physically and emotionally attracted to someone you would try to get close and make physical contacts. . when a guy is easily distracted does it means he's still weighin out his dating options ?? (Like he's looking at other girls) my ex was the best when it comes to shown me that he's really interested in me. Never did I catch him looking around

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Guest writerstale

@nn_nn: Even if he was still attentive towards you you have feelings for your ex and haven't told him. So that means you're probably both distracted. I feel like if I was in his shoes and we were dating and you were kind of hesitant/distant towards me I'd be the same to you; but I would've probably asked where we stood, and moved on if I were him.

@DeadSmile: I think he's scared or nervous due to past experiences maybe? Definitely ask him to see what's up.

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Guest DeadSmile

Hello. So I met this guy around a month or so ago and I thought he was a really nice person. One day the two of us met to do some homework. We did that for a few weeks in a row. Then we got closer and talked a lot more and he told me he really enjoys talking for me. For the past week we have been meeting one another almost everyday and texting a lot too. He has not made a move though. Do you think he likes me or just feels comfortable around me?

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I had a guy that liked me a couple years ago. He is the pastors son and the oldest child. but i left that church. and he wrote on his facebook about how he liked a girl, but left. I think he was mad at me. Is it not a good idea to go back to his church. 

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Guest nameeka297

i just want to ask you guys, when you're hanging out with your friends, do you really don't wish to talk to your girlfriend?like you're texting her and your friends camethen you'll ignore her for a few hourshow do you feel when your girlfriend is angry at you because of that?
and and one more thing, is it true girlfriend really can't compete with his friends? 

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A short while ago, I started seeing this guy. We'd hang out for hours and have sex a couple times a week. This went on for a few weeks. The last time I saw him, before I left his apartment, he told me "I'll see you in a few days." However, he didn't text me at all the following week, so I texted him asking if he wanted to hang out again soon. No response. It's been a month since I've last seen/heard from him. Should I try texting him again, or just forget him?

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Guest writerstale

oooroosay said: if a good friend of yours who was in a relationship announced to people on Facebook that he was cheating on his girlfriend would you not get involved? (lets just say his gf doesn't have fb)
also, what is your opinion on a person like this? 

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Guest Bettertmr2

Something has been bothering me for a while, I'm leaving my hometown(in the states) right after graduation to work elsewhere. Not that many people know of this yet.
I'll be leaving in about a year. I know I will miss everyone here pretty badly.
Having my days here numbered, I just wanted to spend as much time as possible with the people I truly care.
I was wondering if I tell my friends about it now, would they see me differently(in a negative way)?
I'm asking this mostly because there's this girl I really like but we haven't been talking to each other that much recently. If I tell her that, this would basically mean there's no way for us to be together in the future, would she start acting "colder" toward me?

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Guest JayCy90

I've been meeting up with this guy for the past month. We texted constantly for the first 2 weeks, but it slowed down a lot now. Sometimes all we had is a 5-mins exchange of texts for that day. Sometimes, it takes him the next day to reply me. I do get that he's quite busy with work, but I don't think he's as busy as he was when we first started to get to know each other. Normally, for guys like these, I'll just put them aside, and we'll just naturally stop contacting each other. However, he stills calls me out for (6)dates/outings where we just spend time chatting about ourselves and every random things (no physical contact). I would just like to hear your opinions. Is this guy just..taking things slow, not interested (just want to be friends), or.......?????? ( I do get that the best is for me to just speak to him about this, but it's just still too soon and I do not want to be the one that's looking too much into this yet.)

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Let's say you're tall, fairly good-looking, quite popular with the girls but is *not* a player (gets hit on/confessed to a lot) and you know this. You know you are quite the catch yourself.

With or without this profile, have you ever felt /so/ intimidated by a girl that you couldn't even add her on Facebook in fear of rejection?

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Guest writerstale

@omochi: Thank you for clarifying. Greatly appreciates that!. Guessing he could be cautious because he doesn't want a lot of attention?

@JayCy90: With 6 dates and things are just about conversation is odd to me. Go out with him again and do not be afraid to ask him straight up what his intentions are with you. It sounds like he just views you as a casual friend. 

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@writerstale‌ No offence taken and thanks for your response. I should clarify that I was actually trying to describe a coworker of mine haha.

My manager was talking about having a Christmas dinner and asked me to create an event and do the inviting. This was when I realized everyone at work had this said coworker on FB except myself. Another coworker who was in on the conversation immediately said that he had actually noticed this awhile ago and asked him about it. Apparently the reason he didn't dare add me was because he thought I was "too cool" and feared that I wouldn't accept his FB request.

I just added him myself but I thought it was a bit strange. We're quite friendly and polite with each other whenever we work (my pov) therefore I don't quite understand why he would have this fear (especially with his kind of profile). Plus it's the 21st century. I'm just curious if this ever happens to people (afraid to +friend?)

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Guest armorcat

@omochi LOL I went thru that except I'm not tall/fairly good-looking/popular.

I met two international students (both female, they are friends) few semesters ago. We were exchanging/sharing culture as a group (3 of us) until the end of the semester. Long story short: By the end of the semester, one of them made the first move and tried to add me (I accepted) while the other didn't. So I decided to send a request to the other one, but guess what, she rejected the request. After that incident, I told myself no more making the first move to +friend.

Not gonna lie, facebook rejection from someone you know stings.

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