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I've liked my friend for about six years now (started in like fourth grade >.<). Even though we've never dated, I consider him my first love. Unfortunately, this year, we're going to different schools. This is the first time since we've became friends. However, I was able to see him last Thursday because my school had a home game against his school's basketball team. I didn't realize how much I missed and loved him until I saw him play. Well, I only got to talk to him for a second after the game(he gave me a hug teehee ^///^) After that, I decided I didn't want everything to end...so I started texting him. Today, we were talking and we got into the subject of the game. I might be overlooking things a bit too much...but I was really happy when he told me he was able to recognize me in the crowd[the area where his team was sitting was all the way on the otherside of the court too :)]...especially since he wasn't able to notice our other friends around me :) But anyway, my question is...after six years of trying...is there even any hope? I would think...that if I couldn't get his attention within those 6 years...there's no way I could suddenly have a chance...If you had a friend who's had a crush on you for years[you didn't have mutual feelings or anything]...would there be anything they could do to get you to think of them more than just a friend?

im in the same situation as you. also started in fourth grade, im an upperclassman now but i still like her even after several on's and off's. we've had a thing or three several times, but nothing official or serious. to help your situation, she's got a boyfriend right now and i'm pretty sure she knows i like her (i flirt with her ALOT) but recently she's been trying to ignore me. if your crush doesn't have a girlfriend right now, and you guys really are as close as you say you are, i say go for it, because i kind of regret not asking her during all these years. now, i think i've become friend zoned recently(maybe 2 years ago.. sigh), and i'm sure as hell you wouldn't like that to happen to you.just talk about the memories you've had with each other. we get into deep conversations, and sometimes even more. it usually works with my friend.

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Guest junminnie

What do guys think about online flirting?

My bf is pretty faithful.... we both like to go to parties (together), but when he is with his friends over break, he doesn't go out clubbing with them to avoid any possible situations (we all know drinks and club doesn't make a good combo) ~~ I am very touched that he is sacrificing that for me

But there are constantly girls posting on his facebook pictures, saying.... you are so hot/cute/sexy; posting hearts; xxxx (her name) loves xxxx (bf Name)

and what bothers me more, is that he would complements them back -.-; usually using cute;doll.... somethings saying things that's pretty borderline.

I did ask him about them once casually, he told me they r good friends back home (from a different country or state)

These girls might not know he is with me bc both of our status is single (due to having family members on fb, and prefer to keep things private). We have pictures together, but very few, and being very afraid of PDA, we could be mistaken for close friends.

I have already unfriended him on fb once <.< bc these things keeps on coming up in my news feed... ~~ so confused, help please?

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Guest Jaylee.x3

there's this guy whom i've started a liking to.

Just recently we celebrate his 18th bday together.

My girl friend and I were supposed to celebrate it together with him, but she caught the flu the day of and couldn't go out the house, therefore it was just the two of us.

We went to the movies and it was normal, nothing happened.

I see him at school sometimes (not alot though, unfortunately)

Sometimes I text and he doesn't reply back (I'm guessing he got tired of the convo or it was pointless to continue -_-)

I feel like I've been texting/calling/talking to him alot lately since I started liking him.

I just don't want to come out as annoying or bothering to him.

What do I do~~?

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Guest legweak17

One more question lol, thanks again in advance for answering :] :

Are guys confusing on purpose, or do they not realize they're being confusing?  I mean I'll admit it, I think I can be confusing to guys, but I don't try to be and whenever I am I never realize if I was being confusing until later when I'm thinking about what happened with the guy.  So yea, are guys confusing on purpose, or do they not realize they're being confusing?

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Guest khaostheori

You know how shy girls sometimes avoid eye contact with the guy they like? Or get really quiet/don't say anything so it seems like she doesn't like you?

Are some guys like that too?

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Guest windswept

I'm 20 years old and my boyfriend is almost 20 but sometimes he says to me that it's like I'm his daughter and he's raising me. I feel like this is pretty weird for a dating relationship (it's kind of reminiscent of a How I Met Your Mother episode...). Just wondering if a lot of guys feel this way about their girlfriends.

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Guest james_maknae14


i'm one of those guys i get extremely nervous when talking to the

girl i like.I can't think of anything to say to her so i'll just remain quiet

don't know about other guys though

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Guest baaabaasheep

I know i've probably left a bad impression on my boyfriend's friends. I get out of control sometimes and call him while he is out with his buddies..he sometimes would answer "omfg you're so annoying. stop calling." i think his friends think im retarded lol. And sometimes i argue with my bf in front of his friends.....They probably think im a bad gf for their friend....

Do you think we should break up? we been togehter for about 2 years already...

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What would you do if you started losing interest in your girlfriend? 

I have a feeling my boyfriend is getting bored of me so I'd just like to know maybe some indications?

I know all guys are different but by looking at the answers here I can get an idea... 

Try to avoid her, hangout less, be absent, etc. Ask for a break.

You know how shy girls sometimes avoid eye contact with the guy they like? Or get really quiet/don't say anything so it seems like she doesn't like you?

Are some guys like that too?


I'm 20 years old and my boyfriend is almost 20 but sometimes he says to me that it's like I'm his daughter and he's raising me. I feel like this is pretty weird for a dating relationship (it's kind of reminiscent of a How I Met Your Mother episode...). Just wondering if a lot of guys feel this way about their girlfriends.

We just want to be able to take care and protect our girls.

I know i've probably left a bad impression on my boyfriend's friends.  I get out of control sometimes and call him while he is out with his buddies..he sometimes would answer "omfg you're so annoying. stop calling." i think his friends think im retarded lol.  And sometimes i argue with my bf in front of his friends.....They probably think im a bad gf for their friend....

Do you think we should break up? we been togehter for about 2 years already...

Doesn't matter how long you've been together. If you fight/argue more than enjoy each other, you should breakup. Stop wasting your time or his time.

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Guest SHINeeStars223

I don`t intend to browse through every single page and see if this question has been asked, but do guys tend to be mean to be the girl they like? o.O Like, I know every guy is different, but how true do you think the statement is? .__.

I swear, I cannot read this guy I like right now because he`s so mean to me.

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Guest legweak17

I don`t intend to browse through every single page and see if this question has been asked, but do guys tend to be mean to be the girl they like? o.O Like, I know every guy is different, but how true do you think the statement is? .__.

I swear, I cannot read this guy I like right now because he`s so mean to me.

Lol I know I'm a girl and not a guy, buuuuuut if he's so mean to you then why do you like him? ;p

All the guys I know, when they like a girl they're really nice to her and focus most of their attention on her verses other girls.  They tease her more than they do other girls, but it's nice and playful teasing.  So if he isn't really nice to you and doesn't playfully tease you, I'd say he probably doesn't like you :/  I mean, I know every guy is different, but like I said none of the guys I know act mean to a girl they like.  So just shrug it off and go find a nice guy ;)

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Guest ohhreallynow

I don't know what to do with this guy, HELP!

Alright, this boy and I met through a mutual friend when we where in 8th grade, a group of us was just hanging out and towards the end of the night, he asked for my number and I didn't give it to him because I was about to get a new number in a few days so there is no point. I told him that I'll give it to him the next time I see him, because I like making new friends. I never saw the boy again, then 2 years later, I saw him at the mall when I was shopping with my friend (not the one he knows), he asked for my number again but I didn't give it to him because 1. I don't know my number by heart and 2. it was just weird because I haven't seen him in 2 years but I did give him my email. He never emailed me, which I was fine with but after a year he started showing up at my work place, he asked me for my number, and I gave it to him because I felt bad for saying 'no' so many times, and he kept coming so I did it to placate him. Then, he starts texting me ... we would talk about colleges, movies, and random things. Then, he starts sending really flirty messages and asking me to 'hang out' with him, which I politely rejected. BUT he doesn't really stop, things got to a point where I just ignore his texts.

How do I make it absolutely clear that I only want to be friends with him?

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Guest SHINeeStars223

Lol I know I'm a girl and not a guy, buuuuuut if he's so mean to you then why do you like him? ;p

All the guys I know, when they like a girl they're really nice to her and focus most of their attention on her verses other girls.  They tease her more than they do other girls, but it's nice and playful teasing.  So if he isn't really nice to you and doesn't playfully tease you, I'd say he probably doesn't like you :/  I mean, I know every guy is different, but like I said none of the guys I know act mean to a girl they like.  So just shrug it off and go find a nice guy ;)

Thanks for the reply. It was my fault haha, I didn`t mean like legit mean. I`m pretty sure he is always just teasing me. Like I can tell he`s not being mean, but he`s always doing things to get my attention. Like, shouting things because he knows i get a bit ticked off, provoking arguments with me, playfully pushing me, shouting my name across the parking lot to tell me he`s making fun of me right now...? o.O

I really wished I knew if it`s just he likes to tease me, or does he like me. . .

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Guest hiswendy

"We can't be friends because I'll want to have sex with you."

So a co-worker (I guess he's not a friend or he'd have done me already >>; ) said this to me today. It got me thinking. I thought I read somewhere that guys usually befriend girls they like because they were at least, at one point or another, attracted to her first? Is that true? Or is this statement that you don't want to befriend someone because then you'd just want to basically shag them also true? ....Okay, now I'm just confused. =/

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Guest wishy-star

Some idiot damaged the back of my boyfriend's brand new car he got a week ago.

He feels really bad and I feel like even if I say anything it won't help

How do I console his broken heart?

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okay lets say i like this guy named Joe... and Joe's best friend is Bob. (LOL). well i'm pretty sure Bob knows i like Joe and recently, i've become really good friends with Bob.

Also MY friend Jane really likes Bob.. & Bob likes Jane too..

when Bob & i talk, we never talk about Jane or Joe unless i bring it up... we'll talk a lot about Jane but Bob always drops the conversation about Joe... is that just a guy thing or what?? Cuz whenever i bring up Joe or i try to talk about him, Bob will change the subject..

For girls, we will talk about the girl that a guy likes... but why not for boys?

is it just because Joe is not interested in me? or is it just because Bob is being a guy.. haha sorry if this is confusing.

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If you notice that your girlfriend is losing interest in you, would you try harder or would you stop trying as well?

if the signs are something along the lines of: not talking to you as much, avoiding you/ignoring you stuff like that, I'll try to find out what's wrong first.. see if it's not just me (i over think quite a bit) and i'll give her space until i feel that it is about me, if it's something that i've done that she's lost interest (for example: lots of fights, me not changing the way she wanted, not showing enough initiative) i would try to figure out what it is, whether through talking to her or through figuring it out myself and try to fix things, but if it's just ME as a person that she has lost interest in, I'd let her go, I can't change how she feels about me, so i'm not going to force her. So In a sense if she started losing interest, i would probably stop as well.

"We can't be friends because I'll want to have sex with you."

So a co-worker (I guess he's not a friend or he'd have done me already >>; ) said this to me today. It got me thinking. I thought I read somewhere that guys usually befriend girls they like because they were at least, at one point or another, attracted to her first? Is that true? Or is this statement that you don't want to befriend someone because then you'd just want to basically shag them also true? ....Okay, now I'm just confused. =/

It's true most guy-girl friendships there's a mild attraction at least between one of them, whether it's personality or looks that's how it's maintained. And he said "want to have sex with you" not "have sex with you" like rape you, so basically i think it's just that he doesn't trust himself, to be able to stop himself, if that makes sense...like say you guys go drinking one night and you're in a state where you're not in complete control, he's afraid he might take advantage of that. He's got his morals in check, considering he blatantly said that to you and that he realizes he can't, whereas other guys would just take advantage of you and say "i was drunk". I'm good friends with a girl, but actually before we got so close i liked her, but i don't anymore, but there is still a slight attraction that pulls me in i guess.

Some idiot damaged the back of my boyfriend's brand new car he got a week ago.

He feels really bad and I feel like even if I say anything it won't help

How do I console his broken heart?

Does he have insurance? or a way to pay for the damages? i'm kinda guessing he doesn't because he's so heart broken, maybe try to find friends to hook him up with discounts on repairs or what not, or if that's not the issue, but the fact that after a week he's gotten it ruined, just let it be, it was a situation that he couldn't have avoided, it wasn't his fault, he just has to accept that sh!t happens and life isn't fair, my suggestion is distract him, do home activities or what not so that he doesn't have to go out and think of driving and what not

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What would you do if you started losing interest in your girlfriend? 

I have a feeling my boyfriend is getting bored of me so I'd just like to know maybe some indications?

I know all guys are different but by looking at the answers here I can get an idea... 

I hint,

distance yourself from your bf for a while.

Do make your own things with your girls or whatnot.

Maybe then he will start to miss you.

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