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Guest klassikm3

Ok here is a situation...

My friend has an ex who just wants to be friends but he gives signals to where it seems like he likes her (txt her late at night, lets her sleep with him on same bed, tells her that he's confused about their current relationship...). She tried to avoid him but he always found a way to talk to her or see her. Even though he does all this stuff...he's always askin to be friends. Any help?

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Would you go out with a girl if you aren't 100% sure you like her? like sometimes you like her and sometimes you arent so sure?

yuup, but I probably won't if there is someone I like more

This is what I asked, thanks for those who helped. Just a few more things.

He asked while we had to play this game, so I'm just curious if he was just asking because it came random to him, but he ended the game right after he got his answer. Also someone told me that they play that certain game to get something out of it.

I also didn't get to see his facial expression or his body language because we weren't face to face when he asked.

Thanks in advance; and once again thank you for replying, much appreciation towards those who help out in this thread (:

hm if I were him, my mind would be in the game lol... so he probably is interested... what kind of game is it though?

Ok here is a situation...

My friend has an ex who just wants to be friends but he gives signals to where it seems like he likes her (txt her late at night, lets her sleep with him on same bed, tells her that he's confused about their current relationship...). She tried to avoid him but he always found a way to talk to her or see her. Even though he does all this stuff...he's always askin to be friends. Any help?

how does he find a way to talk to her or see her? o_o

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Guest 060995246

if a guy sees a girl he doesn't know sitting by herself in a class, would he come up and talk to her just to be nice/friendly? or is he showing some sign of interest?

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Guest klassikm3

how does he find a way to talk to her or see her? o_o

They have a lot of mutual friends and they go to the same school.

Other than that, he has her on the phone, gtalk and facebook. So, he always has a way to reach her whenever he doesnt get to see her

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so here's my story.

i met this guy about two months ago. i'm a high school junior and he's a freshman. we got really close since i tutor him and we have a class together. he started dropping signs that he likes me. i would catch him staring at me, pointing out the smallest things like i have a cute nose, touching my hair, telling me to spend time with him at lunch or after school, and just you know...stuff like that. he asked for my number a few weeks ago. and ever since then we got really close. he would tell me every thing about him, what went on during the day, what he likes and all that stuff. i eventually got the hint and i told myself that there is a possibility that he does like me. i mean it's really obvious. he's always concerned about my feelings. like when i tell him "you really hurt my feelings." he would act all sad and tell me "i would never want to hurt your feelings." and we're always together up to the point that people would ask that if we were together or liked each other that way. however, every time that issue is brought up, he would deny it. so i stopped it at there before i developed more feelings for him.

but not too long ago, i got really mad at him because we made plans to go somewhere after lunch but he flaked out on me. so i ranted to his friends. one of the guys slipped out, "he likes you...oh shiz, i wasn't supposed to say that." then this other guy tells me, "yeah it's true. he told us he was gonna ask you out and stuff." so i personally asked his best friend just to verify and he told me it was clearly obvious that he likes me but doesn't exactly know.

ever since that happened, i was really confused about him. i still acted the same towards him since i didn't want to be obvious. but it still bothers me. he would text me every night saying that he loves me. but even though i never asked, he would say, as a really really good friend though. so i said "don't say that you love me unless you mean it." and he simply replied, "i do mean it."

i'm just really confused. he's a child so he's probably just denying it. but i don't know, i really don't. i have no idea what to do. do i confront him about it? how should i approach him without scaring him away? i'm just confused on how he really feels about me....ugh this sucks :/


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Guest yongwonhi

Ok here is a situation...

My friend has an ex who just wants to be friends but he gives signals to where it seems like he likes her (txt her late at night, lets her sleep with him on same bed, tells her that he's confused about their current relationship...). She tried to avoid him but he always found a way to talk to her or see her. Even though he does all this stuff...he's always askin to be friends. Any help?

I'm not a guy, but not going to lie, sounds exactly like the situation between me and my ex. It didn't end so well - we aren't talking now and I don't want to anytime soon. He's probably not over her so he wants to "remain friends," but he probably doesn't wanna get back together with her. If she's letting him talk to her and treat her as more than a friend, he's probably ok with it because he's... well, not over her. I'd tell your friend to stay away with him. I totally didn't when it happened to me, and totally wish I listened to my friends and stayed away...

Who broke up with who though?

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Guest akia_025

So... we both like each other. He knows that I don't to engage in any relationship right now. Also, he's flirty; but he tells me several times that he isn't now. How can I tell if he's really serious?

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Guest x_________CL

here's the typical question: <b>haha if a guy teases you or picks on you alot, does it mean he's interested?</b> i can obviously tell that he picks on me more than he does others. and he's always laughing at how bad my comebacks are and stuff. he's obviously just kidding on the most part, but i want to know if he's interested. i dont know how i should be reacting to his teasings. haha i usually just laugh it off or kinda hit him or try to give another crappy comeback to make him laugh..haha >o<

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So it's almost exam time and everyone is busy preparing for it. I texted him saying "we can hangout and have fun after all the exams." And he replied back saying "I don't know, I might be too tired..but hopefully we can hangout." Why would he say that? Is that an excuse for not wanting to hangout?

Then I replied back with "or I can rest with you haha" And he just laughed and said "you should lol."

Sorry for being vague, but does this mean anything?

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i'm just really confused. he's a child so he's probably just denying it. but i don't know, i really don't. i have no idea what to do. do i confront him about it? how should i approach him without scaring him away? i'm just confused on how he really feels about me....ugh this sucks :/


If you're really confused about it, then yeah just go talk to him. If you don't want to scare him away, just make sure that when you approach him and talk to him, don't make him feel pressured or on the spot. Otherwise he may feel overwhelmed. But to be in high school and already claiming love is <_<

So... we both like each other. He knows that I don't to engage in any relationship right now. Also, he's flirty; but he tells me several times that he isn't now. How can I tell if he's really serious?

Time. Whether or not he actually drops his flirtatious behavior and settles down to be with you in the long run will tell you if he really is serious.

here's the typical question: <b>haha if a guy teases you or picks on you alot, does it mean he's interested?</b> i can obviously tell that he picks on me more than he does others. and he's always laughing at how bad my comebacks are and stuff. he's obviously just kidding on the most part, but i want to know if he's interested. i dont know how i should be reacting to his teasings. haha i usually just laugh it off or kinda hit him or try to give another crappy comeback to make him laugh..haha >o<

Until he gives other signs of interest, it's better to just be passive about it. Teasing is a common behavior from guys.

So it's almost exam time and everyone is busy preparing for it. I texted him saying "we can hangout and have fun after all the exams." And he replied back saying "I don't know, I might be too tired..but hopefully we can hangout." Why would he say that? Is that an excuse for not wanting to hangout?

Then I replied back with "or I can rest with you haha" And he just laughed and said "you should lol."

Sorry for being vague, but does this mean anything?

Who is this guy to you anyway? If he's someone of interest, then I'm sorry to say that he's just not that into you. If he were, there wouldn't be a "hopefully we can hangout." In my opinion, it's just a nice way of saying no without having to actually say it. And the, "you should" part was just to humor you.

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so i recently made a new guy friend like a month or so now ?

and the thing is how everytime i go online he msg me right away. so the im

confused as to how he always ask me to

go places and calling me cutee ,which i dont agree to . and how he would randomly

say "loovee you " or when sad "</3 " .n when im told him i was freezing he offer

me his jacket but i refused to accept it.n he was all sad about it wen i wouldn't .

soooo my qquestion is he interested in me or playing me or do this a friendly thing


also at skool him n me dont say anything beside hi ?

im realli confuseed! btw this something totally new to me .

thx if someone could help it would be great ~

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Guest crappo3


so i recently made a new guy friend like a month or so now ?

and the thing is how everytime i go online he msg me right away. so the im

confused as to how he always ask me to

go places and calling me cutee ,which i dont agree to . and how he would randomly

say "loovee you " or when sad "</3 " .n when im told him i was freezing he offer

me his jacket but i refused to accept it.n he was all sad about it wen i wouldn't .

soooo my qquestion is he interested in me or playing me or do this a friendly thing


also at skool him n me dont say anything beside hi ?

im realli confuseed! btw this something totally new to me .

thx if someone could help it would be great ~

Guys usually don't talk with girls that they are not interested in.. much as like girls. My hunch is he does have an interest in you but is too shy to admit it in reality which isn't anything new. If you're interested in him too, perhaps you should ask him if he likes you and tell him how you feel about him; make sure this happens in reality otherwise it will look real awkward the next day at school.

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Guest Hard candy

So, I am interested in this guy from uni and he is in one of my classes, we got to work on this project which we both enjoyed doing after all and he asked me if he can add me on facebook so I was like sure and after a day he added me and I initiated the talk and messages him about the project that day because it was over the weekend. So wetalked and he asked lots of question and so on, he is super nice and seems kind of shy but he is so talkative with his friends and with me in class we don't basically get to talk to each other since the class is so freaking big and the project time was just for like a day and it was over so no excuse to talk to him. I initiated the talk 3 times but he is the one who is asking questions and keeping the conversation going. And we talked like 3 times and after a week or so for not talking again he facebooked and asked me wats up and stuff so we talked few hours. And he told about this concert and I was just replying 'thats cool.'' he asked me if I was interested and I was like yea that's sounds awesome so he was like wait I might have extra tickets and h checked and there was none and he was like ooh man! No ticket but let me ask my friend " and told me to get back to me if he got the ticked but there was none so he didn't contact me, and after he went to the concert the next day he facebooked me and told me all about the concert and somehow we talked about this movie and he was like I can get you the DVD from a friend next week so we can share :) and I was like really and told him I am excited to see the movie and he said he was glad and we smile and just say hi or something to each other and couple of days ago I was at the library and I saw him studying or something and I went right behind him poked him quick and said hi and went to the table bcos there was no empty seat beside him and right after that day I was sitting in a library studying for exam and someone poked me from behind and I looked back and saw him smiling hi and waving and I said hi to, I was thinking talking to him by he seems to rushing to his class bu the thing is right before I went to the library I saw him with his friends in the cafe and I grabbed some drink with a friend and went to library to study and all of sudden he was in a library and I was pretty surprised. So do you fellas think he is interested as well or just being friendly?? Bcos if he is interested he would have done something by now :( or idk maybe I should?)

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Guest Shellymelly

there's this guy who's really nice, he just came from japan a few months ago so his english is not that great. i've noticed that he's very polite, e.g. the type to let girls go first. if he's walking and a girl walks, he will back off and let her go! that's happened to me on a few occassions, but i'm sure he does that with everyone. now, i talk to him sometimes, usually after school because we take the same bus together. we also have one class together but he doesn't talk to me ( =( ).. he sits infront of me, kinda far away, but ya. he only talks to the ppl beside him even when his friends that are also japanese are in that class (they sit with me). he's such a nice guy, we were at our homecoming and i lost my heel and i gestured to my foot that had no heel, and he got the clue and started searching everywhere for it! it was so sweet of him. whenever i see him in the halls, he would smile at me. he's just SO polite that it makes it kinda hard to see if he's interested or not o.o he doesnt seem to have a problem with standing close to me either. and also, he's started to kinda "mimic" me when we're talking. like i will say something in english and he'll repeat it like he's teasing me. what do you guys think, what can i do to learn more about him?

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Guest B L o T T - ii

how would you feel if a girl you just met (maybe seen 3-5 times) very bluntly asked for your msn? i.e. "what's your msn?"

would you give it to her? lol.

Or would you prefer her to use another method to add you? e.g. get your msn off a mutual friend without you knowing then add you?

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Guest mrsjaejoong

we were always best friends.

We used to take spontaneous midnight strolls, endless conversations, and if one of us were feeling down we'd do something really sweet for one another to cheer the other person up.

he'd notice in a second if i was concealing any sad emotion and pull it out of me and he'd always make me laugh.

our relationship bloomed and he was so attached to me and he'd sneak out his sisters car to come and see me at 3 in the morning. when i had my weekly girls' night, he'd surprise me by crashing it (usually got my girls jealous a bit). he'd message long love letters and made me listen to the lyrics of all these love songs.

but now, he doesn't do anything.

he's so comfortable to the point where i don't know if he realizes that we're not acting like 2 people in love at all. he still tells me he loves me, but the effort is dead.

i'm the one still writing him love letters and always wanting to cuddle and spend quality time.

he doesn't notice when i'm upset anymore.

he doesn't bother carrying out a conversation. most of his answers are 1 worded now. he makes me get jealous of my own girlfriends when he's talking on the phone with them because he's so animated in the conversation but with me, it's just blatant.

i've spoken to him about this, but he guilts me by saying "i don't know why you're feeling like this. i'm so in love with you and i'm sorry for being a horrible boyfriend."

outside of our relationship, a few guys are talking to me and asking me out. i'm not stupid, i love my boyfriend. so obviously, i reject them. i tell me boyfriend and he doesn't seem to care at all. he doesn't get jealous .. and he says it's because he trusts me but now i feel like it's really because he just doesn't feel anything anymore. my friends say that i should flirt back with these guys to kind of signal to my boyfriend that he has to step his game up since i'm being too available for him or i should be like him and start detaching myself from the relationship... i said no to that and i have no intention on carrying that out but it's in my head now. i'm desperate to get back any remnants of our honeymoon phase. the way we used to be even before we dated because i love him and i hate the feeling of falling out of love with him. i'm trying so hard to fight this through.

how do i get the spark back???

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Guest acquaintance

I always wondered about this and I guess this is the perfect opportunity to ask ...

So let's say I'm just talking to my group of guy friends , and only guy friends .

What are they thinking , and what do they notice when I'm talking to them ?

And what do they talk about when I walk away ? Would they talk about me ?

Thanks in advance (:

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Guest crappo3

So, I am interested in this guy from uni and he is in one of my classes, we got to work on this project which we both enjoyed doing after all and he asked me if he can add me on facebook so I was like sure and after a day he added me and I initiated the talk and messages him about the project that day because it was over the weekend. So wetalked and he asked lots of question and so on, he is super nice and seems kind of shy but he is so talkative with his friends and with me in class we don't basically get to talk to each other since the class is so freaking big and the project time was just for like a day and it was over so no excuse to talk to him. I initiated the talk 3 times but he is the one who is asking questions and keeping the conversation going. And we talked like 3 times and after a week or so for not talking again he facebooked and asked me wats up and stuff so we talked few hours. And he told about this concert and I was just replying 'thats cool.'' he asked me if I was interested and I was like yea that's sounds awesome so he was like wait I might have extra tickets and h checked and there was none and he was like ooh man! No ticket but let me ask my friend " and told me to get back to me if he got the ticked but there was none so he didn't contact me, and after he went to the concert the next day he facebooked me and told me all about the concert and somehow we talked about this movie and he was like I can get you the DVD from a friend next week so we can share :) and I was like really and told him I am excited to see the movie and he said he was glad and we smile and just say hi or something to each other and couple of days ago I was at the library and I saw him studying or something and I went right behind him poked him quick and said hi and went to the table bcos there was no empty seat beside him and right after that day I was sitting in a library studying for exam and someone poked me from behind and I looked back and saw him smiling hi and waving and I said hi to, I was thinking talking to him by he seems to rushing to his class bu the thing is right before I went to the library I saw him with his friends in the cafe and I grabbed some drink with a friend and went to library to study and all of sudden he was in a library and I was pretty surprised. So do you fellas think he is interested as well or just being friendly?? Bcos if he is interested he would have done something by now :( or idk maybe I should?)

Most guys are shy even if they are really interested. If you have feelings for him, maybe get to know him better. It doesn't hurt for a girl to make the first move so if you can't stand the silence, go for it!

there's this guy who's really nice, he just came from japan a few months ago so his english is not that great. i've noticed that he's very polite, e.g. the type to let girls go first. if he's walking and a girl walks, he will back off and let her go! that's happened to me on a few occassions, but i'm sure he does that with everyone. now, i talk to him sometimes, usually after school because we take the same bus together. we also have one class together but he doesn't talk to me ( =( ).. he sits infront of me, kinda far away, but ya. he only talks to the ppl beside him even when his friends that are also japanese are in that class (they sit with me). he's such a nice guy, we were at our homecoming and i lost my heel and i gestured to my foot that had no heel, and he got the clue and started searching everywhere for it! it was so sweet of him. whenever i see him in the halls, he would smile at me. he's just SO polite that it makes it kinda hard to see if he's interested or not o.o he doesnt seem to have a problem with standing close to me either. and also, he's started to kinda "mimic" me when we're talking. like i will say something in english and he'll repeat it like he's teasing me. what do you guys think, what can i do to learn more about him?

Do stuff? duh! Ask him out for a movie, snowboarding, concert, or whatever. No activities together = no probability of a relationship.

how would you feel if a girl you just met (maybe seen 3-5 times) very bluntly asked for your msn? i.e. "what's your msn?"

would you give it to her? lol.

Or would you prefer her to use another method to add you? e.g. get your msn off a mutual friend without you knowing then add you?

Sure, only if I know the girl in real life. It doesn't hurt to get to know a new person unless that person is a psycho.

I always wondered about this and I guess this is the perfect opportunity to ask ...

So let's say I'm just talking to my group of guy friends , and only guy friends .

What are they thinking , and what do they notice when I'm talking to them ?

And what do they talk about when I walk away ? Would they talk about me ?

Thanks in advance (:

Hard to say unless you post a pic up and you hang out with me. If you're hot and if you have a great personality, then most likely, I guarantee that AT LEAST ONE of the guys will want to sleep with you.. jk, but seriously, want to be your bf. But, if you're just ok looking, they think you are just a cool person to hang out with. When you walk away, the same probably applies in addition to what you did with them today (eg, talk about a cool topic, went bowling, or watched a movie, etc).

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So do you fellas think he is interested as well or just being friendly?? Bcos if he is interested he would have done something by now :( or idk maybe I should?)

That was a headache to read. Anyways, he could be either at this point.Your guess would be as good as mine. If you want to find out, just ask him out or act upon your interest. You never know, he may not have acted yet because he's waiting for you.

what do you guys think, what can i do to learn more about him?

Sounds like a generic answer, but simply befriend him. Talk to him, share common interests, and see if both of you have the potential of becoming more. Or stalk him if you have the resources but I recommend the former option. It's much more fulfilling.

how would you feel if a girl you just met (maybe seen 3-5 times) very bluntly asked for your msn? i.e. "what's your msn?"

would you give it to her? lol.

Or would you prefer her to use another method to add you? e.g. get your msn off a mutual friend without you knowing then add you?

I would give it if they simply ask nicely. I would not recommend going through mutual friends to give out personal emails especially if the owner of the email doesn't know. It makes your friend look bad.

how do i get the spark back???

Two possible ideas. Either you two have simply passed the honeymoon stage OR he's taking you for granted. It's probably both though.

I'm sure you've read about the honeymoon stage in your other thread so I'll skip right onto being taken for granted. The general solution for being taken for granted is that you've got to show him that you're someone. Someone who is not there for his convenience but rather, someone there in his favor. If that makes sense... I don't recommend flirting back with other guys, as it only makes unnecessary problems.

If you just want the honeymoon spark back, then I'm sorry to say, but you can't get it back. The reason why you two were so into each other in the beginning was because of the feeling of uncertainty and curiosity for one another. That's why you two went to great lengths to be together. But now that you two know each other well, there is no reason to put in effort as you will know what to expect from the other. At least that's how he's feeling. So the closest thing you could do to get back the honeymoon phase feeling is just to "spice" things up. How you do it is a completely different subject. Best of luck.

I always wondered about this and I guess this is the perfect opportunity to ask ...

So let's say I'm just talking to my group of guy friends , and only guy friends .

What are they thinking , and what do they notice when I'm talking to them ?

And what do they talk about when I walk away ? Would they talk about me ?

Thanks in advance (:

For me, I would simply note of how you present yourself. Eg. Did you dress like a scrub? Meh? Cute? Hot? Did you seem Happy? Sad? Tired? Pissed? In other words, I'd check you out. It would depend on how you presented yourself on what I would do when you walked away. Eg. If you seem tired and pissed, I'd start to wonder why and possible ask a close friend of yours if I'm concerned enough. Or talk about how hot you looked.

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