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does skinny=attractive?

Guest kiwiwer

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Being skinny to me is only a part of being attractive. If you're skinny and your face looks like :crazy:, then yeah.

All the guys I know tend to like skinny girls that have curves such as a butt and waist, I don't think any of them find thin-bony girls attractive. But I also notice they don't go for the girls that are obese w/ curves, just saying. To me, girls that are a healthy weight = attractive. It all comes down to what our definition of "skinny" really is, since the media nowadays is changing the definition of being thin. ._.

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Guest ohmygoddenise

Every single guy I've ever posed this question to claims that they want someone "healthy" or with "a bit of meat".

But then, I see these same guys pointing out girls with a bit of meat on them, or otherwise healthy-figured girls and call them fat :rolleyes:

I totally agree with this! Guys say they don't want girls who are TOO skinny but at the same time they prefer these "anorexic" girls over "meaty" girls. Like when they say the girl is too "thin" and point out someone else to their own preference, the other girl is like maybe a size bigger in the boob section! I'm not saying that this is a stereotype or the preference for all guys but yeahh.

There are some "fat" girls who have a pretty face. Even though they don't have that "model" figure, they do have that nice feature in their face. Being "pretty" isn't just size wise, but it can be the person's physical appearance other than their weight. That's just my opinion at least. Yeah being skinny can be a sign of being "healthy" but there are some girls who are just big boned so they're just as healthy too!

Like guys prefer girls to be skinny and we judge some of them to be "too skinny" but I also believe there's also a thing for guys to be "too skinny." It's not even like scrawny skinny, but like skinny skinny! Which is a total turn off. I don't know about the rest of the female population on Soompi, but I don't think I could date a guy who's a stick compare to me :P

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Guest leelee.

What do you mean by "skinny"? Like stick-thin supermodels?

Personally, I want to look thin but still have curves (but I'm 'average' with no curves, wtf). I find that guys look the most attractive when they're fit and toned and have muscles -- but not too much 'cos super buff dudes scare me. :ph34r:

I've seen some really good looking guys but they were skinnier than me, and I didn't like that; I do not want to be heavier than my boyfriend! haha

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Guest angelasecrettt

It really depends on the person...some look better thin and some look better with some meat.  I'm naturally slim myself...my mom (and her side of the family) are naturally slim, so for me it's really genetics.  I don't think the stick-thin, anorexic supermodels are attractive, like...at all, I find it a bit repulsive.  But I don't think being overly obese is attractive either.  I guess it's all about balance. As long as you're healthy and most importantly confident, I don't think it matters whether other people will find you attractive or not.

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Guest xo_sugar_ox

Not always. Some people have different body types and a skinny body type would not always suit them. I think average/medium size is the most attractive and healthy in my opinion.

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You have to understand that there is a difference between being skinny and being bony. It really has more to do with your own natural body frame, and not what size you wear. I've noticed that people with smaller bone structure can get away with being skinnier, but it's quite apparent if someone with bigger/wider bones lose weight since their face become much more gaunt.

So in other words, being skinny is not always more attractive.

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Guest yi_jae_soo

Not exactly.

Having curves and being fit seems to be in right now. If you're talking skinny-anorexia, then that's not cool.

However, a friend told me that loooooooong ago, fat people were a sign of "wealth" so you could think of it as a good thing...I guess.... .___.

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Guest alligatortears

i've seen plenty of skinny butterfaces,

so no,

skinny does not necessarily mean attractive.

but regarding figure,

some people look good skinny,

and some people look good with curves.

there is no golden rule to an attractive figure

so the same standard can't be applied to everybody.

everyone has their own definition of attractive,

so no one should be trying to please everyone.

just aim to be comfortable in your own skin..

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Guest luv_panda

No, not when your stick thin...all you can see is a layer of skin covering bone. That looks horrendous.

I think you have to have some meat on you to look attractive. Like a more natual toned body. That looks way healthier.

Also depends on other aspects.. I've have friends who are curvy but look really pretty as their facial structure is gorgeous!

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Guest sweetfantasy09

well, due to the average ppl in my country are slim, my size is consider out of the norm. lol

i am not obese but i am consider as "meaty" or what the americans known as curve. but in asia, i find that not many guys like curvy but slim. if you guys know who manwomanfilm is.. yeah that kind of figure and most girl (averagely) in my country has that kind of figure. sigh~! so, i am living in the environment of stress. hahahahh!

i am working on a toned body, which i very much prefer. but yeah most guys in my country do not find my size attractive and to them, i am fat.

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Guest plumerias

Skinny as in twiggy, boney, boob/buttless? Not really. Skinny as in slim, flat stomach, with boobs and a butt- skinnier than the rest of this overweight/obese country? Yes. I think when guys think of a girl as healthy with some meat, they're talking about flat stomach, toned, with some boob 'nd butt rather than slightly chub (they said SOME meat- not too much!). 

But hey, there's billions of people out there. Some people find chub attractive, some people find very skinny bodies attractive. In the end, it's usually the personality, charisma, and confidence of the person that shines through anyway.

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Guest ling_ling

I think it just depends on the person

I mean I know i look better skinny but my younger sister looks nice curvier

So it really does depend on the person

Although I do see some people and think "oh you would look soooo much better if you lost/gained some weight"

So yeh....

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Guest PanraYang12

Skinny doesn't necessary mean attractive. I'm a girl and I think that people like Jordin Sparks and Jennifer Hudson are very attractive women and they're not what is considered 'skinny.' I mean being proportionally skinny is good but being too skinny is not pretty at the same time though.

but then again... Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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Guest ilovesexisongs

as much as anyone would deny that beauty isn't everything, i can almost say everyone judge base on how someone looks. skinny doesn't necessarily mean attractive, but i think being thin and fit is what alot of girls strive for. being thin just means you take care of yourself and your body, and i think guys like that. if you don't take care of your body, you can't expect a man to take care of you. haha that's just what i think :) i'm not skinny at all, but i do love going to the gym and keeping fit.

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Guest brinyblue

The media portrays a lot of different stereotypes to people, they market ideas. They say being skinny is attractive, but nowadays more curvy women are on runways, clothes are made to fit a woman, not make a woman fit into them. So, this sort of view will change over time and one day, when curvy women are all the rage, someone will say, "Hey, are curvy women considered more attractive than skinny ones?"

That said, skinny does not necessarily mean someone's attractive. Because some people weren't meant to be a size 0, but they try lose even more weight, and their bodies aren't capable of that, so they put themselves at health risks. I'm not going to say people with excessive curves are attractive either, because if you are overweight, you put yourself at health risk too. Its better to just be healthy, there's nothing with a little fat on you. 

In the end, the personality is what shows, and if thats ugly, no one's going to think the person's attractive.

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Guest joie.de.vivre

Honestly, this topic has been beaten to a pulp.

People will always have their own tastes, so it's impossible to put a measure on what exactly is attractive (ok, so IF skinny is attractive, how skinny is that skinny? What is TOO skinny? What is just curvy enough? blahblahblah). Plus, a girl's ideal weight and proportions really depend on each individual. What's the use in generalization?

There's a lot of anti-skinny sentiment in here (i.e. skinny=EWWWW), which is basically just like bashing on overweight people. I'm an underweight girl. My collarbones poke out--so, does that mean I'm starving myself and puking all over the place? My boobs are AA-A cup--so, does that mean I'm a prepubescent boy now? Jesus.

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Guest ovovoovo

i guess the reason why people perceive skinny people as attractive because they can pull off most outfits and still look amazing.

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