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does skinny=attractive?

Guest kiwiwer

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Guest missophisticated

i love my bf and he's super skinny. i couldn't see him any other way.

and it really does depend on the person, if it suits them or not.

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size double zero is weird..

did you know that 0 does NOT exist in pattern sizes?! (just a weird fact, i used to work in a fabric store hahaa)

anyway, i think as long as people are healthy, then it should be a ok~

wow, you're very contradicting.

what if you're size double zero and healthy? or does that not exist to you?

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Guest ExpiredRamen

It depends..If you're skinny and flat all over with no richard simmons and boobs then yeah. Not very attractive.

But if you're skinny with some curves then yeah

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Guest nauticalblue

Wow. I'm short, skinny, and flat chested, so I guess that constitutes me as unattractive. >_>

But I think that it varies from person to person. I think it depends on whatever body type or shape a person's body is predisposed to. Some are predisposed to being a bit heavier, and that's fine. Some are predisposed to being thinner, and that's fine also. Health is the most important, and it shows. I've seen healthy people that are thin, as well as healthy people on the heavier side. As long as you don't look like you're starving or over-gluttonous, it's fine. You can tell when a person actually takes care of themselves and their body, and that's the prettiest.

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I think thin is attractive, but like most people said, it depends on the body type, the face and the overall health combined. Probably the ideal for a girl is like someone from SNSD, but that's almost impossible. XD

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Guest cyndork


my sister is (REALLY) skinny and its actually really freaky.

i feel like im walking around with a skeleton,

she makes me look so fat when im next to her.

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Guest angel_501

just because youre skinny doesnt make you hot and just because youre fat doesnt make you ugly theres people out there i want to force feed because they need some burgers (:

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Guest megmayumi

Every single guy I've ever posed this question to claims that they want someone "healthy" or with "a bit of meat".

But then, I see these same guys pointing out girls with a bit of meat on them, or otherwise healthy-figured girls and call them fat :rolleyes:

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Guest some1_u_kno

^ the same guys also claim they like natural girls without makeup but actually they prefer checking out girls with makeup XD.Having a healthily toned body with curves is attractive imo.

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Guest ShrimpCrackerrr

this thread makes me feel so bad about myself.. everyone seems to prefer people with a little meat on their bones LOL. ..but i'm so skinny.. like stick skinny.. ): but i can't help it!  i eat so much though.. some people in this thread are like "i want to stuff burgers down the throats of people who are too skinny" .. in my head i'm thinking free food! LOL. i probably eat more than half the people in this thread but i can never gain weight.. it just goes to my stomach but when i get in the morning it just gets flat again): LOL,.. the only good thing is that in the mornings it gets so flat that it looks like i have abs LOL.. abs without excercising! LOL.i tried to gain weight before but i gave up.

edit: i don't get why i got neg rep for this. ):

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I think that skinny and healthy is attractive.

Not anorexic, cause that's not eating, and not obese cause that's eating too much.

Eating healthy, and also working out = attractive.

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I have yet to find an attractive overweight person. That is not to say I have yet to find a cute girl that is rather overweight. So going back to your question of black and white... Skinny=Attractive NO. However, people male/female look better facially and physically when they're fit. Fit doesn't mean skinny, it means you're around your Ideal Body Weight.

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