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does skinny=attractive?

Guest kiwiwer

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Guest The-Entity

What kind of skinny? Slim skinny or malnutritioned skinny?




I personally am repulsed by girls that have sunken faces. If I can see their rib cages, collarbones and shoulder bones and shoulder blades... girl, just stop it. I don't know who they're trying to impress. People with skeleton fetish? I'm not trying to be funny here. I find it a huge problem that women in privileged countries starve themselves in order to look like the malnutritioned and starving. It's a disturbing practice.

I understand that some women have health problems that make them look like this, but NATURALLY SKINNY WOMEN don't look malnutritioned. That's not an excuse. If you're naturally skinny and look something like the first picture then that's fine. But any woman that tells me they're naturally skinny, and they have sunken cheeks and eyes and their collarbones and joints are popping right out, I'm going to tell them straight up: NO.

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Guest yu_sukhdev

the face matters more than anything

lol, this is so not true, how many stars you see have great face? not a whole lot, it's all make up, fix up here and there to have that kindda face... with the technique they have these days, everyone can have a great face... now they can't make your fat face look 50% thiner... that's why the body is important... 90% can have a good face, but none of them can grow taller or be thiner over night.

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Guest doofus9

though i do think skinnier people are more attractive, theres a limit.

bodies like blake lively's is skinny but she is more fleshy and curvy.

i dislike really skinny bodies like that of, for example.. kate moss.

yes she is thin but she is not womanly.

to asians skinny = attractive. but their definition of skinny is borderline androgynous; very boyish. no curves whatsoever. thats where i draw the line at skinny, when the person resembles a teenage boy

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Guest JaeFuma

Skinny does not equal attractive.

You have no idea how many stories are out there about people who lost weight and, surprise, they didn't become super models, popular, or even happy. We're so used to seeing skinny models, and the dramatic "before & after" shots and stories, that people think that losing weight or being skinny is the same as having magic done on you.

It's not.

Skinny doesn't mean you're healthy. Skinny doesn't mean you have a good body. Skinny doesn't mean you have a low fat percentage (ever heard of skinny fat?). Skinny is just what it is. Skinny. If you have a pretty face, you'll always have the pretty face, skinny or chubby, and visa versa if you feel you're less than pretty.

I hate all this talk about there being one type of beauty. Women especially vary in body type. Skinny for one could be curvy for someone else, and fat for a third. Threads like this just feed insecurities.

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Guest duckbutt'

Depends on how you define 'skinny'. If your FIT and skinny then heck yes it's attractive. Girls who are just plain skinny with no toned muscles or anything, aren't that attractive. And no, I'm not talking about those scary body builders. O.O I think Victoria Secret models have nice bodies, though I know a lot of people think they're to skinny. There are high fashion models that are MUCH skinnier.

So I guess...no? Skinny isn't necessarily more attractive, but as humans, you can't expect us to find an obese woman more PHYSICALLY attractive than a swimsuit model.

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Guest legweak17

I think skinny is more attractive, but I'm talking HEALTHY skinny here.   When you can see bones jutting out, it's not attractive or healthy, unless that's the way the girl naturally is (some girls are just naturally extremely skinny).  However, I think skinny/thin is more attractive because to me it shows that the girl takes pride in her appearance and takes care of herself; typically, athletic girls are the thinner and toned girls.  But this is just my opinion; as long as the girl eats right and excersises and all that jazz, she should be fine and happy with the way she is because as long as she does that then she IS healthy :)

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Guest JWonNie

I personally am repulsed by girls that have sunken faces. If I can see their rib cages, collarbones and shoulder bones and shoulder blades... girl, just stop it. I don't know who they're trying to impress. People with skeleton fetish? I'm not trying to be funny here. I find it a huge problem that women in privileged countries starve themselves in order to look like the malnutritioned and starving. It's a disturbing practice.

I understand that some women have health problems that make them look like this, but NATURALLY SKINNY WOMEN don't look malnutritioned. That's not an excuse. If you're naturally skinny and look something like the first picture then that's fine. But any woman that tells me they're naturally skinny, and they have sunken cheeks and eyes and their collarbones and joints are popping right out, I'm going to tell them straight up: NO.

I have to disagree... my friend is really really skinny almost quite like the second picture... but she's naturally like that. She eats twice what I eat... dayum...

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Guest ShrimpCrackerrr

i think skinny people look better in all types clothes then heavier people, but i don't think skinny necessarily equals attractive.

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I am always shocked when people think skinny is normal + healthy.  Many of my skinny friends think they're chubby and I normally go, ". . . are you kidding me? Does this mean I'm fat?"

But no, skinny does not mean attractive. There is living proof of people who are still called beautiful despite their weight.

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Guest nana544

Don't be out of your mind!!! Skinny is not attractive!! In between skinny and fat is attractive. Different people have different taste...skinny is not necessary means attractive.

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Guest XangelXtranX

No. It's not, I'm skinny and I've been trying to gain weight forever but it doesn't work. I feel self-conscience and insecure sometimes. Everything I wear is XS or 0. I like girls/guys with meat on them so you're not like touching a bag of bones.

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Guest prettykitty18

I don't think skinny necessarily equals attractive personally. I actually think girls who have hour glass figures seem to get admired the most,but that's just me. I think as long as you own your body type,and carry yourself with a certain confidence,then you will be seen as attractive^-^

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Guest Anneant96

depends on what kind of skinny you mean. If it's the stick like skinny that you see those high end models have, which is quite gross seeing as they are so skinny you can see part of their ribcage, then NO. THAT"S NOT ATTRACTIVE. But if it's the healthy skinny.... normally, people who are healthily skinny have a higher level of self-esteem and confidence, which can be deemed as attractive. But that doesn't mean that people who aren't skinny cannot be attractive :) Many non-skinny people can be known as attractive :) I think it was a long long time ago when it was deemed attractive to be fat, as it showed that you had enough money to buy lots of food, therefore your status was based on how fat you were -.- THIS IS THE MEDIA"S FAULT! They put it in ppl's minds that you have to be skinny to be attractive... upping the amount of anorexic people there are. But anyway, no, you do not have to be skinny to be attractive :) Confidence is key! :D

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Guest witchery

*quoted image* 

*quoted image*

I doubt skinny always mean beautiful O_O

how ironic is the world O_O

if you wanna be skinny, try to live as a poor person.... in poor countries..

there's no food to eat xDD..no food temptation..u don't have to worry about calories and insecurities of being fat.

people there in general are skinny..but they don't appreciate it.. :crazy:

Because when we talk about "skinny" we totally mean "malnourished" right...:rolleyes:

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Guest _GLITCH_

:) as my BF put it, "more to love" hahaha <3

If I were a guy I'd prefer girls who are not too skinny. yes, those skinny girls hold a beauty on their own, I agree. but in reality a bit of meat is good. lol dude what are you gonna grab onto when things get "busy" in the bedroom? hahaha <3

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