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does skinny=attractive?

Guest kiwiwer

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Guest KimBoLee

I'd rather be skinny than fat

Eventho nicole richie was super skinny some people still thought she was pretty

i never heard ne one saying she was pretty when she was chubby

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Guest xbaaByette

well ,

anorexic skinny is NOT appealing at all !

it's just gross cause you can see their bones : (

well you mean like korean celebrity skinny like Yoon Eun Hye or Ayumi Hamasaki or Park Han Byul : D

gorgeous bodies ><"

i envy them ..

well you understand that healthy skinny is beautful ,

but on the other hand .. anorexic skinny is disgusting .

if you'd like to show an unshapely body stucture with bones showing and no meat ..

go for the anorexic look .. but i'm hoping you're not and ...



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I see what you mean, I agree with you. Like before, the average skinny people were just skinny, now like people think they're attractive. i guess it helps certain people. But I'm no where near skinny, and I think I look fine. There's plently of curvy yet beautiful people

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Guest paradox^

No exactly...

Skinny people may have nice bodies, but I've seen fatter people who are beautiful.

It's more about your facial features than your body.

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well i'm a girl and i think skinny is not attractive. HEALTHY is attractive that's why i want to gain my weight. If i had a choice i want to be more chubby - curvy.

in the end being HEALTHY is always the best in my opinion

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Guest CherryBlossom

I have to admit that now, the celebs that I used to think are too thin (nicole richie, keira knightley, kate bosworth) have now what i consider to be my dream body. I would LOVE to look like that. I guess, weight wise, i'm a bit above average (5' and 108 pounds) but I'm an admitted binger, so it's hard for me to loose weight (I need to BREAK THE CYCLE!!!!).

Anyway, I guess, in my book, yes, "thin"=beauty.....i dunno...maybe i'm one of those girls that the news reports and articles talk about who have their minds warped from the media or something...

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Guest JunRi<3

Skinny in the right places- yes.

Some slightly chubby people really would look better skinnIER. But as many people stated, your face plays a big role too.

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Slim skinny - Defined butt, normal size of breast & toned arms & legs. Just as long you're whole body is equally proportioned (*ie: you're head is bigger than your body? Not so attractive). Hence, then You're fine.

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I think it depends on the person. Some people look better with a little meat, some look better slim. slim + curves = more hotter

What kinda scares me though, are people who are skinny to the point it looks unhealthy. Besides, I think it's all a phase, skinny wasnt always attractive I think? Just recently, in the past few decades [though, dont take my word for it, I'm not sure about the exact times]. With all the really really really skinny models banned from some fashion shows, curves would get in soon. Or at least, a more healthier body figure.

Just my opinion though.

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Guest xXSJloveXx

How skinny??

Cant be like Kate Bosworth skinny, no guys wanna see that.

But skinny as in like.. i guess paris hilton? than thats ok.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest lainey025



I doubt skinny always mean beautiful O_O

how ironic is the world O_O

if you wanna be skinny, try to live as a poor person.... in poor countries..

there's no food to eat xDD..no food temptation..u don't have to worry about calories and insecurities of being fat.

people there in general are skinny..but they don't appreciate it.. :crazy:

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Guest quarter.life

size double zero is weird..

did you know that 0 does NOT exist in pattern sizes?! (just a weird fact, i used to work in a fabric store hahaa)

anyway, i think as long as people are healthy, then it should be a ok~

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Guest lovesicles

no, omfg.

why do people believe so much in the media.

they're there to mess with your minds.

some girls look better thin.

others look better thick.

and to the girl who posted above: shut up, no.

why do people always post up pictures of dying people.

there are SLIM GIRLS who look GOOD.

people are so damn narrow minded.

makes me go insane.

but to answer this thread: NO.

paris hilton is skinny, but she looks fug.

then again, beauty is subjective.

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Guest Daylightful

*quoted image* 

*quoted image*

I doubt skinny always mean beautiful O_O

how ironic is the world O_O

if you wanna be skinny, try to live as a poor person.... in poor countries..

there's no food to eat xDD..no food temptation..u don't have to worry about calories and insecurities of being fat.

people there in general are skinny..but they don't appreciate it.. :crazy:

That was a bad, bad example. :ph34r: And I'm a tad offended.

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Guest lala-123

Okay you know what... I understand that there are some self-conscious girls out there who take extreme measures to become skinny (because that is their perception of a nice body). They'll do crazy diets, starve themselves, go bulimic..etc.

BUT I think so many people forget that a lot of girls are also born naturally skinny. I could never and still cannot gain that much weight no matter how much I eat and I got teased in school. It's rude and people need to stop using that word on every skinny girl they see.

You can never tie one body type with beauty because I've really seen women all shapes and sizes (skinny, curvy..etc) be beautiful. As long as you are health and happy, that's all that matters.

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