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【 Dir En Grey 】 The Thread

Guest sHIK-kUN

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Guest fifth_avenue


KISAKI SHOULD DIE -_- *shakes fist*

Btw, just wanted to know... Is this the same Kisaki from 'Kisaki Project' or 'Phantasmagoria'?




credits to twinkieofdoom

and a random cute picture of shin-chan and totchi-kun.



someone post damnit so I can post the next batch of pics... =0=

i hate it how everytime i post pics everyone seems to run off =0=

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Guest accursed_desire

KISAKI SHOULD DIE -_- *shakes fist*

Btw, just wanted to know... Is this the same Kisaki from 'Kisaki Project' or 'Phantasmagoria'?


someone post damnit so I can post the next batch of pics... =0=

Hmm.. why should he die?

Man, I've always wondered that too... I've never bothered to ask anyone though.

Look, I posted!

Ahhh... I'm so tired... I only got 2 hours of sleep last night. >< And I'm hungry... cuz I hate turkey and had nothing to eat for dinner. ><

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Guest fifth_avenue

Hmm.. why should he die?

I don't know :mellow: I've always had this disliking towards him for some unexplainable reason -_-

Thanks for posting Britt, lol go back to sleep.


Okay I changed these into links, cause it's gonna kill all your computers. LOL gomen.

Group 01

Group 02






credits to hybrid_hallow

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Guest accursed_desire

I don't know :mellow: I've always had this disliking towards him for some unexplainable reason -_-

Thanks for posting Britt, lol go back to sleep.

Well, you should thank him.. or we wouldn't have Toshiya or even Dir en grey!

Back to sleep? I've been up for 11 hours! It's only 8. I can't go to sleep, then I'd have to explain to my dad why I was up till 5 in the morning. -__-

OMG, You killed my dad's comp aki! Stupid comp. It won't let me see the pics. *grumble*

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Guest fifth_avenue

Well, you should thank him.. or we wouldn't have Toshiya or even Dir en grey!

Back to sleep? I've been up for 11 hours! It's only 8. I can't go to sleep, then I'd have to explain to my dad why I was up till 5 in the morning. -__-

OMG, You killed my dad's comp aki! Stupid comp. It won't let me see the pics. *grumble*

THANK YOU KISAKI... *grumbles* <_<

But I guess you're right about Toshiya though. lol

Should I take those pics off? >< Or just change them into links? Would that be better? Sorry!


Fixed it up :)

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Guest accursed_desire

Nah, it's cool. It's not killing it that much.... and I can look at them when I get home. Hehe. Wish I had some pics to post... but I'm at my dad's. -__-

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Guest fifth_avenue

LOL I fixed it up now, they're in links *phew* XD

I don't know if I should post more pics. I'll save the rest of the batches for the next pages...

Cause then I might run out of pics to post again XD

But if you're wondering, next batches I will post are: pics from the Macabre Photobook, pics from Taiyou No Ao and pics from Kyo's Poem Book. :)


my 1600th post yo.

okay, i'm off to watch some more j-drama, be back later.

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Guest accursed_desire

lol. You didn't have to fix them. But thanks anyways. :)

O.o You plan what pics you're gonna post ahead of time? *mutters*Weirdo. lol. I just go looking on my comp and upload whatever seems good. Haha. XD

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Guest fifth_avenue

Yes... :mellow:

I decide which pics to post next then put all the links with tags needed onto notepad and save it, and when I go to post pics, I just copy it and paste it. Hehe, makes my life much easier. *innocent smile* ^_____^


Pics from WARE photobook after those batches ^o^

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Guest accursed_desire

I decide which pics to post next then put all the links with tags needed onto notepad and save it, and when I go to post pics, I just copy it and paste it. Hehe, makes my life much easier. *innocent smile* ^_____^

Hrm... whatever floats your boat I guess. lol. >< I just go through my accounts and stuff and post away! Works for me! Oh, and I remembered, you need to reply to my one pm! sdlktheieh! Sorry, I'm tired and cranky and I hate bootleggers!

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Hrm... whatever floats your boat I guess. lol. >< I just go through my accounts and stuff and post away! Works for me! Oh, and I remembered, you need to reply to my one pm! sdlktheieh! Sorry, I'm tired and cranky and I hate bootleggers!

me and brit-chan have been discussing our bootleg crisis T________T, WHY BOOTLEGGERS WHYYYYYY!??

geeze, i hate them so much, i want to support the band, but how can i when a bunch of effing bootleggers keep shoving there noses in the business??, i hate them all, and im sure we all do,

aki!, thank you for the pictures!!, and we're so close to 100!! XDD, im soooo excited! :lol:

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Guest fifth_avenue

Britt. Get some sleep lol I'm not gonna say anymore (cause I don't wanna get onto your bad side so yeah.) I'll PM you later when my PMs work again.

and bootleggers? (like fake stuff right?) that stuff sucks, but there's too many of them to sue, can't really track down all of them, there's almost bootleg copies for EVERYTHING. sucks hey?

Anky, its np.

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Guest CrazieRavieToast

Heh, I ate dinner and now I'm so stuffed and I feel so sick but it all looked so good. I hate the holiday season. I followed my family members around with a video camera and it was entertaining in an odd sort of way.

Wooo! Go page 100!

The La:Sadies pictures always look so weird to me. It's not bad, they all just look so different. Does anyone know what age they were when they formed La:Sadies? And I don't know about the Kisaki thing, either. Sorry

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Guest accursed_desire

Britt. Get some sleep lol I'm not gonna say anymore (cause I don't wanna get onto your bad side so yeah.) I'll PM you later when my PMs work again.

I can't sleep... my dad's house is small and I have to sleep in the living room and people are in there. >< And I don't have a bad side...... Well, yeah I do... but I have to be really pissed about something.

Heh, I ate dinner and now I'm so stuffed and I feel so sick but it all looked so good. I hate the holiday season. I followed my family members around with a video camera and it was entertaining in an odd sort of way.

Wooo! Go page 100!

I hate the holiday season too... because I hate the food. >< Well, I like the mashed potatos and that's it.. and the rolls. >< Man, I wish I could follow my family around with a video camera. That would totally rock!

kaoru back in la:sadies with the long hair reminds me of hide!,

Dude, I think he does too!

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Guest fifth_avenue

I can't sleep... my dad's house is small and I have to sleep in the living room and people are in there. >< And I don't have a bad side...... Well, yeah I do... but I have to be really pissed about something.

Well at least make sure you get some rest or go to sleep early tonight okay? :)

I found this really cute photoshopped pic. :lol:


credits to akajagan

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