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[movie 2006] Doremifasolatido 도레미파솔라시도


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Guest jjinxx

damn just got done with the reading and it totally rocked! one of my official all time favorite stories now! gosh i love this story! i was like crying while watching the trailer for the nth time after reading the story...

and i love that Jang Geun Suk is in it! aw, i want to watch this so bad! i can just keep myself content with listening to the soundtrack for now...aw man >_< :crazy:

neeways, but i was wondering - i guess they didn't want to throw in a new character, but since they had Heewon be Eungyu for the recreating of the concert, who played bass? hm... but i still love this! aw man, and after reading Pupu's sidestory, Eungyu's song "Pupu's kidnapping" made more sense, ehehehe, i love it! argh!


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Guest xling06

Thankd for uploading too tuchee!!!

yup.. i love that song too!!!! but would definitely prefer geun suk version. *cough* (absolutely bias here)

Hi Sheena, I'm trying to download the OST but can't seem to find the link, would you mind to guide me? I have sign up for an account already. just can't find the page for the OST? thanks :)

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Guest ohayyo

one more question...why is it written "movie 2006" in the banner ???? i thought this movie included in movie of 2008........

............................... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest alicimoo

one more question...why is it written "movie 2006" in the banner ???? i thought this movie included in movie of 2008........

............................... :sweatingbullets:

It was set to be released in 2006 but then it got delayed and delayed.

I guess the topic starter hasn't checked back on the thread or hasn't been able to change it yet.

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Guest choong jae

thx for the link to the OST. just say the trailer for this movie n its looks very interesting.

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Guest changminnieluver

omg!! thx soooo much for puttin up the OST!!!


im soory to go to the extreme!! but i have been look in for the ost since may!!

omg thankuthankuthankuthanku


does anyone know when doremi is coming out online in subbs???

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Guest ohayyo

It was set to be released in 2006 but then it got delayed and delayed.

I guess the topic starter hasn't checked back on the thread or hasn't been able to change it yet.

well, i see it clearly now.....

it seems like some of the members are seeking the fic....what is fic anyway? you mean fanfic ???? yeah i heard this movie is from someone's fanfic....hihiih...sorry...not clear enough for me.... :blush:

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Guest j1youngxj3

^ a famous korean story writer named Guiyeoni wrote this story and they decided to make it into a movie. two other stories she's written were made into movies too..maybe you've heard of them...they're called "A Wolf's Attraction" and "The Guy was Cool"

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Guest apatots

i actually have not read the fic yet... now i'm craving to read it :) anybody knows the link for the translated version?

for those who want to download the trailer, here's the link :D


hi, can you please reupload the trailer for doremifasolatido? I can't download it from SS. I'm really, really sorry for the inconvenience but can you please reup it? Thank you very much!

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Guest nikki85

It's been over a month already....and still nothing new?

I'm sooooooo impatient. haha I want to watch the movie now!!! :tears: lol

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Guest changminnieluver

thnx so much for tuchee for uttin up the ost

but does anyone have a link for the jang geun seok ver??

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Guest 2partsvodka

OMG im so excited...lalalalalalala

...i seriously thought the rumors were false..but i guess nottt

so how long will i have to wait to see it..T_T

side note: i want them to make To A Beautiful Wolf

i loved that fic <3

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Guest imurnumba1fan

oh my god!

its finally been released!!!!!!!

downloading it right now.

gooodness gracious.

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Guest charitee

^ hey where are you dl-ing it?!?!?!

omfg i'm desperate!!

i second this. i have been dying to see this movie for like 2 years...literally.

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Guest hotgal_kt27

^ hey where are you dl-ing it?!?!?!

omfg i'm desperate!!

i'm not sure when she's dling it from...but i just checked http://clubbox.co.kr/twoasone ...it's still uploading it...can't wait...FINALLY....i was watching the alternative trailer jus the other day...n the alternative one is so sad...gosh...wat will happen to eungyu

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