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Guest res0nate

Ok, I forgot about Sun's recent episode. I'll just blame it on the fact that they (Jack, Kate, Sun) eps are not up to the usual Lost standard.

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Guest kiss*kiss

Ok, I forgot about Sun's recent episode. I'll just blame it on the fact that they (Jack, Kate, Sun) eps are not up to the usual Lost standard.

I was actually referring to Sun's *very* first episode from LOST season 1. ^_^

But I agree with you -- J, K, S episodes have not been up to par. However, I have enjoyed this season far more than the last. Probably because there has been some actual progression and developments in the "mysteries".

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Guest graceyoon

i'm just happy that ben and locke are finally back! they make the show much more thrilling for sure.. but richard is cool too.. wonder what happened to faraday..

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Here's some interesting food for thought to help stir up some creative speculation:


Where is Charles Widmore throughout all that has transpired thus far?

wow, dood, you really put a lot of thought into this! I don't think I've been paying enough attention.

I find it funny that Charles would tell Locke that they had "peacefully" watched over the island for 30 years (1954-84 or what?) when clearly the "others" were not at "peace" with the Dharma Initiative. (certainly not in 1977...)

as for Charles, didn't Richard make mention of him in this past week's episode? He took in little Ben and said he didn't take orders from Charles (and some other person, whose name I missed...)?

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Guest Myss Blewm

yeah this Kate ep was pretty good. I actually felt myself feeling quite bad for Kate for having to give up Aaron. The pains of a mother, even if she's not his real mother.

I'm just glad to see that next week's ep is going to be Ben's episode. Ben eps are always really good. I'm also growing weary of having to sit and watch the events of the 1970's. I want to know what Ben and Lock are going to do, and what Sun has to do. And indeed, where is Faraday?

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^well this newest episode is exactly talking about what john, ben and sun are up to. it was a pretty exciting episode.

i was used to watching lost practically episode after episode and now having to wait every week to watching a new episode is kinda disconnecting for me.

really good show though!

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Guest dudeman

It was a pretty damn good episode.

Locke is just amazing. I half expected that in a massive plot twist, he was the Smoke Monster the whole time and that he had been judging Ben throughout the episode. He did give off an almost eerie vibe, especially when he told Ben to jump in. Fortunately, he wasn't, and what the monster really did was even better.

I swear, that Ben is just too much. His role as controller apparently has no bounds when it turned out he was going to kill Locke AGAIN. Geez. Monster totally schooled him, though.

As always, any appearance of Desmond, whether big or small, is always welcome.

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Guest tip taps tip

oh my god, last night's ep was sooooo good.

Locke was such a badass, i loved it. reminded me of season one! but Locke and Ben as a duo are awesome too.

the Alex scene was intense.

now, i can't wait for the Miles ep! we get to find out about his gift, i hope? :)

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Guest graceyoon

Locke is just amazing. I half expected that in a massive plot twist, he was the Smoke Monster the whole time and that he had been judging Ben throughout the episode. He did give off an almost eerie vibe, especially when he told Ben to jump in. Fortunately, he wasn't, and what the monster really did was even better.

hmm i like your theories! about locke being the smoke monster....

however the fact they kept bringing up this whole judgement thing, and ben's bewilderment that locke was raised from the dead so to speak makes me think that whole purgatory theory may be true after all...

i dunno tho! these writers how do they come up with these things....

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Guest SillyyJenn

the new episode is really good compared to the earlier ones this season.

so guys any ideas about "what lies in the shadow of the temple/statue?" i don't remember it word for word but yea.

hmm...hope it uncovers soon ;]

if john came back to life why can't charlie?!?!??! :(

i miss charlie...a lot. he was one of my favorite characters ><

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so guys any ideas about "what lies in the shadow of the temple/statue?" i don't remember it word for word but yea.

hmm...hope it uncovers soon ;]

My guess is that it's probably some password/riddle that had to be answered correctly in order to be part of Ilana's 'group' that were taking the outriggers to the main Island?

Why the password/riddle?

One guess is that she is just one of the persons that Charles Widmore has enlisted to form yet another mercenary group to again locate and try to infiltrate the Island. But with Ben around to keep tabs, maybe Widmore saw fit not to have his group initially know each other for security reasons - and only rendezvous with each other when it was the right time. Perhaps this little riddle was what helped identify which people were truly working for Widmore from those who weren't.

That's just my working theory for the time-being, at least.

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Guest aruna_irani

seriously..watching this series make me lost..

I was so curious all the time..

who's the good and who's the bad..

who we can trust...who is the betrayer..


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Guest NanaMun

New episode was pretty rad. I was so curious as to what got Ben jacked up.

Des beat him down :)

I have been rewatching Lost and making sure I got everything straight. I know I'm not the only person to piece these two together, but I have been focusing on Faraday and Miles alot...and I have two (probably) theories...

-Miles is the son of the Namaste guy. Rewatching ep 501, made it appear very obvious but it was the exchange of dialogue between Miles and Faraday that caught my attention.

Miles: Why am I getting a nosebleed. These yahoos have been here for months. I barely been here for a few weeks.

Faraday: You sure about that?

Miles: (Weird look)

the lines were something like that, but it made me think...if he was on the island...who was his father? That Namaste guy has a baby and that was around 79' 80' right? Fits. An obvious theory, not sure someone brought it up. Hope they explain in next ep :)

This one is weird. Remember that Des flashback with him as a monk? The monk who fired him....he had a pic of him and Faraday's mother on the table...huh. Does that make him in any way related to Faraday....? Did someone catch that?

I'm watching too much Lost.

Oh PS, does anyone remember ep 501? Faraday was the man The Namaste Guy (sorry can't remember his name to for the life of me) bumped into. But that was after 77...like two or three years later. So between 77'-79' he was doing something....became a hostile....? Naaaah.

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Guest Myss Blewm

^ Really good theory about Miles! I didn't even consider it but then again I'm not the most observant person. You all come up with amazing theories. XD I love this thread

if john came back to life why can't charlie?!?!??! :(

i miss charlie...a lot. he was one of my favorite characters ><

I miss Charlie too. :tears: But I think the reason why John of all people was brought back to life is because the island has more work for him to do for the island. Remember when Boone died and Locke said his death was a sacrifice to island? I think Charlie's death was much like that. He was supposed to die numerous times but Desmond kept saving his life until it was time for him to accept his fate, in which was to find out that the freighter was not Penny's people as Naomi claimed.

I love Ben episodes. And to get to see Desmond and Penny again, if only briefly, is a special treat. Whenever there are Ben episodes I always feel like the Ben fans have a point. As conniving as he may be, Ben does have a heart. He might be selfish and manipulative but that does not mean he does not know how to love.

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Guest graceyoon

wow why is this thread on the 5th page, yesterday's ep was dopppeee

good guess about miles' dad! that's quite weird tho.. seeing yourself as a baby o-O

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