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Guest tesslovemusic

I followed this show for 2 seasons and LOVED it,

but then i was on vacation and missed 3 episodes of season 3 and came back not

understanding a thing....so i kind of gave up

But it seems Season 3 was a flopp?

But my friends keep telling me it gets better in season 4, what do you think?

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Really? I think season 3 and 4 are the best ><

tesslovemusic, watch season 4! It is the best season.. it's definately a lot more fast paced and more about the island is revealed.

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Guest res0nate

I had the most jacked up dream about the upcoming season of LOST. I can't even explain it, it's like one of those long promos you see on the telly about whats to come and it was crazy haha.

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Guest HeffyEnd

I had the most jacked up dream about the upcoming season of LOST. I can't even explain it, it's like one of those long promos you see on the telly about whats to come and it was crazy haha.

I had a dream late season 2 that Locke strangled Hurley to death. Lol.

Only a few more months!

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Guest Myss Blewm

I found season 3 a bit boring, and I did miss a few episodes but I don't care. I just throw out questions to my brother during commercial breaks if I don't understand something. Season 4 definitely made up for season 3.

I don't think I ever had a Lost dream...

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Guest res0nate

I don't think I ever had a Lost dream...

What kind of fan are you!? :(

The only things I remember about my dream:

-Locke narrating

-Sawyer on the shore hitting some switch, dying, then coming back to life.

-Jin, Michael and Locke? or something, on a boat

-Big richard simmons alien submarine just eating stuff up

-can't remember the rest but it was intense!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Happy_Day

Anyone know when Season 5 airs?

I'm so glad that Sun is getting more screen-time. Seems that she will become more of a main character now, which she totally deserves.

But.. I'm sad about Jin and Claire.. their endings were really ambigous.. Anyone know what really happened to them?

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Guest luvxholic

i am supppperrr excited for season 5!!! about timee!!! hahah i had a few dreams about lost but i don't remember anything about it cept that locke was in it >.< JANUARY 21ST!!!!

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But.. I'm sad about Jin and Claire.. their endings were really ambigous.. Anyone know what really happened to them?

No one can know for sure since the plot is always filled twists.

Kudos to the scriptwriters for providing complexities for television.

Can't wait til the next season!

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Guest Myss Blewm

I just watched all of Season 4 on DVD and gosh I really can't wait for it to return.

And I think I might have had a Lost dream the other night but I can't remember! Soon I tell you, SOON I will have a Lost dream.

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i just watched lost and im on the 4th episode.

i know there is like 5 seasons... are the people gonna be stuck in that island for all those seasons??@ :huh:

this show reminds me of lord of the flies. xD i wonder if theyre gonna kill each other and lose humanity

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Guest res0nate

I'm going to watch this seasons premiere tonight haha.

@ Miss Blewm, hurry up with that LOST dream!

edit - I wanted to watch all of S3 & 4 again before S5 though, it's a habit to have a marathon of previous season before the new ones start, for this show and a few others.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Genius - it's every wednesday right?

Work got extended onto wednesdays now :(

Anyone know a good site I can watch from, or when they air the repeats?

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Guest CK92842

Genius - it's every wednesday right?

Work got extended onto wednesdays now :(

Anyone know a good site I can watch from, or when they air the repeats?


Click on watch free episodes, download the player & you're good to go.

Episode 2 just started but my question about the premiere is, where is Claire during all this. <_<

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