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Guest 1S0ULL

Ji Yeon was good but not great like it usually is. All those flashbacks and stuff were good.

I was like WTF ? when the guy said "The island won't let you" to Michael when he wanted to kill himself.

I really wanna know who shot Cark and Danielle.

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I was like WTF ? when the guy said "The island won't let you" to Michael when he wanted to kill himself.

I really wanna know who shot Cark and Danielle.

This may not answer your question, but here's what we can probably see of the shooter:

The Shooter moving through the tall grass

Moreover, there's some speculation that what can be made out of what the shooter was wearing, it looks like a Dharma logo:

The shooter with Dharma logo?

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^hermit, couldn't the shooter be the guy with one eye? (russian guy who never seems to die)

i just watched the last episode about michael online, and the parts with libby SCARED ME!

dang it!

i was wondering why this weeks episode didn't air

so one whole month?

i thought abc was going to show every episode straight without reruns

i have a few questions

1. why wasn't this week a new episode (after michaels)

2. how many more episodes are left of season 4?

3. how many seasons are there going to be total?

4. how did everyone know that michael killed ana lucia and libby? i thought no one knew who killed them

if anyone can answer these questions i would be grateful.


i like kate because she's hot

not too many hot actresses on LOST

claire is cute

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Guest HeffyEnd

dang it!

i was wondering why this weeks episode didn't air

so one whole month?

i thought abc was going to show every episode straight without reruns

i have a few questions

1. why wasn't this week a new episode (after michaels)

2. how many more episodes are left of season 4?

3. how many seasons are there going to be total?

4. how did everyone know that michael killed ana lucia and libby? i thought no one knew who killed them

if anyone can answer these questions i would be grateful.


They were going to run 16 straight through Jan./Feb.-May, but the strike screwed everything up.

1) They stopped production for 3-4 months during the strike so they didn't have time to have any more ready right after Michaels.

2) 5

3) 6, I think.

4) I haven't seen the episode were they found out in a while (I think it was Live Together, Die Alone from s2), but I remember Jack found out somehow and went crazy on Michael. I guess everyone else found out from there. Sorry, I'm not too much help on that one. :(

I was just trying to find out who episode 9 is about. My usual source is clueless. :rolleyes: Except for slight speculation based on pics from the episode that it's


But ehh I don't know.

Why would there be 2 Sayid episodes 5 episodes apart?

I also heard that

Ben should be having one sometime here soon. Yay!

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1) They stopped production for 3-4 months during the strike so they didn't have time to have any more ready right after Michaels.

2) 5

3) 6, I think.

4) I haven't seen the episode were they found out in a while (I think it was Live Together, Die Alone from s2), but I remember Jack found out somehow and went crazy on Michael. I guess everyone else found out from there. Sorry, I'm not too much help on that one. :(

Yeah, what Heffy said. When LOST got renewed, they were finally able to distinguish an end date for the show, with the conclusion coming after the 6th season in 2010. They were supposed to be 16 episode seasons apiece for seasons 4, 5, and 6, but this season was interrupted due to the writer's strike. They were able to get the 8 episodes we've seen done, but when the strike continued on for much longer than anticipated, they could not maintain a schedule where they could provide all 16 new episodes straight through as intended. Once the strike was resolved, the decision was made to resume production but they would only have time to do 5 more episodes. The 'missing' 3 would instead be bundled together with the 16 slated for season 5, thus making it a 19 episode season. From what I've read, it seems like the executive decision was to weed out the 3 episodes that were stories centered upon the new characters from the freighter and defer their stories to next season. So what we can expect to see in the remaining 5 episodes that will resume on April 24th, are stories that will more likely center upon answering and elaborating upon the central question left open-ended in season 3: how did the Oceanic 6 survivors get back to the real world? The general framework of the storyline from there is that once this question is answered, season 5 will address how the Oceanic 6 will find their way back onto the island and season 6 will address what happens once they've figured out how to get there and what's next.

As for how the Losties know that Michael killed Ana Lucia and Libby, Heffy is right: In the season-ending episode for year 2, Live Together, Die Alone, Micheal ends up confessing about what he did. If you recall, Michael was charged with freeing Ben and bringing back Sawyer, Jack, Kate, and Hurley to the Others. In order to do that, Michael used his knowledge of the Others' camp and was able to 'recruit' these 4 to help form a rescue team to get Walt back. Sayid was intending to go along with this group, but Michael talked him out of it. Because Michael was acting all sketchy about excluding him, Sayid figured out that Michael was 'compromised' in some way and warned Jack that Michael might be leading the group into a trap. As a precaution, Jack removed a clip from Michael's gun, unbeknownst to him. Later on in their journey, a bird attacked the group in which Michael tried to shoot at it - only to discover that the gun wasn't loaded. Jack played like maybe Michael forgot to load the gun and gave him a full clip. But this only got Michael paranoid (correctly) that Jack didn't trust him and suspected him of something. Then, after the bird incident, two Others were detected tracking them and Sawyer managed to shoot one of them with the other escaping. By then some in the group wanted to go back because surely the one Other would go back to warn of their coming. But that's when Jack turned on Michael in anger, realizing that Sayid's suspcions were correct, and confronted Michael about them being set up. And it was then that Michael finally confessed about having shot Ana Lucia and Libby as part of his overall plan of getting Ben free, handing them over to the Others, and getting Walt back in return.

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I was really confused about the last episode. Wasn't Tom dead? O_O I thought he got shot in the Sayid/Sawyer/Jin/Rose's husband scene.

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Guest res0nate

I was really confused about the last episode. Wasn't Tom dead? O_O I thought he got shot in the Sayid/Sawyer/Jin/Rose's husband scene.

The Michael/Tom scenes happened before the Camp raid.

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I was really confused about the last episode. Wasn't Tom dead? O_O I thought he got shot in the Sayid/Sawyer/Jin/Rose's husband scene.

Yeah, as resonate alluded to, all that you were watching was just a Michael flashback, when Tom was still alive and recruiting him to get on the freighter to sabotage their efforts in finding the island.

It's funny that you mention this because the timeline regarding this is debated on fan boards as other viewers have also been confused. (Reference: LOST timeline - Season 3) From the timeline, the appearance of Naomi when she parachuted out of her helicopter occurs the night of day 84 (12/14/2004) and she's later found by Desmond & co. on day 85 (12/15/2004). Naomi's appearance gives a rough time stamp indicating that the freighter was already in the vicinity of the island by at least day 84. Now, if you recall, when the Others staged their raid on the beach, this occurs nearly a week later ... and it's eventually on day 91 (12/22/2004) that Tom is killed by Sawyer.

Because this last episode is Michael's flashback explaining how he got recruited by Tom to be on the freighter, it's pretty evident that the freighter hasn't even set sail yet on its mission - so the Tom and Michael scenes occured well before day 84, when Naomi appears on the island. So yes, Tom is alive in Manhattan in the flashback ... but we'll see that he will end up dying roughly 1.5 - 2 weeks afterwards - when he's found his way back to the island by then and subsequently takes part on the ill-fated raid on the beach.

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is tom the guy that was in the michael episode? (that used to have a beard)

i never knew he died

i thought he just got ran over and that was it.

hermit, why couldnt the shooter be the russian guy?

why doesnt anyone suspect it's him?

also hermit, i thought the time on the island goes by much slower than the real world?

am i correct on this?

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is tom the guy that was in the michael episode? (that used to have a beard)

i never knew he died

i thought he just got ran over and that was it.

hermit, why couldnt the shooter be the russian guy?

why doesnt anyone suspect it's him?

also hermit, i thought the time on the island goes by much slower than the real world?

am i correct on this?

Yes, Tom aka "Mr. Friendly" is the same guy that had the beard and kidnapped Walt. He's also apparently homosexual, if you were to infer that from the peck on the cheek he shared with his friend.

Mikhail could be one of many suspects that shot at Danielle, Karl, and Alex but I think that he could be presumed dead after he blew up the underground station that drowned Charlie along with him. But given that this guy seems to have nine lives, I guess anything is possible. The thing is, how would you explain what reason Mikhail has for shooting at them?

As for the time going slower on the island as opposed to the real world is still speculation, with no real concrete evidence either way to prove or disprove it. The little rocket experiment that Daniel conducted is one example that seemingly is in favor of the time anomaly argument. The fact that it seemed like days that Desmond, Frank, and Sayid left in the helicopter - but to them, it was only a few hours trip is another. But remember the episode when Desmond was having his consciousness time travels after arriving on the freighter? If you recall, he looked on the calendar hanging on the wall and it was December 2004. When Desmond finally got through to Penny on the phone, the background in her house showed a Christmas tree. Also, when Michael was in the hospital after having attempted to kill himself by crashing his car, you also notice a Christmas tree set up just outside his room in the hallway. All of these examples occured in the "real world" and yet it can still be discerned that the timeline here is still congruent with the timeline on the island. Per island-time, the survivors are coming up on 100+ days of being stuck on that island since their late September 2004 crash. You do the math and that lands your right about Christmas-time - which is the same time as depicted on the off-island scenes.

*EDIT: After reading up a little more on this, I'm starting to lean more towards the line of thought that the island-time and 'real world' time are really congruent. It's only when traveling between the island and the real world that a time distortion is experienced. So, when Jack and the beach survivors anxiously await for days to hear back from Sayid and Desmond, it indeed is days that they have been waiting. But to the guys in the helicopter (or anything traveling between the real world and the island - like the rocket, for example) they experience a time distortion during travel. Although it has really been days that they've been gone, they only "feel" like it's been a shorter trip. Hence, I think it's not so much that time is much 'slower' on the island relative to the real world, it's only that time is distorted when going to or from the island from the perspective of the traveler (or object, such as the rocket). Although I don't think it has been substantiated by any of the freighter crew upon the helicopter's landing, but I would imagine -for example- if Lapidus had radioed to the Captain that they were leaving the island, the Captain would have greeted them on deck saying something to the effect of, "welcome back, it sure took you long enough - it's been 3 days since you told me that you were coming back." Hence, to Jack on the island and the Captain on the boat, the helicopter took 3 days to travel. But to Frank, Sayid, and Desmond, the trip only lasted just a number of hours. Likewise, when Daniel Faraday conducts his little rocket experiment, we see that the rocket doesn't arrive on the island at the time expected. Per Daniel's watch, it is 2:45pm on the island. But on the rocket's clock, it is 3:16pm. Again, since it really isn't specifically substantiated in the episode itself, I think that if Daniel simply called the freighter back and asked them what time they had, they would have told him that it was 2:45pm over there too. An interesting thing to note is that there really wasn't any clear indication as to how long Faraday was waiting for the rocket to come because the scenes were split during the episode. So let's arbitrarily say that Daniel and the freighter conducted the rocket launch at 2:40pm. Again, the time is the same for both locations. Once the rocket is launched, the "radar observance" of the rocket would indicate that it should have arrived on the island within 20 seconds. The freighter observer couldn't truly confirm that because from their perspective, the rocket is just a blip on the screen that reaches the island's coordinates and then stops or disappears. Ultimately, the rocket ends up arriving at 2:45pm instead - 5 minutes later. Again, if Faraday immediately spoke to somebody on the freighter, they could have said "that's weird, I wonder why it only landed 5 minutes later". Meanwhile, since the clock reads 3:16pm, it must have "felt" like a 36 minute trip to the island (from 2:40pm on the freighter to 3:16pm on the island).

Honestly, I don't know if time is slower on the island than in the real world. There's so much conflicting evidence as portrayed onscreen that it gets confusing after a while. For now, I'm just going by the Lostpedia timeline, which apparently goes by days according to the survivors' perspective.

With that said, we know that the following logical sequence of events had to have happened:

1. Michael gets recruited by Tom (pre day 84)

2. Michael gets on the freighter with Naomi and company and sets sail.

3. Naomi parachutes onto the island (day 84)

4. The beach raid occurs and Tom gets executed by Sawyer, after Hurley's VW bus stunt and despite offering to surrender (day 91).

When looked at from just this logical sequence of events, regardless of island/real world time comparisons, you can see how Tom is alive in the flashback and dies later on. He does not "come back from the dead".

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LOL, no, I really don't know that much about it. I just read much more elaborate fan boards of that show besides this thread that help me in clarifying plot points, expose me to interesting theories that others have to share, and reveal certain spoilers should I choose to read them.

One very infomative "go-to" site that I recommend for all of you is the LOSTPEDIA website. It's the Wikipedia of all things pertaining to LOST. Very useful if all you want to do is refresh your memory or just simply gather more information regarding a particular character, location, theme, mystery, or complete episode on the show. The main page has a complete index of these things.

But as for interesting theories and spoiler material, you can simply go to a plethora of other forum boards on the web that are devoted to the show. I personally go to The Fuselage boards, which is the "official site of the creative team" behind the show and sponsored by JJ Abrams. Another site that I take a look at from time to time is Dark UFO. There's a lot of interesting tidbits you can pick up between these two sites.

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Guest knickstorm

^ beacuse they have other prime time shows that need to finish before they can put a show on thats obviously gonna give the channel good ratings


^ ill go on those websites then thnx for info :D

i thought it's just cause of the writer's strike and they couldnt finish the other episodes.......it's not like they're showing other shows in place of lost, it's just lost re reruns

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