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Guest graceyoon

^ well i wasn't really noticing, but when they focused it at the end, down the middle it said his name in korean, like this:



so yeah his last name is kwon, nice to know lol

anyways i knew something would happen to him since near the end he kept reemphasizing how he would never leave her etc etc

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when you saw him running to the hospital, that was actually a flashback; it wasn't sun that had just delivered a baby. then they flashforwarded again when you saw sun and baby in the cemetary.

oh that's HORRIBLE! my initial impression was that they were BOTH flash-forwards and that sun believed that jin was dead but in actuality he was just running around in korea on his own and that he'd gotten remarried. but then my friend told me one was a flashback which makes more sense but i can't bear to think that he's really dead :(

and why is michael all brainwashed and stuff?

p.s. i guess it's not a flashforward. my bro said to notice how jin's cellphone was huge compared to today's standards (especially in korea)

p.p.s. my bro also said "his grave said "9/24/2004" or whenever the plane crashed and neither of them actually referred to him as being dead so it's possible he's one of the people who gets left behind"

p.p.p.s. was i wrong in thinking that the guy that sun mistook as jin in her delirium was the same guy in jin's flashback? okay i guess not

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Yea the thing with Jin was definitely a flashback... read on a blog that the shopkeeper mentioned it was the "year of the dragon" which could only be 1998 (i think) or sometime far in the future.

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Guest Jah nee nee x

I have a theory that Jins not dead!

I know its a long shot ... but that episode made me cry so what if:

Jin is still back on the island, so Sun had to make up a story saying that he was dead since there were only "six" survivors. i dunno :P

Truuust me! I was right about Michael being the undercover dude on the boat, theres a good chance ill be right about this ;DD

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Guest lamehead

p.p.s. my bro also said "his grave said "9/24/2004" or whenever the plane crashed and neither of them actually referred to him as being dead so it's possible he's one of the people who gets left behind"

Actually, 09/22/2004. They crashed on my birthday. xD

That episode was okay. I keep comparing all of the episodes to the Desmond one.<3

If Jin dies, it reinforces the DUI idea, where they get fired after getting a DUI. LOL. x___X

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Guest knickstorm

Actually, 09/22/2004. They crashed on my birthday. xD

That episode was okay. I keep comparing all of the episodes to the Desmond one.<3

If Jin dies, it reinforces the DUI idea, where they get fired after getting a DUI. LOL. x___X

yea but michelle rodriguez and that other girl were not originals......but then agian charlie died, he never had a dui

just a Q when she's about to give birth she asks the doc to call her husband............and later tshe asks where Jin is the doc says he's not here yet........if he's dead wouldnt he have said "we can't get in touch with him"? i know the doc could be saying it placate her but logically it would make more sense that he says "he's not here yet" if they did contact him to show up.

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Guest 7:45am

so, does that make Michael as Ben's "spy" on the boat? or is it that woman who told sayyid and desmond to "do not trust the captain" ..

this was mentioned before, but why is kate always so dirty-looking?? -.-

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I'm not sure I'm getting the complete gist of what knickstorm was asking, but in regards to that scene I had some issue with it as well. As seen upon Sun's arrival in the hospital, one of the medical personnel recognized her as an Oceanic 6 survivor and the nurse wheeling her in confirmed it to the other woman in passing. From that, the implication can be made that Sun commands a certain level of recognition by virtue of being an Ocean 6 survivor. But when she's in the delivery room, the doctor asks her if there's anybody he can call for her and one of his first suggestions was to call a husband. If the prior assumption can be generally made, how is it that this doctor would ask such a question? I guess a further assumption on my part is that Sun would not only be recognized as a survivor - but also a widow who also lost her husband in the crash. If this is the case, it would seem like an inappropriate suggestion by the doctor.

I guess the only real justification that could best explain this curious verbal exchange between Dr. Bae and Sun is that the doctor wasn't really her regular doctor - remember, Dr. Park was reportedly away at a conference. So I guess in all the commotion of a pregnant woman coming in and ready to deliver, we essentially have a new doctor thrown into the fire, having to sub for another to deliver his patient's baby. And in all the excitement, the doctor wasn't entirely aware of who his 'famous' patient was and just reflexively went through the regular protocols of asking the patient who he can call, etc. etc. .... without ultimately realizing that the father was already deceased.

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so, does that make Michael as Ben's "spy" on the boat? or is it that woman who told sayyid and desmond to "do not trust the captain" ..

Interesting perspective on considering Regina as having been the one that slipped the note to Des and Sayid through the door. I actually overlooked the fact that she was earlier standing guard at the door and had already taken it as a given that Michael was both the spy as well as the deliverer of said note.

I actually still support this notion that Michael is both, based on the context of what happened when Lapidus encountered her outside the door standing guard when he was dropping by to give the two prisoners some lima beans to eat. Although Regina was supposedly keeping guard outside the door, there was obviously something strange about her and Lapidus knew it and called her out on it. She quite simply just wasn't doing a good enough job keeping watch and maintaining focus and her inability to hide that fact was Frank being able to notice that the book she was 'reading' was actually upside down. And if it's just a case of Regina not being a great guard, then I still find it plausible that the spy (presumably Michael) would be able to get arouind her and secretly and quickly deliver that note through the door.

For this reason, I'm not entirely convinced that Regina had anything to do with delivering that note. Besides, it sure seemed like she had enough of her own problems to deal with.

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Guest papabear

Eh. After watching the episode I don't think they're faking. So there better be something big to explain everything that's happened to the characters, especially the deaths.

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Guest kiss*kiss

I always get watery-eyed/teared up during Jin/Sun episodes.

I can't tell whether it's because Kim YunJin is such a good actress or just because everything seems so much more emotional in Korean. :)

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the korean actors really sucked.

i didn't like the gift shop owner. he seemed really weird.

the doctor was a joke.

the nurses were funny in a bad way.

they need better casting or maybe it was cheaper for them to cast untalented korean people.

i did like how the show made us believe jin was buying the panda for fun though.

anyone notice the lost curse?

i'm assuming jin dies within this season cuz he did get arrested for DUI a while back.

so that makes it michelle rodriguez, cythia watros, and daniel dae kim.

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Guest res0nate

What do you expect them to do? Get some "a-list" Korean star to make a 5 second, 3 word cameo?

Maybe I should take up arms for the lack of other Asians and how an African American is no less... a janitor (but for PC-sake, he's really a spy!), while the Hispanic is portrayed by a fat guy and the musician is a drug addict.

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Guest knickstorm

the korean actors really sucked.

i didn't like the gift shop owner. he seemed really weird.

the doctor was a joke.

the nurses were funny in a bad way.

they need better casting or maybe it was cheaper for them to cast untalented korean people.

i did like how the show made us believe jin was buying the panda for fun though.

anyone notice the lost curse?

i'm assuming jin dies within this season cuz he did get arrested for DUI a while back.

so that makes it michelle rodriguez, cythia watros, and daniel dae kim.

well charlie, and maggie grace (is that her name) died first, and walt got sent away and none of them had DUI's....i dont think it has an effect.......michelle rodriguez got killed cuz no one cared for her character, and neither her or cynthia was an original cast member...and if you're not an original, you better be as special as ben to stay on.

and curse is the wrong word.......even if the LOST producers did say "okay everyone that gets a DUI must die" it's still not a curse.......since when is getting punished for getting behind a wheel while you're drunk a curse?? curse is when something bad happens to you that shouldnt.

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Guest chickyl3aby

One of those LOST theories posted earlier made me think that everything this season onward would be flash forwards rather than flashbacks... although the episode with Desmond was kind of a flashback (but more like traveling through time).

The Juliet episode was sorta a flashback as well...

This last episode made me teary-eyed. I was so confused on the flashback/flashforwards at first because I had thought they were all flashforwards and I thought Jin got remarried or something as well! -_-"... I had to rewatch apart of it to actually get it.

I think the best episode so far is the Desmond one... That one was mind boggling o_O.

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Guest NotFromThisPlanet

i was too curious and i read the spoilers for the latest episode even though i didnt watch the episode. :lol:

anyway, i have possible spoilers because of two recent celeb sightings that i had. one that my bf had -just to add to the gossip of who could possibly be the returning character.

about 2 weeks ago i saw josh holloway.

2 days ago i saw daniel dae kim.

when i saw the both of them they both had long hair which coincides with the way their characters look on the current season.

my bf saw harold perrineau after the episode aired about walt and michael leaving the island.

it was toward the end of the year (2007) this was before the writers strike. which leads me to believe he will probably come back because of the appearance of walt to locke

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Guest knickstorm

i was too curious and i read the spoilers for the latest episode even though i didnt watch the episode. :lol:

anyway, i have possible spoilers because of two recent celeb sightings that i had. one that my bf had -just to add to the gossip of who could possibly be the returning character.

about 2 weeks ago i saw josh holloway.

2 days ago i saw daniel dae kim.

when i saw the both of them they both had long hair which coincides with the way their characters look on the current season.

my bf saw harold perrineau after the episode aired about walt and michael leaving the island.

it was toward the end of the year (2007) this was before the writers strike. which leads me to believe he will probably come back because of the appearance of walt to locke

haha michael already showed up this week

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Guest NotFromThisPlanet

haha michael already showed up this week

:lol: yea i just finished watching the episode so scandalous.

i find it very strange that people recognized sun, and yet the doctor questioned her about calling family for her.

since she was fairly well-known pre-crash (possibly notoriously because of her father being who he is (possibly in some sort of organized crime

and because of their wealth and status )

because of her family, wouldnt he also recognize her from that?

the doctor would also probably know her story from her being one of the oceanic survivors.

wouldnt it be in sun's and jin's best interest if he didnt survive the crash. her father had expectations for jin, and before the crash he was supposed to have completed some sort of assignment for him, right? also, it had me thinking that maybe sun was forced to remarry for whatever reasons and to fake jin's death.

i think that the person that put the note under the door is either walt, or michael. or, it was the captain :w00t:

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i think that the person that put the note under the door is either walt, or michael. or, it was the captain :w00t:

Popular opinion has it that it's probably Michael that is the 'spy' and who slipped that note under the door. But one of the interesting observations that offers an alternate explanation is that it is Walt that slipped the note under the door - due to the writing style of the note looking a bit 'childlike'. Before the crash, Michael was not only a construction worker, but also an aspiring sketch artist. Given the nature of his hobby, speculation is that Michael might not have written the note given the drab and simple block-lettering style in the penmanship.

I myself am not completely aboard with this speculation but I do find it compelling enough to consider it as somewhat of an explanation regarding Walt's whereabouts and the possibility that he's really the 'spy'. Michael could be part of the "spy team" on the boat - simply because I find it dubious as to the methods in which he alone would be able to transmit reports back to Ben on the island. The extent of his involvement is probably more towards being the sabatouer of the freighter, ensuring that the communications systems were destroyed and the engines were sabotaged so that the ship couldn't go anywhere. Walt, on the other hand, apparently has special powers and perhaps one of them is his ability to transend space/time and appear in one place while being in another (ie. how he appeared before Locke after Ben shot him and how he appeared before Shannon before Ana-Lucia shot her). In this regard, I'd have to think that Walt has to be involved somehow with the freighter as well since he has the more plausible "means" of communicating with Ben while off-island. (Or perhaps maybe not on the freighter ... but still on the boat that Ben gave them, someplace away and safe at a distance? But then how Michael would work his way onto the freighter and not Walt - that's something that still needs figuring out. Shoot, even without Walt in the picture, how Michael ended up on the boat is nonetheless still an unanswered question.)

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