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Guest NanaMun

I haven't been this upset since Charlie.

Sayid found his redemption in a sacrifice. I know it's jerky of me, but I REALLY wanted Kate to....uh...die. But no matter, what happened, happened. Jack looked like a little recruiter for a second - although he seemed to be by a mistake. Can't WAIT for next week. Our LOST journey is coming to an end...

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Guest iEatPowder


Damn. That was major suck. It was so disheartening to see Jack break down.

Now they have to regroup with Desmond and team Richard Miles & Ben.

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Guest res0nate

This whole season, I took a step back and decided to watch LOST as a casual fan rather than someone that needs to know every single answer and pay attention to every little detail.

Been quite enjoyable.

Except for that last episode. And anything Kate related.

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Guest jjowah

that was lame how jin and sun were talking in english. korean people don't speak in english especially after seeing each other after soo long!

at least we know sayid died with some kind of respect.naveen andrews was spectacular for all those years playing sayid. def. one of the more memorable characters on lost.

cant believe the end is near...

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Guest iEatPowder

Just thought all you losties might want to stick around after the Finale for Jimmy Kimmel. Apparently he's airing three alternate endings "from the minds of Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse." His guests will be a large portion of the Lost cast as well. For the full story, click on the link: http://tv.yahoo.com/lost/show/36617/news/t...ing-lost-finale

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Guest catchthesky.

hated this episode. -0- disappointeddddddddd. it answered a lot of questions, but i could've guessed all of that anyway.

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Guest graceyoon

what the heck was that?????????????????? they could have edited it to take up only half the time and get on the real deal!!

i think they are doing this on purpose.. so we won't miss it too much when it's gone lol

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Guest res0nate

Terrible episode. Had high expectations, considering it was a Jacob-Brother origins story...

Instead it was a load of bollocks.

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Guest NanaMun

*sigh* I'm more disappointed in LOST fans than any of the episodes this season. People ask for answers, whine about them, then when they get some, they whine even more about how it's not what they wanted or what they expected. If you're a LOST fan, you should have already come to terms with EXPECTING nothing, and just take in everything they throw at you as a piece to a bigger picture. Desmond had it about right a few weeks ago; sit back, relax and just be.. And it doesn't hurt to have a little blind faith. This episode wasn't about "wowing" you, it was a "Once upon a time" tale, and those aren't always action packed or littered with easter eggs and touching moments.

I personally enjoyed seeing the man in black as a person - It humanizes him and actually makes me sympathize with him more. He's still a jerk for tossing Desmond in the well though...

The only thing that had me takenback was the flashback to that scene where Jack and Kate found the bodies and the two stones. Surely, the writers should know that if anyone is watching the show with at least half a brain to know to follow the it closely, they'd make the correlation between that scene and the cave's initial discovery. Or perhaps they know this is not the case....

Anyways, in my opinion, decent episode, in no way the best, but I surely didn't think it was crap.

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Guest jjowah

im sorry but i have to agree a lot of lost fans in that there could've been a less known actress to play MIB/Jacob's fake mother. CJ FROM WEST WING???? she has this distinct voice..everytime she would be saying something wise and deep in her weird hairnet, i have her in my mind saying "mr. president" to josh and president barlett and all those good folks over at west wing. oh well... can't complain cuz there's only one episode left..

theres a theory going around how nobody wants to be the island's protector for long.. i mean we all know its a stressful, arduous task. The fake mother was planning her death along or something so that she could pass on the torch to someone else .. she can't die, so she makes human MIB to do it for her. interesting take.. this episode wasnt surprising to say the least. but nontheless, i couldnt take my eyes off the tv hoping for something extraordinary to pop out.. at least i got jack towards the end. and kate.. kate aged more than any of the characters over th e past six years.. evageline lily needs botox or something. she got really old fast. jack on other hand aka matthew fox.. is looking young and muy guapo!!!!

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Guest CK92842

*sigh* I'm more disappointed in LOST fans than any of the episodes this season. People ask for answers, whine about them, then when they get some, they whine even more about how it's not what they wanted or what they expected. If you're a LOST fan, you should have already come to terms with EXPECTING nothing, and just take in everything they throw at you as a piece to a bigger picture. Desmond had it about right a few weeks ago; sit back, relax and just be.. And it doesn't hurt to have a little blind faith.

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Guest graceyoon

^ lol

the fact is that birthing scene took at least 15 minutes! and the birth looked SOOO fake.. no blood or anything, everything's nice and clean lol

yes it was nice to see the story of the jacob person and how his brother turned into the smoke monster but cmon they didnt need a whole hour to explain that!

maybe its the reason the finale has been stretched to 2.5 hours.. goodness knows what they are trying to push in there

and to the person above, i think kate looks great! i saw recent photos of lilly for david letterman and she looks the same to me.. i think they're doing a good job just making them look haggard on the show being on the island for so long..

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Guest iEatPowder

:o I actually liked the episode.

The only thing that went unexplained is how Jacob's brother knew what to do with the light.

"I just know that I should open the hole bigger and shove a wheel in there and turn it and transport myself from the island."

Seemed a little too vague and convenient. :huh:

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