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Guest Myss Blewm

LOL Ethan is back for a cameo.

With Sayid....I didn't catch the French crew infection thing, and it would make some sense since Rousseau said that they were infected. But then I thought, "Well, but then she was going to kill Jin too because she said he was infected." But perhaps the infection has to do with the fact that the Man in Black eventually manipulates people into being for his cause instead of being for Jacob's cause, whatever they are. I think this because Man in Black/Smoke Monster seems like he can only be in one form at a time, and when John Locke went to go visit "Jacob" he came in the form Christian accompanied by Claire. That could mean that the Man in Black found a way to "infect" Claire by convincing her to take down Jacob and his people. For what reasons I still don't know, except that it seems like Jacob has imprisoned the Man in Black on the Island.

Good episode, especially since it's a Kate episode. I'm still really confused but I'm happy to see that Jack's not sitting around hopped up on drugs and demanding that his dad is the root of his problems.

Also, I know I'm not alone in not caring who Kate ends up with, but it needs to be said. I don't really give a hoot about this love triangle.

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Guest NanaMun

Although I am loving the theories relating to "Time" and the significance of the Island, I can't help but fear that some LOST fans (not all), are letting just those aspects consume them. I have always been a big fan of the characters, their connections to each other and how that applies to everything including time and and any other shenanigans that has affected them. I think a lot of our answers and clues are in just figuring how the characters and their storylines (I think a big "duh!" comes to mind for everyone when I say that) and we can easily be distracted with the whole Dharmaville being under water. For those who may have lost their way, here is some guidance. FishBiscuitLand.That link is for the most recent episode. It just helps put some things into perspective. Perhaps some of you heard of this blogsite, but it is really good stuff. I have been following it for over a year and it is a great reminder that the story of the characters are being considered by the writers and the people drama isn't all about the Jack, Kate, Sawyer triangle.

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I agree with you.

In an Entertainment Weekly article in which producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse were interviewed, the question was posed, "Just how many of our questions are going to get answered, anyway?"

To quote the article: "The producers say the number and nature of the mysteries they intend to address during the show's final 16 episodes will be guided by this principle: Does the question matter to the characters? "We don't want the show to be pedantic," says Cuse. "If the characters are not concerned with a question, how can we be concerned with it? So there are many, many questions that people probably have that we just can't address."

I love to speculate on this show like the best of them, but I really try not to get too bogged down by the minutiae and every single detail in the story, ie. trying to explain the "tree" without seeing the overall "forest" of the tale being told. Who cares who the Economist is anymore? What does it matter what the Numbers represent? Why is it important that the button had to be pushed exactly every 108 minutes? These little mini-mysteries ultimately served to propel the overall story and sometimes you just have to accept it for what it is and namely, for what purpose that it served in fleshing out the narrative. But to stop and haggle about these little things only serves to take away from the overall 'ride' of the story. It's analogously like slowing down your road trip to some faraway destination because you don't understand the 'mystery' of how the air conditioning works, what exactly it is that is causing all this traffic, what are in all those boxes stacked high on the back of that truck, yada yada yada. Ultimately, you learn to sacrifice having to need to know anything and everything and prioritize just what is necessary.

And for the show LOST, as NanaMun has stated, the story is not entirely about getting off of the Island - but rather it is a character driven story in which we've grown to sympathize with these characters, their inner turmoils, and want to see if they can attain their personal redemption, that inner peace that they seek.

I read on a post somewhere on another LOST site that described viewers of the series as being in either of two camps. One believes that the Island itself is the main character, the other believes that the principal group of characters are the main characters. If you are a viewer that identifies with the first group, the ending of the series and the answers that you get may ultimately leave you unfulfilled. But if you subscribe to the latter, you're going to thoroughly enjoy how the series sums up.

I think there's a lot of truth to that post.


Thanks to the link for that site, NanaMun. Looks pretty good, I think I'll check that one out more often.

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Guest graceyoon

well, it didn't really explain the 'infection' as in what it exactly is, but only to confirm it has something to do with the story line and that there was truth to what danielle was saying and perhaps wasn't so crazy afterall....

as with claire, it didn't really explain either what exactly happened to her, as in how she disappeared and what happened during her disappearance. yeah we were told now by dogen she is also infected, but just how it occured, and if it was done by jack's father who may also be infected? then why was she chosen... hmm maybe to infect the rest? just arises more and more spectulation.. but then again, it's only been 2 episodes so i guess i'll see but i hope they don't end up rushing it near the end..

i mean, didn't the writers/producers say that LOST can be explained without any hocus pocus... the whole time traveling thing can make sense, but the whole jacob and MIB spirtual powers is sorta dubious... i really like the show since it makes you think outside the box, but since this is the end of the series, was hoping for some concrete facts.. maybe that's why i like jack lol, he's trying to get the real deal about all this.

Sure it has.
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Refer to the two posts by NanaMun's and my posts above yours.

Also, check out the link in post #2014 (about 4 posts earlier than yours).

I'm sorry that you hold the writers/creators to a much stricter standard in which you'd like to have your answers. But they've stuck with a storytelling formula thus far and they're not about to change it now. And that formula is to give you enough clues/information in which you can at least logically come to an educated guess/conclusion and move on from there. I've given you an example of enlisting the process of deduction in my earlier post regarding what the Sickness was and what happened to Claire - but I guess that's still not enough for you. You classify the last episode as pointless and not answering anything, yet the way I see it, some revelatory pieces of new info helped to fill in more of the blanks in such a way as to further elucidate what has been going on in some aspects of the narrative.

Anyhow, the fact of the matter is that not all mysteries/questions will be addressed by series' end, so you may have to come to terms with that. Try to see the forest for the tress, so they say. If you can't, I don't know how I can help you. Chances are, the end of the series will just be one big disappointment for you.

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Guest NanaMun

It's analogously like slowing down your road trip to some faraway destination because you don't understand the 'mystery' of how the air conditioning works, what exactly it is that is causing all this traffic, what are in all those boxes stacked high on the back of that truck, yada yada yada. Ultimately, you learn to sacrifice having to need to know anything and everything and prioritize just what is necessary.

I think every LOST fan should digest that. There are some mysteries on the show that will be left unanswered so that what applies to the story will be handled. It's priority to the story. And what's the point of having such an awesome program as this, if there aren't a few things left to ponder about? If everything was answered, wouldn't that make the show....less alluring? There are too many things to answer and frankly, I prefer some to be left to my imagination. And on the other hand, there are questions being answered, it's just people want the answers spoon fed to them, when they can't just put two and two together.

For the longest time, there people who didn't know Jack and Claire were related, even when Christian came to Claire and literally said "I'm your father". Sometimes its good to take a breather, review an episode and read between the lines. If we know that A=B and B=C , then obviously A=C, right?

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Guest graceyoon

well i disagree because i think they will be answered.. and it will blow my frickin mind and all the theories out there...

IRL ben was sooo awesome and frikken hilarious

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Guest asdfjkl;fdsajkl;

is it just me or has lost been kinda...boring this season?

anyways, i hate sawyer damnit. stop wallowing in your misery and believing every word smokie says. btw, were those numbers next to their names on the ceiling hugo's numbers/numbers on the hatch/numbers desmond entered? i think it went something 4 16 18 23 or something but im not sure.

gotta say, i cant believe jack and kate didnt show up this episode. and when will jin and sun meet again!

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Guest iEatPowder


Does anyone else watch the episode re-runs with the pop up commentaries at the bottom?

It explained in last week's episode that the sequences where we see the folks of Oceanic 815 landing safely...

"...are not flashbacks or flash forwards. They are actually flash "sideways" and show what would've happened if Oceanic 815 had not crashed."

Anyway, interesting episode this week. A lot to process.

4 - Locke

8 - Reyes

15 - Ford

16 - Jarrah

23 - Shephard

42 - Kwon

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Guest NanaMun

Does anyone else watch the episode re-runs with the pop up commentaries at the bottom?

It explained in last week's episode that the sequences where we see the folks of Oceanic 815 landing safely...

"...are not flashbacks or flash forwards. They are actually flash "sideways" and show what would've happened if Oceanic 815 had not crashed."

I saw a bit of the enhanced version too. I love how tongue-in-cheek it can be. Good tutorial too. And the term "flash sideways" is fitting. Does anyone listen to the noise it makes before it does the flash? In the premiere I noticed; very warped. I honestly, do not believe that this is what would've happened if Oceanic 815 had not crashed, well because a lot of things were different before the crash, this time around. Hurley has luck, Charlie tried to swallow the heroin, Locke is still with his girlfriend, etc, but of course it gives as close as any detail to what happens when they're off the plane.

I think it's believable that Sawyer is "wallowing". Someone that he created a close bond with over three years has died, all that he had built up (a good life, a right way of living) went along with her. That can make a person angry, especially someone like Sawyer, whom, if you've noticed, uses his anger and bottled grief as ammo for self-destruction. This isn't new Sawyer-ism, it's a revert back to the way he was, just without the hate letter. Poor fellah.

It was a fantastic episode, so many small quotes ("Don't tell me what I can't do!") and small cameos (The psychic working for Hurley). It seemed that every scene had a hidden egg of information that you could pull out just with a little digging, and that was from watching the first time around. It was amazing to see John Locke with no hope or faith, mirrored with the Man In Black with as much distaste for the same thing. And the "Jacob has a thing for numbers" was an nudge to fans, I bet.

So far, the season is playing out fantastically.

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Guest Myss Blewm

I just caught up with the last two eps. I'm really enjoying the flash sideways. :D

Jack has really redeemed himself to me, since for the past few seasons I've done nothing but get mad at him, although he did bring some lulzy quotes. I am thinking that if the sideways world is the result of what happens later in which some force is able to destroy the island and have Flight 815 land safely in LA, Jack was a part of it.

As for Claire, it's pretty funny how she's this crazy lady in the jungle now. And poor Jin! He must feel like he's in some freaky horror movie.

Though I know that Jacob had Hurley and Jack go to the lighthouse for Jack to understand that he has to help the island, I somehow think that the "friend" that Jacob is referring to is Widmore. If not him, Desmond. I really cannot wait for a Desmond episode! I feel like it will be a huge monumental episode.

And LOL at sideways Ben being a school teacher. I wonder if his mother lived and if his father is still alive in the sideways world and if he had a happier childhood than the one he had on the island? I wondered the same for Ethan.

In the season five finale we saw that Jacob touched Kate's shoulder when she was a kid, but she isn't on the list to become a candidate. Did Jacob cross her off the list? Or does he have other plans for her and that is why he brought her to the island?

I also think that Jacob knew he was going to die and that is why he had to talk Hurley into returning to the island since Hurley was his connection into getting things done on the island.

With Jack's appendix, I think it's a sign that he is aware of his "past" with the Island in the sideways world. For some reason I also think that sideways Kate is aware of her "past" with the Island too. Like when she was escaping at the airport, she and Jack met eyes and there was this knowing look between them.

I read in Entertainment Weekly that it's not going to be clear cut that the Man in black/fake Locke is evil and that Jacob is good. So far though, it seems apparent to me that I'd rather cheer for Jacob than Man in black.

Speaking of the Man in Black, who/what is the kid he sees?!

And since he revealed the meaning of the numbers, I wonder if the sideways world ends up being an alternate world that had been created after the bomb exploded, and Jack and Co.'s fates at the end of the series don't result in the flash sideways, I wonder who, if anyone, ends up as the new protector of the island. Part of me is betting on Hurley.

I really hope that rant made sense. :wacko:

By the way, I really like the casting done for the show! The actor who plays young Ben really does look passable as young Michael Emerson. The kid who is playing Jack's son looks like he could be related to Matthew Fox. XD

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Guest lucy_monostone

man~ i haven't seen the latest season, that's why i keep avoiding this thread co'z of some spoilers but i can't help but to get curious and i still end up reading the posts here just to be updated, i just can't get away from LOST that easily O_O;

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In the season five finale we saw that Jacob touched Kate's shoulder when she was a kid, but she isn't on the list to become a candidate. Did Jacob cross her off the list? Or does he have other plans for her and that is why he brought her to the island?

Maybe this screen shot from the Lighthouse will help answer things: Lighthouse dial screenshot

It appears that Kate Austen is #51 and not yet crossed out

I read in Entertainment Weekly that it's not going to be clear cut that the Man in black/fake Locke is evil and that Jacob is good. So far though, it seems apparent to me that I'd rather cheer for Jacob than Man in black.

I agree with EW in that there have been some peculiarities between Jacob and MIB that have clouded matters as to who was 'good' and who was 'evil'. In the cave, FakeLocke presented the names/numbers in chalk as Jacob's writing - which is to imply that that was actually Jacob's cave:

SAWYER: Who wrote all this?

LOCKE: His name was Jacob.

SAWYER: Was Jacob?

LOCKE: He died yesterday.

SAWYER: You don't seem to upset about it?

LOCKE: I'm not.

SAWYER: Why are all the names crossed out?

LOCKE: They're not all crossed out.

So if that was Jacob's writings/cave, then is the Lighthouse somehow MIB's? As we know, Jacob had led Hurley and Jack away from the Temple. But as they arrived at the Lighthouse, they had a hard time getting in:

[Hurley and Jack are approaching the lighthouse.]

HURLEY: Pretty cool, huh?

JACK: Jacob's in here?

HURLEY: I guess so. First we gotta go upstairs and turn this thing on.

[He tries the door, it doesn't open.]

JACK: Does it say anything on your arm about the door being jammed?


[Jack kicks the door in.]

JACK: After you.

[They enter.]

Now, if it were Jacob's Lighthouse, wouldn't he have included some instruction as to how to enter the building? Sure, it may be nitpicky, but I find it odd how Jacob led the both of them to the place and they still had to break in. But what I think is more telling is the curiously indifferent reaction Jacob had after Jack had smashed up the mirrors in the Lighthouse.

JACOB: How'd it go ?

HURLEY: Where were you, man?

JACOB: Doesn't matter, he wouldn't have been able to see me anyway.

HURLEY: Yeah, well if you'd told me that and I'd like, explained everything, then maybe Jack wouldn't have freaked out and smashed your mirror into a billion pieces. Thanks for the seven years of bad luck, by the way.

JACOB: You've got ink on your forehead.

HURLEY: I have ink on my forehead? That's all you have to say? Jack broke your lighthouse, dude. Mission un-accomplished. Whoever you said we need to help get to the island is totally screwed.

JACOB: [unconcerned] Well I'm sure they'll find some other way.

HURLEY: So...everything you wanted me to do didn't get done, and you don't even care?

In any event, I just find it interesting to note how curious the behavior is between Jacob and MIB. One may be good and the other evil, but one common denominator between the two of them is that they are both manipulators. Jacob's is more subliminal, whereas MIB is relatively more up front. I guess what makes the whole situation all the more enigmatic is the fact that we don't completely understand what their respective end games are. I guess with MIB we are closer to the reason in that he states that he wants to get off of the Island - but what about Jacob's motives? Sure, we know he supposedly wants a new "protector" for the Island; but in so doing, what the heck happens to Jacob once he finds a replacement? Does he want to get off of the Island too? If both entities are guilty of manipulation and playing around with human lives, could it be that they are just the bad guys altogether - and that the real 'good guys' are just the victimized survivors/candidates trying to get themselves out of this sadistic 'game'?

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Guest CK92842

The ending of last week's episode kinda clears up as to why Claire was in the cabin with Christian in... season 4 was it?

Btw does anyone know how many episodes will air this season?

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question, but didn't desmond die last season? the last thing i remember is ben shooting him and him falling into the water...

i hope he's still alive, i love desmond :)

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