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Guest NanaMun

Today's episode was magnificent. I always loved Richard, but now I have reason too. He had such an emotional history. Poor fellah. I was so glad to see some of my theories were proven (Richard coming on the ship, being of latin descent, The man in black being the first person that sees Richard) and I was ecstatic to see some small answers (what happened to the statue, how the ship got so far in the island). Just like the episode two weeks ago, Richard was facing a Faith dilemma. They made it clear with him carrying around the crucifix, and it was nice to see them tie it in with Jacob so nicely. The metaphorical references of Jacob and MIB as God vs. Devil was the strongest in this episode.

This season is coming out so nicely.

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Guest salsacreep

I absolutely love Lost! I began rewatching the entire series and I'm on season six now such a good show! I'm so excited I haven't seen any of the new episodes.

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Guest iEatPowder

Man-In-Black tells Richard, with regards to killing Jacob: "You only have one chance. You put this through his chest. Do not hesitate, do not let him say a word. If he speaks, it'll already be too late. He can be very persuasive."

Dogen tells Sayid, with regards to killing MIB: "This man will not stop until every living thing on this island is dead. He is evil incarnate. I want you to kill him. He will come to you as someone you know, someone who has died. As soon as you see him, plunge this [dagger] deep into his chest. If you allow him to speak, it is already too late."

So who is really the "bad" guy?

(It should be noted that the dagger in both these scenes is the same one.)

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Guest graceyoon

maybe there is no 'bad guy good guy'.. maybe they're both bad by just using them for their own agenda...

anyway, wonder why jacob didn't just ask richard to takeover instead of getting candidates....

to me this ep felt like, harry potter meets ghost lol

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anyway, wonder why jacob didn't just ask richard to takeover instead of getting candidates....

I'm guessing it might've been because Richard was never a candidate to take over after him. :( Poor guy always gets the short end of the stick ;ljasdfk

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Guest CK92842

Jacob sure has a twisted sense of humor disrupting lives for his amusement, trying to prove a point.

If you ask me he sure had it coming. :lol:

Btw does this mean in the alternate timeline, Smokey is out and about? :o

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I was very slow to catch on, but Lost really shows issues of christianity and it was made very obvious in the last episode. Its getting good, especially since a lot of questions were answered and we found more about the mysterious Richard. I liked this episode.

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Btw does this mean in the alternate timeline, Smokey is out and about? :o

That's an interesting question.

For me, I'd like to think ultimately that he is not. I don't necessarily think that in the altered timeline the implication is there that MIB has managed to escape. Rather, I'm hoping that he was killed by somebody and that this "game" between Jacob and MIB is over. Hence, there's no further need of the Island, it's effectively placed underwater, and now both principal combatants are dead. (Imagine how ironic it would be if Ben somehow redeems himself by being the one to stab/kill MIB after having done the deed to Jacob as well).

(This, of course, is under my own operative presumption that the big reveal at the finale will be that what's been happening on the Island 'now' will later culminate into this altered timeline)

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Guest CK92842

Rather, I'm hoping that he was killed by somebody and that this "game" between Jacob and MIB is over.

I highly doubt that, seeing how most of the survivors keep running into each other even though they're not on the island. There's something larger at play here and with every episode it gives me that much hope that the x-timeline is no longer just a filler. We'll see though. Next week's Jin/Sun episode should be a good one. It's hard to believe the 2 have been apart since S4.

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Guest Stork

The Richard episode was amazing! I cant wait till the Jacob/MiB flashback in the last episode. mini coopers gonna be awesome.

The last episode = 23, Jack's number = 23, and the episode is going to be played on the 23rd.

My prediction: Jack will replace Jacob, Sawyer will replace MiB and Hurley will become the new leader of the Others.

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I highly doubt that, seeing how most of the survivors keep running into each other even though they're not on the island. There's something larger at play here and with every episode it gives me that much hope that the x-timeline is no longer just a filler. We'll see though. Next week's Jin/Sun episode should be a good one. It's hard to believe the 2 have been apart since S4.

I'm unsure as to what you are postulating in the first part. Are you supposing that MIB, now free and clear of the Island, would still have something to do with the survivors in the altered timeline? If we are to at least believe that all MIB wants to do is just get off of the Island, it would seem to me that in a pre-2004 altered timeline - where hypothetically he is free and the Island is apparently sunk - the furthest thing on his mind would is to still be somehow involved in the lives of the survivors. Besides, isn't intermingling with their lives off-Island more of Jacob's schtick? But now, with no Island and the analogical "cork" to protect, to what avail would this intermingling bring if Jacob were still involved?

Until proven otherwise as this final season progresses, I'm still holding true to my initial theory that the On-Island narrative precedes the altered timeline narrative - and that the presentation of these sequences simultaneously by the creators is just another storytelling gimmick like the flashbacks and the flashforwards in prior seasons. But since the term "flashsideways" has been so popularly used to describe this altered timeline, even by the creators themselves, I'm finding it suggestive that the On-Island survivors of season 6 were finally able to accomplish what they couldn't accomplish upon the conclusion of season 5 - to change their past, to ultimately change the notion that whatever happened, happened. Instead of it being due to the Incident of 1977, it will rather be due to some upcoming event to come during this final season. Maybe they uncover the old Jughead bomb and blow up the Island in a second attempt, maybe they turn the Frozen Donkey Wheel back in time but this time it royally screws up the Island (ie sink it?)... who knows? But by season's end, I'm of the opinion that there would have to be some kind of cataclysmic event during the current On-Island time that will come about from this war between Jacob, MIB, the survivors, Widmore, et al - and that it would be such so that it would cease their cumulative miserable existences up to 2008 as they know it ... and they all "die" - with the result being that they would be able to re-set the timeline as we are seeing it now in the altered timeline as we are seeing it now.

With that premise being stated, I would rather theorize that the vague hints of survivor recollections during the new timeline are evidence of an after-effect of 'consciousness time travel' - thus justifying the introduction of this particular plot device from the Desmond Hume subplot and bringing this idea into full circle when applying it to the whole group of survivors. However, I would further theorize that Desmond's encounters with CTT were much more vivid because they were along his "same" plane of existence - whereas, the survivors in the altered timeline are experiencing a more muted version of CTT because they would be 'receiving' recollections from a different plane of existence (one in which they ultimately are dead, as I've hypothesized). This would explain why the Losties experience instances of deja vu (Claire naming her baby Aaron, Jack questioning his appendectomy scar and seemingly recognizing Desmond, et al) over things that in their altered existence didn't actually happen as they know it.

Anyhow, I just find this line of thinking no less reasonable than thinking that a freed MIB has something to do with the coincidental interactions of the survivors in the altered timeline. I only discount it simply because if these coincidental chance meetings are being influenced by anybody, it would be more along Jacob's modus operandi. MIB is much more up front and manipulative. But the original supposition of MIB being free in light of the Island apparently being sunk did make me think about what became of him - at least in the context of my theory. But for now I'm thinking that he's the bad guy - and is it relates to what I've been theorizing thus far into the show, I would rather think that he is indeed dead/conquered in the altered timeline. And with a dead Jacob, a dead MIB, the Island being sunk would be symbolic of this ended game of theirs. However, the whole notion of free will vs fate will still be the age old controversy - even without a Jacob, an MIB, or the Island - and we'll see it played out in the "real world" in this altered timeline. (With a little help of CTT, heh )

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Guest Myss Blewm


And I bet you the answer is the same: Desmond.

Maybe it's Desmond that Widmore has stashed away behind the locked door.

One, to separate him from his daughter Penny and two - well, the Island is just not through with Desmond yet and he had to be brought back against his will.

LOL That was my first guess when Sawyer was fiddling with the lock.

"Ab Aeterno" is probably one of the best episodes for a tv show that I have ever, ever seen! Cried like a baby. XD This ep really put the Jacob and Man In Black relationship out there. It does remind me very much of God and the devil having a bet over the freewill of man. And it all ties in with the flash sideways since destroying the island can stand for "Is the MIB free now?" and/or "Can man really control their destiny if given the right tools?" Or is it just another big manipulation scam and the freewill we thought we had has been handed to another figure to "nudge" you toward a certain route.

Hm....I don't really know what the upset is to the final season? I think it's been very well done and I love the tie ins with the flash sideways. Everyone is seeming to get a bit of redemption for what was wrong in their lives (Ben and Alex for example; that was a very touching episode). So does this mean that a world free of the island is better than what has been insinuated with the simple "Which is the evil one: Jacob or the Man in Black?" From the way things have been so far, a lot of lives are much better without the influence of the island and Jacob in their lives. But each to their own?

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Guest NanaMun

hmmm i'm confused how sun mentioned she was pregnant, thought jin was disfunctional in that dept

That's the whole idea of the sideways flash, things that were so in their past and present are slightly different (Sawyer being a cop instead of a criminal, Ben choosing Alex over power, Jack letting go of his "fix it" problem) And along with Jin's fertility, there is their affair. I was happy to see their tie in finally to Sayid. And is it me, or was Keamy speaking from the heart when he was discussing love to Jin?

The tension is building for Locke and Widmore, and good call to those that pointed out that Desmond was the locked away treasure. I had a little triumph as well, watching the ep. When they mentioned a "Russian" who spoke 9 languages, I jumped at that one, and what an awesome way for him to lose his eye. Go Jin! The brief stare-off between Desmond and Sayid was just...comical. Desmond had the true face of "Wtf?"

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Guest graceyoon

oh i thought the sideways flash was a 'what if the plane never crashed'.. so everything that led them there in the first place was still true...

but oh right, my thoughts about that are wrong since i guess ben would have still been on the island..

anyway i did quite enjoy last night's ep, was much like the lost episodes i enjoy... and congrats to the real life sun, read she got married

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Guest CK92842

I was happy to see their tie in finally to Sayid. And is it me, or was Keamy speaking from the heart when he was discussing love to Jin?

The brief stare-off between Desmond and Sayid was just...comical. Desmond had the true face of "Wtf?"

Don't know if anyone caught on but when Keamy was thinking of a translator he said Danny's friend. I wonder if he means Faraday...? I've been searching all over trying to find out what type of work Mikhail is involved in (that requires 9 different languages) the x-timeline but no such luck.

I burst out laughing when Keamy sent Omar to search the bathroom and Jin just stood there with no care in the world. :lol:

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Guest NanaMun

Don't know if anyone caught on but when Keamy was thinking of a translator he said Danny's friend. I wonder if he means Faraday...? I've been searching all over trying to find out what type of work Mikhail is involved in (that requires 9 different languages) the x-timeline but no such luck.

I burst out laughing when Keamy sent Omar to search the bathroom and Jin just stood there with no care in the world. :lol:

Whoa, good ear. I didn't even catch Keamy saying "Danny". Hell, that'd be pretty sweet if he was the "Danny" Keamy was referring to.

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