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Guest dudeman










Someone should just call her out as a freakin coward, cuz let's face it, they practically did an entire episode about how Kate "runs" from everything. It's also pretty obvious that the reason Kate wants to be with Jack is that he might just possibly provide that fairytale comfort, which is SO not going to happen. I mentioned something similar to this in a previous post, about how Jack will do something life-affirming and Kate will be an obstacle to him. Saw it from a mile away.

Wow, now Jack is freakin armed. It didn't quite hit me until the preview mentioned it. That's pretty insane. Sayid's re-entrance is very welcome, especially since he's with Jack. His attitude is perfect for the situation: "I'm sick of this crap. If it works, we'll never have to go through this crap. If it doesn't, we don't have to continue dealing with this crap ever again." Win win.

It might just be me, but Eloise might have adjusted to the situation a little faster than I would have expected. It's all to move the plot forward, okay, I get it, but that's where the problem lies. The story is now subordinating to the plot, so character drama is unrealistically portrayed. That might not seem like it matters...except it kinda does. It's what made LOST more special than something like, I dunno, HEROES. There was always a sense of believability even with all these totally random elements like the monster or whatever, and the realistic character drama is largely responsible for that. If they reduce that, then the story becomes less believable by the minute. I'm not too worried, I know season 6 won't lose that special thing; if anything, it'll be better.

So...Jack and Locke. Both doing the craziest things all over again.... If my previous theory about Jacob still stands, then both of them would be going against each other ONCE again.... Apparently, even time cannot stop these two from going against each other. Once again, this is all assuming my theory stands, of which there is always a chance it won't.

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That Radzinsky guy should've been blown up already. lol

Gosh he's so annoying.

And Phil too, that little punk.

I don't know how Locke will do what he plans, but it's fun watching him and Ben team up. haha

Whatever happens, I hope Hurley, Miles, and Jin survive.

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Guest _dax_

The conversation between Richard and Locke was interesting.

The thought of time in Layers, how each individual is replicated depending on the time period, and able to cross paths with themselves.

This individual being able to warn their past selves, in an attempt to pave a better future.

Could Faraday be saved by his mother, who is living in a 'future' time layer;

Perhaps if she wrote a warning in his journal.

There are many replicates of one person, depending on the time.

Would it be impossible to say that one person could have many endings:

As if that character has been placed in many books containing their life, each able to produce different outcomes.

Not sure if parallel universe is the correct term...

Deep stuff :P

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Guest NanaMun

Kate was sickenly annoying, but the dynamics between her and Jack have changed since they were last on the island. I naturally assumed she would go with Jack (as she always does), but surprinsingly she didn't. It seems that now Jack is on his own type of twisted "Locke" mission and it doesn't sit well with the misses. Sadly, I agreed with her decision. I don't think it makes sense to undo what happens. I mean, John would forever be in a wheelchair, Sun and Jin would have divorced and never had a kid, Charlie would have O.D.'d ...not to mention Rose would have died....I dunno...but on the other hand, maybe their very main purpose on the island is to fix them from coming on the island in the first place....wait, what? That makes no sense.

Sawyer's decision had me mind boggled, but I definately understood his initial reasons although he was leaving the awesome trio Hurley, Jin and Miles behind. And of course, who kills the lovey dovey Sawiet moment? Kate...poor kid is a nuisance to everyone...

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Guest graceyoon

^ i totally agree about your statement with kate... yes she might have fugged it up but yeah not staying with jack was surprising.. maybe she felt bad for leaving sawyer last time...

i still dont like juliet she's so darn emotionless! her face doesn't move when she expresses pain or love or whatever..

i don't like the character development in some.. i miss evil ben!

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Guest res0nate

She didn't support Jack because she didn't want to "lose" what they/she experienced by crashing on the island

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Guest kiss*kiss

She didn't support Jack because she didn't want to "lose" what they/she experienced by crashing on the island

That's what I immediately thought too. And if the plane didn't crash, Kate would be going to jail. I also like Juliet and Sawyer together -- so my Kate-hate grew when she stepped onto that sub. UGH. Add Radzinsky to the LOSTers I want to just get lost... so annoying.

Has Richard's never aging appearance ever been addressed? He starting to creep me out.

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^ i totally agree about your statement with kate... yes she might have fugged it up but yeah not staying with jack was surprising.. maybe she felt bad for leaving sawyer last time...

i still dont like juliet she's so darn emotionless! her face doesn't move when she expresses pain or love or whatever..

i don't like the character development in some.. i miss evil ben!

she's more live when she's with jack XD

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Guest NanaMun

i don't like the character development in some.. i miss evil ben!

Don't worry! Ben did a switch-a-roo there.

Richard: Locke is becoming a problem

Ben: Why do you think I killed him?

and not moments later, he is brown nosing John by tattling on Richard. Ben is still the manipulative jerk. That hasn't changed...it is just subtle. I love it.

I'm actually concerned about Richard. I loved how he was always the observer, allowing things to be done hospitable politeness. Now that he is getting irritated, I'm afraid he is going to become dangerous. I'd hate to see that. I'm beginning to like him alot, but if so, it'll be a neat addition his character dynamic.

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Guest Myss Blewm

^ LOL I thought the same about Ben by episode's end. He'll do anything or say anything to benefit himself.

With what Locke provoked, it makes me wonder, what is really going on with the island? So many new questions arise! I can't believe it'll be the season finale next week. *sigh* It'll be so bittersweet.

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Guest _dax_

i still dont like juliet she's so darn emotionless! her face doesn't move when she expresses pain or love or whatever..

Not too bothered by Juliet. Seems her eyes do much of the talking.

Was more disappointed in Alice Evans playing young Eloise Hawking in the Variable

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It might just be me, but Eloise might have adjusted to the situation a little faster than I would have expected. It's all to move the plot forward, okay, I get it, but that's where the problem lies. The story is now subordinating to the plot, so character drama is unrealistically portrayed. That might not seem like it matters...except it kinda does. It's what made LOST more special than something like, I dunno, HEROES. There was always a sense of believability even with all these totally random elements like the monster or whatever, and the realistic character drama is largely responsible for that. If they reduce that, then the story becomes less believable by the minute. I'm not too worried, I know season 6 won't lose that special thing; if anything, it'll be better.

I can see what you mean about Eloise seemingly adjusting to the situation faster than expected. But then this whole season has been a whirlwind of quickly-addressed questions/situations, whereas before a lot of things have been drawn out.

But going back to Eloise, I think it's not that inconceivable for her to have quickly gotten on board and taken the course of action she is currently taking. She does recollect having seen Daniel in the 1950's, being told that she looked "familiar" to him, that he was from the future, and then suddenly disappearing in thin air. I'm sure an experience like that is unforgettable. Now, flash forward to 1977 and she shoots dead the same guy who still looks the same as when she first saw him, he stunningly discloses that he's her son, and that's further confirmed by her own handwriting in Daniel's journal. Given all that, I personally don't find it all that much of a stretch for Eloise to piece all this together, recognize the urgency of it all, and then quickly coming to the conclusions and actions that she has taken.


So far, it seems that the theory of 'Whatever Happened, Happened' has held true given what we've seen. A young Ben can't be killed and Daniel not preventing (at least up to now) the Incident from happening are two prevalent examples.

So if WHH continues to hold true, then maybe we already have our answer and the H-bomb is never detonated. Jack, Sayid, Eloise, and Richard - it would be predicted - were unsuccessful in doing whatever it was they were intending to do with the bomb.

My guess is that the Incident will occur (as WHH dictates) and that whatever this Incident is, it is not due to any H-bomb going off but related more towards DHARMA penetrating that electromagnetic source at the Swan station and releasing all of that energy in a spectacular, perhaps seemingly cataclysmic event. And knowing what we know of these kinds of electromagnetic surges, maybe another time flash will occur and perhaps this will be the mechanism by which our Losties who have been displaced in time are finally thrown back into their rightful/current place in time. (I guess kind of a 'course-correction' if you will). However this pans out, this might seem to look like all the 1977 losties 'died' as Richard Alpert had observed it back then when in actuality they just 'flashed out' of the 70's and back into the present.

Whereupon, once the 1977 Losties merge back with our current-time Losties, they will find themselves now smack dab into this anticipated war between the Others and the faction represented by Bram and Ilana (which I believe to be the 'reconstituted' DHARMA Initiative). With the H-bomb perhaps still buried somewhere under the DHARMA village, maybe it will again come back into play for this upcoming war?

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Guest graceyoon

So if WHH continues to hold true, then maybe we already have our answer and the H-bomb is never detonated. Jack, Sayid, Eloise, and Richard - it would be predicted - were unsuccessful in doing whatever it was they were intending to do with the bomb.

i think i may agree with on this! since nobody really knew why the plane crashed in the first place....

nanamun> i guess what i meant to say was, i liked it when everyone was so scared of ben since his actions were a mystery and everyone thought he was the main reason for all the misfortunes happening to them... but yes he is still a manipulative jerk :D hopefully future eps will center on that because ben episodes are so entertaining, can't believe next week is the season finale... i didn't know that... sucks..

_dax_> i guess i just prefer a more expressive person.. i don't know if that's the character or her acting but i just don't like juliet.. it makes her seem she's hiding something.. and i just don't see an importance with her besides using her for some love triangle.. when kate came into the sub.. i thought it was such a cheap way to get that whole sawyer/kate/juliet in the storyline.. because honestly i don't even find it that hot... i just want to know the mystery about this time travel thing dammit..!!

ok that's all :D

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Guest _dax_

maybe another time flash will occur and perhaps this will be the mechanism by which our Losties who have been displaced in time are finally thrown back into their rightful/current place in time. (I guess kind of a 'course-correction' if you will). However this pans out, this might seem to look like all the 1977 losties 'died' as Richard Alpert had observed it back then when in actuality they just 'flashed out' of the 70's and back into the present.

Whereupon, once the 1977 Losties merge back with our current-time Losties, they will find themselves now smack dab into this anticipated war between the Others and the faction represented by Bram and Ilana (which I believe to be the 'reconstituted' DHARMA Initiative). With the H-bomb perhaps still buried somewhere under the DHARMA village, maybe it will again come back into play for this upcoming war?

Have to agree

Would really be disappointing after so much effort though.

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Guest damachee

i still don't get how this time travel thing works. it does not seem possible that they can change anything in the past, the What ever happened, happened theory seems to be the only one plausible, meaning in this case "what ever happened, will happen". Nothing has ever changed so far - all we know is that it explains some questions like 'why Miles hated his father, or how Richard helped Locke at the plane. time is still a linear line.

If they DO change it somehow, what will happen to the losties? do they flash to another place and forget all that has happened? that would mean Season 1-4 never happened.

logic of time travel just doesnt make sense to me, most movies that deal with it always fails - but it still fascinates me, anyone know any good books abt time travel?

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Guest _dax_

i still don't get how this time travel thing works. it does not seem possible that they can change anything in the past, the What ever happened, happened theory seems to be the only one plausible, meaning in this case "what ever happened, will happen". Nothing has ever changed so far - all we know is that it explains some questions like 'why Miles hated his father, or how Richard helped Locke at the plane. time is still a linear line.

If they DO change it somehow, what will happen to the losties? do they flash to another place and forget all that has happened? that would mean Season 1-4 never happened.

logic of time travel just doesnt make sense to me, most movies that deal with it always fails - but it still fascinates me, anyone know any good books abt time travel?

Exactly. Reason why Kate does not want to change the past. If successful, the plane would land and she would have never met Jack.

You may find these interesting reads:

Time Travel

Worm Hole

Parallel Universe

Fourth Dimension

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