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Guest graceyoon

i'm so happy with the ending.. i thought it totally made it up for this episode, i found it so draggy and boring..

lol 'the guy with the eyeliner'

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Guest asdfjkl;fdsajkl;

i think im the only one who liked this episode. anyways, i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope sawyer stays with juliet and doesnt go to kate. there's something about the O6 i hate these days and something bout the ones who remained on the island i love.

btw, anyone else think charlotte isnt really dead? i mean that was the CRAPPIEST death ive ever seen on lost. besides i her and daniel are just too cute

anyone else want walt back?

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Guest graceyoon

lol c'mon u have to admit that it wasn't as great as their other episodes.. most of the time i have my eyes glued to the screen, i even watch the commercials so i don't miss anything.. but last night i was like.. get to the point already!!!

or maybe because it was sawyer centric i found it boring... i don't like the whole thing with him and juliet either..

i wish they would do a episode on richard.. his character seems so interesting!

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i think im the only one who liked this episode. anyways, i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY like reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope sawyer stays with juliet and doesnt go to kate. there's something about the O6 i hate these days and something bout the ones who remained on the island i love.

btw, anyone else think charlotte isnt really dead? i mean that was the CRAPPIEST death ive ever seen on lost. besides i her and daniel are just too cute

anyone else want walt back?

OMG! I completely agree! I want Sawyer with Juliet too! I think they are better mix. Kate is too volatile. She doesn't know what she wants.

Yep I also don't think Charlotte is dead. The island will bring her back! Her death was bad.

I miss Walt too especially his friendship with Locke!

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Guest graceyoon

errr i think that little redhead girl at the camp was supposed to be charlotte.. remember she said she saw daniel when she was little..

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Guest dudeman

This episode did what hasn't been done on LOST in a while and just did straight character drama all the way through, and for that, I have to give enormous kudos. I remember posting a while back saying that I was scared that LOST was turning into more emotionless plot driven stuff that took all the character drama out of it, and this episode gave me huge relief. I hardly found anything that was mind-blowing or shocking about this episode...and I didn't even care. Seriously, I didn't. This episode gave us a reminder of what made the show awesome in the first place, and it was never about the sci fi bullcrap or stupid plot twists or characters that don't die or unexplainable thingamabobs or even saying really cool lines or other kinds of overly flashy stuff that really bad shows have on these days. It was just character drama. That's it. I remember whenever I asked people about their impressions of LOST, a great majority of them said that Season 1 was their favorite season, and with good reason. I personally find Season 4 to still be my favorite, as I still have minor issues with this season, but I believe that this episode showed that same magic that appeared very rarely (only in the best episodes like "The Constant", "Greatest Hits", etc.) in the later seasons, but was very present in season 1.

Oh, and Reiko's Aylesworth's appearance is very welcome. I've been so used to her stoic expressions on 24 that to see her in this context is amazing.

Sawyer (or James?) is freakin awesome. He told a lie and a truth to con people. Nothing less than what I expected.

This could just be me, but I get the feeling that Jack is gonna be all gungho and screw the crap out of everything all over again...that is, if Sayid doesn't mess things up first...

And Sawyer should STAY with Juliet. I got so much more peace with watching their less-than-three-minutes display of genuine affection than I ever did with watching the streak of romance mishaps throughout the seasons that Sawyer went through with Kate. It made me feel really happy for them. Not that I didn't expect it, of course, I saw it coming from a mile away, ever since the season 4 finale, but I'm still very happy for them.

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i have just started watching lost the last bit of season 4 and now im totally a big fan of this show!! i watched it a few times but the story line wasnt as good with the whole monster and the fighting with the others... but season five is really good. i cant wait for next week!! its the reunion!

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Guest JoongBoXiahJang

OMG, I totally wasn't expecting sawyer and juliet. but I like them together now. haha I hope they end up together!!

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Just thought I'd throw this out there for your speculative consumption.

I came across this from one of the LOST forums:

Island Statue = a variation on Tawaret, the Egyptian goddess of Motherhood?



In Egyptian mythology, Taweret (also spelt Taurt, Tuat, Taueret, Tuart, Ta-weret, Tawaret, and Taueret, and in Greek, Θουέρις "Thoeris" and Toeris). Her name means (one) who is great. When paired with another deity, she became the demon-wife of Apep, the original god of evil. Since Apep was viewed as residing below the horizon, and only present at night, evil during the day then was envisaged as being a result of Taweret's maleficence.

In their art, Taweret was depicted as a composite of all the things the Egyptians feared, the major part of her being hippopotamus, since this is what the constellation most resembled, with the arms and legs of a lioness, and with the back of a crocodile.

Early during the Old Kingdom, the Egyptians came to see female hippopotamuses as less aggressive than the males, and began to view their aggression only as one of protecting their young and being good mothers, particularly since it is the males that are territorially aggressive. Consequently, Taweret became seen, very early in Egyptian history, as a deity of protection in pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women wore amulets with her name or likeness to protect their pregnancies. Her image could also be found on knives made from hippopotamus ivory, which would be used as wands in rituals to drive evil spirits away from mothers and children.

In most subsequent depictions, Taweret was depicted with features of a pregnant woman. In a composite addition to the animal-compound she was also seen with pendulous breasts, a full pregnant abdomen, and long, straight human hair on her head.

As a protector, she often was shown with one arm resting on the sa symbol, which symbolized protection, and on occasion she carried an ankh, the symbol of life, or a knife, which would be used to threaten evil spirits.

As the goddess of motherhood, Taweret was eventually assimilated into the identity of Mut, the great-mother goddess.

(excerpt from Wikipedia)


Check out the number of toes on this statue of Tawaret!

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Guest dudeman

I love and hate this episode. Apparently having two very opposite feelings at the same time is very possible and not just figurative.

It had a lot of interesting things, set up some very interesting situations...but it was really boring. Two weeks ago, that episode might not have had much action or suspense, but the compelling situations and character drama was what made it so amazing. This episode also lacked much action and suspense...but it also lacked pretty much everything else. I was not in anticipation over this episode during the last two weeks, not because I thought it was going to suck, but because I knew that Jack's group's presence was going to create some incredibly awkward situations and knowing Jack, I fully suspected that he was going to start something of his own. Sadly, those kinds of situations were not fully explored. The best sort of conflict we ever got was the one reignited by Jack and "Lafleur", and that was not only so minimal, it also felt like it came out of nowhere. I also liked how just barely a few minutes after they all reunite, their past conflicts immediately resurface, as if the whole three years of not knowing if either party survived never happened. I don't think the fact that they were in 1977 even struck much of a nerve; it seems more like we the audience have to assume that they've adjusted to the idea of being stuck in 1977 barely a few minutes after hearing about it. The show should never make the audience assume; there are many ways to write bad writing, and this is just one of those ways to do it.

I don't know if they actually thought the ending was supposed to be a shocker or whatever, because even with the camera deliberately not showing the boy's face until the end, I saw his identity from a mile away the minute the scene started.

So in the next episode we have to look forward to Juliet telling Kate to back off? It's inevitable, yeah, but I would think she'd do it in a more...subtle way, because last time I checked, she was the kind of person who knows that direct confrontation is less productive than subtler means. And by the way, Kate should back off, in case she didn't consider it yet, because Juliet should be with "Lafleur".

And what, Sayid is supposed to turn into a villain-ish threat in the next episode? He looks like he's going to put the trounce on Jin and then turn against the rest. Not cool.

I'm sorry to say, the future events were really boring. The only good thing was Christian's appearance. How Ben got unconscious was also kinda...blah.

Just like this episode, I'm not looking forward to the next one. Once again, not because I think it will suck, but because the tension between the survivors...and the survivors is getting too hairy. I hope that unlike this episode, they can make it more compelling.

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Guest Myss Blewm

^ I generally agree with most of what you said, but I had to LOL when Sun knocked Ben out. Like, someone as tiny as her can knock him out in one blow? And NOT kill him at the same time. Like....what's the probability rate of that? I know it doesn't matter but I still laughed.

The best part of the episode was near the end with Christian. The rest of the show was all right. I hope the next episode will be better.

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Guest graceyoon

The only good thing was Christian's appearance. How Ben got unconscious was also kinda...blah.

this is my thoughts exactly.. except i wasn't expecting sun to knock out ben and was plesantly surprised lol..

so will future ben meet past ben?? hmmm

i miss the witty acerbic 'i don't give a d@mn' sawyer.. they are ruining his character for me wahwah

i never saw the previews for next week's stupid A channel

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So in the next episode we have to look forward to Juliet telling Kate to back off? It's inevitable, yeah, but I would think she'd do it in a more...subtle way, because last time I checked, she was the kind of person who knows that direct confrontation is less productive than subtler means. And by the way, Kate should back off, in case she didn't consider it yet, because Juliet should be with "Lafleur".

I love Sawyer/Juliet. So I'm glad Juliet is telling Kate to back off! Kate is such an annoying character. I hope she's the character that dies off this season!

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Guest holycooooow

regarding the statue above ^

i thought it looked very similar to the Egyptian god Horus

and do u think its coincidence that the man in the Dharma Initiative is also named Horace?

anyways, LOVE LOST! best show ever. and juliet > kate just as sawyer > jack

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Guest kiss*kiss

The only problem I have with the statue picture comparison is the back torso area. The tawaret statue has a very low torso, and I guess you can say the curves look more feminine. But the LOST statue has a very manly looking back... not very curvy... I don't know if that makes sense but it just leave me with the impression that the statue is not Tawaret.

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