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Guest poopiness

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Guest bakajen

wow those are so sweet and your qquote i love it.. if one person smiles im happy ^_^ [biiig huuug]ohh and please add me to the pm list ^_^ i love them !

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juhjenn: ahahah I'm not! The FAQ is totally legit! But to answer you, I started let's see... I think a year and a half ago.

It became a habit right after I started. But back then, my comics were different, and they were butt ugly.

I mean if you think it's ugly now, the ones back then were 10 times worse.

Hhaa, legit? Yeah right. You can't lie to me. PSH. You're pretty pro for a year and a half [: *claps*

Nah, I doubt they were butt ugly. They're just different, but you improved. Got to look @ the brightside right, Mr. Brightside?

lol. Well, I said the batman was ugly because.............. IT IS UGLY COMPARED TO THE REAL BATMAN! lol.

But that's a joke of course. If I can draw like you, I'd be happy [: Too bad I don't have any drawing talents :[.

I saw your accidental post. Whatever, you were just trying to post but you're trying to tease us and say... "ha! i`ll let you guys wait a little longer!"

Sorry for the late post :[

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Guest Lazy_Monkey

Cool, a post! I didn't expect one so soon! haha

"Lazy_Monkey: sweet the advertisement worked! She was from Wonder Girls. Sohee is so hot!!

Ahaha I think it's only girls. I have yet to see a guy. But who needs boys anyways! right?

I know, everyone thinks I'm a girl. So uncool. But hey, since you know I'm a boy, and you're a girl, *wink* *wink* eheheh"

I guess the advertisements do work since a lot of new people came to your topic. :P Hmm since you are a boy, I don't need you right? (well, I only need you to post more comics or poems. ^_~) haha And just what were you suggesting? :o I am too young for you mister! xD

Anyway, I forgot to comment on this last time, but your "FAQS" make me smile or laugh. xD It makes me wonder if anyone actually phrased those questions to you. (but I think you probably exaggerated it, right? xP )

Haha Cheek biting monster. That must hurt, I feel sorry for the girl. :P You like to bite cheeks? O_O Why? =o

"How to Kiss a Girl" haha, the guy looked so serious when he was looking into the girl's eyes. :lol: I was actually surprised the girl liked the kiss, since he usually gets beaten up or something after he does an action like that. xD But the punch line was too hilarious. :D

That's cool showing 'Behind the Scenes". You should have made her have long wavy hair! She looks so pretty and cute! :) But then again, a ponytail is kinda like your signature thing since it's in every comic. :mellow: Plus, you're probably too lazy to draw it. -__-

Once again you've made me laugh and smile. >.< Post something soon. ^_^

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Guest évasion

hahahahahhahaha. i was too lazy to reply. i don't even use captial i's anymore.

uhm :mellow: i didn't bother reading the poem .___.

hehe i like your new sig. maybe i'll use that because the sigs i make are always over limit on soompi.

LOL i liked the cheek biting monster

should do one on the cookie monster

woot! behind the scene pictures! haha i wish i could draw. <_<

bye byes

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Guest pinkmarker

pinkmarker: it is a one seater!! robin rides on batman's lap!!

So the only bow chica wow wow he got was from robin!

nope not filipino.

Haha. Jeez.. I think it's time to end the batmobile talk.



Hmm.. cheek biting monster.. is the dude trying to take revenge now?? :phew:

COMIC 2: How to kiss a girl

Wait. So the two girls are lesbians? :huh:

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Guest Sophi.e*

Haha i love your comics! they're really funny (:

they must take awhile to make.. i would never be able to do something

like that XD Good job! (:

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Guest missoriental

-_- all right mr poopie.



okay. one update.

the hairdresser chopped the right side of my fringe a bit too much for my liking... grr so no more till it grows back, hahh.

hm.. but u have to update too then :)

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i love these comics their all so cute and funny (most of them lol) and they always do make me smile

i would love to be added to your pm list

please and thank you :D

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Guest violacrazy

=( that comic on the cheek biting monster reminded me of my ex.....

but thank you for sharing those other comics... i smiled and even laughed at almost every single one of 'em :D

the others... i felt the pain... it's like "burn" *sigh*

mind if you add me to the pm list? :D thanks in advance...

actually thanks for the smiles =) i was having a rough time with my homework haha.

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Guest heartmilktea


i read all of them cuz they're so addicting ^-^

hehe seriously though they are ALL hilarious =] lol with creative ideas ^^ (the batman one xDD)

lmao biting cheeks XDDD that one's cute hahaha but.. i don't think.. i've SEEN anyone do that before LOL

and ur poems are really nice too =] you've got a way with words you talented person haha

well i would like to be on ur pm list <3 plzz with a cherry on top =]?


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Guest poopiness

USE CTRL + F , and type in part of your name to look for your reply. If you left me a reply there is one for you.

PUMPK1N: I think that's the first time you've been first ;D

x_happydimples: hopefully this one is even better :]

twist&fall-: yep! it's hella sexy! Teach you? easy... just give me your cheeks ;D

sugarrrxxx: 13 years olds? where? OH MAA GAAWD I'm going to jail T___T

Swiss Cheese: ahah yep photoshop, I won't go back on my words, but you must look below

for the terms and conditions ehehehe.

BabyK: ahahah yea sure, take a picture of it too, I want to see how it looks :D

ichikawaii: yay!! BFF!!

Hey... you know... I heard that BFFs make out... often.

ehehe so you know... *wink* *wink*

c_gunawan541: awwww... you're some AWESOME!! ;D

actually I usually draw it on paper so that I don't forget about it.

Then I just free hand draw it in photoshop. For the batman, I started

using the photoshop pen tool, which is a pain in the richard simmons.

xsilentangel: ahahah omg how did you guess my name??!! ;D ehehe

yea I have notebookS full of it :D. Because I usually doodle them while taking notes in class hehe

Your sig rocks!

cherii2007: ahaha thanks for advertising!! you are GODLY!!

nahh he won't get dumed. She's going to show him how to REALLY kiss ;D....using her fist.

orangebubbles: when she's not looking ey? ehehe that's pretty good advice ;] THANKS!

I will bite your cheeks! *bites*

eunhyung: well less maybe and more making out! COME ON YO!

ANN.esthetic: noepe. I won't get arrested. I'm homies with the police. I bake them cookies.

litoaznbbumbl: whole head? do tell!! :]

-JAYee_o4: seriously! biting the cheek is the best! It's even better than sex!!

jeahh: mints? no way! You gotta have it natural. Plus you want to take her by surprise,

by surprising her with your stinky breath ahaha.

sueyun x3 minwoo: and do they listen??

kimma: ahahahaha I laughed pretty hard hearing that you snorted while laughing :]

you are beyond awesome! ehehe yea I know batman was so sexy, but photoshopped ruined it... sigh.

Ivory Pearls: ;D that's because this face is cool ;D isn't it? ;D look at it ;D.

It's so sexy ;D right ;D?

P.S. Thanks for advertising, there are more sigs for you to use now ;D

fly away.: thanks for advertising homie! Hehe okay I'll narrow it down to 2.

Chinese and vietnamese.

you only have one guess left, use it wisely! :]

edible.x: garrr you ruined my beautiful hair, now I have to go get a haircut UGH!! so uncool.

lo0say: ahahah too lazy to make myspace. It's so much work.

Plus you need friends for that kind of stuff ;]

HANAo1: I know what you mean! My sister has her clothes EVERYWHERE.

I was like where did you get all these clothes!

ahaha I guess it's a good thing that friend was a girl then hehehe.

it's so not girly. It's more like awesome!

Purple.Orchird: ahahah thanks for advertising!! yea... biting cheeks is the best.

If you have nice cheeks, better watch out!

OnlyXainz: not cool enough?? OMG UGH!! A dagger to my heart! and a punch to my face!


Lays from teh toilet? how could you!!!?? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!

Poop-Shoop-A-Loop: yep it is ;].

Hopefully it won't explode, it's going to be messy.

viet13aby90: you really have got to stop with the I'll come back later and never come back. You're killing me.

untouched.hart: seriously! I think I had another doodle where batman was even cuter.

He looked so dumb, but cute! :D

Mae!: where do I find the time? Don't eat, don't study,

and I don't have a girlfriend HAHHAHA I have all the time in the world.

ahahah actually supa poopay sounds pretty good. Almost as good as Mister Mysterious!

So you didn't leave me? AWWW. Then what are we waiting for? LET'S MAKE OUT YO!

How to keep a girl satisfied... it's easy. Give them a cookie once in a while! :D

I'm telling you, we're exactly the same. Soulmate. So let's make out already!

I've been looking out for them crazy lady stalkers too, where the hell are they???!!

You should totally keep writing replies like these. It is so ridiculously awesome you don't even understand. ;]

exthreex3: OMG!! thanks for advertising! *hug*

PM list? fo shizzle my nizzle!

greymoose: okay we're married. Now for the honey moon!! eheheheheheh! bow chica wow wow!

catgirlcat: YOU ARE SO CUTE it makes ME smile ;D

love<3changmin: *bites your cheeks* yea... I think I bite cheek ;]

AHAHA they're messy because they're doodles. I doodled them on my notebook so that I don't forget them.

green.lollipops!: awwww... that's all I'm here for. Anytime you feel sad, just give me a holler :]


random azn: ahahah the rest of the lessons? lost somewhere, I'll dig it out. Just for you ;]

My name? ahahah never!! Just call me good looking! gosh! you are so demanding :]

ladee_bug: ahaha okay I'll make a siggie JUST FOR YOU!! so that only you have it, happy now? ;]

it's going to take a while ahhaah.

aznbluegurl916: ahahah because everyone is mean! they ask such mean questions.

I can't believe you don't remember asking them. UGH!! :]

ohsoteresa: eheheh if you like the heart advertisement, you should advertise ;D

Molar: woah! hold on! you can't just bite, you gotta bite cheeks. Or else it's illegal.

AAHAHA yea you get to see behind the scene because I was too lazy to make comics :D

A.lee: ahahah thanks for advertising!! don't worry about it, just copy and paste :D.

If the picture goes dead I'll reupload :]

MOOVERDOSE: na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!! yea... batman rocks!! except when he sucks.

bORicha.: oh I probably forgot to tell you. Mud wrestling, but in your bikini, with another girl, who's also in her bikini ;]

NOOO!! how could you not like to have signatures! that's unpossible!

ahaha the cartoonist in action? maybe! maybe! if you're a good girl :]

chocomocha: i'll throw it in once in a while to break the monotony ;]

samsters1489: OMG thanks for promoting! you are awesome beyond words!!

SinFan: ahaha omg you're the first one to call me by my name. ahahahaha

PM LIST?! definitely. Come again! ;D

roguechinadoll: nope you can't. It's full. No way jose! Okay you talked me into it.

WOW!! You are so persuasive!! ;D


fartsy: aahaha I already sent you a pm about this, but thanks again! :D

I'll put it up with the codes and everything for people to use :D

la pomme: really it's a private school? wow! CALIFORNIA ROCKS you should totally apply!

if USC why not UCLA and UCI and UCSD too :D

GongZhenPei: PM list? it's saved for V.I.P.s only. Sorry. I want to help you out but I can't.

JUST KIDDING!! welcome to the cool people's club ;D Yea you can go brag about it to your friends

you are officially cool now ;]

bayb3steph: yea I do that ALL the time! I always kiss girls who are not my gf. But then I wake up....

UGH!! so uncool!

DrunkenMonkey: OMG!! you are so cool!! ahhaha you're advertising the same way you discovered it

that's like super AWESOME to the max X 10!!

vannie *: OHMO!! thanks for advertising, you're now 3 levels cooler! :]

allysayxrawr: two things



indefinable: ahahahah you are way off on the name :]

ahaha you should totally try biting other people's cheeks. It's like sex! without the pleasure :]

It takes me iono, about 10-15 mins to send PMs. That's why I'm secretly replacing the people who don't come anymore. ;]

piratepandii: WAHHH!!! thanks for advertising!! PIRATEPANTIES!! ;]

i am alice: aahahah your username is so straightforward! it's awesome!

pm fo' sho!!

bebeETOILE: ahahah yea batman is awesome, except when he sucks.

SKim J.: that's what I wanted to hear! :D DO come again ;D

PandaKiss: yay! here's a cookie! just kidding! cookie is mine. You can watch me eat it.

Baybe Gyrl`: ahaha I would totally publish them if someone would actually buy them.

xNG: ahah well check below for new sigs you can use ;]

greeny: oh man it took me a while to realize BTS = behind the scene.

babybeck: well then you must come again. MUST!!!! please?

booboo miumiu: you can help it be even more popular by spreading the words ;]

Babobang: AHAHAH CONGRATS!! you are the first male to reply to this thread! :]

lupe: you are now a VIP guest. Come pick up your badge :]

chocopocky: what? so you don't want my hands? FINE!! i'll keep it for myself then!

rasppery: yes, I'm ____, but don't tell anyone ;]

liautumnxila: ahaha OMG! I can be a comfort object too!

just hold me and you'll see!

Ham<3: you didn't get the batman theme? wow you're slow.... I'm just kidding ;D

SeL1nA: 5 words + happy face. write more and come again :D

itz_n_obsession: seriously I mean business when I PM! sometimes I even send 2 Identical PMs!! :D

predator: ahaah when I see your name all I can think of is sexual predator!

leebabe007: thanks homie G!

wakaka*: ahahaha don't try to change the subject! you still have to make a 411 come on!!

It's really hard for me to fall for you when you don't have a 411!

ti_na: ahah I know I love the people who advertise.


bakajen: since you gave me a hug, I have to up the ante. *BIG KISS* hehehe

P00CHI: thanks homie G!

babii3xquiisit3: OMG it's you! :D

body pic! body pic! body pic! come on chant with me ;]

PM of course.



flysaex3: ahaha well if you don't want me to fall for you, you better hold me close :]

juhjenn: ahaha hopefully the comics will keep getting more and more polished.

are you kidding me? the real batman had nothing on him! NOTHING! He's so HOT look at his cape! and overalls!

ahaha seriously I love to tease! I wanted you to want it! ;D

Just kidding, I was adding people to pm list but instead of editing I did add reply. UGH...

Lazy_Monkey: ahahaha well you should grow up! QUICKLY! like right now! be 18! come on!

hahaha it's not exaggerated. It was verbatim, word for word. :]

why do I like biting cheeks? why not? it's so soft and squishy. But you're not supposed to bite with your teeth.

just your lips :D

ahaha pony tail isn't really signature hair or anything, it's just easier to draw :]

évasion: too lazy to reply and didn't even read the poem? TT___TT you're breaking my heart.

YOU should totally advertise!!

pinkmarker: wow you're such a cheater.

no he's not taking revenge, he's just trying to get some cheek action! :D

ahah they're not lesbians! The girl in purple is the gf of the boy in blue.

PRinCesS BaBo: and you made mine! well would you look at that! equal trade! :D

Sophi.e*: ahaha yea the recent ones actually do take a while to make :D

Moni: aahhaha you are too cool! PMed!!

smile;]: hopefully I can bring you more pain ;]

violacrazy: ahahah your ex bites your cheeks?? He sounds cool already!!

heartmilktea: ahahaha well you should ask people to bite your cheeks. It's like cocaine!! very good stuff. :]


HOLY CRAP IN MY PANTS!! that reply took forever, I actually broke it down and did one page of reply a day.

And I think this is the last time I'm doing it this way, look below for the new announcements :]


I mean I like to write a nice reply back to you, but if you write me something like that, I've got nothing to work with!!

COME ON HELP ME OUT HERE YO!! Write something more! Make fun of me if you have to, but anything!

If you can't think of anything, just ask me out on a date!




- what is your problem?!? were you a bully as a kid too? I MEAN COME ON!! TT___TT


- Oh come on! I was being sneaky about it too! I even tip toed and everything! cut me some slacks here!


- EVERYONE!! And I mean everyone!! UGH!! COME ON!!



Thanks for advertising!! You guys are the best!!


Advertise my thread for me homies! So we can cure cancer! Don't ask me how, just do it.


BONUS: I've made some sigs for you guys who wants to advertise my comics [YOU KNOW YOU DO! Come on!!]

Sig one:


Sig two: untitled2te8.gif
Sig three: untitled1ne9.gif
EDIT: added more sigs :D Sig Four: powza4.gif
Sig Five: I think someone had one similar to this already :], but oh wells. batmanbannerqq8.gif
Sig Six: CREDITS TO fartsy [aka PUMK1N] who made it. comics1rc9.jpg

By the way, all the sigs satisfies the sig rule of soompi, so don't worry. But if you need a smaller version of the sig just tell me.

INCENTIVE: if you advertise with my siggies, I'll photoshop something for you ;D


- I think I'm going to stop doing replies this way, as in doing it all at once. Because it took me so long. I'm going to just reply right as you guys comment now. So the replies will just be somewhere after your post, and not all archived on the next update anymore. This will be better because you can get your replies faster, and I can write more per replies :D


- Okay so I'm not going to go back on my words. The incentive is still there. Anyone who wants to take advantage of it is welcome to :D

- Just give me as many pictures that you want to be photoshopped as you can. Then I'll pick one picture and photoshop it for you :D.

- It's a surprise photoshop so you can't know the outcome until I give it to you eheheh ;]

- Oh and no webcam pictures please, I'm not pro enough to photoshop webcam pictures. Quality is too low.



COMIC 1: I'm not upset.


^ newest one. ahahah finally continued this series again, there is I think one or two more in this series.

Basically the series is like interpreting what girls say and understanding what they really mean when they say stuff.

COMIC 2: A man's heart


^ ahaha another old one. This is another lesson from the DATING LESSONS series. It's geared toward the girl though :D

BONUS 1: BATMAN GIF It will run slow at first, give it like 30 seconds to download :D


^ ahaha this is thanks to greeny. She made a gif of the comics. This is closer to how I imagined the batman comic in my head :D

And another alternate version also thanks to greeny:



OKAY so I updated the PM list. Check to see if it's correct :D


1. xblush

2. random azn

3. bORicha.

4. katamari

5. untouched.hart

6. jen

7. lo0say

8. -JAYee_o4

9. anniieeboo

10. juhjenn

11. ichikawaii

12. conscience

13. lov3.y0u

14. viet13aby90

15. alena_thao

16. rasppery

17. hyukiemylove

18. babii3xquiisit3

19. dragonjade

20. lilmelon213

21. sueyun x3 minwoo

22. Mae!

23. lilchan

24. j1youngxj3

25. bbasya

26. ladee_bug

27. E X O T S I A x

28. indefinable

29. wOrtHwHiL

30. eunhyung

31. pinkmarker

32. HANAo1

33. c a t h e r s

34. eternal.happiness

35. fartsy

36. phear.

37. Ll 7l

38. smiless

39. ( BEAUTIFUL; life )

40. itz_n_obsession

41. Elee

42. overly_obsessed

43. peanuts

44. BabyK

45. aznbluegurl916

46. Molar

47. litoaznbbumbl

48. miss ambrosia x3

49. jeahh

50. la pomme

51. Purple.Orchird

52. samsters1489

53. Poop-Shoop-A-Loop

54. kimma

55. viviians

56. greeny

57. sugarrrxxx

58. fly away.

59. cherii2007

60. sparkerly

61. `theQUEEN

62. -MonokuroBoo-

63. _dork

64. bayb3steph

65. xxsweety

66. chunsu_

67. Swiss Cheese

68. orangebubbles

69. love<3changmin

70. c_gunawan541

71. Ivory Pearls

72. edible.x

73. predator

74. ShInHwAcHaNgJoTM

75. xsilentangel

76. twist&fall-

77. exthreex3

78. green.lollipops!

79. heavenly-anjo

80. SinFan

81. roguechinadoll

82. GongZhenPei

83. allysayxrawr

84. i am alice

85. lupe

86. bakajen

87. ti_na

88. heartmilktea

89. violacrazy

90. Moni

91. SKim J.

92. vivian0522

93. phileunee

94. itz_jOw3

95. xxtine_21

96. jiw0nee

97. whitedloud

98. shabashindy

99. NuEy_*

100. xvampireknight

101. SMILE_0N

102. child2child

103. Sp0iL3d_Br8t

104. janethatpain

105. Ayuu~

106. mct2dj

107. korean_dillema

108. miz_keke

109. de_lusion

110. dysphoria

111. xyoojchick

112. engot02

113. delusionalfairie

If you want to be on the PM list, just tell me :D

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Guest ichikawaii

ichikawaii: yay!! BFF!!

Hey... you know... I heard that BFFs make out... often.

ehehe so you know... *wink* *wink*




okay.. okay... ahah XD

you made my day with your reply~ HAHAH XD

your so weird! XP

ohh and i get something photoshoped??? .__. >< i dunno what to let you photoshop~ HAHA XD

i have seen some of your photoshoped things in the photoshop me thread~ hahaha XD




im in love wiht it XP

HAHA XD and the gif too! ><

ahah XD


PAGE OWNED! ^^" hehe yay~

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Guest xsilentangel

Sig Five: I think someone had one similar to this already :], but oh wells.

I made a Batman one before but CHEAYEAHHHH yours are way better!!!

I am replacing the one I made with yours.

And thank you for the individual replies<3.

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