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I - J U S T - W A N T - T O - M A K E - Y O U - S M I L E

Guest poopiness

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YEP!! I made those button things this morning. I think it helps people look for certain sections better.

AHAHA new name? hm.... what do you suggest? Because I'm leaning toward gym socks ;]

YES, a new name.

what? now i'm a PANTY?? -___- lol

do something like princesses. I want to be a princess. :lol:


omg tricks? lmao is that even possible? O__O

awwww the poor fat guy. T0T so mean. LOL

fat people are fun. =D

the poem was so sad. did you lose a girlfriend recently or have something bad happen to you?

don't go emo on me now. lol

thanks for FINALLY updating. D< haha

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Guest last love.



i was like, "oh s--t. is soompi gonna ban him!?"

MAAANN. i love you. xD

thanks for such bangin` comics. (:

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Guest j1youngxj3

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA....GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA THE GUTTER!! HAHAHA...i love the seesaw one...something like that actually happened to me one time..i was seesawing..with my friend..and she went down too fast and hard and i fell of...TT_TT;;...anyway..FINALLY you updated!!! XDDD

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Guest p a r q u e.


Sorry I haven't commented for a while.

But man, the ones you made!

PUHAHAHA, the fat one is mean. x3

But it's so funny. I think your comics are Rated R. XD

Agh, thanks for the PM; totally made my day!

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Guest cherii2007

Alright...im a panty. o_o

Hahahaha the x-rated comic is so wrong. ;)

Aww...comic 2 is so mean. Lololol.

Nice poem as always poopiness!

Eheheh...the disclaimer came in a bit too late, don't you think?

Not that that would've stopped me from looking anyways because the pic is so big.

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How did I make you not eat lunch for a month? o___O

and TSKTSK at the X-rated comic! D:<

Is that even allowed on here? HAHA :]

I'm toilet paper!!


Wipewipewipe !

Around the corner and


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new viewer? lmao

i swear those comics are wayyy cute!!!

LMAO that is so rated R....

please add me to the list~~

o and btw you remind me of jonghun from FT Island =P

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AW! your comics are so cute! keep up the good work


BTW, when I say that the trees cried, I don't mean like they're leaking sap or anything gross like that. It's the trees shedding its leaves for the winter.


who would think that?!


i want to marry that naked boy!

sure it was rated RRRXXXX but who cares? haha :w00t:

or maybe i could just marry you, and i can get the naked boy!

but sshhhh...it's a secret :P


again, that lovely poem with hurt-my-sides-funny comics is like a hot brownie with ice cold ice cream

kinda redundant...but oh well :)

thanks for the PM man

and dont take so long to update next time!

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" ahaha 180 is nothing compared to the soompi population! TOGETHER WE CAN TAKE OVER SOOMPI! :]

diabetes? that's a minor inconvenience. Cookie is everything!

internet predator? I try to be. It's not working too well. No one falls for it..."

I guess the rest of the soompi population is smart enough not to risk you and your weirdness?..or evilness?

I agree,COOKIES ARE EVERYTHING...*daydreams*



but still..DIABETES MIGHT CAUSE..DEATH!?!?!?!?

dont you value your life?!?!?!DONT YOU!?!?!?

you should...or you will be..EMO!!!...*dun dun*

are you sure you wont be arrested saying you try to be an internet predator?if you get arrested...CAN I GET ALL YOUR COOKIES?!?!?!*hopeful look*


if you dont....I WILL CRY!!!

as for this update's comics,...DONT MAKE FUN OF FATTY PEOPLE...they are only like that because they ate too many cookies!!!

wait, then that IS worth putting down....they must have stolen my cookies..ROARRRR!!

the other one...no comment..dum dee dum duummm

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Guest Lazy_Monkey

Errrr ahem... your new comic made me look like this O///O with a mixture of :crazy: . Awww your second comic was so mean. =o Heh, I guess both comics weren't my kinda humour. ^^; But on a brighter note, I really liked your poem even though it was incomplete... I don't even know if I should comment anymore since I really have very little to say compared to your other dedicated readers. ^^; But your comics usually do make me smile and I want to thank you for that. :D

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Guest xbananas

LMAO i find the XXXrated one REALLY funny! :DDD

i'm still laughing about it while thinking of it.

and the fat one, i feel bad for the guy. he looks so depressed at the end but that's the point right? x_x;

i'm loving your poem! i just love the month of november now.

keep them comics coming. :]

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Guest changmin_i_luv_u


u made me toilet paper? yyyyyyyyy? apple pie is so much hotter. xp hmmmmmm u pay taxes already? fine make me feel small. be that way. >^< lol. the second comic was so sad. fattyfatfattttttt elephant got ditched. the fat dudez me. ^^ im 105 lbs. i no. o so enormous. the first comic was like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH run awayyyyyyyy... COVER MY VIRGINISH EYES!!! at first i was so creeped out that i didnt get the bricks part. now im like o. but its still pervy. VERY pervy. the poem was sweet. as always. ;D

thnx 4 da pm and update!

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Guest MiNwOoZ_sOuLmAtE

this is my first time checking out your creations and they're pretty funny

child pornography huh? i see... LOL

update soon xD

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