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Guest poopiness

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Guest -=kaffi3z=-

i love your comics!!!

its funny...never fails to make me laugh :D

your so talented >< it must take so long to make one huh

can i be added to pm??

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Guest nenie_hula


I can't forgive you. You must watch naruto!! :]

hm... what do I want them to say? let's see... I want them to say "OMG YOU ARE SO COOL! WANT TO HAVE ALL MY MONEY?"

now let me ask YOU a question.

how was your first kiss? eheheh

Awwwww!!! Okie dokie!! Then I shall watch it!

I know it shows on a Cartoon Network late at night.

& For you I shall watch it! Dont you feel special!!??!


YES! I still watch cartoons!

Hehehehe!!! ^__^

You would make them say that?

Hahahahah!!! ^__^


Im sooooo embarrassed to answer that!!!! :blush: :sweatingbullets:

Ok.....but I will answer it.....

Man....Im going to sound lame.

BUT!!! Ive never had it yet!

Why? Your asking?

Only because I want it to be with the right guy....Does that make sense?!?!

I dont want to give it away to just any guy....

Hehehehe!! ^__^

But yeah...Im totally lame for that...I know...no need to rub it in my face! GOSH!

Hahahahahha!! ^__^

Okie dokie....Question #2:

I have to make this hard! Cause the first question was easy!

Hehehe!! ^__^


Who is your first love?

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Guest schokolade

i saw someone's siggy advertisement and took a peek at this thread.

wow, your comics are amazing

i spent the past hour catching up on all of them :lol:

if there's room, please add me to the pm list!

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Guest xiao_yun87

LOL =) you're really good.. i spotted someone's siggy and arrived here =D i got lost in your works that i forgot about my assignments the whole time... girls really can be mean at times.. but im sure they don't mean to.. umm.. i think... lol... i keep smiling to myself... and when i finish looking through all your comics... yeah.... i remembered my assignment... ROAR -_- lol.. add me to your pm list please =) thanks

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Guest poopiness

REPLIES TO PAGE 62: the rest of the page 62 replies and the ones before that are on page 63 I think


ahaha what is "ommuna!"?

I love my comics too, what a coincidence :D ehehe

I get the ideas from my head.

dating series? I'll try to dig them up :D I think I still have them somewhere.

ahaha yea I would make an autobiography, but it's too sad to write about it again. All those rejections at once, no good. :]

ahahhah if these skills could be used for a job, I wouldn't be broke ;]

ICE Coffe

everybody except me. It's all about japanese boys with long brown hair and gray eyes!! NEJI!!


I'm sorry, it's just not the same unless you put on the uniform.

you know the kind with the short skirt ;D

now get to it!!


ahahah his zipper is pimping!! I have a suit just like that!

It's just that I don't fit into it anymore.


of course I remember you!! You're shirley!! I stalk your 411 like ALL DAY LONG!!

AHAHAH okay I won't tell anyone... but you'll have to go on a date with me.

Or else I'm telling EVERYONE!!! Yea... blackmail.. wassup??!!


cupcake? what are you a cheapo? I want 10 million dollars!!


ahhaha implying?? nope. That's what I explicitly said. AHAHAH.

well? have you?? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?


actually I have a double eyebrow. It's really weird. But the second one is hard to notice.

hmm.... that's pretty good persuasion, but I'm still not hooked yet. Better keep on going ;D

ahahaha racist? are you telling me that people with unibrows are their own race? as in they're not humans? UGH!! YOu're such a racist!!



ahahaah that's exactly what I'm doing ;D Well? are you going to return the love? I accept cash ehehe

ahahahah your teacher is on crack! My teacher never made us rolled on a mat. We only did duck and cover. Which was ridiculous. I would've just panicked and have a heart attack. But that's a horrible moral to the story.

UGH!! Akon... and T-pain.... it's all you hear on the radio... I totally need like a cd player in my car... the ride to school is hell because that's all you hear all day.

You want to what me? UGH!! that's highly inappropriate!!

It was secretly for you. I was saving it up for your birthday as a surprise, but I guess this is as good a time as ever ;D


haaha forget that! I want to score points with girls in real life!! :D

seriously!! I'm too old to be doing this!! But I love it :]

la pomme



i'm 25% busy and 75% lazy ;D

I love new readers!!!

don't run away!! COME BACK!!


who's kinda cute? I forgot what we were talking about. :D So I'll just assume it's me ;D

Ll 7l

yea the ninja/pirate one took forever to make because coloring was a bitoch!!


ahaha iono, I didn't even noticed how long it was until it was time to do PMs.... ahahah

another picture? that depends, what are you going to show me? ;D, there has to be an equal trade.


ahaha you should totally respond to your phone calls!! What if I'm secretly calling and you missed it!!

gai sensei is totally not sexy. Those tights totally cannot handle his nasty man junk, it's popping out everywhere!!


ahaha that's unique enough :]

rock lee is not that little, he's probably like 16 by now :]

paper stars? I hope you weren't intending to give them paper cuts. Because that's cruel.


ahaha don't update on myspace!! I don't have a myspace, so I can't see it :D

but I do like your myspace profile picture, HOT!!!


oh you don't even know. NEJI is a hardcore closet pervert. He didn't train his x-ray vision for fighting I can tell you that.


AHHAAH yea that song rocks!! But I don't think he appreciates it.

and to think of all that time I spent singing it for him, I don't even sing it for girls.

what a jerk.



busy? school? oh ahaha I never took zero period because I couldn't wake up that early. So I take 1-6.

yea I know, I AM too cool ;D


ahaha no I said you were going to pick me up!! at my house!! In america!!

so I'm afraid you'll have to fly to america ;D

can you handle it?


ahaha I could've sworn I sent you one!! I think it's soompi, you should blame it on soompi ;D

not on the PM list? That's unpossible!!

Look!! you are under the group PIRATES!!


I can't believe it's your time commenting!! I've already commented like 500 times :D

yep the PM list is for updates, and I just added you :]


ahaha that's the best way to smile :]


ahaha there was no PM because you changed your name without even telling me!! UGH!! so uncool! I thought we were friends!!

if I didn't take a look at your profile I wouldn't have known who you were before!! UGH!!

You're such a liar! I can't believe I believed you!! You told me that prince was out and princess was in. I dressed up like a princess, went outside and people laughed at me!! UGH!! you're such a jerk.

I'll make a comic where the guy gets the girl when I myself gets a girl ;]


you do? who is it?

High five for ninjas!!


ahahahhaha GARR! i totally fell for your story!! UGH!! you're a jerk!

I was like OMG I can't believe she can beat box AND do a hand stand!


it's not were, I AM still a ninja :]

kakashi... he's cool too, but he's old news. It's all about NEJI.


Neji love. Not gay love, just NEJI love.

fly away.

19? close but not quite :D

btw you don't get anymore guesses ehehe


yes you can! thanks for asking!

and what's your myspace link?


OMG hey!! it's you!! You should check the couples thread in 411.

I wrote a song for you ;D


ahaha actually none of my poems are really happy perky either :]

don't worry lovey dovey is my trademark, I won't leave it :D

well too old is a very general term. How old are you ?

I'll still give you a PM! If I remember ahahah If not remind me!



ahahaha yea I know, that's exactly what my mom tells me ;]


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edit// aww man. I seriously thought you'd made a new one T___T


tanyalasagna x3

no thank you! I don't want to be a macho woman.

I'd rather be a macho nacho man.

don't have myspace :D

Gah! You don't wanna be a macho woman?? ;________;

Okay then. You can be a macho nacho man.

and you can fight villains with your uhh.. nacho cheese!!

Yeah! Shoot it out your wrist like Spiderman! xDD

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Guest ichikawaii


AHHAAH yea that song rocks!! But I don't think he appreciates it.

and to think of all that time I spent singing it for him, I don't even sing it for girls.

what a jerk.



what if you had a really cute girlfriend and someone came and sang a song like that to you?



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Guest musical.memory


ahaha there was no PM because you changed your name without even telling me!! UGH!! so uncool! I thought we were friends!!

if I didn't take a look at your profile I wouldn't have known who you were before!! UGH!!

You're such a liar! I can't believe I believed you!! You told me that prince was out and princess was in. I dressed up like a princess, went outside and people laughed at me!! UGH!! you're such a jerk.

I'll make a comic where the guy gets the girl when I myself gets a girl ;]

HMPH! ohh, so it's MY fault i didn't get a pm?! <_< it's not MY fault you didn't know i

changed my name! I thought we friends! friends send friends pms! :tongue2: you jerk!

you know my profile? o.O okay... *cough*stalker*cough* :D hehe, jkjkjk! dont UGH

me, mister! you didn't send me a pm! :fury:

LMFAO. pwahahahahahah! :lol: you believed me? aww. those people laughed at you?

they're really mean! O___O well, maybe you got...the wrong princess outfit? :sweatingbullets: hehehe.

HEY! how come you keep calling me names but i cna't call you names?! :angry: that is

SO not FAIR! ARGH. YOU'RE such a jerk. <_< i can't believe i told you what was cool and

waht was uncool but you still called me jerk. you are such a hypocrite. -_-

you have me already don't you? i can be like your best friend! :D doesn't that count as 'finding a

girl'? -_- man, guys are stupid. like, really. :rolleyes: UPDATE! WHY ARE THERE NO UPDATES?!


that into your faqs. :D since this time, someone really said it. ;) hahaha.

i wanna see a comic where the guy gives the girl one of his comic strips. and then she takes

out a lighter, and burns it. then walked away with the ashes to remind her of her evil deeds. :D

sound familiar? LOL. hahaha. :lol:


<3 Vivian

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*looks on pm list and eyes pop out*

Whoa, there are a lot of people on the list and I'm number 5!

But can you take me off the list? It'll be one less person to

pm and starting college, I won't be able to be online much.

Don't worry though, I won't forget about this thread, I'll come back

and check it when I feel crummy so it'll make me smile.

For some reasons I laughed so hard while reading the pirates and ninja ones lol

Rock Lee is cute, heheh but his eyebrows. They got to go, hehehe.

I love the Neji one too, I can imagine him doing it to a girl, muahahah.

Just keep those comics coming!

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