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Guest poopiness

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Guest marioeoeoeh

Ah I just found your comics today...

they are totally cute :D

I love the comics about what girls really mean haha

the best one was the first one, where the girl wants to stab the boy~ xD

And ur first post, the stripe with letting the girl faint was REALLY funny lol

the one with "learning german" is cute but I don't get it... maybe because i am german x_X

do you still add people onto your pm list? if so would you add me? ^o^


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so funnyyyyyyy especially neji that one cracked me

up big time~~~ what a perfect... and lee is just a

sad kid LOL

sorry i couldn't reply last time... i think I was being

stupid O.O

well ~ HOPE TO SEE SOON and thanks for the PM


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Guest skimchee


AW POOR ROCK LEE x_x; i think him & his bushy eyebrows are pretty cute :rolleyes: ,but



you should make ichigo comics, :D

he`s so hott, that that annoying pink

girl who`s always turning down

these poor souls in your comics

is bound to fall in love :P <3

ah, ninjavspirate = <3

ninja`s are so much more better,,

but i have to say, the pirate is pretty cute :)


props to your patience in

replying to all these people! x_x;

i don`t have enough patience for that -_-

but instead, i`ll write you something

long & nice,

just because i like your comics that much

maybe just ONE comic,

just to turn the tables

have the girl accept & live happily ever after :D

JUSTKIDDING; then there wouldn`t be anymore comics :huh: ?

man, i was sitting here, trying to think

of an idea for a comic, but i can`t,

this is so hard x_x LOL, i give up,

i`ll leave that part for you to do, ahhah

okay i think that`s enough rambling for one comment :lol:

peaceoutt, i`ll be on the lookout for the next updatee<3!

muahhahar, :)

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Guest Yubineeekim

haha. you updated :)

your comics are sooo cute. especially the neji one.

im a huge naruto fan? xD

mm, im going to try to write something so you can work with it. hmm.

how about, will you go on a date with me? xDD

how was your finals anyway?

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Guest sugarrrxxx

cant find my old reply, oh well :P


i sound so pervy :S

but i do! i was eating chicken at the time and almost choked from laughing.

yeah. k

thxz. bye


do you take like writing classes or are you really just that talented?

im going to have to take writing classes

when i feel like writing a song i rip it up after the first line :D

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SinFan: ahahah I almost didn't make you one. But calling me by my name changed my mind ;D

I'll pm you when it's done. If I didn't pm you, then remind me, I probably forgot biggrin.gif

aaahh xD you almost forgot me =o

that's fine though..i want that batman suit..

but seriously after seeing the pirate suit..[which is way cooler than the ninja =o]

I WANT THAT PIRATE SUIT NOW XD it's so freaking cute >o<

omfg xD i like it T________T wieeeeeh so nice =o

but but but myeah~~ you're so busy with making things for fans [see the enormous pm list XD]

I don't mind if you forget me...[just give me that pirate suit =o]

bwahahaha...so goodlooking.. =p do you need my address to send the pirate suit :ph34r:

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Guest nenie_hula

nenie_hula: ahaha I knew it! girls love that mysterious stuff!! ;D


Hahahahaahahahha!!!!!! ^__^

Your do dorky!

I love it! ^__^

Ive never watched Naruto...So....yeah..... :blush:

Forgive me!

Heheheheheheh!!!! ^__^

But I seriously love the Ninja & Pirate one!

Hehehehe!!! ^__^

Hmmmm................I dont really know what else to write...So.....Im going to be random..I hope you dont mind!

Hehehehe!!! ^__^

Oh! How we play a game? 20 Questions!!! Ohhhh!!!!

I shall ask the first question.

[1] If you went to Korea/Japan/China & met an asian celebrity....what english word/saying would you want them to say?

Ok.....that was like the stupidest question to ask....But I cant really think of anything....

You want me to ask you out on a date?

Woah! We barely know eachother....I dont know if I can take that step in our relationship already.......

Hahahahahahahahah!!!!!! ^__^

& thank you for adding me to the PM list! ^__^

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Guest eunhyung

lmao I love the ninja vs. pirate comic....ninjas are definetely better lol

and to naruto comics....Rock Lee is one of my favorite characters >.<

haha you're just really really awesome, has anyone ever told you that?

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Guest CandiLuvur


I laughed so hard at Rock Lee, XD.

But it's kinda sad seeing all of those guys not getting girls.


Thanks for the PM!


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lupe: ahaha I'm updating now!! UGH!! you are so violent!

yay you finally updated.

it took you so long.

i'm glad you finally did!

and i'm not violent your are just to lazy. :tongue2:

well hope you passed the finals. :D

btw i decided to advertise with your new ninja advertisement.

thanks for the pm.

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Guest GongZhenPei

LOL i absolutely love the ninja vs. pirates.

thats like a conversation me and this guy would have where he'd be the ninja and im the pirate.

he's always teasing me like that and i just give him the look.

but i like your idea more, just stick a sword in him ;]

btw, would you like to go out on a date with me? ;)

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