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Park Min Young 박민영 [ Amazon No.1 Hit Drama "Marry My Husband" 2024 |New drama 'The Confidence Man KR' (2025), start shooting!/ Three nominations at Korea Drama Festival | Daejeon Film Festival 2024|'MY Beans Fanmeet' in Tokio Nov.8


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OMG there are lots of people around her, but no one recognizes haaaaaaa ottokke???????? those people realy don't know how lucky they are aaaaaaa chincha!!!! :-O :-<Anyway,She is blooooooomingggggggg :x I'm sooooooooo happy to see her.I missed her. :x :x :x 
@altamarea I think you are right.


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Guest blossomnagr

youngshin said:

Sorry for my ignorance guys but I am very new to this kdrama fandom and an on and off kind of fanatic through the not so many years of watching. 

But how did she get so many fans from China?

And why did the Chinese fans call themselves "Ensuns"?

And where else do you guys get your info about PMY?

The weibo, dc, whatever thingy I always read are those sites in Korean language? any English site to go to?

I learned soompi from google and twitter, but I am new here, still don't know how to post pics, vids etc.

Thanks for sharing infos here.

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Guest blossomnagr

Little excerpt from the interview with TopStarNews (translated from chinese translation):
PMY said "For two years, I worked without any rest. Simply put, I had five projects within a span of 2 years, so I was working without rest," explaining her condition back then.
She continued, "There came a moment when I was completely exhausted, kind of like how I only have a half-filled bowl, but I exhausted the entire bowl. And so I realized that this is not the proper etiquette/treatment for those projects. I became confused, questioning whether I wasn't responsible enough as an actor.
Because she exhausted all her energy, she began to have thoughts of "Am I only doing things that I think I can do well?", and that was torturing her. And so she thought she needed put an end to that, therefore entering her hiatus.
The reason she decided to return was because of Hollywood's Jennifer Lawrence. She saw how Jennifer Lawrence treated even a minor role so seriously and thought that she wanted to be an actor like that.
After watching Jennifer Lawrence's movie, she said, "I reflected upon myself as I watched Jennifer Lawrence working hard to digest her character."
She continued, "Having those thoughts, I became really thirsty for acting. I think that thirst is beginning to be quenched after nicely wrapping up <A New Leaf> and meeting <Healer>." all cre: @raine_evenstar
There are more interesting once I wish some soul can translate at least interesting tid bits 
here is the LINK 

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Guest blossomnagr

And Chinese one second 

15.02.25 新聞翻譯——和池昌旭合作愛情戲,感覺如何?朴敏英:“我作品中最後一次吻戲是在2011年《榮光的在仁》。這段時間是吻戲空白期,《Healer》中的愛情戲演的很盡興!(笑)愛情戲很多,每次(劇本)出來昌旭就會問我“還好吧?”,遇到了很多難題,但昌旭很好的引導我,我就跟著他,沒有任何負擔。昌旭本來就是愛撒嬌的性格,現場拍攝氣氛因為他變得很舒服。拍攝愛情戲很有負擔感,需要一瞬間的感覺。其中有一場不是床戲的床戲,強行拍攝(?),連身心疲憊的時間都沒有,(昌旭)知道了就讓工作人員拿電熱毯幫忙鋪在床上,其中有一個場景是拍攝我睡著了的樣子,我當時真的睡著了,導演還說“英信啊,就那樣睡吧”,真的到了那種程度!”(笑)——明目張膽的破格嘗試,有何感想?“蔡英信這個角色真的很會罵人,我平時不罵人的,因為有過“罵人創傷”。有一次,我在媽媽面前不知道罵了幾句什麼,被狠狠訓了一頓。這個角色教會我很多罵人的話,一般罵人的話都會。一開始學的時候,語調、音節,像學外語一樣一遍一遍,周圍的人都說我罵得挺好的,太慶倖了(笑)”朴敏英:以前很害怕拍電影,現在有了挑戰的意識。真的想嘗試一下。想演那種打破條條框框的角色。朴敏英:下半年的劇,會給大家呈現和現在的朴敏英演技完全不同的演技

Fan Art (cre: 印度粉絲 kanhucp) weibo


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Min Young's interview with MBN star:

"More important than love...last dated more than a year ago"

Park Min Young in an interview with MBN star in Gangnam confided about dating, " I am always open to finding love, but don't think this is the right time".

"My schedule is fully packed after Healer. After one month of rest, I will have shooting abroad in China and New Zealand for three months. After that, I will do a domestic project in the 2nd half.  After devoting myself to acting ,this period seems to me the happiest. It's impossible for me to give it up. My character is such that I cannot work and love at the same time. Although I want to be in a nice relationship,it seems difficult this year. However, as an actress, I have learnt that it is hard to stop loving . It has been more than a year since I was in love. I want to fall in love before my love cells die", she added arousing laughter.


cre: lark, weibo
Source: http://star.mbn.co.kr/view.php?sc=71600004&year=2015&no=170917

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blossomnagr said: youngshin said:

Sorry for my ignorance guys but I am very new to this kdrama fandom and an on and off kind of fanatic through the not so many years of watching. 

But how did she get so many fans from China?

And why did the Chinese fans call themselves "Ensuns"?

And where else do you guys get your info about PMY?

The weibo, dc, whatever thingy I always read are those sites in Korean language? any English site to go to?

I learned soompi from google and twitter, but I am new here, still don't know how to post pics, vids etc.

Thanks for sharing infos here.

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Guest blossomnagr

@mimi26 I did not know it. I've heard about Silver Star but never paid attention. Thanks for the info. recently people on twitter asked the same question, good to know. 

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autumn93 said: @mimi26. 
Also @mimi26, Also, not to be a conspiracy theorists or anything, but I totally believe that certain "scandals" are released by the government about celebrities as a way to deflect attention from something corrupt thing that's happening within the government or country at the moment. A shame. Plus some of these so called scandals are ridiculous. For example, two people dating should be a cause for joy, not something that should be labeled as being bad...*le sigh* 

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mimi26 said: blossomnagr said: youngshin said:

Sorry for my ignorance guys but I am very new to this kdrama fandom and an on and off kind of fanatic through the not so many years of watching. 

But how did she get so many fans from China?

And why did the Chinese fans call themselves "Ensuns"?

And where else do you guys get your info about PMY?

The weibo, dc, whatever thingy I always read are those sites in Korean language? any English site to go to?

I learned soompi from google and twitter, but I am new here, still don't know how to post pics, vids etc.

Thanks for sharing infos here.

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As request from @eileenbarrett531_at_gmail.com_stv in ChangMin Shipper Thread to translate the article from a link @blossomnagr has gave..Here I translated some part of the article that I'm interested in and think have not been posted or have a slight difference from other translation ^^This is based on what I get and I try to translate it as literally as possible, but I do simplified some to make it easier for readSorry if there's any  mistake..

PMY is lovely like this. Of course, ever since debut she has lovely character. But her beauty look that bring out jealousy made certain distance with her female fans love.But after Healer, these attention toward PMY has changed. CYS character has received love from either male and female audiences. In regard being loved by handsome healer, instead of got jealous eyes, she got many support/cheer like "Yes, they really well suited". "I'll make you receive women's love" was SJN promise to her that came true like magic.Beside SJN writer and LJS director, people who'll work with me gave me their trust. In evening/dinner she went out (to meet SJN and director), SJN gave her gentle smile and said, "you don't really like women? If you do this work (healer) I want to make PMY who's loved by women". I'm touhced. Her tears almost fell down. There's faith in getting me character that consistently can be emphatized/agreed by women. From the first picture it went like that. It was really a consistency that can be made by great writer. Everything has been drawn from the first time.SJN melt PMY usual habit, PMY figure, the way PMY smile, etc. into the script and made CYS character. Seems like that's why it more and more became 'PMY is CYS, CYS is PMY'.If I couldn't express CYS's loveliness, it's 100% my fault. Even if I had been given 7 months back to decide this role, I'll still do this work. It ended in 3 months, but even if it had to be 5 or 10 months, it'll be the work I did. Healer has cured my heart. JH and YS became 'healer' for each other. To me, it feels like soothes my heart. I learned from this character and it's a feeling I get from upon pat of be-able-to-do-it."First of all, so far I think I've never laugh out loud. Laughing out loud, dancing, don't care even if (my) hair is ruined. In this situation, it's right. More, those points as much as it has made (me) more concentrated, it has been a help. Before, If audiences concern about what I wear and what I do, It caused me grumble, 'is it important thing?', but it was actually my greed. 'I made a mistake but why they only see that part (my mistake)' grumbling. If can only see like that, just get rid of it... what's this.. is this so important that I coudn't get rid of? I reflect on.Now she has more female fans than berofe. For her, they are presious fan.She also received many loves from audiences because her love line with JCW."I'm not sure if I have to thank JCW but I heard compliment that sounds getting paired with a relative-small-stature actress is always nice.(laugh). This work is action-romance so it's a work which cannot miss the romance. I'm so glad because if it missed, points that not suppose to live will live. It's step by step created, I think when both of us adhered it, the chemistry was attached. It is neither JCW's nor my own, it's the writer competency can do that.""In the beginning with JCW, because our personality shy toward each other (since we were still strangers) we struggled, but in order to get to know/ get close, thanks to efforts, we could rapidly get along. We talk (send and receive conversation) through SNS, discussing about work (healer drama) has became help.""JCW is an actor who has passion. How much his effort, he has studied, I can feel it. He is really a person who has studied a lot, his acting is so accurate. (about) My acting sometime if he said "that scene was nice", seems like what he feel is similar with what I feel. A person who able to play the character, a person who is better than me in acting, meeting such a person as partner was very comfortable. As much as I give, he receive and give back. He's great as acting partner. After (the drama) end, we sent and received message. At the same time we text telling each other good job and it's nice met a good partner.(laugh)."She explained her plan regarding next projects.And then she said "if I do have a crush with someone, I think I'll not court him. Because there's no time for meet/date. So far I have never put close about relationship. I thought I'd get married when I was 27 y.o. It's just because I haven't meet a man. I think right now there's no need to expect on something. There's many things that is more interesting than acting that I have not discover. Right know all of my heart is into acting. I'll try to work like an ox. I'll be ox min young"

P.S Spoiler tag doesn't work? (T_T) I don't know why..

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Thanks a lot @OO1230 Great to finally have someone translate the interesting parts.
This is bits and pieces from her SSTV interview (think what @blossomnagr posted) and from the korean article.
SSTV interview
Min Young: "I browsed DC when Healer ended ,there were so many thoughts that I could not read all. Writer Song gave me links as well and I read many comments from overseas fans. There were some people who did specialized analysis that was even better than mine. I really appreciated it when reading so many comments. Sometimes I take a screenshot when I see touching comments which I feel are like gifts"

"How do you feel about your love scenes with JCW?"
Min Young "My last kiss in drama was in Glory Jane in  2011. After that, it was a kiss blank period,so I enjoyed acting romantic scenes in Healer(laughs).There were many love scenes,so every time when reading a new script, JCW would ask me "are you ok?" Even when encountering difficulties, he guided me. I just followed him without any burden. JCW  is like a spoilt child, he made the atmosphere of the shooting site more comfortable."

"There was a shooting scene on bed,almost no time for me to feel weary,JCW asked the staff  to put a heating pad on bed. In one of the scenes where I had to sleep, I really slept off. PD said"Young Shin,just sleep like that"

From this interview with FACT Link
"‘I was surprised by Yoo Ji-tae's affectionate nature, how happy his wife must be! He bought coffee for me when he heard I liked coffee. He has put his wife and baby's picture as his phone wallpaper. His eyes are full of love, just as they describe in romance novels."
When talking about her ideal type,her eyes opened wide "He should look sharp in appearance,stay modest and reliable,and it will be best if he is humorous! I have never met my ideal type before,so the so-called "ideal person" is just an ideal." 

”I am always ready to be a bride,but I can not get married because I haven't met that person. I always thought I would get married at 27,and now maybe before 35? Love? Now I don't want to depend on something. This is the first time that I can live solidly without affection. Of course love is nice,but now I want to give all my affection to acting and work like an ox".

cre: lark for english translation and windbell for korean to chinese translation

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mimi26 said: Thanks a lot @OO1230 Great to finally have someone translate the interesting parts.
This is bits and pieces from her SSTV interview (think what @blossomnagr posted) and from the korean article.
SSTV interview
Min Young: "I browsed DC when Healer ended ,there were so many thoughts that I could not read all. Writer Song gave me links as well and I read many comments from overseas fans. There were some people who did specialized analysis that was even better than mine. I really appreciated it when reading so many comments. Sometimes I take a screenshot when I see touching comments which I feel are like gifts"

"How do you feel about your love scenes with JCW?"
Min Young "My last kiss in drama was in Glory Jane in  2011. After that, it was a kiss blank period,so I enjoyed acting romantic scenes in Healer(laughs).There were many love scenes,so every time when reading a new script, JCW would ask me "are you ok?" Even when encountering difficulties, he guided me. I just followed him without any burden. JCW  is like a spoilt child, he made the atmosphere of the shooting site more comfortable."

"There was a shooting scene on bed,almost no time for me to feel weary,JCW asked the staff  to put a heating pad on bed. In one of the scenes where I had to sleep, I really slept off. PD said"Young Shin,just sleep like that"

From this interview with FACT Link
"‘I was surprised by Yoo Ji-tae's affectionate nature, how happy his wife must be! He bought coffee for me when he heard I liked coffee. He has put his wife and baby's picture as his phone wallpaper. His eyes are full of love, just as they describe in romance novels."
When talking about her ideal type,her eyes opened wide "He should look sharp in appearance,stay modest and reliable,and it will be best if he is humorous! I have never met my ideal type before,so the so-called "ideal person" is just an ideal." 

”I am always ready to be a bride,but I can not get married because I haven't met that person. I always thought I would get married at 27,and now maybe before 35? Love? Now I don't want to depend on something. This is the first time that I can live solidly without affection. Of course love is nice,but now I want to give all my affection to acting and work like an ox".

cre: lark for english translation and windbell for korean to chinese translation

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