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Guest Swtess


the first few months are like that. It takes a while for them to get used to everything.

How are you training your dog? I used the pee pads for my dogs and the first few weeks were tough, but they will soon get the knack of it.

You can't really expect a small pup to understand everything in a matter of days.

Be very patient and observant with it and notice its habits when its about to do its business.

Don't baby the dog when it whines.

Stay firm and stick to what you planned. Trust me, you don't want to spoil it when young.

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Guest x`ind

^yeah i am using those pads along with this spray that is suppose to help the dog recognize where to go. however i choose an outdoor spot for it but at night she is suppose to sleep in this pen and so we put another pad with newspapers on top inside

of the pen. is it too confusing for the dog to have two places to eliminate ?

also she was very active/hyper for the first two days now on her third day she won't eat .. i don't know why. does it have anything to do with the fact that i let her lick some watermelon yesterday and now she doesn't like dog food? or is she sick?

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i just got a baby pug (2 1/2 months) and it doesn't seem to listen to me at all -_-

i mean i just want it to pee/poop in one place.. i mean i don't know is it too hard

for it to go indoors? should i make it go outside then? and the whole rubbing

her face in the pee to punish her does not seem to work?? i mean i don't think

she even understands the human language yet? ahhhh this is horrible

i barely got any sleep last night.

also she whines whenever i leave her alone !

uh... you don't rub her face in pee.

how would you like it if somebody shoved your face in your own pee as a baby?

you just bring her to the pee and say no >.<

first of all, she's 2 and a half months. she CANNOT CONTROL HER BLADDER

the only thing you can do (and trust me, she'll try)

is just bring her to her pee spot every 45 minutes

and say "good girl/boy"

when she pees in the wrong spot, just look at her like you're angry, and say "bad boy/girl"

bring her to the pee spot, and tell her "good girl"

then go and pick it up...

dogs fully develop their bladder at around 5-7 months

before having a dog you need to have patience... seriously...

and the whole whining thing... get her used to it! say NO when she makes a sound

then try leaving, and if she stays quiet

go back in and give her a treat

remember that when u leave the house... leave the radio or tv on

so it gives the feeling that someone is home

shes a pup and shes just very freightened...

youre her hero, haha


like a baby... babies can`t be alone. that`s why they have imaginary friends =]

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Guest iloveren

ok i just won a bullfrog tadpole from a fair and it's in like a really small container w/ nothing but water and gravel. lol what am i supposed to do...

do you really want a bullfrog as a pet? :crazy: they get pretty huge.. i would throw that sucker in a nearby ditch. =\

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Guest AMIbunny

omg..>_< Today, I brought my dog( Male Yorkie) to visit my friend's puppy(also a male).

My dog is NEUTERED...I guess he was kinda excited.O_O...but this weird lookin RED thing came out from his..uhh....penis >__<

What the heck is that?!?!

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Guest aznscrewball

Yes, that red pointy thing (lol) is called a penis. When a male dog gets neutered, they do not cut off his penis (eek!). All they do is cut off the ball sacks so that no sperm will be produced, and their sex drive goes down. In the first year or so after they get neutered, they will still have "urges" where it comes out. After that, their penis will generally stay inside under the skin.

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Guest NSTYLE;;

What kind of rice can i feed my yorkie?


i need to know ASAP because shes hungry :/

like i heard i can feed fried rice.. but how do i make those?

HAHAH T__T i suck at cooking.

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Guest aznscrewball

^ Hrm, I wouldn't even put chicken broth in it. Chicken broth is really salty and has fat in it. I would just give your dog plain boiled chicken (no salt added) and plain brown rice.

NSTYLE;;: Is there any reason why your dog gets human food instead of dog food?

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Guest choco.pudding

i have a chocolate lab and a white kitty cat :] and some ping pong pearlscale goldfish lol.

i like my dog, he is so nice and gentle for being pretty big. we got him for protection but he's actually turned into a family dog.

i HATE my cat. she is so mean and hisses at me. when i get mad at her for being rude, i sometimes chase after her but then she'll turn around and chase me. it's so scary lol. and then my goldfish...uhm yeah they're just there. they just swim around in their pretty fish bowl :]

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Guest NSTYLE;;

^I never fed her human food.. o__o;

the previous owner told me that the dog loves to eat the boiled chicken breast with rice.. and i wanted to try to make it for her so she can eat it.. cus the previous owner told me that i should give it often since she loves to eat it.

I gave her chicken breast today (boiled). .she loved it!

i just wanna make rice.. :/

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What kind of rice can i feed my yorkie?


i need to know ASAP because shes hungry :/

like i heard i can feed fried rice.. but how do i make those?

HAHAH T__T i suck at cooking.


boiled white rice m'dear.

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i HATE my cat. she is so mean and hisses at me. when i get mad at her for being rude, i sometimes chase after her but then she'll turn around and chase me. it's so scary lol.

Why do you want to terrorise your cat like that? Cats are not mean or rude, but they have their own way of doing things, just as humans do. It takes time to teach a cat to obey orders. If she does something wrong, just firmly tell her "no", but don't smack her or anything. When she does something good, praise her, stroke her coat and say "good girl". If you're nice to your cat, she will respond in kind. Cats are quick to retaliate at any perceived threats to their safety, so when you're teaching her stuff, don't make it look like you're attacking her.

Obviously if you hate your cat, she'll hate you back - why would she like someone who hates her? Treat her with love and patience and you'll be surprised by her response.

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Guest NSTYLE;;


boiled white rice m'dear.

I DONT KNOW. the friggin previous owner said my dog liked that - - ;

and its still healthy. so i dont even know!~

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Guest glitzyglam

okay so i really want a dog and i was debating between an old english sheepdog and a maltipoo (yeah, really random cause they're both so different from eachother..)

i've done a lot of research on them and with my lifestyle i think the smaller will get along better at my house (esp. cause the size of my house)...

I know many people look down on purposefully getting a mixed breed dog but i'm just trying to be realistic because i don't think i'll be great with a pure maltese because of the grooming!

okay, so now the problem is.. i don't like TINY TINY DOGS. i get paranoid.. what if it hides in my house and i can't find the dog? or i step on the dog or she gets stuck somewhere..

so basically a lot of worries pass through my mind with dogs that are barely bigger than my hand.

okay and the size of maltipoos seem to vary a LOT.

5-12 lbs?

how do i know that i won't get one that is 5 lbs? i'd really prefer it to be 12 lbs..

and i heard that the estimate of the adult size is not always accurate.. so if i get a puppy i don't know how to look for a heavier/bigger maltipoo other than taking a risk

anyone have any experience?

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