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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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Guest subduing mara

79 fans are driven crazy for Gang Dong Won ssi, the age group of fans is more and more rising from 10s, right.

I think fans’ age group is rather decreasing than rising, and I feel that fans more and more dwindle away. (My popularity) it’s not the same as before. (smile) I also feel lonesome but I think it’s good to become mature together with my fans. My fans now link with my mind. Thanks to them I became a bit more positive. My way to go… I get much strength from fans. I feel I didn’t know (way to go)in the past.

Thx dadani, you made it! :lol:

...I like the way he viewd the world, optimistically!! Somehow our Wonnie is too much anxious about a number of fans. He had to admit that all those fames and popularities are ebb and flow. After Temptation of Wolves, he played more melo-movies causing the decreasing of existed fans. All that matter to me is I always respect his decisions to make his moves in this career and always be winds to support his wings...

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thanks for translation of the interview Dada

for part 3 it's very interesting and this a first time I knew more about his family. So, from my experience and my thinking that the Eastern family most like this, we are care about our family's member but not said much or not much express/action.


new photo from "Super Star LE" Calendar


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Guest subduing mara

Hi guys, it's Thanksgiving Day so it's time for giving thanks to everyone here

to sharing news, photos and any comments also whoever to visit this thread!!

I am happy everytime i entered this room even it been quiet sometimes. :blush:

Enjoy celebrating the season and dont forget to say thanks to everyone around you...

Happy pumpkin day Wonnie!!

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I hope it not to late to say "thank you" to all of you guys who done a very good job and always support Dongwon.

Some of our friends here I knew for nearly 2 years and you are still beside us beside Dongwon ^^


update with sample photo from Super 'Star' LE 2008 calendar

(dongwon look so cool here)

desk version :


wall version :


credit : Dongwon Miracle

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Guest Smelly Tofu

wah tso that's what the calendar looks like...heheh gosh and I thought it would be dark and gloomy...its fill;ed with happy colours


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he's on the cover mag again...yeay...and only him.... great..!!

during this "M" promotion, he's always on the cover by himshelf...

that 2007 calender suppose to has 12 pics right?

i want the table version one too....hiks....

dongwon looks so good, as always..... :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:


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that 2008 calender suppose to has 12 pics right?

i want the table version one too....hiks....

dongwon looks so good, as always..... :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:



and the wall version is different from the desk...i want both of them :wub:



조지 클루니 닮은 국내 배우는 역시 장동건!!

[CNBNEWS] 2007년 11월 28일(수) 오전 07:25


▲ CNB뉴스,CNBNEWS ,씨앤비뉴스 - 국내 네티즌들이 조지 클루니와 가장 닮은 국내 배우로 장동건을 꼽았다. ‘<마이클 클레이튼>의 조지 클루니처럼 성공률 100% 은폐전문 해결사에 가장 잘 어울릴 것 같은 국내 남자 배우는?’이란 타이틀로 진행된 온라인 설문에서 장동건이 1위로 낙점된 것. 장동건은 지난 13일부터 19일까지 인터파크에서 진행된 설문조사에서 41%라는 투표율로 39%의 지지율을 얻은 황정민과의 박빙 승부를 펼쳤다.

<런드리 워리어><태풍><무극><태극기를 휘날리며> 등 국내 영화계는 물론 할리우드로 까지 진출해 연기 스펙트럼을 넓혀가고 있는 배우 장동건은 실력과 외모를 겸비한 대한민국 최고의 배우이자 스타. 네티즌들은 세계적 섹시스타이자 감독, 제작자, 배우 등을 오가며 실력을 인정받고 있는 조지 클루니에 딱 어울린다고 판단, 쟁쟁한 스타배우들 사이에서 장동건을 1위로 뽑았다. 그의 뒤를 이어 수 많은 여성팬들을 사로잡고 있는 대한민국 대표 꽃미남 강동원(12%), 월드스타 비(8%)가 그 다음으로 나란히 랭크 되었다. (11월 26일 현재)

조지 클루니, 스타의 옷을 벗고 배우의 옷을 입다!

마이클 클레이튼은 해결 불가능한 사건을 법적으로 처리해주는 은폐 전문 해결사(Fixer)이다. 하지만 동료 변호사의 갑작스러운 죽음에 의문을 품고 그의 뒷조사를 시작하게 되고, 거대 기업의 비리를 알게 된다. 그때부터 자신의 목숨도 안전하지 않다는 것을 직감하고, 그는 본격적으로 진실을 밝히기 위한 ‘한방’을 위해 또 다른 조작을 시작한다.

조지 클루니는 은폐를 전문으로 했던 마이클 클레이튼이 진정한 진실을 위해 변화하는 과정을 통해 진실과 거짓, 선과 악의 중간에서 고뇌하는 복잡한 내면 연기를 선보일 뿐 아니라 혈혈단신 거대기업과의 싸움을 하는 카리스마 넘치는 면모를 발산할 것. 영화 <마이클 클레이튼>의 미국 개봉 당시 “그의 연기인생 중 최고의 명연기를 보게 될 것”이라는 평단의 극찬을 받은 조지 클루니는 이번 영화를 통해 확실히 스타의 옷을 벗고 진정한 배우로 거듭나 스크린을 압도할 연기를 펼칠 예정이다.

- CNB뉴스 차영환 기자 www.cnbnews.com

what is this poll abt?

dongwon's on the third place - 12%




credit: dcdongwon

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Guest subduing mara

Calendar in cartoon version is really cute ^^ thx, oceanluv to post something dat make me feel refreshing from a boring afternoon :phew:

What a such imagination you had, Wonnie :w00t: , I like your acts with those waterdrops!!

It seems to me that he is returning to his childhood and running on a sidewalk while it's raining ^^

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Guest dada_princess

Just a weekly star ranking of Sport Chosun. Oppa was in top 5 thanks to 'M' :rolleyes:

소지섭, 강동원 제치고 '스타일리시한 킬러' 1위

So Ji Seob and Dongwon oppa are the best stylish killers ^_^:D


so KDW on the cover of japanese mag...


He's always among the most porpular k-celebs in Japan :rolleyes::)

I hope it not to late to say "thank you" to all of you guys who done a very good job and always support Dongwon.

Some of our friends here I knew for nearly 2 years and you are still beside us beside Dongwon ^^

Yeah, that's great! Shall we hold an anniversary for our thread? ;)

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Guest AlecRuby

anytime would be great for dong won oppa to be casted in a drama now. i love him in movies, but dramas should suit him more. audience could see more of him. i love his hair by the way.

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some pics from Carlendar 2008 with fan art :blush:

so cute...

credit: dc

too damm cute...

omo...he's the man i love.... :sweatingbullets: :blush:

choi hee chul ssi and lee cai ren ssi...it's appearing again...but much cooler and awesome....stylish and funnier....


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okey..i wanna add some pics i love, when i got it from yahoo...these few days...

first...when he's laughing at the premier promotion......this kind of pic rarely catching...


and then when he's wanna hold his laugh....cute...


and looks this body....ssssrhhhttt is this perfect or what? the way he's walking....what would you say huh??!!



i got this pic from oceanluv in this forum...and i put it on my desktop....

i love the sensation i got when i looking it, it's seem that he's looking at you back....what should i say??? i love it....!!

so i hope you will enjoy it as much as i have...tell me you opinion when you put this pic on you desktop....



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