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Post Your Shoe Collection!

Guest jinkae

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Guest pprMNTE

my small but humble collection. the ones at the end top row are just plain black leather oxfords. i couldn't be bothered to take them out of the shoe bag.


My heart did a little skip and stopped when I saw this. I'm glad I'm not a guy, cause otherwise I'd be devising a way to steal all your shoes.

Said this in WDYWT but I love your brogues--I love both the metallic ones. My sister had a penny-copper colored pair with a slightly squared toe that i LOVED (but since we're twins, we're not allowed to wear the same shoes so it was off-limits for me. -_-)

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Thanks, couple months ago. I don't remember. Why are you surprised?

Btw, its 3.5 kid LOL

cause that pair came out 8 years ago lol.

it recently got retro'd last year but they came with another pair of sneaker, and in a different box.

its probably my favorite sneaker and i don't own it. i envy you >_<

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My heart did a little skip and stopped when I saw this. I'm glad I'm not a guy, cause otherwise I'd be devising a way to steal all your shoes.

Said this in WDYWT but I love your brogues--I love both the metallic ones. My sister had a penny-copper colored pair with a slightly squared toe that i LOVED (but since we're twins, we're not allowed to wear the same shoes so it was off-limits for me. -_-)

i would probably have a heart attack if my shoes were stolen. alot of effort and resources went into finding these bad boys.

i'm sure your sister would lend them to you. if not, find a similar pair in another metallic shade. good thing about metallic shoes is no one really wants them, so they are most of the time dirt cheap.

its funny how 2 yrs ago i would have never imagined myself to own metallic shoes and would probably laugh at anyone who wore them.

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cause that pair came out 8 years ago lol.

it recently got retro'd last year but they came with another pair of sneaker, and in a different box.

its probably my favorite sneaker and i don't own it. i envy you >_<

You shouldn't LOL. If you like it why don't you get it? The last year retro is nice.

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Holy mother. Dang you guys have A LOT of shoes, especially that guy with like 100+ boxes. I only have like 5 pairs and only wear one, and I'm a girl. Ah, just makes me think about the kids who don't even own shoes. :\

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Guest hui yee

i dont have as much as you guys of course lol

so here


excuse the really worn out Nike.

i play basketball like two to three days a week and stopped now ROFL

and yeah! im obsess over white coloured stuff. lol


my brother is like teasing me calling this minnie mouse shoes <_<

but i personally love it :)

ive not included my flip flops and other nikes and such. its in those boxes and im lazy to take it out all one by one ROFL

and i wish i could wear boots here too. but with the weather here,

people will just stare and think that you're weird.

and you'll prolly sweat a river too? LOL!

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You shouldn't LOL. If you like it why don't you get it? The last year retro is nice.

nah the leather feels cheap as hell thats why i passed on it :(

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Guest polariis

i dont have as much as you guys of course lol

so here


excuse the really worn out Nike.

i play basketball like two to three days a week and stopped now ROFL

and yeah! im obsess over white coloured stuff. lol


my brother is like teasing me calling this minnie mouse shoes <_<

but i personally love it :)

ive not included my flip flops and other nikes and such. its in those boxes and im lazy to take it out all one by one ROFL

and i wish i could wear boots here too. but with the weather here,

people will just stare and think that you're weird.

and you'll prolly sweat a river too? LOL!

I tend to like white-coloured clothes/shoes too, and I really like your shoes, they're so cute!!

How do you keep them so clean & new looking?? o__O If i have sandals with white insoles, they'd have toe marks in them after one use ><

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Guest Supremacy

nah the leather feels cheap as hell thats why i passed on it :(

im pretty sure his blk cements are cdp cements, consideing the fact that it doesnt say nike air on the back and it has a jumpan, also, even if it is the 01 retro, looks 2 fresh lol.

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Guest muffinx3

These are the shoes that I wear the most (ignore dirtyness of my soda flats in the back ;;n.n) :





I want to add some booties, definitely more converse, and maybe some more bow flats to my very small collection of shoes. :3

**Sorry if my pictures are big!

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Guest hui yee

I like ur minnie mouse shoes!! tongue.gif

Its 2 cute!

thanks :)

I tend to like white-coloured clothes/shoes too, and I really like your shoes, they're so cute!!

How do you keep them so clean & new looking?? o__O If i have sandals with white insoles, they'd have toe marks in them after one use ><

wipe it with wet tissue after you wore it everytime. and make sure your feet is clean before stepping in every of your white shoe, heels, flats or w/e lol

ahh i hate it too when you're wearing ur precious white heels or w/e and it starts to rain :tears:

and those toe marks. i get what you mean -.- most annoying thing ever LOL

muffinx3- asdfghjkl ohmygod I ♥ your hello kitty rubber boots! :)

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Guest muffinx3

turquoise_and_takoyaki & hui yee: Thanks! :] I got them at Target for like $16 bucks? But they only come in kid sizes. D: I got the XL pair which is size 14/16? Not sure, don't remember. xD But they're probs equivalent to a sizee 5/5.5 in flats.

Dunno if they'll currently have them cause it's not really rainy season anymore. >___<;;

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  • 1 month later...
Guest llamamama

holy mama

so many frekken shoes people! :o

my sad sad collection T_T :


(the last pair is in my school locker so i couldnt take a pic of it lol)

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Guest Kristy Thomas

My heart did a little skip and stopped when I saw this. I'm glad I'm not a guy, cause otherwise I'd be devising a way to steal all your shoes.

Said this in WDYWT but I love your brogues--I love both the metallic ones. My sister had a penny-copper colored pair with a slightly squared toe that i LOVED (but since we're twins, we're not allowed to wear the same shoes so it was off-limits for me. -_-)

Omg, twins wearing metallic square-toed brogues...the image is so great!!!

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Guest Ugly/Beautiful Me

All of these





and 2 pairs of flats not worth mentioning.

These pictures don't include my collection of flipflops which i don't really count.

i believe that's 30 pairs and counting. ^_^

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