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For Those Of You That Are Not Korean, How Do Your Parents React When They Find Out You Listen To Kor

Guest psquare6806

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Guest Belleluvly

my parents get on my nerves sometimes, it's cause they don't understand.

they say things like " I hope your not thinking of going to Korea, and auditioning for one of those dramas" and " do you understand what they're saying?" and my personal favorite conversation between me and my dad...

dad - " ..and who is this guy"

me " his names Kim Ji Suk...I'm going to marry him"

dad - " ........@_@.......you need to learn how to cook BiBimBap first"

here's my mom

mom " wow he's very pretty and dat boy can sing his butt off"

me " yeah, his name's Wheesung, I'm going to marry him"

mom "......@_@.....that's nice dear"

my parents are pretty tolerant, but it annoys me when they ask dumb questions about it.

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Guest Gackt

At first...They were like "Why are you listening to/watching that stuff..." But I showed them a couple of good Korean movies and a drama, and now they enjoy watching them once in a while :)

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Guest Wendyyy

Parents: "Do you even understand this?"

Me: "Nooopeee."

That's basically how it goes.

They don't really care.

It's just funny when I try to sing it while I'm driving in the car with them or something.

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Guest Atmosphere.
My dad went, "So you went from Japan to Korea."

Rofl. I loved that moment. I was in Barnes and Noble and looking at a book about Korea and he said that. He didn't care, though he gets annoyed sometimes when I force him to play my CDs in the car. My mom just... doesn't care what I listen to. She's deaf, so she wouldn't be able to understand any of it. It's why I get to blast the music in the car! LOL

your mom is really deaf? like no joke? like really really deaf? cause if you're kidding, that's sad. and you're a big meanie making fun of your mom since she can't hear anything :(

but the japan to korea reminds me of my dad. my dad said the same thing too.

wait make that my brother who said that o__o when i was listening to jrock pop like ayumi hamasaki that time.

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Guest cassiopeia_5549

My parents though i was weird and saying " Well does that mean that your gonna marry a Korean guy?" I can marry whoever i love. The person who REALLY mocks me is my bother he makes fun of the language and how i'm trying to "be" asian but that's who i am i love the fashion, language, and culture in asia. Sometimes it hurts my feeling too cause i wanna go to school there after i graduate.

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Guest notafreak924

My mom watches dramas too. Basically everyone in the house have watched asian dramas. Even my brother watches with me at times whenever I play something on the dvd.

My dad gets a little annoyed at me for taking his space whenever I watch dramas on the big tv. XD

They don't mind me if I listen to music with another language.

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Guest 张之磊

"what the hell are you doing listening to korean music cant you have any pride with being chinese"

-comes home nexts day with jay chou cd-

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Guest popninglock

at first my parents didn't understand why I liked watching asian dramas and listening to korean/japanese music because I couldn't speak the languages, but now they don't mention it. I do it and they can't really stop me haha

it was mostly my mom who had problems with it, my dad was just apathetic to it all XD

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Guest reflector13

Hahaha, Korean stuff is pretty popular in Asia, so my parents don't find it strange at all.

In fact they watched the K-drama Jewel In the Palace

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Guest .oOLimOo.

My parents don't give a crap what language my music is in. The only thing my mom doesn't like is my metal music lol. English, Spanish, Korean or Japanese, she still doesn't like it.

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Guest JambaJuice

My parents don't care.

They tell me to watch more Chinese dramas though.

LOL, cause they want me to improve on my Mandarin.


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Guest charitee

my parent's actually didn't find it surprising or a big thing. they just accept it as something that i'm really into. actually, my mom sometimes watches dramas with me and my dad sometimes teases me about the music when i play it in the car, but it's usually fine.

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Guest cfcong

My mom is a kdrama fanatic? LOL

As for me listening to Korean music all the time, she doesn't seem to care.

Instead, she told me go learn Korean if I'm that interested, and shes willing to pay for it.

Why not? Hahaha :]

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Mostly Japanese for me, as I listen to it mostly. They're like "Ok." but I just to get asked why do I listen to it when I cannot understand it. XD

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well my mom and grandma watch korean dramas.

but listening to korean music is something that my whole family thinks that i m weird.

i go around the house singing in korean. and like everything on my comp is korean.

i think my mom is getting pretty pissed that everything i do has to ddo with something korean.

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