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For Those Of You That Are Not Korean, How Do Your Parents React When They Find Out You Listen To Kor

Guest psquare6806

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Guest popolala

it felt strange at first.. but i must admit.. i didnt use to like watchin korean dramas.. bcoz i was so used to watchin chinese.. it just so different.. but my sister and mum was hooked! .. i didnt understand why.. i use to thought it was just based on expression! but since i watched my glass slipper, jewel of the palace and goong etc.. i really like watchin korean dramas now! .. but my parents reaction is normal i think - just ask me question like .. do u understand the language? yeah!

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Guest geebabyy

my mom thinks theyre okay .

and she thinks dbsk is cute

not liek .. cute cute

well , its cos i showed her the ballooons MV .

but .. who WOULDNT like dbsk -.-

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Guest MissMonika

My parents don't really care. They're glad that I'm exploring different cultures and such. I actually got my mom hooked onto K-Dramas. Hehehe.

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Guest star-me

for music...my dad always asks me why am i listening to it if i dont even understand what theyre singing

dramas, i didnt hear them say anything mayb bcuz theres eng subs :lol:

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Guest mickey012

my parents are chinese but they were born in korea...so anything "korean" is not totally foreign in my family...my mom just didn't like the fact that i was "obsessing" over things...but i got over that phase... -_-

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Guest MiNwOoZ_sOuLmAtE

my parents actually got me into k-dramas. xD they really liked all about eve and practically forced me to watch it saying there is a good message behind the drama ^_^

but yeah i was hooked after watching it and now im addicted to them. haha

as for k-music, my friends got me into it like five years ago. i still love it so much.

i actually like all sort of music, as long as it has a good beat. i think my parents are really open-minded so they don't mind.

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Guest tinil-galia

My parents don't care.

Actually, they like it too.

My Mom loves Korean dramas. She watches tons of it.

My Dad would watch when he has time.

My Mom's quite a big fan of Korean stuffs. XD

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Guest JiNi;

Well they were already used to listening to my foreign stuff since I listened to japanese music before I discovered korean.

But whenever I put it on they get annoyed cuz they cant understand what they're saying! lol but they hum to it sometimes, so I guess they like it? Kind of haha. As for Kdramas my dad found it weird cuz hes not used to subtitles and would rather watch in a lang he understands, and my mom found it interesting.. and then she started to become addicted to kdramas! She's even learning some korean by watching them she is OBSSESED. XD;; Right now she's into Goong S @@

my mom laughs and says "do u even know what they're saying?!"

me: yea [learned some]

n then she starts singing some old song thats not even korean

n says "ur prolly gonna end up marrying a korean guy in the future"

me: hmm

HAHA my mom said that I'll probably end up marrying a korean guy too XD

Only Kim Jae Joong :phew:

jk jk :lol:

My friend Reiko got grounded for 3 months because she was watching Korean Dramas and listened to Korean music. She said she loved Korean music more than Japanese. And her parents was very upset and grounded her -__-;;;

She can't go out with her friends, cause her parents are worried thinking their daughter will listen to Korean music/drama some place else too -__-; So after school, she has to come right home and study =/


holy crap that's sad.

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My parents.. (more my ba).. are alwaysa like.. Why do you always watch/listen to Korean/Japanese ness... They dont really mind-mind though.. They're just like. Why don't you watch Chinese shows? (But I do listen to Chinese music.) (But even if I were watching a twdramas, my ba would probably be like, "WHY DONT YOU STUDY?").

rawr *_*

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Guest wh0-care5

yeah, i get 'korean? again? why don't you watch more chinese movies? learn how to speak chinese properly!' you know all that kinda jazz -_-

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Guest ovette

lol my parents actually dont care.. but sometimes i tend to prioritize this over my studies and that gets my mom annoyed..

since my tv's only tuned in to only one channel [kbsworld] my obsession to the point of even preferring to hear korean news rather than local news, my mom expression is like 'not again?'

but my dad doesnt care lol.. he sometimes watches the quiz shows with me :)

but I LOVE MY PARENTS.. since they know how much i love korea, theyre gonna let me go there next year lol :)

im so looking forward to it...

as for now, i need to study well!

edit: i agree with you guys! since im chinese too, they prefer i watch chinese so i could learn how to better speak chinese!! :) that's why my mom prefers F4 more than DBSK :blink: but my mom also likes the fact that im learning korean and being able to understand some of what theyre saying

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Guest toremoro

my parents love watching korean drama like me and i'm really happy with that

my mom is a big fan of k-drama, she saw tons of it XD because she has times...

she just stay at home but me have to study :( actually, i'm a person who bought it (i mean order from online website)

but have no time to watch ... how bad?

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Guest Elanora

My parents got used to it XD;

At first when I began listening to kpop, they were like.. very puzzled XD;

But after they got used to it.. but they find it a little weird that I'm listening to a language I don't understand XD; they suggested me to learn Chinese instead XD;

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Guest conzerz

^ same ahahaa some ppl are like 'you're a korean wannabe!" but i just like korean songs and the dramas are cute/sad ^^

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Guest kittylessthan3koi

My parents dont care when my dad doesnt know what they are saying he makes up his own storylines but other than that they are genrally pretty okay with it all. thye get annoyed sometimes but thats it.

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