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Today I Am Grateful For _______. (list 5)

Guest iamstellar!

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Guest M ♡

Today I'm simply grateful for.......

  • .... The fact that I'm still alive;
  • .... The fact that my boyfriend is alive;
  • .... The fact that when I woke up knowing my bf still loves me;
  • .... Having a flexible and relaxing intership;
  • .... The fact that I'm gonna do a lot of stuff today that's actually for MYSELF and not for somebody else for once. (e.g; shopping, getting myself tanned since there is no sun yet, etc..)

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Guest L_O_V_E

1. the fact that it's FRIDAY!

2. i'm going to DISNEYLANDtomorrow!

3. i have hot chocolate & cheese danish; yummmmy <33

4. i got paid!

5. my teeth doesn't hurt :]

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Guest paigehk

i'm grateful for

1. Being alive

2. Having 3 meals a day

3. Little Homeworks (thanks goodness)

4. getting paid

5. my family are healthy

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Guest .ELLiE*

1. the math test was easy .

2. no homeworkkk ! :D

3. it`s friday (:

4. going to tae kwon do

5. being able to eat kimchi today (:

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Guest JRMhothothot

Today, I am thankful for...

1)Pretty easy math test

2)Super awesome sub for Bio

3)Talking to the boy that I lust after ;)

4)technology (phone, computer, TV, camera and iPod especially)


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Guest Machitoshi

1) My Bestest Friend

2) Boyfriend for buying me the most adorable stuffie outta nowhere -_-

3) For it being FRIDAY<3

4) My mom's cooking & staying calm after finding out I skipped 21 classes last term

5) Music for keeping me from being bored

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Guest Daisyblu89

I'm grateful for so many things today we'll see what I can put up here...

1. My friend who has always been by me and taken the time to listen to my pointless rants

2. For having such a good after a long week of anger and complications

3. For the truce I had with my long time battle buddy ^.^

4. Having to meet someone new in my life that cares for me

5. Having the thought that my guy friend will be putting on a pink dress

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Guest xstrawberry_bearx

Hmm today im grateful for _______:

` My teacher who let's out early out an hour ahead for spring break~

` This old lady who I helped out in the supermarker (she's soo nice)

` My mommy and grandma eating dinner with me (we're too busy to do this daily)

` Spending time with my sister (we're like fire/water ^ ^;)

` Talking to my aunt -- I miss her

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Guest Joanne <3

1. The weekend.

2. Being able to sleep for 12 hours.

3. Having good friends.

4. Wu Chun :wub:.

5. My mummy and her cooking. :D

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Guest iamstellar!

today i am grateful for/to:

1) winning my first ebay auction - vintage bag!

2) maroon 5 "makes me wonder" - their NEW album is coming out!

3) delivery.com

4) my mom, for bringing me a sweater yesterday-it was sunny BUT cold (i got tricked by mr.g!)

5) saturday take out night!!! what to pick?

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Guest rakista29

Today I Am Grateful For ...

1. being able to come home safely from vacation

2. having the strenght to do all the things that i have to do

3. having a high tolerance on alcohol..wahaha

4. yellowcab

5. summer!!!!


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Guest xSwtnBitterx

Today, I am Grateful for...:

1) my family and that they are healthy and happy, even though past couple of weeks we've been experiencing a lot of family deaths....but God still is with us each and every second through it all!

2) That i am alive..., maybe not in the best condition or getting what i want...but i am alive...

3) For the success the God has given me so far....its unmeasurable

4.) For the Life that I live, although not perfect, although not rich in money.....but riched enough in love that I can smile and go to sleep at night about!

5.) That tonight i get to go dancing wth my friends and boyfriend...and All i ask for is that it will go well and everyone will be happy and have fun by the end of the night without any drama or trouble! ^_^

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Guest sweetREDEMPTION.

1) Having my mom still here.

2) GOD

3) The roof over my head, clothes on my back, bed i get into every night, food in my stomach, etc...


5) Being able to sleep in for a whole week w/ no worries about school! =]

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Guest MiSs L.E

1. easy school day back from spring break

2. got to go on computer this morning

3. caught up in dbsk thread

4. writing

5. soompi.


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