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Today I Am Grateful For _______. (list 5)

Guest iamstellar!

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1) Making it to work on time after forgetting to fill up the car last night so having to do this morning

2) Getting Paid today, never seen those numbers on a paycheck in my life.

3) Being allowed to surf Soompi at my pleasure

4) Having such a nice boss that's helping me out

5) Being Healthy

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Guest __laine

1) no troubles at school... and i'm a senior so it's ending soon, yes!

2) my friends are there for me

3) my grandma is still here

4) fooood

5) my boyfriend...?

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1. Passing my Biology Exam (WOOT!)

2. Going to class (I hardly ever go now. I guess ditching is a habit. LOL!)

3. Helping a blind man cross the street. (Where is his guide dog? Well, he has a cane, though.)

4. Chit Chat with EMO KID today! (GAH! That EMO kid is so cute. XD)

5. High School Jock admits he's a big time LONER in College! (hehehe...that was so memorable.)

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Guest iamstellar!

today i am grateful for/to:

1) coffee, it keeps me going

2) my sister, for waking me up this morning

3) psych class cancelled

4) catching the express train home AND having a seat (rare)

5) free tickets to the color purple show

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Guest Arisu.In.SuJu.Land

Today I'm grateful for...

1) Late start Wednesdays. :D

2) No Japanese Cultural Club after school today. X3

3) Leftover Chick-Fil-A for dinner. <3

4) Getting to see Candice after school~

5) Having a fun time in Japanese class.

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Guest iced*chai.latte

Today I am grateful for...absolutely nothing. Ohkay, it's a bad day but I guess I have stuff to be thankful for.

1) my totally fabulous awesome friend.

2) finally catching up in Spanish


4) not having to take Spanish class because of the national spanish exam thing

5) chem lab even though we screwed it up cause now I don't have chem hwk

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Guest greentea:vee xo

Today I am grateful for

1. spring break, i love not having school

2. FOOOOD <33

3. My daddy for buying me lunch [:

4. Youtube, or else I wouldn`t be able to watch my favorite shows.

5. surviving today and seeing tommorrow.

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Guest lilolee

Today I am grateful for..

(1) being the youngest in the family

(2) the wonderful breakfast which my friend bought

(3) a wonderful boss who understands my situation

(4) good news from a close friend

(5) wonderful bright and sunny day

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Guest lovehunter12

Today im VERY GRATEFUL because:

- I can see you happy.. smiling.. and feeling fine.

- I had great friends in Form4 , 5 & everywhere.

- I can still smile & laugh.

- My bestfriend still cared for me.

- The movie "KYLE XY" is on.

- The food that my aunt cooks.

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Guest Dinoce

today i am grateful for:

1) having made it this far in my life

2) having such a wonderful husband

3) having an energetic baby growing in me

4) my mother forgiving me for everything

5) my family supporting my decisions whether they like them or not

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Guest cHenz--

- being able to wake up early

- not late to class

- got my last dose

- nothing to do during work

- submit my paper!

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Guest Arisu.In.SuJu.Land

Today I'm grateful for...

1) Having good friends.

2) Watching television in the cafeteria at lunch. o.o;

3) Getting on a P.E. team with people I'm comfortable with.

4) WINNING almost all of our games with that team. :D For once!

5) Having hilarious people in my Japanese class.

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Guest callingTHEWORLD.

1. Food

2. Happiness & laughing

3. Helping people for Open House (it was fun)


5. No more stressing

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Guest yoojini

1) no school, but finals start tomorrow.x.x

2) my mom caring about me since she left me 3 msgs asking how i'm doing and where i'm at when i was studying.^^;

3) an all-new ugly betty!!! (about time!-.-)

4) an all-new supernatural! (jensennnnnnn :wub: )

5) being here and being myself.

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