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Remember Lee Eun Joo - Already Two Years

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She did some great movies..awesome actress..we'll never why she took her own life..but may she's at peace now..

Gonna watch 'Taegukgi' again..the best and saddest k/movie ever.. :tears: .miss you LEJ..

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Guest winksassy

its kinda weird, at first i dont know her but when her drama phoenix play in our country i research through the internet and find out that she's already dead

rest in peace

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Guest crazii_<33_yu

R.I.P<3 i dont really know much or heard much but i can tell she was well-loved...shame for her hanging though...she has so many family and friends missing her): 2 years already...that's quite long isn't it? O.o

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I can't believe it's been two years already.

I was so shocked when i found out she hung herself...

It's so sad seeing everyone's sad faces.

Eric should have been there since they acted together in Firebird and all.

Everyone will miss her...

Rest In Peace Lee Eun Joo. <3

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Guest yongieee


its already been 2 years?

its nice to see a memorial concert for her.

i felt sad when i saw bada's picture. i remember that they were best friends.

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Guest blissfully_unaware13x

y would such an obviously loved person commti suicide? well i kno there's a lot of other reasons but with all that support i wish she'd hav overcome it. sigh depression's scary. RIP!!

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