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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Guest insanityy

Hm. I need help remembering how to pronounce 30, 40, 50, and 60 in French. You know, trente, quarante, cinquante, and soixante... I don't want to learn the wrong pronunciation. :[ Help anyone?

trente - trrr-oont

quarante- care-ont

cinquante - sank-ont

soixante - swoss-ont

idk if that was a good pronounciation thing.

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Guest SushiToaster

^Hahaha, that helps, thank you very much! I asked one of my friends, and she pronounced it like with a... Spanish pronunciation... D: Guess I can't ask the Spanish ex-French students for any help. >_____<

Edit... lol, random, but what happened to my username in the quote?? Haha, it hurts me so that my name must be censored. Must be the shi in sushi and then the T in toaster. X]

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Guest trankimuyen

^Hahaha, that helps, thank you very much! I asked one of my friends, and she pronounced it like with a... Spanish pronunciation... D: Guess I can't ask the Spanish ex-French students for any help. >_____<

Edit... lol, random, but what happened to my username in the quote?? Haha, it hurts me so that my name must be censored. Must be the shi in sushi and then the T in toaster. X]

It's just the way I look at it but I think it would be best to pronounce quarante as 'kah-RONT'

instead of care-ont. (I don't mean to offend anybody that pronounces it that way)

I don't know why, but if you say 'care' it just sounds so English, O_o

and that's so unintentionally weird that your name got censored, haha.

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Yeah... "Kah" would be better...

And if you wanna sound more "Canadian French", "Trount", "Kah-rount", "Sankount", "Swossount"... And the "r" has to be prounounced in the french way, which is hard for many non-french speaking people. (Except maybe arabs... "Allah-oh-akbarrrrr!")

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Guest kirstie

i just found out that ill be taking french 4 independent study to prepare for the ap french exam.

so i was wondering if any of you have ever taken it- pass or fail [the ap french exam i mean]

i hear its extremely difficult

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Guest lightbringer

ha ha don't worry the light is comming !


the final is not good. We don't use Ont but ant.

30 Trrr+ant

40 car+ant

50 sink+ant

60 sw+richard simmons+ant

( like Switzerland but with an "a")

for improvement don't forget to prononce the final T





and for those who pass exam, listen "charles trenet ya de la joie it is absolutly useless but he bring you "good feeling"

(how we say "bonne humeur ???)

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I still believe "ont" is ok for them considering it's from English sound and English way of pronouncing. Sure for us, French speakers, "ant" would be more appropriated. But for English speaking people, "ont" is meant to be for them.

You can have this to test the sound...


I would have to agree with "ont" more than anything else in that case... Because... as you can see from those "speaking bots" (in the link above), for English speakers, their "tront kahront sankont swossont" sound way more better than:

30 Trrr+ant

40 car+ant

50 sink+ant

60 sw+richard simmons+ant

... "ont" is meant to be for English speakers to learn the better sound of those French words (30 40 50 60)...

"Ant" for them doesn't sound the same way as how French people would say it... Just like how you would say "fourmis" in English (the insect "ant")... It's not like French's "antérieur", "enfantin", etc...

And hmm... I think "sank" would sound better than "sink" for 5 (Cinq)... So I'd still stick with "sank" for English people to use... "Sankont" (50).

Swassont would be as good as Swossant for them as well...

And I'd still also stick with what I said... To sound more "Québécois", it would have to be the "ount" sound...

The fact that I easily understand English people with their pronounciation is that I'm from Montréal and most of us speak English very well and we can even impersonate English people with their accent and pronounciation... :P

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The sound ''ont'' instead of ''ant'' is closer to the International French prononciation. Quebec's accent is quite different; especially when it comes to pronounciation! So I suggest you stick with the ''ont'' sound =)

(Montreal FTW, NPB-XK 1 =D )

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The sound ''ont'' instead of ''ant'' is closer to the International French prononciation. Quebec's accent is quite different; especially when it comes to pronounciation! So I suggest you stick with the ''ont'' sound =)

(Montreal FTW, NPB-XK 1 =D )

Yeah! "Ont" is more closer to International French pronounciation. I don't know what's "Ant" for but "Ount" is for Québec's French... :P

Oh yeah how stupid of me... I gave them this link: http://www.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php

And that link has 2 french speakers and 1 canadian french speaker...

It's time for SOME ENGLISH PEOPLE to learn the sound there... :P Just put in "Trente, Quarante, Cinquante, Soixante" right away and select french speakers Alain/Juliette and you can have fun to compare with the Canadian French Arnaud... There's nothing wrong with their pronounciation... I've tested them.

Oh yeah, Montreal number one! B) ( In monopoly :lol: )

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^.^ I love BonPatron. It's so... Awesome :D

I did this little piece for French 12, it's an assignment on a recent trip that our grad class had. I was wondering if anyone could proof-read it for me. I'm pretty terrible at french, so this 75 letter write-up took me a LONG time ㅜ.ㅜ//

here it is:

L'île de Anvil était extraordinaire. Le matin, il a plu, ainsi j'ai pensé que c'était allé un mauvais jour. Le trajet en bateau étais amusant, mais cela été long et ma tête commencée à blesser. Ensuite, le temps a tourné ensoleillé. L'île était impressionnante parce qu'elle est très grande et vous peut se détendre. La nuit, j'étais très froid parce que ma couverture était trop mince. Mais cela m'est égal, j'ai bien dorimi!

L'île de Anvil est une expérience inoubliable!

How is it?

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Guest lightbringer

L'île de d' Anvil était extraordinaire. Le matin, il a plu, ainsi j'ai pensé que c'était allé cela allait être un mauvais jour. Le trajet en bateau étais était amusant, mais cela été avait été long et ma tête avait commencée à blesser. Ensuite, le temps a tourné est devenu ensoleillé. L'île était impressionnante parce qu'elle est très grande et vous peut permet de se détendre. La nuit, j'étais j'avais très froid parce que ma couverture était trop mince. Mais cela m'est égal, j'ai bien dorimi dormi !

L'île de Anvil est une expérience inoubliable!

Not bad, somme mistake betwen "avoir" and "etre"

I am bad in conjugation. I think there is a better correction.

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Guest xdeathberry

ça ne me dit rien

anyone mind giving me the translation?

i totally forgot.

I have a test tomorrow too =__=;

the online translations suck.

[although, i doubt i'm gonna get a reply before tomorrow, but it doesn't hurt to try here. haha]

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Gotta be careful... It could be an expression in French...


"Est-ce que ça te dit d'aller dehors?" - "Ça ne me dit rien".

That sort of expression is similar to:

"Est-ce que ça te tente d'aller dehors?" - "Ça ne me tente pas". <--- This one is more popular in Québec

So... in English, the translation from the expressions above would be more appropriated like this:

"Do you want to go outside?" - "I don't want to."


"Do you feel like going outside?" - "I don't feel like it."

... "I don't want to"... or... "I don't feel like it"... That's the expression I'm talking about. "Ça ne me dit rien".

- - - - - - - - - - - -

As for "That tells me nothing" (Or more like "That doesn't ring a bell" <--- Expression in English), "ça me dit rien" is better than "ça ne me dit rien" because "ça ne me dit rien" is often used as the example I put above (if we're careful about the sentence). I've been in international school and that's how I knew about it. We don't even use that expression in Québec Canada. Or maybe we do but extremely rarely.


"Ça te dit quelque chose?" ---> "Does that tell you something?" (Does that ring a bell?)

"Ça me dit rien" ---> "That tells me nothing" (That doesn't ring a bell)

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Guest cutie_cutie

L'île de d' Anvil était extraordinaire. Le matin, il a plu, ainsi j'ai pensé que c'était allé cela allait être un mauvais jour. Le trajet en bateau étais était amusant, mais cela été avait été long et ma tête avait commencée à blesser. Ensuite, le temps a tourné est devenu ensoleillé. L'île était impressionnante parce qu'elle est très grande et vous peut permet de se détendre. La nuit, j'étais j'avais très froid parce que ma couverture était trop mince. Mais cela m'est égal, j'ai bien dorimi dormi !

L'île de Anvil est une expérience inoubliable!

Not bad, somme mistake betwen "avoir" and "etre"

I am bad in conjugation. I think there is a better correction.

Ur correction is great. =) But there's still some words that u need to change.

L'île d' Anvil était extraordinaire. Le matin, il a plu il pleut, ainsi j'ai avais pensé que cela allait être un mauvais jour. Le trajet en bateau était amusant, mais cela avait été long et ma tête avait commencée à blesser ma tête avait commencé d'avoir mal. Ensuite, le temps est était devenu ensoleillé. L'île était impressionnante parce qu'elle est était très grande et permet permettait de se détendre. La nuit, Lorsque j'avais dormi le soir, j'avais très froid parce que ma couverture était trop mince. Mais , mais cela m'est était égal, j'ai . J'avais bien dormi !

L'île de Anvil est était une expérience inoubliable!

à peu près 95 mots.. :)

*There's some sentence in english that if u stranslated it in french, they didn't have the same meaning..*

*Just use the same "temps du verbes"...("Imparfait" and Conditionnel Passé" are good if u'r story is in the past)*

*But take note, you just can't use them whenever u want.. Verbs are so complicated in French.. :-S )

I'm not really good in french.. I'm just a student.. So, I still don't know everything about french.. I hope me and lightbringer helped u a lot! :)

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Guest lightbringer

--> cutie cutie

You're right i do some mistake in use of time.

And .. goshhhhh :crazy: i simply forgot to correct the sentence with headake.... :phew: i'm very confused. Apologies to all forum.

Well i'll try again.

L'île d' Anvil était extraordinaire. Le matin, il a plu (or: il avait plu), j'avais alors pensé que cela allait être un mauvais jour. Le trajet en bateau a été (or : fut ) amusant, mais cela avait été long et ma tête avait commencée à me faire mal (or : j'ai commencé à avoir mal à la tête)l. Ensuite, le temps devint ensoleillé. L'île était impressionnante parce qu'elle était très grande et permettait de se détendre. La nuit j'ai eu très froid parce que ma couverture était trop mince. Mais cela m'a été égal car j'ai bien dormi !

L'île d' Anvil à été (or : fut) une expérience inoubliable!

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Does anyone know the song J'Te L'Dis Quand Même (by Lara Fabian & Patrick Bruel) ?

What does it mean ?

It means 'I'm telling [it to] you anyway' nice song btw

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Guest the kite

^ I know what the title means but I have trouble identifying what they're saying in the song.

What's the full meaning of the song ? I love it in videos when they perform it and when they say "Je t'aime" they smile at each other. CUTE ! Hahaha :P

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