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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

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Guest tarakox2

I'm kinda disappointed in this drama :\

I was expecting it to have a more creative and fulfilling ending...

&& I don't like this kind of open-ended kind of thing. I always like watching specials that show what happened after the ending... :D

I hope there'd be one for this drama but I doubt it...

hmm.. well YamaPi was still cute XD lol

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Well, Pro Dai officially ended whilst I sat watching my computer screen to see if there was more. AM in denial that it ended. Well, rewatched it and altho' I did want to see a bit more at the end, I think Pro Dai has given me a good ride throughout the series. I enjoyed it immensely, I didn't think I'd be watching it till the end because I am very sceptical of stories featuring fairies. So the drama owed its success to a lot of factors, credit to the actors, the direction, the subtle references, the music ( I just love the theme song), the ending theme.

After all those promo wedding pics of Masami and Yamapi for Pro Dai, I was actually visualising the ending that they will be in wedding attires. Hence my slight disappointment at the ending. But I did like episode 11, as we see Ken really grew up although it took him 10 episodes. He learnt not to live with regrets, he learnt loving someone is to see her happy even if its not with you. We get to see Tada who is not really clueless of how Rei and Ken feel about each other. Cute to see the yosei, he really did care about Ken.

I liked the scenes at their school, Ken watching Rei walking in front of him, Rei with the ring, Ken at the church and the parallels with Rei sitting at the church at the opposite side, foreshadowing as Rei leaves the church...

I just thought we could see a bit more. All in all I have fond memories of the series.

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am i the only one who thought that the ending was nice?

hmm i dunno the thought of someone turning back and smiling when he thought that he just lost everything

made me smile and think of a better future of ken w. rei....

but thats just me and what i think.....

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Guest panas terik

^ They didnt do any of that ):

The ending was a disappointment. They left us hanging there, and gave us space to imagine. Yes, its good in a way that you can imagine what would happen next. But I guess I'm one of those who prefers a specific ending, like show us Kenzou and Rei in the altar (just in case she really got back to tada in the end o_o).

I hope that theres going to be a special, so they can end off the story more perfectly.

I'm agree with you. What a disappointment ending. After seeing 10 episodes of Ken's failure, I do hope there will be something that can change our emotions from being depressed to a lots of happiness. I feel like riding a roller coster that has reached at the top of the slope and getting ready to scream but unfortunately the roller coster breakdown and we have to satisfy on what we have gone thru.........

Speaking of special or second season, I really really really hope they will make it....

Hey guys, do you know that First Kiss (Drama which start after the last episode of Prodai) start on on 9 July 2007. So what is Fuji TV going to show on 2 July 2007??????? :unsure: Or it is normal for Japanese TV to give a gap between 2 drama... Just asking....

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Guest dionne_wu

am i the only one who thought that the ending was nice?

hmm i dunno the thought of someone turning back and smiling when he thought that he just lost everything

made me smile and think of a better future of ken w. rei....

but thats just me and what i think.....

I was like "what?!?! thats it?!?!" But now I agree. Perhaps the writers wanted the significance

of the ending to lie in Kenzo's smile and not whether he and Rei get together finally. Remember, for the

bigger part of the show, Kenzo was just one gloomy dude. This is the first time in a long while he has

looked this genuinely happy. I'd think that it was more of a good ending for him, and not for them.

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Guest atsirac

haven't caught the last episode yet.. probably gonna watch it later..

but just a question.. does anyone think that the little boy who plays the young Kenzo looks a bit like a younger version of Kamenashi Kazuya? or is it just me? haha. i think their eyes look quite alike.. ><

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omga i couldn't help but read the spoilers!

arghhh mann i have to fawkin wait for the subs to come out.!

but i'd rather not watch the ending!

i know i'm gonna cry when i see ken/yamapi CRY T_T NOOO

lol i can't believe it ends like that... GRR

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Guest mary elle

haven't caught the last episode yet.. probably gonna watch it later..

but just a question.. does anyone think that the little boy who plays the young Kenzo looks a bit like a younger version of Kamenashi Kazuya? or is it just me? haha. i think their eyes look quite alike.. ><

i agree! lol i thought i was the only one..

i cried so much! lol the ending was so sad.. i wanted to hug yamapi when he was crying! :[

i like that little clip in the end after the credits. nice touch. it reminded me of the movie monsters inc. where the lead dude (forgot his name lol) opened the door and boo said something. lol i know i'm weird for bringing that up.. but who could forget that?

:P i cried at that scene too. LOL

i can't really imagine how they would do the confrontation scene of rei&ken after his confession. maybe the writers were lazy or they didn't want to make it seem corny.. or maybe then want us to THINK of what's going to happen.. who knows..

but i'm definitely downloading the special of this. :D

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Guest xsilentangel

I was like "what?!?! thats it?!?!" But now I agree. Perhaps the writers wanted the significance

of the ending to lie in Kenzo's smile and not whether he and Rei get together finally. Remember, for the

bigger part of the show, Kenzo was just one gloomy dude. This is the first time in a long while he has

looked this genuinely happy. I'd think that it was more of a good ending for him, and not for them.

i really agree with you but i also think..


anyways, i really liked the ending. i think it wasn't disappointing at all. i think the scene after would be a good one. the whole "doors of miracle being opened" thing happened, and i think it would end with a happy ending, with rei and ken getting together. tada had even let her go, so i definitely think that they would end up together. i really loved this drama..

but just to assure us hehe they should've shown a scene of them kissing or atleast a hug =[!!

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i really liked the ending!

at first when rei was at the church, i thought the fairy would send her bak in time! ahhaha i was like "oh no, not again!" but i liked how he told her that theres still time to change things in the present rather than going to the past. I thought the ending was rather cute when he hears his name and he turns around and smiles! his smile is to die for! i feel a little bad for tada-san but... REI and KENZO all the way! <3

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Guest xiahlover

i havent watched episode 11 yet omg omg i cant wait til the subs come out =D

i couldnt help but read the spoilers..bad me....

omg omg ommgomg omg om go soo is it a good or bad ending? my firend says its a bad ending, while on the other hand, a whole bunch of ppl say its good....

i gotta see for myself

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

Ok, I finally watched the last ep. with eng subs and my feelings are... The ending was perfect.

Throughout this whole drama, the main pt that the fairy was trying to convey was for Ken to go back in the past and redo things so that he won't have any regrets. It was not to win back Rei because you can't change someone else, you can only grow yourself. And, as we can see, Ken did achieve that. He went back, redid the things he regretted the first time around and finally realized what it was the bond that he and Rei shared (the promise he made to take care of her for the rest of his life- is quite a strong bond, ne?). The fairy even congratulated him for realizing that it isn't the past him that he must change, but rather it is the present him that must change and he achieved that also with the speech. Some might think that the speech was uncalled for because Ken didn't consider Tada-san's or Rei's feelings, but... isn't it better to say what he felt, to let Rei finally know how he feels about her, and then congratulate them honestly? He knows that he can't change the fact that they're getting married and he wasn't trying to ruin the wedding. If he didn't want Rei to marry Tada-san he could've done the dishonest thing back in ep. 3, but he didn't, he remained true to himself.

Also, some say that there were too many questions left unanswered, but I don't think so. People ask, "what about how Rei's parents and their friends think?" I think it's pretty obvious from ep. 10 that her father was unhappy with the fact that Rei was marrying Tada-san, someone whom she does not know that well. Her parents thought that Rei would end up marrying Ken and her grandfather wanted Ken to take care of Rei. And of course, their friends... Ever since high school Eri knew that Rei loved Ken and was the one pushing Rei to be more straightforward with her feelings and it was she who discovered the ring. Mikio also knew that Ken time-traveled in order to change the future so he would end up with Rei and even helped Ken. Tsuru... well, he was smiling during the speech so I'm sure he's OK with it :D.

From the way the drama was going from ep. 9 onwards, there was no way that we would get the passionate ending that we were hoping for and plus, that's just NOT how J-dramas are (J-dramas are just anti-climatic when it comes to romantic scenes, imo). Also, most of us had NO idea how the story would end. I think most knew that Yamapi would end up w/ the girl, but we definitely did not know how, which means that the story was so well written that anything could happen.

And like someone already mentioned, both Ken & Rei were able to open the door to a miracle (symbolized by Rei opening that church door) and the smile on Ken's face when he heard his name, "Ken-zo" called was PRICELESS.

At first I was really dissatisfied with the ending because it was like, "huh?! That's it?! All that pain and suffering for that?!", but after watching it with subs and taking it in fully, I thought the ending was beautiful. Everything was answered in their speech and their expression rather than the cliche run, hug and kiss ending.

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Guest lucky_moon

I really love this show not for Yamapi only but it was really worth to watch it..

But I'm really hate the ending it was an open ending..

At least if they end it hugging or hoilding hand we will know that they end toghether ..

But ending it with the voice of Rei calling Kenzou.. it's not seriuos cuz maybe he is just imagining her voice or it could be real that she is the one that calling him.. unknown ending..But Frankly I love all the actors & actress in this drama even Tada-san I admire him for what he did for Rei..

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