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Brusky: Student Art Exhibition Poster

Guest Brusky

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Congrats on getting accepted. I heard that's a really good school too. ^^

That poster is brilliant! Simple, yet still attention drawing. I like the choice of fonts, they go really good together. And it's not bright and flashy. I hate bright posters. @___@ I've seen some of your work that you previously posted, and I was always really impressed with it. ^^ (just too lazy to comment until now XD) You're really talented. :)

Good luck in school! =)

I want to major in Graphic Design. I heard the classes and the workload can be crazy most of the time though. :mellow:

thanks kisetsu, for the congratulations and for not being too lazy to comment in one of my threads :lol: jk i wanted to keep my poster simple, but without being boring so i used some more-decorative fonts, and i think the style in which i made it will better attract other students my age (~20ish).

hehe yeah, life is nothing but research, crankin' out ideas, and deadlines for graphic designers, but as long as you're doing what you love, it's never a problem =p

Wow, pro. Simple but effective.


Mmmm the program would be 3 years. And they would turn you from noob to pro :lol: . Downside is that you would only walk out with a diploma. They have summer, one year, 3 year, and masters :)

AJ is such a suck up. *cough*

oohh i see. wow that sounds pretty cool to finish faster, but personally i'd still opt for a BFA in GD though. with the design field, i guess it doesn't matter whether you have a degree or not so much as you have talent. as long as you've got the talent, people will take you, and pay you. do you know what the accreditations for that school are? it might be important to look into that for the sake of finding jobs later on.

Congrats Brusky in getting into CCA. Im hoping I get accepted into their fall '08 semester, for their graphic design program. The Art Institues arnt appealing to me any more. I like how you turned it into a typography type of a project. I like the ease of the poster. I like how you emphasized the fact that it is a student art exhabition by making those words bigger. It has a really balanced well.

thanks hippo. good luck with your application there. have you attended any national portfolio days with them to have your work reviewed? about the AIs, i'd personally opt for a better school - bigger schools (in terms of reputation) - like art center, cca, otis, sva, risd, etc. the faculty'll be a lot better (doesn't get better than having world-renowned artists/designers teachin' you eh? :D) and they'll definitely hook you up with some hot jobs once you're done.

i noticed every one of my classmates were using a background image along with type work for this poster. i really didn't want to be doing the same or similar work so i pushed for working with type as an image. i've always admired people who could, and was always too intimidated to try it myself, but hey, sometimes taking the dive can be good. can't wait to start my typography classes at cca in the fall ;D

Wow, crazy talent you must have!

And perseverance :D

hehe thank you

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Guest ilovemonsters

congratulations, i've always wanted to pursue art, but it requires too much patience and i seem to run out of it when i need it the most. goodluck with your pursuance in art. :) my friends goes to cypress

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congratulations, i've always wanted to pursue art, but it requires too much patience and i seem to run out of it when i need it the most. goodluck with your pursuance in art. :) my friends goes to cypress

thanks :) yeah, it takes a lot more time that it often looks >__< i find myself giving up weekends and working odd hours to stay on top of things.

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Oh, wow - the poster looks awesome.

It looks like those cool rocker shirts, even tho it's for an exhibition. lol.

I would buy a shirt with a cool...uh, design? like that.

Got into one of the best art schools, huh?


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