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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest marasshi

OMG I swear I'd replied to this topic already. :(

sometimes i think i'm really pretty and then i love to look at myself in the mirror. I like my face: the shape, my eyes, nose and lips (though i don't really like my teeth and my jaw). It's not like i have super big eyes or a super tall nose bridge but i feel that everything fits together.

then there are days i feel sooo ugly, when my skin gets worse or i didn't get enough sleep and look tired.

but most of the time i'm quite confident about how i look and i would rate myself an 8 on good days and a 6 on bad ones

I'm with this except I try to rate myself a 10 everyday. Haha. Who cares anyway? :x XD (Oh and I like my jaw, but I wish my teeth were straight.)

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Guest Daylightful

Everyone is pretty! Be satisfied with yourself! :) I'm not Asian, and I don't have the long hair, or the big sparkling eyes; but hey, I think I look just as fine. And so does everyone else! So yes, I think I am pretty.

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Guest Black.cherry

Haha i dont think im pretty at all. but when im in a good mood and take a look at the mirror, I think im quite okay!

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Guest lilian21

Whoops, I put I'm attractive, but then gave myself a 4...I thought 5 was average (someone who doesn't have trouble finding a bf) and 4 is ...uhmm normal? Oh well.

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Guest choppsueyy!

i don't think 'im pretty, but i don't think i'm super hideous either.

i look human at least xD

although i don't like my features, i'm happy the way that they are.

i'm glad they're not perfect and that i'm not perfect looking, because perfect looking people are just plain creepy :crazy:

and our imperfections make us unique, am i right?

can you imagine if everyone had the same nose, eyes, lips, ect?

not cool o__O

oh and i only feel slightly better about myself when my hair and makeup is done, and i'm wearing an outfit that i really like but i'm sure nearly everyone feels the same way :)

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Guest mentalfiction

People say I'm really pretty, and sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't.

I'm not really photogenic T__T

The only pictures I look good in are those in which I'm genuinely smiling, and I hate taking pictures, so you won't see that so much >__>

I gave myself a 5, not because I think I'm simply average, but because of what I had said earlier. Sometimes I think I'm pretty, sometimes I don't (balance lol)

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Guest TheGeekInThePink

I gave myself a 6.

I think I'm just horrible in pictures. D:

I love my eyes, though...It's my favorite thing about myself.

I have to learn to love my nose, though. D;

Maybe a little lighter skin wouldn't hurt? xD

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Guest missaque

haven't there been a lot of topics similar to this already?

Yes. I think I'm attractive, but I the last time I actually felt attractive was a long time ago. I'm slowly losing confidence in myself.

I voted six in the poll.

On a good day I'm a 7/8 on an average/bad day I'm a 6.

But according to your scale I'd say anywhere from a 6-9 o_____o

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I gave myself a 5 because I just think I'm average. Sometimes I would feel pretty but then usually, I see other people and my self esteem is lowereed. LOL

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Guest heineken.

aw... the people who voted themselves a 1 =( "what are you doing on earth"

I don't think anyone on soompi is THAT ugly o_o

I think that lady who had a mental problem and kept injecting her face with cooking oil until it was all bloated and nasty is a 1... and Megan Fox & Hyori a 10 lol.

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Guest starber

^ WORD .

I gave myself a 6 . I have an ok body (people say i have a good butt) but I have a small chest. My face is average. I've been told that I've got great lips, but my huge nose sticks out :/

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Guest skycheerio<3

Well, I think I'm defintely below average.

ulzzangs, and celebs have defintely influenced my perspective of beauty xD

So I would say..... um 3.5 to 4.1 ish just to be truthful.

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Guest griingo

i don't think i'm butt ugly or anything... but then again... i've never had a boyfriend or anything remotely close either.

... so i gave myself a 5 -_-

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My hair determines whether I look good or don't. My hair is like...the centre of my goodlooking-ness. if it doesn't look nice, I don't look very good. if it looks smashing, well gosh darn it I'm having a good day!

My best asset? my eyes =D...I think...and my hands. I have really nice hands. =]

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