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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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I gave myself a 6. I think I'm sometimes cute, but sometimes not really. When I look in the mirror I sometimes think I'm pretty cute, but I don't take really nice pictures ><

I think I'm average in my perspective. I have no butt or chest, but I have a nice waist :] although i'm underweight according to my BMI even though i eat like a fatty xD

I don't wear makeup at all but if I did I could probably pass for an 8 :D

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Guest vulgar812

Depends. When I'm just sitting around the house wearing sweatpants, an oversized t-shirt, no makeup, messy hair, I'm about a 5-6. If I fix myself up, I'm a high 7.

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XD everyone's opinions of anyone is soo drastically different...gahaha, but i gave myself 7. XD; humbly.... @_@;

my height ruins it all XD appearance takes into account Everything after all. *sighs* and my eyes could be bigger.

So yeahh....height and eyes ]= Thennnnnn i would look skinnier too D:


kekeke i'm beautiful.<3

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Guest xxflyingcookiez

I just woke up so im look like crap -o- (1 lmao) but usually I think im around a 7, I dont think I'm a attractive tho but I think my eyes and my lips are my best features so yeah.

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Nope! ^____^" Negative 10,000, but since it's not there... I'll settle for the 1. xD

People have told me I wasn't ugly, but I think their just trying to be polite. -____-

The only thing I got is that I've got natural double eyelids. xD Apparently, they're considered "pretty" somehow. (I don't believe it.)

That's it. The rest... I'd rather wear a bag over my head. D=

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Guest plumplum

Living in Japan pretty much destroyed what's left of my self esteem; I actually cried a little on the way home from uni today because I was feeling so bad about myself.

I'm going to say this.

If I get to wear a nice outfit, style my hair the way I want, and put on a little makeup the way I want, I can be an 8 for sure. Or, I can at least feel like an 8.

If I had flawless skin, thicker, shinier hair and whiter teeth, I could be a 9.

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Guest iAM_Vindicated

it wavers. most days i feel average or pretty and then there are some days when i feel fugly. it just changes without warning. hahahaha.

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Guest Jentage

I'm pretty sure everybody feels pretty in some way about themselves...no one wants to feel ugly...look in the mirror and one part of you will stand out. .. :)

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Guest mal3ficum

i rated myself 6.

i dont always feel attractive but i definitely dont think im butt ugly.

hmm i like my legs the most :D though theres always room for improvement

and with make up id probably rate myself 8 or 9 (: most likely 8.

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Guest mmmissy

i have my highs and lows. One day i'll totally been vain as fuhhhhh and the next i'll be crying my eyes out about how ugly and fat i am. i get told "OMG your sooo cute" and i just don't think anything of it. i'm like 5 foot and weigh 124, but i guess it's ok to be a lil chubby if you have a pretty cute face and hair. But it's whatever, i'm trying to learn to love myself.

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I think I'm very pretty and people think it's really conceited for me to think that I'm really pretty. Honestly, I don't have perfect skin, awesome height, big boobs, nice shiny, thick hair or great legs and stomach but what the heck, that would be boring~ In any case, without having all of those things, I still think I'm really pretty because I've already accepted that I'll never be like 5'10" or have flawless skin or big boobs without surgery and I'm completely happy with myself until the offer of something better comes along 8D

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Guest IceySoul

I'm 16 at the moment... I'm sorry to say, but my self confidence is actually pretty high, so I rated myself as a "yes" and "7-8." Most of the time I'm really satisfied with my appearance without any wax and such. I really think I'm pretty cute :P haha, but that is the truth so ><! And yes there are bad days like growing this huge pimple on my cheeks out of nowhere ><! gosh!!

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Guest bitesizedjuli

Eh, I have low self confidence.

I could never look at myself and think "WOW I'M SO BEAUTIFUL".

I wish I did have more confidence.

I was picked on a lot as a child for being the "ugly asian girl".

So, I guess that's stuck with me for awhile. :unsure:

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Guest Orangekitty

Well i gave myself 9

I had downs and ups , but now its all good

And my 19 years of life tells me im pretty xD

not 10 because i have dark circles so -1

lol ehh hate them >.<

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